The World of Evil God game.

Chapter 126 May your people never have blisters on their hands!

The puppet god's head creaked and turned, and he stretched out his hand to lift the brim of his straw hat. He, like several other gods, sat around a white round table.

"I need to confirm the conditions for using the wish card again."

"I really, really need the power of it."

"At the same time, I also want to ask you, the new god, something. Creator of nothingness, can you completely revive a perished civilization in the virtual world?"

"In other words, can your wish card do such a thing?"

Shang Lin put his hands on his chin and supported the round table with his elbows. His facial expression composed of line drawings switched to a smile:

"If it is this kind of wish, the wish card will make everything in your memory reappear, but this reappearance is time limited. You can make a process type wish and make up some conditions so that you can see it again. To the people you want to meet.”

"It just so happens that I have made some of the godless version of [The Inheritor's Note] - [Letter to the Past]. You can take it and use it."

The Puppet God took the dark envelope, but he shook his head: "I have understood the use of this thing before, and the reply I received from the letter sent to me in the past was not sent back by me."

"It's what you said. There is no way that the real dead person can come back to the world. The person who wrote the reply is just a fantasy character with fictional value. This thing looks like it is related to time, but in fact, it is not time-related. Props.”

The smile on Shang Lin's face switched to a [sincere smile]: "Oh, you can see more clearly. Yes, this thing looks like a time prop, but in fact it is just a fantasy prop."

"So it is for ordinary people, just to allow the living to have a conversation with the dead. But in fact, all the behavior of the dead person who is talking to the living will be completely consistent with the sender's memory and imagination of him. So there won’t be any behavior that doesn’t match past memories.”

"Of course, this is under ordinary circumstances."

The Puppet God spoke: "It is precisely because of this that I feel that you may not be able to use wish cards to resurrect some of the dead, let alone those people who are still cursed."

"Is this the curse of the Restoration Messenger? The repair demon Ciel has also informed me about this."

"Don't worry too much. If it was a wish card from the past, it might be really tricky, but now, the wish card has been updated."

Shang Lin recalled the compensation items he had sent to the God of War before.

That's the "What If Wish Card".

For the old version of the complete wish card, if the wish card adds the divine characteristics of the God of Hope, a higher level of imaginary events can be realized. After all, hope is illogical.


"But the gods created the gods. The curse of the revival messenger is different from the curse of the ancient gods. Although they are both curses, their source, infection content, and pollution scope are completely different."

The Curse of the Ancient God, to put it bluntly, is the various chaotic rules at the beginning of the Sixth Age. Some of them are just like garbage code and have no real use at all.

These things have no fixed logic. Although the pollution is very strong, in fact they are just "the power of disorder and chaos". They are strong on the outside and weak on the inside. They look scary, but in fact they are just a group of idiots with powerful power. If left unchecked, they will indeed destroy the universe. , but these things are like a sky full of stars when scattered, and a pile of shit when gathered together.

If you throw all these garbage curses in the same place, you will be surprised to find that they start fighting on their own.

However, the Restoration Messenger is a God-made god, and his curse has a complete set of logic.

As the saying goes, don't be afraid of the villain being stupid, just be afraid that the villain is educated. To paraphrase it, don't be afraid that the god of creation is an idiot. You are just afraid that the idiot will suddenly grow a brain and have his own set of strict logic, and then something big will happen.

This is also the reason why the gods are very afraid of the attitude of gods creating gods. Although they are from the hands of gods, in fact, God will not just create gods and gods because the conditions for creating gods and gods are also very stringent, because they are often a silhouette of God's own authority.

Just like the declining God and the messenger of revival, revival is just a silhouette in the process of rise and fall, but it is still the longest and most uninterrupted root rule in the entire universe.

No one created this rule. It is the inherent order of the universe since the beginning of life. Whether it is the increase or decrease in the population, civilization, or even the distribution of stars, it can be regarded as a part of the rise and fall.

Shang Lin explains the Puppet God:

"You should know that before using the virtual wish card, you need to set a wish. This setting power comes from your self-fantasy, not the actual theory of actual existence."

"Again, if this kind of real theory can be worked out in reality, then there will be no need for wish cards to fulfill wishes."

"Fantasy value is fictitious value. As long as there is thinking life, it has this kind of value. Moreover, fantasy value has a considerable degree of subjectivity and looseness. The only thing that can make people unify in fantasy is, with a high probability, 'Let It is a fantasy that I will become a rich man, but the god born in this way will not be a fantasy god."

