The World of Evil God game.

Chapter 416: Open the box at the grave and resurrect!

All death routes were merged. Although the life side prevailed and redefined the form of death, this had no effect on the God of Death at all. After all, death did not disappear, it just changed its appearance and the way it operated.

Rather, it is better to say that after the life side gains the upper hand, the new way of death brings more value to oneself!

When the life side completely integrated the various divergent concepts of death, the gods on the life side received feedback first!

Especially the Volcano Messenger, he was ready to detonate the planet, but the sudden feedback made him pause his action for three minutes. He felt the change in his own creative power and was very excited about it!

The essence of his creation of life is actually to tamper with the concept of the dead planet, ignore and hide it, and disguise the fact of death on its surface. And this disguised world will recognize itself as "I have never died" and burst out with strong vitality, which is actually just the last light of the planet.

But now everything is different!

The superficial fact of death no longer needs to be disguised!

"It turns out that everything I did was actually promoting the growth of death, so life has never been able to progress and be released. But now, the fact of death has become proof of the existence of life!"

"And now all this! This is... the Big Explosion of Life!"

The Big Bang of Life in the Physical Sense!

Yes, if you blow up death, won't life be blown out? Sure enough, I had a vague feeling that this should be the case before, and now, I am completely sure!

I am one step closer to realizing my dream!

So the volcano messenger came to a new conclusion: new life is created by explosions! In the past, explosions would kill life, but now explosions will cause life to erupt exponentially!

In his excitement, he blew the planet detonator—the conch horn rang out in the universe and spread throughout the country of wizards!

And on the ground, even during the time when the horn sounded, there were still people struggling to argue!

It's not a dispute between the Paladin and the God of Light and Heat, nor is it a question between Dog Brother and Louis about who will pay the debt, nor is it a question of the God of Flame wanting the God of the Deep Sea to be his saint!

But Miss Sparks finally woke up completely!

But when she woke up, she was faced with a bunch of big faces of gods - "You are awake, the contract was written successfully, now you should go to work immediately!"

After figuring out his situation, Sparks suddenly became angry!

What is the real universe or the fictional universe? These gods who are born evil must be deceiving themselves! I have been to this place before. Isn't this a nightmare created by the ancient gods?

"I became a god?! This is impossible. You must be deceiving me, you lying gods!"

Her protests gradually became quieter, and as she gradually saw clearly what she had created into this world, a sense of guilt welled up from the depths of her mind. Although she did not yet understand the difference between the real world and the fictional world, the green flame gave her unparalleled power to confront the gods head-on, but it was also indeed eating away at her mind.

She had to admit that with her strength, she couldn't control these green flames.

The God of Light and Heat had already come up to her and said something like "clean new energy", "unlimited burning", "quickly tell me where the fire is" and other words she couldn't understand.

But I understood one sentence.

That is the green fire on her body. Although it caused huge damage, it can also be used as a source of income. After all, she was set as a blasphemer in the original universe era. At that time, except for a few scattered top civilizations, other civilizations did not have the concept of energy, let alone Sparks, who was set as an ordinary passerby blasphemer.

"It turns out that I am a character created by other gods. All my actions are not free. And all blasphemers are players. Even so, I am still shouting slogans about life finally being free. How stupid."

"Oh my god, you are so free. The game character ran out of the game to beat people up, blew up the Internet cafe in the real world, and burned down an entire world in just one day. Is there any fictional character in this universe who is freer than you?"

"The person who controls your original body is probably not as good as you! You are really awesome!"

The God of Death immediately stopped her from giving up on herself and gave her a thumbs up: "I recognize that you have such power. I, the God of Death, am willing to call you the second strongest on the Death Rankings!"

Sparks suddenly became anxious: "Although I have done something stupid, and until now, I still don't trust you gods, but at least there is one thing."

"I am willing to work for you to compensate for the various losses I have caused, but you are gods and can resurrect the dead. Can you do it? Of course, I will pay for the resurrection. I will do my best to complete my work."

Huohua knew that she would probably have to work all her life, but looking at her uncomfortable and painful expression, she didn't know whether she was grieving for the life that was lost or for the huge debt she was carrying.

The God of Death suddenly said, "Actually, you don't have to feel so bad. You are working for me, which is actually blasphemy!"

In the puzzled eyes of Huohua, the God of Death explained in detail: "Look, you are a god now. Although you yourself do not want to become a god, a group of people have already appointed you as a god, and they are working in a different place."

"You are both a blasphemer and a god. So, you work overtime like crazy and don't ask for salary, give up all bonuses and benefits, and are willing to do voluntary work for the society and the company without complaint. This is blasphemy against yourself and blasphemy against God!"

The God of Death started the PUA, and Sparks was confused by what he said. After thinking about it carefully, he actually felt that it made sense!

Among the crowd, Louis's expression was suddenly startled, and then he looked at the sparks. The more he looked, the more he liked it, and the more he looked, the more jealous he became!

