"Otherwise, the uncertainty and danger it would bring to him would be too great..."

"But if I personally lead him to break the seal, to be honest, I don't have such experience, and I don't know whether I can succeed in the end."

"If you fail, I can't promise you anything about the consequences of failure... Do you understand what I mean?"

Lu Yu explained all the pros and cons clearly. In fact, there was a part of the content that Lu Yu exaggerated a bit - when he was in the Spirit Hall, he had tried it and he should be able to help the stone and unlock the seal.

Shi Tou also knew about this matter, so when he heard Brother Lu Yu say this, he was stunned for a moment, and he didn't understand why Brother Lu Yu didn't tell the truth to his father and mother?

It was obvious that the two of them had tried it together, and it was completely fine... But he also knew that his problem was far more special than that of ordinary people. After thinking about it, he did not expose Brother Lu Yu's words.

Others did not know the truth, so they did not doubt Lu Yu's words. Shitou's father said, "You should do this. It is all for the sake of protecting Shitou, so we understand."

Lu Yu's mood is very complicated now. After all, he lived too long in Douluo Continent in his previous life and saw too much of human nature. So he knows that human nature is the thing that cannot stand the test, so Lu Yu said this deliberately.

Because human nature is sometimes very hard to predict. Now it seems that Shitou's parents are very nice, but if Shitou only shows a little achievement in the future, what decision will his parents make?

After all, the family behind the stone has too much power and energy. If they want to take the stone back at that time, money can move people's hearts. Will these parents, who seem simple and unpretentious for the time being, be tempted or shaken?

Lu Yu didn't know, and he didn't dare to gamble on people's hearts, so even if he finally succeeded in helping Shitou break the seal, Lu Yu would not let him return to his adoptive parents before Shitou grew up fully. When Shitou grew up, everything would be up to him to decide.

This was the best solution that Lu Yu had been thinking about for an entire afternoon. He just didn't know whether Shi Tou and his parents would be willing to let him go... Seeing Lu Yu's inquiring look, Shi Tou's father and mother looked at each other.

This honest middle-aged man gritted his teeth and said to Lu Yu: "This happened too suddenly. We should at least think about it."

"Thank you for your advice and help regarding Lu Yu's stone. I'll give you the answer tomorrow. Is that okay?"

Hearing this, Lu Yu nodded and told them: "Not only outsiders, but even the villagers must not know about this."

"It just so happened that Shitou was crying miserably before, and today he also took a martial arts soul awakening test. Wait for us to leave later."

"Someone will definitely come to your house to inquire about the situation. Remember, don't show any difference from before."

"Just say that he felt sad because he didn't have a martial soul when Shitou's martial soul awakened today... that's all you need to say."

"Anyway, you two don't have any martial spirits, so this is just the right thing to say."

"No one will suspect you are lying. Don't worry, the village chief and I will say the same thing when asked."

The couple both nodded solemnly. Lu Yu turned to look at Shi Tou, who also said "hmm" softly. Seeing that things were almost done, Lu Yu and the village chief decided not to stay here any longer. They stood up and prepared to say goodbye and leave.

At this time, Shitou suddenly left his mother's arms, walked in front of them, and said to Lu Yu and the village chief: "Grandpa Village Chief, Brother Lu Yu, please stay a little longer."

Then, he turned his head and looked down at his father and mother, biting his lips and groaning for a long time, and finally raised his head and asked with a tangled look: "Mom and Dad, why do you both have no martial spirits, but I have one?"

"Did you really pick me up? Then...how did you pick me up?"

In fact, everything that happened before has already shown that he is not his biological son, but he has never heard his father and mother say this in person, so Shitou still wants to get it clear.

After hearing what Shi Tou said, the four adults in the room fell silent... In fact, Old Jack had already guessed that Shi Tou would definitely ask this question. He wanted to leave at the right time and did not want to embarrass Shi Tou's parents.

But now that the stone had stopped them, it would be inappropriate to leave. So after thinking about it, the village chief sat back in his seat. Seeing this, Lu Yu also sat back in his chair.

The eyes of several people fell on Shi Tou's parents. Shi Tou's parents looked at each other, then looked at Shi Tou again. Looking at those pleading eyes, they sighed heavily.

There was helplessness and worry in his eyes. In the end, it was Shitou's father who spoke first and said to Shitou: "In fact, we are not your biological parents."

"But Shitou, we never thought of hiding this from you for your whole life!"

The mother on the other side said nervously: "Indeed, I have discussed with your father that the day I found you will be your birthday."

"When you turn sixteen, we will tell you everything behind this without hiding anything."

"Otherwise you are too young, and we were afraid that you wouldn't be able to accept this matter...but we didn't expect that you would know it so early!"

"In that case, there is no need to hide anything. Today, we will tell you this secret that has been hidden for many years."

After saying that, she looked at her husband again. Shi Tou's father nodded, looked at Shi Tou with wide eyes and a somewhat lost look, and slowly told the story of the past.

"Back then, the living conditions in Holy Soul Village were not good, so my husband and I decided to go to a big city outside to make a living."

"To earn more money to support my family... I worked outside for five years. During this time, we saved money and bought a lot of wealth."

"But the two of them were so busy with work that they didn't get pregnant, so I discussed it with your mother and decided that this wasn't a good idea."

"You can't just make money and ignore your family life. Otherwise, wouldn't that be putting the cart before the horse?"

