The World of Evil God game.

Chapter 21 Wearing armor and ascending to the gods

In the tavern, Miss Malt was adjusting a machine that looked like a large pot lid, because tomorrow was Saturday, and the online promotion activities were about to start.

"I'm sorry, can we still register for the game competition now!" The God of Pain, wearing a funny king's doll costume, opened the door of the tavern, and the dim light shone from behind him, giving him a feeling of being hidden in the light and shadow. A sense of hazy fantasy.

“I’m signing up for Sunday’s game!”

The God of Pain has decided to participate in Sunday's game, and he has already established a good relationship with the kobold and asked him to go to the Church of Pain as a coach. He is bound to win Sunday's game!

Must win!

Miss Malt was startled by the God of Pain.

Where did this master come from?

"Then what is your identity? Sorry, we are a regular church after all. Although we don't have the decoration of a church, the process of holding the competition must be formal. You must have proof of identity that can be confirmed."

Miss Malt looked at the king doll in front of her and said that since you are a contestant, you can wear a doll costume with your head and tail exposed! But you need to register with your real name to participate!

"My name?" The God of Pain was suddenly stunned.

Many gods in this world appear in different ways and have different origins.

Most of the known gods were born naturally and suddenly. They are the aggregation of many abstract values ​​in the world. Most of them originate from mortals' desire for certain abstract values ​​and are "natural gods".

Some gods become gods through "great blessings", that is, God appoints them to become new gods and uses special methods to separate and reorganize a certain life. After such gods appear, they will become the followers and servants of that god. , the world calls this type of gods "messengers" and they belong to the category of "gods created by gods".

There are also some gods who are themselves born from a certain kind of material cluster in a special way. For example, when a civilization dies, the will of the population will give birth to something similar to a "god". This type of god belongs to the "phenomenal god".

There are also some who ascended to the status of gods by "wearing armor and becoming gods" and are classified as "gods in armor".

The so-called armor is imitation.

Those who want to become gods imitate certain important and characteristic behaviors of gods, and express the characteristics of the gods in words and deeds. The result is that others cannot tell the difference between the two.

However, the Armored God is a divine power that is imitated after all, and will eventually be assimilated to most of its self-will by the god it is imitating. Even if that god has perished and slept in time as a wax statue, its will But it will still be active in imitators.

The God of Pain is an armored god.

So at this moment, he suddenly recalled what happened a long time ago when he was a king.

"I used to be a king of the 'Dolan World'. My name is Franc. Yes, you can look up my name in the Church of Pain. In the book of faith, my name is very high. This world is very far from the gray world. Yes, I used to be a king, but now I have abdicated, and now I am just an ordinary traveler in the world. My country generally believes in the god of pain."

As the God of Pain spoke, he suddenly felt very nostalgic, saying that his country was not rich or powerful in their world at that time. It was a key target of oppression and exploitation by the big powers, and it had to pay a large amount of money every year, even Young and middle-aged people need to be sent to work in a certain country over there, and that big country does not even allow small countries like them to have too many troops, and will also send troops to garrison them.

"It is precisely because of this that everyone from the king to the poor actually does not have much money. Everyone is in pain and is trapped in hunger and poverty. Therefore, this intense pain makes me gain and attract the pain. god."

He bought a lot of drinks from Miss Malt, and then while talking about the past, he lamented the wonderfulness of other worlds.

"The worlds are really too big, and the way of life in each world is different. If you go around, you will see more weird gods and completely different ways of life."

"I want to thank the god of fiction. He created the game console and allowed me to get joy in pain. Even though joy is a useless emotion that cannot bring value to the gods, if there is also mixed with this joy, If it’s painful, it’s different.”

Miss Malt thought for a moment and gave an appropriate metaphor:

"Beer with coffee?"

The God of Pain bid farewell to everyone in the fictional church, dragged the kobold out of the tavern, and trotted all the way back to the Church of Pain. At this time, the originally solemn and solemn Church of Pain had now become a place like a game arcade.

"Hit him and kick your legs. Hey, let's use your skills!"

"If the three energy tanks are full and you can't use the big move, you will be killed in succession. Do you know how to play it?"

The Church of Pain was as noisy as a vegetable market, and after the God of Pain came back, he called everyone together and told these believers that his god had already conceived an excellent training plan for them!

"There's only one day left. If we lose this time, I'm... ahem." The God of Pain glanced at the kobold looking around, and changed his words: "If we lose this time, our god will be in the eyes of the world. Your image will be greatly compromised, that’s how the world is! If you don’t want to be a domineering dog, some people are willing to be one. They don’t play the dominating role when they fight you, just because they look down on you!”

"So, we want to become a stronger dominating dog than them. We would rather have a thousand people scold you than give up our own interests! This is not a game, this is a battle for faith!"

The God of Pain gave a vigorous speech, fully mobilizing the enthusiasm of his followers!

This thing created by the God of Fiction has already captured a lot of the market. This fighting game has only been out for two days, and it has already received a lot of pain value and belief power. This is simply a perfect harvester of value and belief. !

If you are weakened this time, then no one will choose this role of yourself again in the future. This will lead to an incredible crisis. That is, you could have more value, but because of your inaction and Instead of fighting for it, just watch these things disappear from your hands!

"Our goal is to win the championship! Even if it is to be weakened in the end, we must at least retain the mechanism of dominance! We must have our own characteristics and cannot be what others say!"

"Staying up all night training, the more you stay up, the more painful you are. The more painful you are, the more energetic you are. The more spiritual you are, the stronger your operations are. This is the strength of our Church of Pain! If you want to play the God of Pain well, you must feel the pain yourself. Only in a painful state can you perform your best. Bring out 100% of the strength of this character!"

Morrowind urban agglomeration, the first urban area, the second urban area of ​​​​Five Streets, and the Iron Church.

Death God has been training here for a long time with a group of people.

As the most important church that dominates this steam country, it basically has one to three churches in every urban area, and these churches can be rented out in many cases, and the objects they rent out are also different.

Some of them are used as temporary processing plants, some are used as witness venues for important business meetings, some have become notary offices, and some even play an important role in maintaining public security.

The God of Death has rented a room in the church here as a training place for the players. They are also gearing up to win the championship in the first game console competition on Sunday.

But the God of Death himself held a machine and placed it in front of the sculpture of the Iron God.

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