I, Hikaru Uchiha, join the chat group

Chapter 54 What do you think of life?

Tired eyes trembled, and then he discovered a fact in horror——


Can't move? !

At the same time, Uchiha Hikari also sent a "Shaohang Jutsu" to his "father" with a spider face. The latter was forcefully imprisoned in place with a stance of stepping and punching. Even if he tried desperately to flex his muscles and tried to break free, he could only let out an incompetent and furious roar.


Uchiha Hikaru turned around and drew the second short sword from behind.

This time, the three magatama in her eyes turned quietly, and as the pupils moved, dark red flames spread around her body, forming the first form of Susanoo, wrapping her and the tanto. The blade, which was originally only over two feet long, seemed to have been stretched nearly twice as long, and the bright blade surface was also faintly coated with a layer of dark red.

Uchiha Hikaru raised his steps and moved forward slowly. The dark red sword was also raised little by little until it was level with his shoulders!


Open your eyes wide and feel alarm bells ringing in your heart!

At this time, the binding force on him seemed to suddenly disappear for a moment. Too tired to think carefully, I seized the opportunity and immediately activated the blood ghost technique:

"Vampire Art: Engraved Prison!"

Steel wires like spider webs appeared in mid-air, densely packed, blocking the two people.

Uchiha Hikaru tapped his toes on the ground and began to accelerate.

When passing through the engraved prison, her figure didn't even pause for a moment. She directly used the Susanoo covered all over her body to tear through the "spider silk" barrier, and then waved at the tired man who was dozens of meters away. A horizontal slash!

"One Hundred and Eighth Stage·Red Flame Slash!"

At this moment, the dark red long sword rubbed against the air, sweeping out a huge arc forward with red flames!

brush--! !

If someone looked down from above at this moment, they would be able to see a semicircle of flames more than ten meters long, spread out in front of Uchiha Hikari!

The edge of the sword has not yet arrived.

The sword energy has spread and even expanded to a range of dozens of meters around! !

Tire didn't even have time to finish the action of blocking, and was slashed high by the sword. His body was broken into several pieces in mid-air. Each piece turned into a ball of fire and smashed into the woods behind him like a cannonball. !

In the moment of speeding away, Lei opened his dark golden pupils engraved with "下五" and stared at the still burning big sword in Uchiha Hikaru's hand, as if being drawn out by this scene. Long lasting memories:

"...He Dao?!"


Uchiha Hikari raised an eyebrow.

Of course she knew what the Hokuto was - one of the three-piece set of Demon Slayer. It was said to be the external manifestation of the Nichirin Sword's temperature reaching a certain level, as if the entire blade was burning. Using such a nichirin sword to kill ghosts can be like the "breath of the sun", making the wounds difficult to heal, as if they were burned by the sun.

On Ghost King Wumei's body, there are scars from He Dao left by Ji Guoyuan hundreds of years ago, and they are still causing harm to him to this day.

When he swung the sword just now, Uchiha Hikari didn't actually think about it in that direction. But look now...

The dark red sword blade is covered with a layer of bright red flames. It does look somewhat similar to the He Dao in appearance.


Uchiha Hikaru raised the corners of his mouth and suddenly had an interesting idea.


boom--! !

The tired body flew backwards for nearly a hundred meters.

After knocking down several big trees one after another, it gradually stopped moving and hit the ground heavily.

The physical strength of a ghost is beyond that of ordinary people, especially as a member of the lower class. But even so, the horizontal slash of the sword just now tore his whole body apart. It seemed that one or two hundred bones in his body had been broken. His flesh and blood were even softer and turned into a puddle of mud. His snow-white kimono was also stained. Dazzling red.

Although his strong recovery power was quickly repairing these injuries, he still felt confused and angry.

"That human...what happened?"

"Red eyes, the strange ability that makes people unable to move, and the burning He Dao..."

Is it a new method developed by the Demon Slayer Squad?


"Dad... where is dad, is he already dead? Why haven't you come to save me?! Sure enough... family members who are unqualified like this don't deserve to live at all! They should die immediately like those abominable humans! "

While his thoughts were still in chaos, he heard footsteps approaching.

He barely supported his body and looked up in the direction of the mountain.



The person coming was naturally Uchiha Hikaru.

But her appearance was different from before.

Under the illumination of the moonlight, a red feather fabric was quietly added to her body. Her long black hair, which was originally as black as a waterfall, turned red at some point and was gently lifted by the evening breeze. There was also a dark red pattern on the smooth forehead, which was as dazzling as a flame.

"That is……"


Tired pupils earthquake.

Under his gaze, Uchiha Hikaru raised the short sword, and the vermilion flames swam along the blade, and the "He Dao" reappeared!

"I said... I mean, kid, you seem to like playing this kind of house game?"

The cold words sounded slowly, like a sharp knife gently scratching his tired ears.

"Gather a group of unrelated ghosts around you, pretend to be each other's relatives, control them to massacre the humans who accidentally enter the village, and enjoy the pleasure of controlling life and death... Isn't it interesting to do these things?"

Uchiha Hikaru had no expression on his face and continued in a leisurely pace: "But I don't think that kind of thing is interesting or funny at all."

"You put your life..."

"What do you think it is?!"


At this moment, the whole ghost was scared to death.

Memories engraved deep in his DNA flowed out crazily from the innocent cells in his body, filling his mind.

"This is the memory of Master Wuhan..."

In a trance, a taller male swordsman figure appeared in Tired's sight, saying the same words in the same tone, the only difference was the pair of earrings with a red sun painted on them.

"Master Wuhan is...frightened!?"

That's right.

At this moment, an emotion called fear emerged from the Wuhan cells in Lei's body, and then quickly spread to his limbs and bones. Having been in Spider Mountain for decades, he, as the Twelve Ghost Moon, experienced the feeling of soul trembling for the first time!

"No, this is impossible... I am Twelve Ghost Moon, how could I be scared by a human..."

I tried desperately to get up, but my body couldn't help but start to tremble, just like the fear of an animal when facing a natural enemy! He couldn't even move a finger as simple as that!


Uchiha Hikaru raised the short sword and took a deep breath: "Breath of the Sun...Seven Types: Yanghua Sudden!"

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