The World of Evil God game.

Chapter 437: Baker Street Death and Death

Keshu is a construction magician who is quite famous in the universe.

There are few people in the profession of construction magician, and it is even more difficult to become a construction magician. Not to mention, even among those construction mages who have passed the difficult test of the God of Collapse, there are a group of stone men who often create various "catastrophic buildings".

These disastrous buildings are not because of poor quality. On the contrary, these buildings are often too high quality, which leads to various vicious incidents, such as glass houses that cannot be opened, war fortresses that seal their own people, and floating cities that cannot be put down and can fly for a thousand years.

Being a construction mage like those stone men made Kexiu feel ashamed, but he was a noble "arcane".

Arcane Man is a common "arcane creature". Generally, his whole body is composed of pure magic power. He has a strong affinity for magic and looks extremely similar to Xerath or Astral Man.

Sometimes because their bodies are too dazzling, they will wear external armor or bandages. According to the different arcane energies, they are also divided into arcane branches with different attributes and talents.

Because he was born a master of magic, Kexiu naturally looked down on those stone men with mental problems. This time, Kexiu was invited by an ancient family of the vampire clan to do architectural design.

However, I waited at the station for a long time, but no one from that family came to pick me up.

The vampires are so arrogant.

But there was nothing he could do, since he had accepted their money. The blood clan was indeed not short of money, and they had a lot of money to invest in the renovation and reconstruction of buildings and facilities. It was said that they had also hired some other construction magicians besides himself.

"There's no need, because I'm the strongest."

Kexiu's attitude towards other construction mages is basically disdainful. You have to know that the reason why he can make a name for himself in the universe is because he is born into a race that is friendly to magic. The endless arcane energy and magical elements are like dough in his hands and he can manipulate them at will.

"The buildings I built were fast, good, and stable, and they also had back doors and escape routes. During the last hundred years of the Thousand Star Survey, 68% of the race leaders were willing to hire me to build their buildings. This ranked fourth in the entire universe."

"The reason why I'm ranked fourth is because the price I offered is much higher than the previous ones, but isn't my construction level worth the price? If I lower the price, I'm afraid no one will be able to beat me except the God of Collapse himself."

"Who made me born into the arcane race? Those mediocre construction mages should blame their origins. But I am different from you. I am a true genius."

Ke Xiu was talking to himself at the station, dragging his suitcase, causing passers-by to look back at him frequently. After walking for a while, Ke Xiu realized that this was clearly the world of the vampires, so why were there so few vampire staff?

There are many tourists from other worlds around.

"Excuse me, do you know where the neighborhood of 'Jacks Family' is?"

Passerby: "I don't know. I went to the Fairlane neighborhood."

"Ferlan? That old and run-down family neighborhood? Didn't I hear that their family has gone bankrupt?" Kexiu was very curious. As a well-known construction magician in the universe, he must have heard about the information of some big clients and the situation of the world around them.

As the only poor family among the blood clan, the Fairlan family is also well-known. This is mainly because every time other families talk to others, they always mention the Fairlan family, and then say that the family's finances have become precarious due to various problems, and there are indeed some people from the Fairlan family working outside.

Although vampires are a dark race, they always have an inexplicable sense of superiority, so generally speaking they will not give up their status to work outside. Most of the vampires who can be seen working or starting a business outside are mutants within the tribe, or they are tools forcibly summoned by unscrupulous institutions such as hospitals.

Passersby saw Ke Xiu's confused expression and couldn't help but sigh:

"You have quite a lot of expressions for an arcane creature. Arcane energy actually created a face."

Kexiu: “.”

Passerby: "Oh, sorry, that was just my exclamation. I don't mean to discriminate, slander or attack you. This sentence only expresses my personal subjective feelings and has nothing to do with other passersby. Any similarity is purely coincidental."

"You seem quite confused about what I said about the neighborhood of the Fairlan family! But there is nothing to be confused about, my friend. The family recently organized a group purchase package for a large-scale tourism event. According to their publicity, the family was saved from the brink of bankruptcy and is now thriving. Besides, the group purchase travel package is really cheap, so it is not a loss even if you get cheated."

