Its huge body brought with it a deafening whistling sound.

Like a violent tornado,

With the force of thunder, he rushed towards Tang Lan fiercely.

It seemed as if it would ruthlessly tear him into countless insignificant pieces in an instant.

"What a fierce attack!"

Wang Dong looked at this horrifying scene.

My heart skipped a beat.

It was as if being tightly grasped by an invisible big hand.

A look of deep worry appeared on his face.

The worry shrouded her delicate face like a haze.

She couldn't help but pray for Tang Lan:

"Hopefully I can dodge this attack."

Her voice trembled slightly.

With anxiety that is difficult to conceal.

Huo Yuhao pursed his lips tightly.

It formed a straight line.

His fists were clenched tightly.

The blue veins on the back of the hand are clearly visible.

His eyes remained fixed on Tang Lan in mid-air.

Without blinking,

As if afraid of missing any moment.

"I wonder if Senior Tang Lan can handle this smoothly..."

He murmured softly,

The sound was so soft that it was almost blown away by the wind.

I silently said in my heart:

"You must hold on!"

That silent prayer seemed to carry endless expectations and trust.

Tang Lan looked at the terrifying thing.

The bear king, like a wild beast descending from the wilderness,

But there was no sign of fear on his face.

His eyes were calm and firm.

As if the danger before him was but a trivial test.

Instead, there was a hint of sarcasm at the corner of his mouth.

"Haha... You're just an idiot, and you want to fight me? You're still a little naive."

His tone was casual and relaxed.

With a nonchalant attitude,

There was no tension at all because the opponent became stronger.

It seems that for him,

To deal with the bear,


That confident demeanor,

It seemed like everything was under his control.


Tang Lan's figure turned sharply in mid-air like a ghost.

His movements were as fast as lightning.

Changed direction instantly.

He dodged the fierce sweep from the Bear King that was bound to hit his body.

The sweeping sound of the wind whistled,

If you are hit,

The consequences could be disastrous.


Although he deftly neutralized the bear's attack,

But he didn't avoid it completely.

The bear's claws were as huge as millstones.

Still slapping hard on the ground,

There was a deafening noise.

A violent wind blew up,

The howling wind swept around.

Sand and stones are flying,

It's almost impossible to open your eyes.

The ground collapsed several meters in an instant.

A huge deep pit was formed.

The soil and rocks at the edge of the pit rolled down.

Even under the unparalleled power of the bear king,

Several thick and ferocious gullies appeared on the entire surface of the earth.

As terrifying as the claws of hell.

Those ravines are bottomless.

It seems to lead to endless darkness.

Moreover, the shape of the ravine vaguely resembles a bear's paw.

The shape is lifelike,

It was like the mark left by a real bear's paw pressing hard on the ground.

It gives people an extremely thrilling feeling.

Like an evil brand from hell,

Let people just take a look,

I couldn't help trembling all over.

The hairs stand on end.

"Hiss~ That's amazing, so amazing."

Huo Yuhao's pupils suddenly shrank.

Instantly, those bright eyes revealed infinite shock.

It was as if I had seen the most horrific scene in the world.

My heart was beating violently.

Every beat carries with it a deep fear,

As if being grabbed by an invisible hand.

It's almost impossible to breathe.

My head is buzzing.

My thoughts became confused at this moment.

My thoughts seemed to stop at this moment.

Mr. Bear is so strong!

This powerful force is beyond imagination.

Like a doomsday storm sweeping in.

Even Tang Lan,

It may not be possible to stop it, right?

This desperate thought flashed through Huo Yuhao's mind.

His heart instantly sank to the bottom.

Filled with endless worries.

At this time,

The bear king didn't seem to expect that Tang Lan could escape from his move [Bear Domination of the World].

It was startled.

The huge body was stunned for a moment.

He seemed to find it unbelievable that Tang Lan had escaped.

Then he roared angrily,

The roar shook the world.

Like the roar of thunder,

As if to shatter the whole world.

Let the heaven and earth change color.

Two legs as thick as steel whips suddenly stomped on the ground.


With a loud noise that shook the earth,

The whole land seemed to be shaking.

It was as if a strong earthquake had occurred.

Landslides and landslides.

And its figure is due to the force of this recoil,

Leap up,

The huge body left a dark shadow in the air.

With endless murderous intent and anger,

Chasing towards Tang Lan in the distance!


Tang Lan's face changed drastically.

The originally calm face was now filled with tension and solemnity.

His brows were furrowed.

With one footstep,

Use all your strength,

The whole person shot out in another direction like an arrow.

The speed was so fast that only a shadow remained.

Disappeared instantly.


The bear howled in anger.

The sound was like rolling thunder.

There was a loud explosion between heaven and earth,

The air around it was shaken violently.

It was as if a surging wave was rising.

The two huge eyeballs were bulging.

There burned within it a burning flame of hatred.

The blazing flames seemed to come from the depths of hell.

Jumping like crazy,

It seems to break through the constraints of the eye sockets,

Tang Lan was completely engulfed in this endless rage.

"Don't even think about escaping!!"

It roared hysterically.

That voice was filled with endless anger, determination, and the resolve to kill.

It seemed as if this oath had an irresistible magic.

Can break through all obstacles in the world,

Leaving Tang Lan nowhere to escape.

The huge body, carrying a terrifying aura of destruction, chased after him swiftly.

Wherever you go,

The howling wind formed a violent vortex,

The dust was flying like a sandstorm covering the sky.

It seems as if the bell of Judgment Day has already rung.

The world is about to fall into endless darkness and destruction.

Tang Lan's speed was amazing.

His figure was as erratic as a ghost.

Every step you take,

They can instantly move dozens of meters away like a phantom.

It's like traveling through space.

But Xiong Jun also has extraordinary movement speed.

Every time its huge and heavy feet land,

Can cause the ground to shake violently like an earthquake.

Deep cracks spread out under its feet.

It seemed as if the earth was trembling and begging for mercy under its feet.

The distance between the two is gradually narrowing at an alarming speed.

The air around them seemed to become as heavy as lead because of this extremely tense pursuit.

It's almost impossible to breathe.


Once again, King Xiong pressed in front of Tang Lan like an insurmountable mountain!

The bear king raised one of his huge forelimbs.

The forelimbs were so thick that they looked like a giant pillar that could support the sky.

Muscle tension,

Full of explosive power.

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