The World of Evil God game.

Chapter 2: Recharge game currency? (page 12)

His beliefs have spread across several worlds. He is the faceless one, the god of confusion, and the master of blurred black and white.

He is the god worshiped by countless stage entertainers, gutter fraudsters, keepers of secret information, smooth-tongued lobbyists, and arrogant journalists. But those are things of the past.

So I no longer do the things that confuse people in the past. This time, I want to be a good god. Otherwise, if I keep doing these confusing things, I will be beaten to death by other gods sooner or later.

Shang Lin followed the "call", and this call did not originate from regular prayers.

It is not a cry from a believer asking God to come, but a cry from the source.

Just like substitute messengers are attracted to each other, a successful god must know how to go both ways with his followers, or how to develop his own followers.

The vampire lady was named Malt. She was sitting at the wine table, drinking expired blood packets mixed with alcohol.

She looked at the lamp in the tavern. It was a kind of lighting made of shining spar, which is a unique mineral of this world called "Gray Land". More than 30% of the world's total profits in the Gray World come from For the mining and synthesis of this ore.

"The 15,781th day from the blue world to the gray world."

"Today's turnover is"

"Today's expenses are."

The patrons in the tavern were drinking wine while playing some kind of games, which were "checkers" and "ludo" she invented.

The abundance of means of entertainment is an important factor in attracting customers. Miss Vampire is an outsider who came from the blue world to the gray world. She found that people in this world lack the most common means of entertainment, even if the gods are not interested in entertainment. The behavior is suppressed, but some of the most basic entertainment behaviors are still allowed to exist.

Her family is called Nosha. It is one of the oldest and most noble vampire families in the Lake Blue World. It has served an unknown god for generations. But in her generation, after observing her situation, the god , believing that she does not have "value of being used".

Because she is a "special mutant" in the family group.

Vampires exist in many worlds, and vampires in each world call themselves different people.

There are "vampires", "blood worshipers", "red elves", and "blue nobles", and depending on who they call themselves, the vampire populations in each world also have different physiological differences.

For example, vampires in the Lake Blue World can reproduce like humans and can appear in the sun without being affected in any way. But reproduction is not the usual Acacia method. Instead, both parents guide their own blood to create a brand new blood offspring on the blood placenta of the third party's ownerless blood through a ritual similar to "blood activation". Offspring will naturally contain blood elements from both parents.

As a mutant among the blue nobles of the Lake Blue World, Malt is naturally immune to the power of blood, which means she cannot use blood magic. At the same time, she is not affected by any blood magic. Even any changes in the characteristics of the foreign blood itself cannot affect her. , her blood is also unaffected by foreign blood.

She also doesn't have any thirst for blood that a vampire should have - now she drinks expired blood packets just for fun, so she randomly adds alcohol and other things into them.

This gave Malya's parents the idea of ​​"Why did I give birth to such a strange thing?" They seriously suspected that the third-party blood pack of ownerless blood used in the activation ceremony at that time was expired, which resulted in this unpredictability. variation.

This also makes the god that the blue nobles serve, every time after the divine descent, when he sees Ma Ya at the same time, the god will show the expression "Subway old man's mobile phone.JPG" and express that Ma Ya's birth may be It will be an extraordinary evolution, but it may also be really related to the expired blood pack.

Malya also felt that staying in the family was really meaningless, so he ran out to realize his self-worth and slap his own god in the face.

All the gods are asking for value, and there are many kinds of value. Since you can't find recognition of your self-worth among the blue nobles and other lake-blue vampires, then go to other worlds.

Life is still very long. I don’t exist for the god that a vampire serves, let alone this god’s second-hand blood bag!

Miss Malt hummed a strange tune and looked at the noisy crowd in the tavern. Obviously, playing games and entertainment would be of great help to the tavern's business.

"There are so many values ​​in the world, why is there no god who makes games?" Miss Malt began her fantasy time, thinking that if there were such gods, the world would be a lot more interesting.

Those ancient games have been circulating in various worlds for thousands of years. Perhaps it is because most of the gods have banned the development of entertainment, so there are no gods who create games. Once people become happy, how can the gods continue to cut leeks? ?

Miss Malt was thinking wildly, and began to wonder again, after getting tired of playing checkers and flying chess, what new games are needed to drive the revenue of the tavern?

[You who created the game and have special value, I am here after your call]

[I have a new game you need. Do you want someone to try it out? Now is fantasy time.]

Miss Malt "heard" the voice in her head.

She was stunned on the spot.

Gray world.

Most of the city-states in this world are filled with factories and thick smoke. The sky is gray and black, and the rain is mixed with ashes and smog.

The world of the gods is the stars in the universe. Each world is shaped by the gods. The composition of these worlds, the model of society, and the values ​​​​of the creatures living on it are all made by the gods, and they are continuously Keep making them serve leeks and provide the gods with what they need.

Morrowind city cluster.

The black-roofed factory, the towering chimneys billowing thick smoke, the dirty wind accompanied by the dim sunshine, wake up the workers every day.

Rats swarmed through the dark, damp alleys. Some pedestrians suffering from pneumonia are wearing windbreakers and coughing softly as they walk on the street. There are dark elves with their hems fully opened in front of the custom shops. The owner of the bookstore is a strange creature with an octopus head. You can even see a tauren thief and the like. The ghost thing is hidden in the shadows like a wall, ready to catch passers-by and cut their waists at any time.

The physical pollution is increasing day by day, and the mental pollution is getting stronger day by day.

The key words of this city's theme, and even the general tone of this world, are "developed basic industries", "increasingly serious environmental pollution", and "increasing mental and physical diseases".

So, here, there are four main gods believed in.

As for the secondary gods, they are non-mainstream beliefs in a certain world. Of course, if they are non-mainstream in this world, they may become mainstream in other worlds. After all, gods cannot invest with the same intensity in several worlds. Because if you do this, the circles of belief will be highly overlapping, just like there is only one wheat plant, but two people claim that it is their own wheat, so in the end war will inevitably begin.

"Second gods, victims."

Shang Lin saw the god who destroyed the Church of the Faceless Ones. That was his church. It was located in a certain area of ​​the world and was quite large. However, his belief was still only a secondary belief in this world because he emphasized that What is important is sacrificing value, which is contrary to the pain and impurity of the divine capitalists who need to repeatedly cut leeks.

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