The World of Evil God game.

Chapter 359 Oh my God, this is absolutely me!

Among the many gods, the God of Black Light is one of the gods most inclined to pure evil. It can be said that apart from the group of ancient gods, great evil gods like the God of Black Light are another important villain organization operating secretly throughout the universe.

Although they are all evil gods, the degree of their evilness is different, which determines that there are opposing and confrontational camps among the gods. Just like the ancient war gods would unite to besiege the God of War, and then be killed at the speed of light and collectively offline, the confrontation between gods has almost never stopped since the beginning of the era!

Of course, after the advent of the game console era, this offline bloody confrontation has subtly and quietly transformed into an online confrontation. Even many great evil gods have protested while playing secretly. They "protested that their characters are too weak and tried to make anonymous complaints, believing that the character needs to be strengthened."

The God of Black Light is also a loyal player of the Fictional Church. Although he is extremely evil and terrifying, and even has the idea of ​​spreading the value of terror through television, after seeing the ancient gods who have the same idea and act faster, he decides to suppress his impulse and wait and see what the ancient gods do.

As a result, the ancient gods returned in defeat!

Therefore, the idea of ​​using television to spread terror and aggression was extinguished. It was not that the God of Black Light did not want to do this, but if he did so, the fate of the ancient gods would serve as a lesson for him!

Although those gods may not be able to find his traces, he is different from those ancient gods who are covered with words and are like mobile toilets. He represents the deep fear and malice of this universe and is also a god in the chaotic evil camp. The ancient gods will be accompanied by curses when they move, and they will be easily discovered by other gods and gods, but he is different.

As a true villain, you need to keep several key points in mind, the first of which is stealth.

"Why is this ancient god still sneaking around? He doesn't look like a villain at all, and he's even launching a sneak attack!" The Goddess of Disorder's shout was heard from a distant camera position. The God of Black Light shook his head, wondering where this young girl came from. Can a villain still be called a villain if he doesn't launch a sneak attack?

The villains don't launch sneak attacks or sneak around, so do the good guys have to launch sneak attacks and sneak around?

"Continuous sneak attacks are something only righteous gods do, why are you stealing too!"

The Goddess of Disorder's shouting had not stopped yet, and the God of Black Light put on his headphones, thinking that this man was completely crazy.

Where do the righteous gods come from in this era? Are they referring to those lawful evil and neutral gods?

The cameras of the God of Black Light and the Goddess of Disorder were far apart, so the shouting he heard quickly disappeared. Of course, he didn't know that the reason he could hear the voice of the Goddess of Disorder was because he also possessed the divinity of "disorder", but this disorder was simply a simple "ineffectiveness of the ability to see".

Of course, even if they only have similar abilities, there are still vague commonalities. In terms of the level of authority, the Goddess of Disorder is a superior substitute for the God of Black Light.

The eyeballs on his face began to move and then he resolutely turned off the machine, as if he had made up his mind and stood up directly.

"Oh, Dark Mage, you don't want to play anymore?"

Seeing him stand up, other players nearby started asking.

The God of Black Light lurks in the game hall of the Kingdom of Magicians, and he claims to be a "black magician".

As we all know, there are many types of wizards, and wizards who can use the power of the devil, the power of demons, and the power of evil spirits are generally classified as black wizards. This is also a common setting in many worlds. The corresponding to black wizards is white wizards.

Generally speaking, however, the necromancer, who symbolizes the power of the dead, is also a type of black magician. But in the Sixth Epoch, the necromancer is a popular employment option, and even the resurrected skeletons may be able to emit holy light.

However, the Kingdom of Wizards is inclusive. No matter what kind of wizard you are, you can feel safe in this kingdom. There are almost no mortals in this kingdom, and almost everyone can cast some magic. The Kingdom of Wizards has an active and long-term cooperative relationship with the four magic academies in the Meteor World.

Of course, the most important reason for tolerance is that the black magician's ability to make things happen may not be as good as that of a stranger wizard. If you say you want to cast a killing curse to kill someone in the street, a stranger wizard may just shoot you.

