I, Hikaru Uchiha, join the chat group

Chapter 31 Can I still continue dancing?

This was a long-awaited joint ambush.

In the small space, the wind helped the fire, and the originally huge flame bomb expanded to fill the entire corridor in the blink of an eye! Along with the soaring flames, there are also a large number of high-pressure wind balls like rocket launchers!

——The "vacuum jade" move is exactly Shimura Danzo's special skill!

Facing the surging fire.

Uchiha Hikaru also turned around immediately and made a vertical slash with his sword!

Do not……

To be precise, in the process of breaking through the last two walls, she had already anticipated the possible situation she would face, and began to turn around and swing her sword. It was only after entering this corridor that this action finally After finishing it, she herself faced Danzo Shimura and others face to face with a distance of tens of meters!

this moment.

In Uchiha Hikaru's pupils, the big windmill made of three magatama was spinning crazily, urging Susanoo to produce layers of dense and dense Karasutengu armor. At the same time, those huge hands, like her body, grasped the dark red sword that was so dark that it seemed to be flowing with blood, and slashed forward! !

"Hundred and Eighth Stage...Heavy Artillery Slash!!"

This sword is shocking!

The sword blade is still in mid-air, and the hunting wind has already exploded, like a salvo of heavy artillery!

boom--! ! !

There was a louder explosion than when the entrance to the base was exploded just now!

In just a moment, the hearing of several people present was almost destroyed!


I saw two powerful chakra energies colliding head-on in this long corridor! The air was torn open in an instant, red firelight and milky white air waves rushed out to both sides, and countless wind-pressure bombs hit Susanoo and the wall next to it, causing this piece of land at the root to The deepest and strongest building areas of the base are beginning to show signs of collapse!

Smoke billows.

In the original timeline, Shimura Danzo once used this move of the Vacuum Daiyu to instantly knock away Sasuke's Susanoo.

But now, he is ten years younger than that time, and the power of wind escape is stronger. Coupled with the baptism of blazing flames, the temperature of thousands of degrees is spread to every corner of the corridor, even with the protection of Susanoo , and it is impossible to restore combat capability in a short period of time.

——This is how it should be.


Before the high temperature had cooled down, a huge dark red body had already passed through the sea of ​​​​fire, rushed towards the three people behind it, and swung the sword again!

This time, it was a horizontal cut!

Moreover, the color of the big sword at this moment has become as dark as black and red, because there are black flames burning on the originally dark red sword!

——Amaterasu·Jiagu Tuming!

"Hundred and Eighth Stage·Red Flame Slash!!"


"...Protect Danzo-sama!!"

In the midst of lightning and flint, a simple and sharp but extremely powerful horizontal slash was swung out!

An overwhelming momentum!

Like a giant scythe swung by the god of death!

The root ninja who released the "big flame bomb" spread his arms and tried to block the sword, but was cut in half on the spot.

While the body was still in the air, it was burned to ashes by Amaterasu's black flames.

Then, the sword, which was more than ten meters long, drew a huge black arc in mid-air. The powerful sword energy swept across the entire space. Everything is torn in half! Then burn it instantly! !

For a moment, it seemed as if even the air was shattering! !

"No, it's impossible!"

Sword energy and black flames expand!

The two figures retreated crazily like cannonballs, but were still swept by the black flames. They flew out like two broken sacks, passed through the end of the corridor, flew into a wide underground platform, and then hit the hard surface hard. On the stone wall, when it fell, a piece of dust with a strong bloody light was splashed!

Large chunks of gravel fell from the sky, and the entire space shook again.

The root jounin who released the "Thousand Faced Wind" has died.

But the bandaged man, even though he was covered in blood, still struggled to raise his head and looked forward with splitting eyes.

"It's impossible... Even Susanoo with the Mangekyou Sharingan can't take over my Vacuum Daidama safely..."

the other side.

Uchiha Hikari, who had just completed a horizontal slash, let out a breath and held a sword flower in his hand.

With this movement, half of her sleeves on both sides were gently shattered, revealing a pair of smooth and white arms. Several bloody wounds on his arms healed in an instant.


The several gaps in Susanoo's body that were forcibly broken by wind pressure bullets were refilled with the infusion of pupil power and restored to their original state.

Wind Release: Vacuum Dayama is indeed a powerful Wind Release Ninjutsu.


In front of Susanoo in the fourth form, it was nothing more than that!

That's right.

From the moment he received the memory of the shadow clone, Uchiha Hikari was frantically activating his pupil power, which had been suppressed in his eyes, and then burst out the moment he broke through the wall, opening Susanoo to the highest level. The peak fourth form, and in this form, he forcibly took Danzo's vacuum jade, and then cut through the flames with a sword, broke through the smoke and charged out!

When making this decision, Uchiha Hikaru was already prepared to be injured.

In order to avoid unexpected situations, she even held a fairy bean in her mouth in advance, intending to swallow it immediately when necessary.

——After she got the fairy beans, she had already done experiments. Whether it was the recovery ability she got from the dragon, or the fairy beans, they all had the effect of regenerating broken limbs, and the fairy beans could also instantly replenish chakra and " gas". With this double insurance in effect at the same time, as long as she was not decapitated by a single blow or her body was broken into pieces, she could survive successfully.

But now it seems...

But she overestimated Danzo too much.

Well... After all, Danzo doesn't have the Sharingan in his arm yet, and the psychic beast Dream Tapir has not been summoned. In addition, he didn't expect that he would come at all. With the combination of several factors, defeat is inevitable. ending.

But it is not something to be taken lightly.

After all, Danzo at this period should have been transplanted with Hashirama cells, and...his right eye, which had been covered by a bandage, made Uchiha Hikari a little concerned.

(Could it be the Sharingan...)


Uchiha Hikari took a deep breath and fell from the air. When his feet landed on the ground, he eased his fear of heights a little, and then, under the protection of the Susana skeleton in the third form, he lifted his feet and walked forward.


The sound of short boots stepping on gravel sounded, and it was connected with the sound of boulders collapsing all around.

But Uchiha Hikaru's cold voice sounded clearly in the noise:

"Can you still keep dancing, Tuan, Zang, Xiao, Gui?"


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