Louis starts to fantasize about time!

"Oh my god, doesn't this mean that if I borrow money from her, I am helping her blaspheme the gods, and I can legally not pay her back! I owe her money, and she's happy about it!"

"I must become friends with her! She is such a nice person!"

The God of Death then mentioned the resurrection:

"To be honest, I really wanted to tell you that resurrection is a piece of cake, but the nature of the green fire is still a bit problematic. Although I have calmed your death power and signed a contract, the information of those who were burned to ashes is messed up, so it will take a long time to reorganize and piece together. Otherwise, the resurrected people may be a bunch of garbled people."

Swearing at people randomly, that kind of thing is probably even more outrageous than those unfortunate fire bearers in the Fourth Age who were also burned to ashes by the fire of time and turned into large characters and moved horizontally!

The God of Death pointed at the ashes beside him, and the Paladin raised his hand: "I know this well! The God of War once performed... No, he once demonstrated this kind of surgery, the surgery of splicing people's fragments together. I know how to do this!"

"It's just that the fragments of the people are too fragmented, broken down to the information unit, and it will probably take a long time to piece them together."

The God of Death thought for a moment:

"Although we are all good at resurrection, we cannot resurrect directly this time. We need help. So!"

As soon as I finished speaking, the whole world exploded.

The violent flash of light ignited from every inch of the planet, quickly engulfing everyone. All sounds were erased, and everything was silent except for a fierce light. All the people and gods who remained on the planet were gesticulating in the light.

This time, the world exploded without destroying anything.

The power of life gushed out in the explosion, and this dead world suddenly began to come alive. In the center of the explosion, infinite power began to reorganize all the information in this world, including of course those disordered ashes!

However, the power of the green fire still seemed too strange. The ashes themselves were not dead, but all their original information was shattered and disrupted. After being re-empowered, the ashes began to wriggle and tried to change back to their original appearance, but they found that sorry, they couldn't do it!

"It seems that I need to recruit for a special business and see if there is anyone who can quickly piece together these fragments of the people. Chimeric Dragon God and Still God should be able to do it? They are both good at playing with assembly toys and creating assembly-type life."

"The Puppet God is fine, but the people in their association often draw the rune circuit incorrectly."

"Wait for the God of Fiction to handle it? That's fine, but it would make me seem too useless."

"Or try Ares' extreme treatment? Kill the fragments, leaving only the people. Will the people automatically revive?"

However, just as the God of Death expressed his idea of ​​external recruitment and muttered to himself, the voices of the three gods who created gods suddenly rang out, surrounding this new world of light like stereo sound!

"Let me come. Civilization has turned to ashes, and life needs to be revived! When civilization is revived, life will be revived!"

"Let me come, the world will be reborn, and the fertile land will surely be harvested!"

"Let me do it. The dream of life is brilliant and reflects the beginning and end of every life!"

Obviously, neither the Messenger of Plenty nor the Messenger of Revival can pull the third messenger to their camp, and the Dreamless Messenger holding the Dream Egg also wants to take away all the dreams of this world and turn them into dream eggs, thus escaping from the spiritual world in the conventional sense.

The three of them were unable to determine the winner in the thirteen-minute fight, and now they are fighting for everything in this new world that was born after the Big Explosion of Life!

The God of Death looked at these three gods in surprise, wondering if these three things were in a dead state. Now the volcano messenger blew up the planet to restore them from the dead state!

This is not a good thing!

However, the help from God will definitely have some leftover problems, so it is impossible that when the God of Death is about to use the power of God to let the three guys leave here, the Medal of Hope suddenly starts to spin on its own!

I don’t know if it was the mercy of the God of Hope, or the final cleanup of this incident, or maybe it was because it sensed people’s despair and responded to the call?

In short, in this huge explosion of life, along with a beam of hope, a holy light suicide man instantly appeared!

The Pale God was surrounded by holy light and was summoned here by the light of hope. This guy was obviously still committing a crime. He was wearing the Lich King's cosplay armor, holding a frost shovel, and maintaining the posture of digging a grave. As soon as he landed on the ground, he made an inertial movement and dug into a pile of ashes with a shovel!

"Ding! I have a new unpacking order! Here it comes, is there such a thing?"

“I’ve watched the entire process online!”

"Disordered ashes? Never mind, just let me open the box! I'm a professional master of spiritual studies!"

As he spoke, the Pale God shoveled up a cloud of ashes in front of everyone! And a passerby was "driven" out by the Pale God!

This time, before the gods on earth could say anything, the Fire God in the sky couldn't hold it anymore! He couldn't remember how many times he had been unable to hold it since he came here, but this was definitely not the last time!

"No, buddy! I can tolerate green fire grilling fish, water stickers to put out fires, borrowing money to avoid death, etc., but what's the principle of your resurrection after opening a box?"

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