The World of Evil God game.

Chapter 400 Please choose your challenger

In an instant, the entire universe seemed to have changed.

Just like when the DLC was updated before, anomalies occurred in time and space. When it was confirmed that God was about to come, all corresponding concepts in the universe made room for him!

A ray of hope shot out from a high-temperature and high-pressure planet, and then penetrated the dark universe, breaking through the long night! A special "wave" began to spread from the coordinates of the Medal of Hope to all corners of the universe!

Even the players in the first strategy group were surprised!

"Isn't this thing too powerful?! I remember the real prototype wasn't this powerful!"

"Isn't that just a tool used by that deadbeat witch to escape debt?"

"Hey, games are based on reality, do you understand artistic processing?"

"Isn't it said that there is an event chain spell using the God of Heroes? It's just like the automatically generated tasks in online games, a high-tech spell of the fictional church."

"Isn't this the first ending?"

"No, I heard that the DLC does not represent the ending of the main game. Even if you enter the DLC, you can still choose other routes in the main game, because the DLC represents a new era. The era of the original universe we are in is the era of the ancient gods."

No one knows who the first God is, not even the gods themselves. The order in which they came into the world seems to be disordered, but all gods know that the last one to appear is the God of Death. This is extremely clear and there is no doubt about it!

On the battlefield, the minds of the twelve ancient gods of death began to tremble. They felt palpitations, and the concept of "death" itself was calling them!

As the gods in charge of death, they once "dreamed" of the appearance of the "final death". Of course, that was not a dream, but a large-scale sudden death of the gods of death that actually happened. So until now, these ancient gods of death have not realized that they are not in the real original universe.

During the period when the final death began to take shape, the ancient gods of death made a bold choice!

"Sure enough, the final death has not happened yet, but it has only appeared now! It was just a dream before, a dream!"

"This time we will not be trapped by the nightmare. We will seize the final death and turn this world into an age of death. This is our death, and it is also the choice of all living things! We cannot ask the universe to make corrections!"

The ancient gods of death could not see the DLC update prompt, they just thought that the phenomenon in their dream was about to happen. Looking at those mortals who continued to resist, they thought that it must be the continuous death of this group of people that led to the occurrence of this phenomenon!

"We use that green flame monster to absorb all kinds of death values, and the final death is absorbing our death. The more death we bring, the faster the final death will appear, but so what, we are about to collide with it now!"

"Come out soon, the final death! We will devour its concepts and definitions in turn. In this way, the god of death will be the true supreme existence in this universe! The era of the ancient gods has come to an end!"

"Let us deliver a thousand deaths to the ancient gods and mortals!"

However, this behavior of the ancient gods of death was foolish.

Just as the God of Time once said to the God of Death, the God of Death was the last to appear - but in fact, he should have been the first God to appear.

If gods are natural gods, death is the first god to appear!

After all, at the end of each era, there is always an oldest and strongest guy who dies repeatedly, either by himself or by causing the era to die, the result is the same anyway.

Under the influence of the repeated deaths of the Blank God, death is the first concept to be recognized in any era except the Sixth Era.

Because the first creatures born in the Sixth Epoch were not proper native life forms, but those ancient gods who were throwing around answers everywhere. In a sense, the birth of the ancient gods prevented the concept of death from appearing in the early Sixth Epoch, because the ancient gods would never die.

The living do not know life because they do not know the concept of death. Only when they see death and understand death, do they realize that their existence is not eternal, but a limited "life."

Therefore, in the game world of "Dark God", the information of all the deaths, whether they were normal deaths that increased their scores on the leaderboards, or campaign players whose accounts were deleted because they were burned by green fire, their death situations were all accurately defined and calibrated, and then an extremely exciting BGM suddenly sounded!

A new world line is coming here!

The entire universe began to roar because the Gods had arrived!

Different powerful divine powers are appearing, and various prompt boxes are popping up frantically around and in front of the players, especially in the world where they are fighting now!

At this moment, the ancient death gods and even the Spark who had lost his mind also received a hint from the fictional world. Although they did not understand what this transparent box was.

[God has come, the age of God has arrived, the cosmic logic and rules of the old age have begun to decay, the gods have decided to reorganize the state of this world, in order to expand their values ​​and spread better to the worlds, they have decided to go to war with you.]

"God? What is that?"

The ancient gods of death did not seem to understand the concept of God, which confused the mortal players. Some people in the player camp began to ask the older gods:

"What's going on? These ancient death gods should at most not know the God of Death, but why do they seem to not even know other gods?"

A certain god: "The birth of gods is a mess. Let alone them, some gods found us and said they were born a long time ago. We were all confused."

After all, how the gods came to the Sixth Age, how they were born, and what category of gods they belong to are all unsolved mysteries, and even they themselves don’t know. So after the gods learned of the existence of the Blank God, they believed that the oldest and strongest enemy would be one of their origins.

"The gods should have been born in the same timeline. I remember they said that whichever timeline the gods are in is the main world. So in the early Sixth Epoch there were a lot of parallel timelines, and there were also strange external gods and ancient gods fighting, but we haven't seen it in the game yet."

"Isn't there an evil spirit? Although it can't be considered a big boss."

The players were discussing fiercely, seeming to have forgotten that they were still on the battlefield. At this time, a new player who had just logged in and was summoned here suddenly spoke:

"After the birth of the God of Death, the known history is dead. Dead things cannot be changed. Even the God of Fiction can only redo a game timeline and then replace the dead ancient history through large-scale online play by players, but this replacement process takes a lot of time."

“So, although the God of Death is the last God to be born, the history before him has long since died. These ancient Gods of Death exist in the dead history, so naturally they don’t know the concept of a God at the same level as the God of Death.”

"Eh? Can future death affect the past?" Someone was shocked, as if he had re-recognized the power of death, and the new player shrugged:

"This is God. Even though he is a terrible gamer and his defense is broken every day, he is actually the Supreme God!"

The new player joining the battle is the Saint of Time, also known as the Phantom Demon.

The players' discussions did not reach the ears of the twelve ancient gods of death, because their minds could only hear the calls and whispers from the unknown, and the strange "announcement voice" was still forcing them to make a choice!

[The gods are watching this world, because the plot of God's coming has been triggered in this world. Please choose your challenge target! ]

Then he listed a series of names of gods such as [Iron God], [Time God], [Instinct God], [Error God] and a brief introduction to them, as well as their methods of attack, combat effectiveness, outrageousness and style of whitewashing.

For example, [Steel God]: attribute steel, level twelve, representing all the equipment in the universe and the corresponding industrial concepts, combat power 9, outrageous degree 5, the way to clean up the ground: flesh and blood, weak and mechanical ascension.

A star rating for difficulty is also included at the end.

All 10 stars!

"NMD, what difficulty rating is this? Aren't they all the same?" An ancient god of death scratched his head and became annoyed: "Anyway, this is just some god's trick! God! Such an arrogant title, to be the monarch of all gods? Isn't this what the king of gods means?"

"Hey! There's a God called Death! Could he be the Final Death? The description above is very similar!"

"Combat power 1, outrageousness 9, so weak!"

"If that's the case, then we have no choice! We want to desecrate the final death and reach the realm of eternal life of the god of death!"

"So what if I choose all of them? They are just a bunch of lower-level gods I've never heard of!"

The ancient gods of death chose the [God of Death] without hesitation!

Today I want to see the power of the final death, and the target is you!

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