"People always have egos and subjectivity when it comes to fantasy, and the curses possessed by gods such as the Revival Messengers are also highly subjective. This is their [mission]!"

"A curse with [mission ideal] is difficult to expel, because ideals are illusory things that have not yet been realized but are being realized."

The Puppet God was in a trance for a moment: "In other words, my subjective fantasy is not as good as God's creation of gods."

Shang Lin: "The mission of the gods is a grand narrative force, and it is also a single to the extreme [ideal]. They were born because of this ideal, and because of this ideal drive, they are in the universe." activities, and you also called them in order to realize your own ideals.”

"It can be said that ideal is the highest level of fantasy, a lofty expectation generated in order to realize self-worth. When it turns into a curse, conventional fantasy power is not enough to add new settings to it. "

This is like a second creation of a work. However, this kind of work has not been authorized by the original author, so the original author says "I don't admit it" and then closes his ears and blocks the second creator, which will make all the efforts of the second creator go to waste, regardless of No matter how the latter fantasizes in their own small circle, it will not affect the settings of the original author.

"Isn't it often said like this - 'Villains all have a firm and lofty ideal, have lofty ambitions, and they often laugh'."

"So decent people often can't defeat him. Because you are not as stupid as him. They are too extreme."

The God of Narration was at the round table, nodding his head frequently in deep agreement.

He received so many manuscripts, and many of them were about the classic knight who just wanted to marry the princess, while the villainous devil was determined to change the world, and then the devil was defeated by the knight. It was so cliche. I watched them all. Vomited.

As a decent person, he only thinks about having sex with the princess. After doing this, the kingdom over there will live and work in peace and contentment. I don’t know how it happened. Of course, the God of Narration has also seen more alternative ones, For example, the princess is the devil. To be honest, this is much better.

"Hmph, when it comes to the power of fantasy, you can't avoid me!"

The white-haired loli started to raise her hands, trying to attract attention: "No matter what god is created, it is vulnerable, I can help you break his curse! This is what I am good at!"

She stood on the chair with her calves and opened her hands: "My paintings can drive people crazy. Although I no longer paint that kind of garbage works, in order to help my friends, I can still use these taboo works again. !”

"When the revival messenger reads my forbidden works, he will completely lose his ideals and fall into a state of decadence."

"Or! I have another way, that is, I draw some sexy pictures and let him pass away. In this way, he will be harmed by beauty and only want to have sex and lose his ideal."

Shang Lin just asked the Puppet God to ignore the white-haired lolita. He had never heard of such a thing being defeated by beauty.

“So, to break the curse of mission ideals, we need to add a few more conditions.”

"One, an almost complete description of the content of civilization."

"Second, a long and uninterrupted line of fictional history."

"Third, the curse of the ideal is unbreakable, but can be overwritten with a new and almost identical ideal. Since this curse comes from the messenger of revival, this is the [ideal of civilizational revival]."

"This way we don't need to think about how to break the ideal curse. We can just skip its logic and start over."

"To this end, I will make a new game based on your civilization. This game will become the carrier of this new version of the wish card in your hand. It will be provided to many players to play. After all, the fiction needed to restore a civilization The value is also massive.”

"This game will completely reproduce all the past of your civilization, and when your civilization reaches the final outcome, all players can make choices. When the number of choices is enough, a long fictional timeline will be created. .”

If the ability of the wish card can only shape a short-term fictional timeline for a single individual, if you want to shape a civilization's timeline, you must make corresponding adjustments in the method of use. The best way is nothing more than " Substitution + play + hope + cognition + time changes = reshaping of history = re-enactment of civilization.”

Shang Lin looked at the Puppet God and said sincerely:

"From the first sprout of life underwater, to the giant beasts of the Stone Age, to the first time humans walked upright, and finally the emergence of the gods in the universe!"

"From humble beginnings, from bronze to steel, using horses and swords to rule, using industry to create art, using majestic spectacles to demonstrate authority, standing under the towering spire of the castle, the story of a country will be written from here rise!"

"Those ancient myths and legends that are learned from history, or that are difficult to understand, will be in the hands of the players, and they will follow their commands wherever they go in the future!"

"Start the greatest exploration, from the cradle of early civilization to the vast stars!"

"The game will also be called Civilization!"

“May your people never have blisters on their hands!”

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