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Chapter 177 Monthly Edition "Spiritual Time Room"

The "Chakra" system is not easy to teach to people in other worlds.

Because judging from Uchiha Hikari's previous attempts, it seems that people in other worlds cannot refine chakra on their own and can only use the part she injected into her body. Therefore, even if she learns advanced ninjutsu, she can basically not use it for a long time. For the first time, I could only use basic ninjutsu such as three-body jutsu, climbing trees and treading water.

These abilities cannot be said to be useless in Zhanchi World, but they do have limited effect.


"Qi" is different.

According to the Cat Immortal, people in every world can practice Qi. Although Lan has a civilian background, he also joined the "Hunter" organization in the original plot and killed Shang Pu alone, which shows that he is still somewhat talented in cultivation.

The only problem is time.

It took Uchiha Hikaru nearly a month to master "Qi" under the personal guidance of Neko Sennin.

——Of course, this is also related to the teaching method of the Cat Immortal. The teaching philosophy of the latter is similar to that of Kamesen-ryu, which emphasizes "accumulating gradually" and "letting nature take its course". Therefore, in the early stage of learning, the progress will be slower, but the advantage is that the upper limit will be higher in the future.

If it were Lan, he wouldn't have to worry so much. He could just inject "qi" into it and let him realize it, but it would probably take at least a month to teach him.

There was no way Uchiha Hikaru could stay here for so long.

and so……

"Seal Tsukuyomi!"

As their eyes met, Lan's mental body was pulled into the illusion space.

This time, the scene loaded by the Uchiha light in the space was the Kalin Tower standing ten thousand meters in the sky.

"This is……"

Ran was shocked when she experienced "Tsukuyomi" for the first time.

"This is the spiritual world I built. At this moment, you and I are all appearing here in the form of spiritual bodies, or soul projections. No matter how long we spend here, it only takes a short moment to correspond to the outside world..."

Uchiha Hikaru crossed his arms and his petite figure floated in the air: "Now, what I am going to say is the concept of 'qi', listen carefully."


The Tsukuyomi space can be used for fighting, and naturally it can also be used for training.

From a certain perspective...

This is actually a "spiritual time room" artificially constructed based on pupil power!

Of course, compared with the original "Spiritual Time Room", Tsukuyomi's functions are still lacking.

For example, what comes here is only a pure mental body, so although you can learn knowledge, memory, and thinking, you cannot get physical training. After you go out, you have to learn it again according to the method in the Tsukuyomi space.

In addition, this kind of fine-grained simulation consumes a lot of pupil power. With an ordinary kaleidoscope, it is impossible to waste precious pupil power on this kind of use, otherwise you will probably go blind after a few times.

Only Uchiha Light, with its nearly eternal power, can maintain the existence of this space for a long time.

Now that the decision to teach "Qi" has been made.

Uchiha Hikaru took on the attitude of a teacher and started class seriously.

Good thing...

Lan's understanding is pretty good.

By the second week of staying in the Tsukuyomi space, he began to have a vague sense of "qi", and by the end of the month, he had learned to release the "qi" to the outside, covering the body surface to form a layer of protection. cover.

But Wu Kong is still a bit difficult.

And Lan doesn’t actually need to learn the air dance skill. After all, his Teigu is the “most horse” that can control the air and fly...

"……about there."

Uchiha Hikari nodded slowly: "I have taught you the most basic things, and the rest is how to use these basics. It depends on you how far you can practice."

As he spoke, Uchiha Hikaru lifted Tsukuyomi.


After returning to reality from the illusion space.

Uchiha Hikaru went back to sleep for a day and replenished his depleted eye power.

Then he rummaged through a few books from the dragon world and gave them to Lan.

"These books come from another distant continent. They record several reforms and revolutionary movements that occurred in different periods. Although the specific circumstances are different, the thoughts and concepts involved should be able to give you some inspiration..."

"I'm looking forward to your future performance. Be careful not to die too early."

This sentence is actually sincere.

Uchiha Hikaru really wanted to see what choices Lan would make that were different from the original plot after recognizing the reality of the empire in advance. No matter what he chooses, it will most likely be a very dangerous path. Although Shang Pu is dead, it does not mean that he will survive to the end without incident.

Faced with this alternative "blessing".

Lan Gong bowed respectfully and saluted: "Thank you, Master Guang. I will work hard."


What needs to be done has been done.


"Kosmia, come here."

Uchiha Hikaru said, raised the "Shangri-La" on his wrist and began to inject spiritual power.

That's right.

Like the pumpkin turret, this imperial weapon is activated by the user's mental power, and the transmission process will put a considerable burden on the body, so in theory it can only be used a few times a day. However, in terms of the ultimate transmission distance, it is indeed much farther than the Flying Thunder God.

"Northwest direction, the destination is...two thousand seven hundred kilometers away."

As Uchiha Hikari narrowed her eyes, a blurry image of mountains appeared in her mind.

——This is the characteristic of "Shangri-La".

At the moment of activating the Teigu, the user can vaguely sense the terrain features of the place where he wants to teleport, and make small adjustments to avoid teleporting to desperate situations such as the depths of the sea and volcanic craters.


At the moment when his mind was fixed, a circular array with a diameter of several meters bloomed under the feet of Uchiha Hikari and Kosmia.

next moment……

The two figures suddenly disappeared from the prefect's mansion.

It seemed like it was just a flower in front of my eyes.

When his vision was restored, Uchiha Hikaru was standing on the top of a mountain. Looking from the top of the towering cliff, he could see a huge city more than ten kilometers away. Thousands of meters of city walls, huge towers and churches, as well as the bustling carriages and people on the streets, all tell the story of the prosperity of this place.

However, this kind of prosperity seems a bit ironic in the eyes of those who know the inside story.

"...Let's go and find the place Siela mentioned."

Uchiha Hikaru stood on the top of the mountain and watched for a while, then picked up Kosmia, then used the dance technique to fly up, and flew to the west side of the imperial capital amidst the screams of the witch singer.

Later in the day.

She landed at the door of an unremarkable bunker located in a dense forest.

"...It should be right here."

After comparing it with the picture in Sheela's memory, it was confirmed to be correct.

Uchiha Hikari took out the Dragon Bone Sword from the two knives on his back, took a deep breath to gather strength, and swung the knife to break the door!

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