"Moreover, their family also hired a world-renowned designer to build many cool large buildings. According to their publicity, they are novel buildings that are enough to make people's eyes shine. Isn't traveling just about seeing other people's buildings and buying some local snacks?"

"By the way, I heard that there is a werewolf selling egg yolk pies in the Fairlane family neighborhood. They taste very good."

The more Ke Xiu listened to what the passers-by said, the more he felt there was something wrong!

Why would a family that is about to go bankrupt suddenly come up with a group travel plan? Are they going to gamble the family’s last funds for a comeback? Shouldn’t they use the tourism industry to make a comeback?

Could it be that my information was wrong? This family was not on the verge of bankruptcy, but had always been in a stage of recovery. The family's financial situation had actually always been good. Recently, they wanted to launch a big project to surpass other families.

Combined with the fact that the blood family that invited me didn't come to the station to pick me up, these things...

"I see. It seems that they are under great pressure due to the strong rise of the Fairlan family."

"Hmph, there's no need to worry, because now that I'm here, my design will definitely be better than the one made by a family in financial crisis. What eye-catching building? If it's just of this level, it can't be my opponent!"

Kexiu was extremely confident, and he couldn't wait to show his skills in this world, even if those blood nobles didn't come to pick him up. But these were all small matters.

However, just after seeing off a group of passers-by who were heading to the Fairland district for tourism, Kxiu met another group of people who were going in the completely opposite direction.

"We? Let's go to the Baker family's neighborhood. I heard that they are designing incredible buildings there. The slogan is eye-catching! And the Baker family is building a batch of new buildings. I like watching others put up the plaster the most."

The number of this group of tourists was no less than that of those going to the Fairland district, which made Kxiu even more confused.

The Baker family. Well, according to my own intelligence, this family is not on the verge of bankruptcy like the Fairlane family. Instead, this family is really thriving, and their family's financial situation is quite good.

But why is this description so similar?

"Another eye-opener? Could it be that the same architect did it? There are quite a lot of tourists visiting here. One goes to Fairlane Street, and the other goes to Baker Street."

Kexiu felt quite unhappy. He had just arrived in this world and had already heard the word "eye-catching" twice. What level of architect could attract so many tourists and revitalize two families?

However, what this unknown architect can do, I can do too, and I can do it better!

Although he thought so in his heart, his body was very honest. After walking for a while, Kexiu found that he was actually following the large group of tourists. After pondering for a while, he decisively reconciled with himself.

"Let's take a look at the design of that unknown architect. With my level of skill, I can fully see where his/her shortcomings are! That guy should feel honored to be allowed to observe and give him/her some advice!"


When Khushi came to Baker Street.!

He suddenly felt an extremely terrifying "feeling of being targeted". At that moment, even though he was an arcane creature, he felt creepy and broke out in a cold sweat!

"Is this the tourist atmosphere created by Baker Street? I admit, it is indeed unique. At that moment, I even felt that my brain was locked. Someone would shoot me to death in the next moment!"

"Very good, it seems that the architect of this block is quite capable! Damn it, is this a show of force for me?"

Kexiu continued to move forward, but after taking two steps, he saw two more corpses on the ground and he almost stepped on them!

"Corpse?! This is so realistic. Did the architect of the block even think of this? But this is not the scope of the building."

"There's still blood, it's still okay."

Ke Xiu nodded and commented to himself, and when he looked up, he saw some characters who looked like killers fighting each other not far away.

Both sides had multiple cuts on their bodies, and the two killers took cover against each other, shooting at each other with their magic guns. The magic bullets created a lot of big holes in the surrounding walls and ground.

There were a lot of corpses lying around, and magical elements were everywhere.

"Oh, it's a real-life performance. The weapons of the two killers are so realistic. From this point of view, the design is also good."

"How come there's still someone playing the role of the Grim Reaper? And he's doing a pretty good job."

Kexiu watched as the two last killers exchanged gunshots with each other and then both fell down. Immediately afterwards, a "God of Death" appeared here and laughed strangely. He took away the souls of all the killers, and took out a pen and paper and seemed to be writing something, which was probably recording his performance today.

"This scene really looks like the one in 'Death Report'. The killers killed each other, but it turned out to be because of the bewitching and controlling of the god of death. So is it the investigator's turn to appear next? Where's the detective? Come and save them."