What kind of black magic is this? It’s not as useful as my 7.62mm caliber Wand of Destruction!

"I think this ancient god's setting is unreasonable and I'm going to file a complaint."

"Complain?" The other mage players were a little confused and called out to him, "Aren't the ancient gods so powerful? Besides, isn't this just a game hall sponsored by the Fictional Church? Where are you going to complain?"

God of Black Light: "I didn't say I was going to complain to the Fictional Church!"

Where to complain?

Of course, the best thing to do is to beat up that ancient god, weaken him in reality, record the data, and show it to the fictional church!

Look at the game you made, look at the values ​​you gave! Can this kind of garbage be set so strong!

Even if he was playing on behalf of an NPC, he couldn't have played so well! And if the fake was better than the real one, then what was the point of the real one's existence?

"MD, the more I think about it, the angrier I get! Just take a look for yourselves, haven't you seen the followers of the ancient gods? It's fine to face the ancient gods directly in the first level, but what about the followers that appear later? Are those monsters so powerful?"

"If you think those little monsters are powerful, it's because you haven't studied hard enough in the academy! As long as you study hard, at least until the sixth grade, you won't think these ancient gods' followers are that powerful. They are just trash and cannon fodder!"

The mages around him said, "What you said seems to make sense, but according to the game setting, aren't we fighting against the peak Ancient Gods? Just because the followers now are weak doesn't mean the followers in the past were also weak."

The God of Black Light shook his head, and the eyeballs on his face moved and shifted. "Don't think that the followers of the ancient gods are too strong. In fact, apart from the followers of the highest level, the power of the followers of the lower levels has hardly changed from the ancient times to the present!"

"Forget it, I have urgent things to do!"

In the old website.

Because the gods used hidden accounts to operate here, the ancient gods watched helplessly as this website became their cyber prison, and they had no idea what was going on. The Electro-Eaters, who were defeated in the game of civilization, were surrounded and annihilated by many civilizations, and were almost completely torn apart by the four major phenomena storms.

They even found that their online accounts were blocked!

When they tried to bypass the registration process of the fictitious church and seize other people's online accounts, they unexpectedly discovered that the entire fictitious network seemed to have located their identity and existence. No matter what race they disguised themselves as, what IP address they used, or where they hid on the Internet, as long as they used a normal account, that account would immediately be blocked.

This immediately made everyone on the Internet feel insecure. Now every day many people spontaneously check the whereabouts of the ancient gods, and the ancient gods such as the Lightning Eater whose accounts were banned were suddenly left with nothing to do. Those ancient gods with physical bodies were fine. Although they felt uncomfortable not being able to go online, they could just endure it. However, the Lightning Eater had no physical body. As an invisible ancient god, radio waves were his body. Now he was completely blocked from the Internet environment and could only escape back to the Civilization game!

The Lightning Eater was once again caught in a state of being hunted by the entire universe, but this was only in a virtual civilized universe. After the real universe lost the Lightning Eater, the other ancient gods quickly fell into a state of scattered sand fighting each other.

"This website is still so weird today. We can't access other websites. We can only see pornographic pictures on this website."

A pale humanoid ancient god who looked like he was wearing a white tentacle coat greeted the other ancient gods. They had been trapped here since the website was built and started running. After discussion among the ancient gods, they believed that this strange phenomenon was caused by a virus when they downloaded the installation package online.

"I've said that when filling in content, don't just copy anything from the Internet. The content on the Internet is colorful, but some of it is full of harmful information. Once you download this kind of content, you'll easily fall into the trap of those who spread it."

The pale ancient god began to mutter, while the other ancient gods began to curse:

"What harmful information could be more harmful than us! In fact, it's all the fault of the Electro-Eater. He should have built the website completely before letting us log in. This is what happened when we opened the champagne at halftime!"

"You're still drinking champagne, how can you drink it if you stay in the toilet every day!"

"Don't you understand the metaphor? You look like a rotten brain. Is your brain really rotten? Have you lost your ability to speak?"

