I, Hikaru Uchiha, join the chat group

Chapter 337: The "Second Revolution" Plan and Blackbeard's Intelligence

First of all, Uchiha Hikaru did not intend to embezzle the "gold from heaven".

She had already thought of this when she decided to carry out this action.

"Sky Gold" is essentially a tribute from each member country to the World Government. It comes from the grassroots people of each country, and it is the "fat and blood of the people", and it may also contain the blood and sweat of some people. She, Bulma, and other people in the "Dimension Group" are not people who are short of money, so there is no need to think about this money.


It is also impossible to send them back.

Let's not talk about how huge a task it is to return this "sky gold" to the hundreds of millions of people in the pirate world. Since the World Government can plunder it once, it can plunder it a second time, and maybe this time it will be more thorough than the last time.

As long as the hierarchy of this world remains unchanged, simply giving out money will not solve any problems.

"Well, we can only find a safe place to store them."

"In the future, when those countries are liberated, we can consider giving them back..."

Uchiha Hikaru thought so.

Then he asked for the opinions of Brand and others.

"……I have no opinion."

Brand nodded, his expression looking a little complicated. "However, Akame and I have recently come up with some new ideas about what you and Bulma mentioned earlier about 'starting another revolution'. I wonder if we can discuss it a little bit."


Uchiha Hikaru looked at the muscular man with a bit of surprise, then looked at Akame and Leona standing next to him, with a curious expression on his face: "What do you mean?"

She and Bulma had indeed mentioned to Brand and others in real life and in the chat group whether they should start another revolution.

At the time, she and Bulma were more of a whim and didn't think too much about it.

As the matter of "revolution" was of great importance, Brand did not give a clear answer. He only said that he wanted to observe and understand first, and do what he could for the people in the pirate world who were oppressed by the upper class.

But now...

It seems that the result has been considered?

"That's it."

Brand nodded. "When Akame, Tanjiro and I went to carry out the plundering plan of Tenjojin, we encountered some problems and saw with our own eyes how many countries and people in this world are living in dire straits. Those evil rulers, thieves, and the tyrants and nobles who prey on the people are almost everywhere in this world.

What the oppressed people lack most is often not strength, but a belief, a banner, a banner that can integrate them and make them believe that they can control their own destiny.

Perhaps, the 'Dimension Pirates' is such a banner."

"Now many people know that we defeated the Celestial Dragons and the Admirals in the Sabaody Archipelago and blew up the gates of the World Government. Soon, the news of 'Tenjojin' will spread all over the world. If we can fly the flag of 'Dimension Group' at this time, we should be able to call on a considerable number of people to start a bottom-up revolution. Just like what we did in the world of Zanachi."


Uchiha Hikaru rubbed his chin and pondered for a moment.

It seems that Brand and his team have indeed given serious consideration to the "Second Revolution".

That being the case...

As the deputy captain, she would of course express her support.

Anyway, she doesn't need to worry about the specific matters, Brand and the others will do it.

"Well, let's try it as you say. You can use the name of the 'Dimension Pirates' as you see fit. These 'Sky Gold' can also be used as the start-up capital for this revolution. It can be regarded as taking from the people and using it for the people."

"As for Bulma, I'll go talk to her."

Uchiha Hikaru made a decision.


Brand and his friends, along with Tanjiro, began to discuss the specific details of the "Second Revolution".

After listening to the conversation for a while, Uchiha Hikaru took Eri, Naruto, and Nezuko who had just returned, and walked leisurely to the beach, preparing to catch two sea kings as food.

Should I say it or not...

There are really a lot of sea kings near Nine Snake Island, and because it is located in the doldrums, it is a place that most ships and humans cannot reach, so each one is fat and strong. A few days ago, Esdeath caught two on a whim and asked the chef on Nine Snake Island to help cook them. I felt that the taste was quite good.

So these days, the "Dimension Group" basically brings back some sea kings every day to improve the food.

As for Esdeath...

At this moment, he is on the beach on the other side of Nine Snake Island, accepting the challenge from Yamato.

After this fight with Aokiji, Yamato has gained some confidence and wants to prove himself by fighting with Esdeath.

But the result...

Naturally, I still can’t beat him.

However, after the battle, Esdeath took a few words to acknowledge Yamato's progress, which made the latter somewhat excited.

Furthermore, Yamato began to look forward to his own bounty order.

"Although I'm not as strong as Miss Guang and Xiao Ai... but even Jack has a bounty of 10 billion Baileys, so I should have at least 15 billion now, right?"



It wasn’t until three days later that the “Heavenly Gold Plundering Team” returned.

Uchiha Hikaru and his party still did not see any reports about this incident in the newspapers. The bounty offered for Yamato also did not appear.

"It seems that this news has been suppressed..."


The sudden appearance of a "Three Emperors Group" on the sea is already a terrifying thing. If this "Three Emperors Group" becomes a "Four Emperors Group", then not only the Celestial Dragons of Marijoa, but also the superiors of the entire pirate world will have trouble sleeping.

Yamato was a little unhappy with this result.

In response, Uchiha Hikaru could only offer a few words of comfort and then focus on another piece of information.

This information was brought by Hancock.

"Master Guang, the Blackbeard Teach you mentioned earlier has appeared in the Calm Belt."

"Do you need me to send someone to bring him back?"

Hancock asked politely.

Because of her record of killing the Celestial Dragons, Hancock has been very nice to the members of the "Dimension Group", especially Uchiha Hikari. That is, they are of the same sex, otherwise the Nine Snake Queen would be obsessed with Uchiha Hikari, just like she was obsessed with Luffy in the original work.

"...No need."

Uchiha Hikaru stood up and stretched his shoulders and neck: "This guy is very dangerous to you. Tell me his location and I will go meet him in person."

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