"So they made up their minds, and both quit their jobs, preparing to return to Holy Soul Village and live a down-to-earth life."

"As long as we are diligent enough, plus we have made a lot of money before."

"I guess in the second half of my life, although I won't be rich, I will have enough food and clothing."

"We can have a baby by then, and our life will be perfect... Since we have discussed it, the two of us set out on the road back to Holy Spirit Village."

"We walked back because we wanted to save money on travel expenses. It was autumn when we met you... Because the autumn heat was at its peak, noon was the hottest time."

"Your mother and I usually travel early in the morning and evening, and rest during the hottest time of the day. But that morning, the sun had just come out, and the sky was full of rosy clouds."

"The weather is exceptionally clear, with a gentle breeze. Although the air is starting to get a little chilly, it's the best weather for traveling."

"Your mother and I imagined our happy future together. We talked and walked happily, and soon we came to a winding path."

"Suddenly your mother stopped, tilted her head to listen, and said to me - did you hear a child crying?"

"But I didn't hear it. There was a river there, and there was the sound of wind blowing through leaves, and the chirping of various insects."

"I laughed at her because she was so obsessed with having a child. Maybe there was a river nearby and the clear sound of the flowing water made her mishear the sound."

"She listened again and said that there really seemed to be no sound, so the two continued to move forward, but your mother took a few steps and stopped again."

"She frowned, tilted her ear and listened carefully, then said to me affirmatively - no, there really was a baby crying."

"I just thought she was joking. After all, it was only a short while after dawn and the temperature was a little low in the morning. Who would bring a child out so early?"

"But your mother ignored me and just walked towards the river with a frown on her face. I had no choice but to follow her."

"But who would have thought that after walking about ten meters along the river, I also heard a faint baby crying."

"We were both very surprised. We looked at each other, put the packages on the ground, and ran towards the direction of the crying."

"There is a big tree beside the stream, it is very lush, and its branches have already drooped down to the surface of the water. It is precisely because of these branches that it exists."

"They blocked a dark rattan box, and the faint crying sound came from inside the box."

“Seeing this, your mother and I quickly found some long branches nearby and hooked the black rattan box to the shore.”

"When we carefully opened the lid of the wicker box, we saw a swaddled baby inside. That was you!"

"But, at that time, you were already so cold that you looked pale. I don't know how long you had been drifting along the current in that rattan box."

"When your mother saw this, she quickly took you out of the rattan box, opened your clothes, and held you in her arms."

At this point, Shitou's father was silent for a long while, as if the scene at that time reappeared before his eyes. The small black rattan box and the pale baby formed a sharp contrast. His eyes revealed a look of nostalgia...

"You seemed to feel the heat and you leaned hard into my arms. Even your crying became quieter."

Shitou's mother added: "The temperature in the morning and evening in autumn is very low, so I held you in my arms."

"It felt like I was hugging an ice lump, and I couldn't help but shiver."

"You are shivering all over. I don't know how you felt. Your father even asked, 'Whose child is this? Why was he abandoned here?'"

"Did you fall into the water accidentally? But you were in the rattan box, which was waterproof and had the lid locked."

"We figured out that you must have been abandoned... Your father was worried and went around looking for you."

"I'm just worried that we might be wrong. What if someone accidentally dropped you here and came looking for you later?"

"We need to confirm the situation before deciding whether or not we can take you back. We searched everywhere but couldn't find any sign of anyone."

"We held you in our arms and waited there, fearing that you would starve. Your father even lit a fire and cooked some thick rice soup."

"When the rice soup was cold and we fed it to you, you wouldn't drink it. Your father and I thought you might not survive."

Shitou's father still feels scared when he thinks of the scene at that time: "While feeding, the food flows out through the mouth. What kind of good person would do that? We are more and more sure that you were abandoned."

"From your appearance, you probably haven't eaten for days, so you don't even have the strength to swallow."

"I thought that some cruel parents might have abandoned you. After all, there are many such stories in the storybooks."

"For example, after two people get together, the woman has a child, but the man doesn't want to take responsibility and sneaks away."

"But as a single woman, I can't support this child, so I can only cruelly abandon him..."

Father Shitou frowned and continued, "That's why we decided to adopt you after we made sure there was no one around."

"After all, your situation was too pitiful. If we had continued to leave you in the rattan box,

"I'm afraid your final fate will be death. As we keep feeding you rice soup, you will slowly be able to swallow some."

"This also gives us hope. After we finished taking care of your meal problem, it was already noon, and the two of us had lunch."

"This is also the deadline we give your parents to look for you. Since they don't come to look for you, and we don't have any children."

"We decided to bring you home and raise you as our own child, and we have been working away from home for so many years."

"People in the village don't know our actual situation, so no one can guess that you are not our biological child."

"This way you won't be discriminated against because of your background..."

Just when Shi Tou's father started speaking, Shi Tou's mother got up and went back to the inner room. After a while, she carefully brought out a pitch-black wicker box and walked back to the table.

She gently placed the rattan box on the table and gently stroked the box with her palm. Seeing this pitch-black rattan box, Lu Yu suddenly remembered what the village head's grandmother had said - the swaddling clothes that wrapped the baby at that time were also dark black.

They are all black. Could this be a color that a certain family uses specially? After all, many famous families have their own preferences.

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