I, Hikaru Uchiha, join the chat group

Chapter 6 Did you bring any money?

early morning.

The sky is bright.

Konoha Village, which had been sleeping all night, gradually returned to its former liveliness.

Shops opened one after another, and villagers carrying hoes got up to work. A certain large watermelon head wearing a green tights rushed out of the house full of enthusiasm and started a day of morning exercises.

"It's such a brilliant morning sun. Before you have breakfast, let's run 100 handstand laps around the village! If you can't do that, do 1000 push-ups!"

On the 15th lap.

Metkai saw a man.

A girl.

He is not very old, he looks about twelve or thirteen years old by visual inspection. She has a delicate appearance, fair complexion, and long black hair that hangs slightly down her back like a little hedgehog. She is wearing a dark blue Warring States-style dress... Although it is not weird, this kind of dress and appearance are quite... In this era of Konoha Village, there is always a feeling of being out of place.

When Kai noticed her.

The girl also stopped and looked back, a strange color flashed across her eyes, like...

(People you know?)

Kai subconsciously came up with this idea, but quickly shook his head - he has never had any talent in remembering people's names. Except for Hatake Kakashi and others he has known since childhood, other people would not remember their names even if they have seen them, so there is no way There is no need to dwell on it.

But the girl suddenly spoke: "Excuse me, does the residential area of ​​Konoha go in this direction?"

"Yes! How about it, little girl, are you interested in burning your youth with me?"

Kai raised a thumbs up in an inverted position, showing a pair of dazzling white teeth.


The corner of the girl's mouth twitched and she asked again: "Have you brought any money?"


Even a big-headed guy like Kai was stunned by this confusing question, and then he shook his head: "No!"

"……OK then."

The girl stared at the green tights for a few times, especially the position of the belt. She seemed to confirm that she really didn't have a wallet, then sighed and walked away a little disappointed.

Kai scratched his head in confusion, then ignored this episode and continued to burn his youth.


After half an hour.

Konoha Village, central residential area.

Uchiha Hikari stopped by a flower bed and sat down, rubbing his calves and ankles while looking around. Within a hundred meters radius, there are wide streets and shops where families come and go. Among them, there is a small shop with a sign of "Ichiraku Ramen", which is clearly visible at the intersection a hundred meters away.

"finally reached."

Since midnight yesterday, Uchiha Hikari has been walking intermittently for six hours, most of which were rugged dirt roads in the forest.

Although she was wearing the sports boots given by Bulma, her feet were still a little sore after walking for such a long time, and her stomach was growling with hunger.


She has no money.

As an "old thing" from the Warring States Period, Uchiha Hikaru was completely a shady in this era, with his pockets cleaner than his face. When she met Metkay on the road just now, she actually thought about knocking him unconscious and snatching his wallet, but she gave up in the end.

Not to mention whether Kai had any money on him or not, if you wanted to knock him out, you wouldn't be able to knock him out with just physical skills. You would probably need to use the power of the Sharingan. Doing this for a mere meal...it's not necessary.

"Forget it, let's eat first and then talk."

"Uncle Otsutsuki Ichiraku should be quite easy to talk to. At worst, we can discuss it and get a credit first..."

Uchiha Hikaru rubbed his face, stood up again, and walked straight into the Ichiraku Ramen Shop.

In the chat group.

[Buma@无名: How about it, Xiaoguang, have you found the village called Konoha? 】

[Buma: There has been no reply. Is something going to happen? 】

[Yongdaimei: It should be fine. Konoha Village is still very friendly to outsiders. As long as they don’t invade by force, even ninjas from other villages can enter... However, Miss Guang is not from this era and may see many If you need anything you don't understand, you can always ask me. 】

[Buma: I hope so. 】

[Buma: By the way, @TietouwaXizhilang, are you still chopping rocks now? Is that kind of request really something that humans can accomplish? 】

[Tietou Boy: Well, my name is Tanjiro...]

[Tietou Boy: Although I also think this stone is a bit too big, but since Master Lintaki said so, it can definitely be done! Moreover, aren’t Mr. Yongdaimei and Miss Guang both said to be able to cut off? 】

[Bulma: So sometimes I wonder whether you are human beings, or whether you are some alien monsters disguised as humans...]

[Unnamed: Is it possible...that your world has the most alien monsters? 】

The chef of Ichiraku Ramen Restaurant.

Uchiha Hikaru piled the dishes and chopsticks into a pile, wiped his hands, and started to follow the news in the group.

Hmm... Since she didn't bring any money, she discussed with Uncle Tachibana and exchanged it for a bowl of tonkotsu ramen by washing the other man's dishes for an hour.

And now, with her stomach filled, she was ready to leave the ramen shop to fulfill her agreement with Namikaze Minato.

"Wait, little girl!"

As he was about to go out, Tate suddenly called Uchiha Hikari from behind, and then handed her a bag of things under her slightly puzzled gaze:

"Take this with you."

Shou Da smiled and explained: "This is a cup noodle used by a small shop for takeout. The taste is a bit worse than the dine-in version, but it can be stored for a long time and can be eaten at night... If there is no other place to go, you can Come to my place and work for a few days. The salary may not be high, but you will still be able to eat."

Uchiha Hikaru was startled for a moment, then took the bag and pursed his lips and smiled: "Thank you. I will come again if necessary."

Wave goodbye.

After leaving the ramen shop, Uchiha Hikaru began to contact Namikaze Minato.

[Anonymous@永daimei: Yondaime, I am now in front of Ichiraku Ramen. Can you tell me how to get to your house? 】

[Yongdaimei: Okay, first determine the direction of the surroundings, and then go east... There should be a shop called "Yakiniku Q" there. It was opened during the Third Ninja World War, and it should still be there now. After seeing it, go south, reach the intersection and turn left...]

[Unnamed: ...No need to give directions, Yondaime. 】

[Nameless: I think I have seen your son. 】

The intersection near BBQ Q.

Uchiha Hikaru stopped and looked across the street.

Over there, in front of a toy store, a tall shopkeeper was driving away a yellow-haired child with a broom. There were a few passers-by nearby, pointing with unkind expressions.

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