"Oh, so the Grim Reaper is played by the player. The others, including the investigators and detectives, are all NPCs."

Kexiu watched with great fascination, and only came to his senses from his unsatisfied feeling when the ancient god of death disappeared.

Oh no, I came here to criticize the architecture, but why am I so engrossed in it?

However, the chaining of these murder scenes is really well done. Even if you are a tourist, you will feel the thrill of dying at any time.

And when you turn a dark, narrow and extremely tall street corner that blocks out half of the sky, what comes into view is.!

Kexiu didn't notice that there was a sign on the corner of the road - [Place for Handling Murder and Conflicts].

This is actually the amazing wisdom of the old Duke of the Baker family.

Because Count Loft told the old Duke that the street design this time had to be "horrible, terrible, violent, and bloody", with real enemies, murderers, the Grim Reaper, investigators, and law enforcement officers, and it had to fully conform to some of the character settings in the game "Death Report", so the old Duke began to have some creative ideas.

The old duke soon thought of it - hey, I have a great idea!

There are already some mafias, killer organizations, and even space pirates in various worlds of the universe. Since these organizations and conflicts already exist, there is no need to find actors to play them!

Wouldn’t it be enough for the scenic spot to directly look for these mafia and killers?

The Baker family claims that as long as they are in a fixed area of ​​Baker Street, all murder conflicts can be handled fairly here, whether it is the conflict between the mafia and the killers, or the conflict between them and their targets, the Baker family will act as witnesses to record it all and make a fair judgment - provided that one party survives first.

As we all know, killing someone in the Sixth Epoch is a very difficult thing.

Not to mention that passers-by can randomly believe in a god and then kill him on the spot. Even a guy doing nothing on the side of the road may be a true god or saint. If you go out on the street to kill people without any real skills, the result may be that you will be beaten to death by angry passers-by and your body will be insulted.

And now, the Baker family provides such a fair, just and open area where vendettas and conflicts can be legally carried out and resolved. This has attracted many mafias, space pirates, killer organizations, and assassin societies to flock to the area!

Anyway, what tourists need is just sensory stimulation, while the mafia handles their internal conflicts.

And it is not completely safe for the mafia to operate here.

Because the old duke came up with a smarter idea, which was to hire the newly recruited death gods from the Death God Company. Those death gods had never thought that the life in the Sixth Epoch would be so abstract.

No, old man, if your scenic spot doesn’t recruit actors, are you really going to find the god of death to kill people?


A new street in the Baker District is crowded with construction magicians who came here from other places.

As people from other families suddenly lost their opinions, many architects from other places were recruited by the Baker family. The Baker family used their strong financial resources to invite them to participate in the comprehensive renovation of the block. These architects succumbed to the temptation of money and said that they had "been wandering for half their lives without meeting a wise master."

Kexiu found a vampire viscount wearing a helmet, and expressed his desire to participate in this design competition, claiming that he would definitely win the championship, shocking everyone!

As for the fact that other families did not come to support him, Kexiu felt that since those vampires were quite arrogant, let them continue to indulge in their arrogance.

Compared with other families who took the initiative to break the contract, it is obvious that although the Baker family did not invite themselves, as the saying goes, a wise bird chooses a tree to roost in, they took the initiative to find the next home and impressed the other party with their own craftsmanship. This is not surprising.

"Since I'm here to make money, I don't care about a little bit of doubt, because you will eventually be impressed by my craftsmanship. I have seen many customers who were indifferent and critical at the beginning, which is normal. Although I get a little angry, I prefer to see the amazed expressions of customers after seeing my work."

"Mr. Viscount, you can fully trust my level."

"By the way, can you tell me something? I just heard those tourists at the station talking about 'an eye-catching building'?"

".? What does this agreement you brought out mean?"

The vampire viscount opposite had a numb expression on his face: "This is a death safety exemption agreement, which guarantees that any problems that arise during the subsequent construction process have nothing to do with our family, including life-threatening situations."

Ke Xiu: “?”

"Is it because the architects' skills are too poor that the building will collapse? But that doesn't matter. I am an arcane creature. Why do I need to sign a life and death agreement to build a house?"

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