The ancient gods started to curse each other, and the issue of pornographic pictures was involved again. They said that this website now not only has a bunch of people drawing pornographic pictures, but also a lot of guys who have entered the sage time after rushing and are here to express some life philosophy!

It's really against the will of heaven. You guys are considered sages!

Moreover, these life philosophies are also cleansing the ancient gods in reverse. As ancient gods squatting in public toilets, they are the original non-directed malice in the universe, but now this malice is being taught by a group of mortals!

It is incredible that mortals can also influence ancient gods!

"Okay, everyone. Everything on the Internet is virtual. We are all Internet novices. It is normal to buy polluted information when shopping. This is what I think. Anyway, it has been polluted, so why don't we buy more."

The pale ancient god stopped everyone from making noise and opened a screen in the virtual space, on which was the promotional event for "God of Darkness".

"It seems that the Fictional Church is going to do something big again. They have really made us into game content and opened it to the public!"

As soon as these words came out, the ancient gods who were still in this space expressed shock, and then began to discuss:

"Could it be that the God of Fiction is actually one of ours?"

"This is impossible, that guy has always been God's lackey!"

"But, this game seems to bring us value?"

"Killing players, huh? Is it useful as an NPC?"

"Is it fun? I only care about whether my stats are strong."

"Is this Dark God? The Fallen God we developed is just a fantasy folder, but it's already been made?"

The ancient gods have been online for a while, and they are actually looking forward to the game Dark God. Although its essence is to let players fight against the ancient gods, what the ancient gods want is -

"If the target of the crusade is an ancient god, and the player controlling the protagonist of the game is also an ancient god, then does that mean that I am unlocking myself, giving myself power, and gaining value from myself?!"

"Why are we still fighting? The players are us, and we are the ancient gods. So the protagonists of the game are the ancient gods. Perfect! With the help of this game, we may be able to recreate our past glory. The creation of this game will be the most wrong decision ever made by the God of Fiction, no doubt about it!"

The ancient gods were very excited. Anyway, their own "Fallen God" project had been stopped long ago, and the eager messenger had not appeared since the Lightning Eater was banned online. Now there was a large amount of unowned funds left by the God-creator on this website.

"I'm opening it up for everyone to download. You can play in your respective churches. I'm afraid that the God of Fiction will find out and catch me if I play online. If my game account is banned again, I don't know how long it will take for us to get back to our peak!"

The pale ancient god opened the game to other people, and linked and downloaded it through the spirits of various ancient gods, and then used illusions to create a bunch of pirated copies. These pirated copies can only be played by the ancient gods and their followers. After all, the polluted information contained in them is too large for mortals to use.

After doing all this, the pale ancient god went offline, and suddenly, his body in the church began to move again.

He turned on the single-player game console that he had spent a huge amount of money on, and then loaded the game.

Like other players, at the beginning of the game you will have to face a sudden attack from an ancient god. When the pale ancient god saw the "ancient god" that appeared in the game, his first reaction was to be stunned, and his second reaction was to laugh out loud!

“Isn’t this me?”

The pale humanoid ancient god looked at his other self in the game, and immediately the thought came to his mind: “This game was advertised to be so difficult in the beginning, but now it seems that it is not difficult at all!”

This. Isn't this easy!

The person who knows oneself best in the world is of course another self. If we want to discuss this, we have to enter the field of philosophy. However, the ancient gods often play schizophrenia, so in the eyes of the pale ancient god, this is simply a welfare level.

That’s what he thought at first, until the “self” on the other side started to take action!

The battle lasted only ten seconds. In a dazzling white attack, the character controlled by the pale ancient god was beaten to death, and he fell into a long daze and silence.

It was not until he started playing again that an unbelievable voice came out from the "mouth" above the ancient god's head:

"Who the f*ck is this? Is this me?"

"Oh my god, it's so powerful! This is simply... Is this really me! How come I didn't know I could do this trick!"

A sense of inexplicable self-confidence suddenly arose!

"So, I'm so strong! My true strength has not yet been revealed. This is even stronger than when I was at my peak! The God of Fiction understands me!"

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