I, Hikaru Uchiha, join the chat group

Chapter 119 The Concept of 3 Artifacts

[Anonymous application to enter the world of Platycodon]

[Platycodon has agreed to apply]

Accompanied by a flash of white light.

Uchiha Hikaru appeared in a jungle on the outskirts.

In front of him is a parked helicopter.

"...Is this the way you have been driving to find the Four Souls Jade these past few days?"


Bulma nodded matter-of-factly: "Miss Platycodon's world is still in ancient times. The road conditions are not good and there are many mountainous areas. Cars cannot be driven at all, so we can only use this."

This explanation is quite reasonable.


Uchiha Hikaru glanced at Kikyo, who was wearing a miko uniform and resting on the grass nearby, and then at the technological helicopter, and imagined the image of the latter sitting in the cockpit, which was indescribably inconsistent. feel.

Bulma excitedly raised another question: "By the way, Xiaoguang, where are those comics you mentioned?"


after an hour.

Bulma put down the comic book in his hand, a little doubtful about life: "So, this arrogant and arrogant short man who almost killed Goku and the others is my future boyfriend?"

"Not only your boyfriend, but also your husband..."

Regarding Vegeta, a character who is first black and then white, Uchiha Hikaru is not very good at evaluating it. He can only explain it with Bulma's own statement: "The plot depicted in this comic is just one of the many possibilities in your life." One way may not always become a reality, so it’s good to serve as a reference.”


Bulma was not calm for a while, and then opened the comic again: "Speaking of which, Wukong actually did this to me, causing me to be seen by that perverted old man from Kame Sennin... Next time I go to Turtle Island, I must Find a way to teach them a lesson!

And the Dragon Balls were actually made by God. So if we find God and ask him to make a few more sets of Dragon Balls, wouldn’t we be able to make a wish every day? "

"...I don't think it's okay."

Uchiha Hikaru shook his head.

Although there is no clear evidence that there can only be one set of Dragon Balls, this powerful wish-making mechanism should not be unlimited.

Maybe there can only be one dragon existing at the same time.

Compared to the unrealistic idea of ​​"asking the gods to make more sets of Dragon Balls", Uchiha Hikaru was more inclined to find a way to visit Planet Namek.

But that place is a bit far away...

With the current space technology in the Dragon Ball world, it would take more than 4000 years to fly there. Even if we use the spaceship of Planet Namek, it will take more than a month.

more importantly.

To make a wish to the Namekian Dragon, you must use their language, and the content of the wish may also have to be approved by them - after all, the dragon balls there are preserved by each tribe, and theoretically they must pass the trials of each tribe before they can be used.

Considering that the strongest Namekians have tens of thousands of combat power, it may be a bit difficult to pass the trial normally.

So you have to think carefully about how to gain the trust of the Namekians and make a wish that they can recognize...

"Well, let's think about it again..."

Bulma also scratched his head, and opened the comic to the "Dragon Z" section, rubbing his chin and thinking: "The principles of this Saiyan combat uniform and gravity training room should be relatively simple and quite practical. , I will go back and try to see if I can make it..."

the other side.

Kikyo calmly put down the "Inuyasha" comic, as if she was reading a story that had nothing to do with her.

"Did that girl Kagome finally make such a choice..."

"That's fine. Compared to me, she is indeed more suitable for Inuyasha."

Seeing Kikyo's expression of losing everything, Uchiha Hikari scratched his head and didn't know how to comfort him: "Well... In fact, besides love, there are many interesting things in life. Kikyo, you just have to look away."

"Yes, yes, even if this world is full of scumbags, there are still many outstanding boys in other worlds, such as..."

Bulma paused for a few seconds, as if he hadn't thought of an example from his own world, and then continued: "For example, Tanjiro's side is pretty good with a few pillars. I think the guy named Purgatory Anjuro is just fine. , Although Yu Zhuan Tianyuan is a bit annoying when talking, he is quite handsome, so it is not impossible to consider..."

"Don't think about it, he has three wives."

Uchiha Hikari interjected.


Bulma's pupils were shaking: "Isn't it true that Demon Slayer is guilty of bigamy?"


After a few noisy words, the topic was dropped.

Next, Uchiha Hikaru asked a few questions about the situation at Miko's place - according to the previous messages in the chat group, Kikyo should have gone to see Miko's place.


Kikyo nodded: "Miss Miko has quite a lot of spiritual power. If she were born in my world, she might be an excellent candidate to become a shrine maiden. Her friend Yuri Kawaka has even more powerful spiritual power, maybe better than me. You must be outstanding while you are alive...

I left some talismans for her and taught her a little bit about how to deal with ghosts. She should be fine in a short time. "


Uchiha Hikaru thought for a while: "Speaking of which, can Bulma and I practice spiritual power?"

"it should be OK."

Kikyo thought for a while before responding: "Spiritual power is essentially a kind of spiritual energy, which originates from everyone's soul. Because people's souls have different strengths, there is a difference in spiritual power.

Theoretically, everyone has the potential to develop spiritual power, but if that energy is rashly channeled, it may break the balance between body and spirit, damage the body, and even shorten lifespan... But Miss Guang, you should be fine.

Although I haven't learned about it in detail, the 'kaleidoscope power' in your world should have something in common with spiritual power. If you are interested, I can teach you how to channel your spiritual power. "

"That's great."

Uchiha Hikari asked, not because he wanted to become a miko.

Instead, she was thinking that the ability of "spiritual power" should be used on Susanoo.

such as……

Use spiritual power to construct three artifacts?

Hikari Uchiha had actually always been curious about where Itachi got his three artifacts. Except for "Yasaka's Magatama", which is an ability that every Susanoo has, "Ten Fist Sword" and "Yata Mirror" seem to be only used by Itachi. If this thing is not an entity, but a spiritual weapon constructed with pupil power...

Then she should be able to do it.

For example, if you combine Platycodon's "Boundary Technique" with the "Four Purple Flame Formation", you can theoretically create an indestructible "Yata Mirror".

And it should be no problem to combine the "Seal Arrow" and the "Bagua Seal" to make a "Ten Fist Sword". Otherwise, "Ten Fists and Arrows" will also work.


Uchiha Hikaru and Kikyo sat down and discussed for a while.

When the sun was setting, she said hello to Bulma and entered the Dragon Ball world.

First, I went to Dr. Breve and handed him the serum medicine sample developed by Masamune Tachibana, as well as the copied research data. By the way, I left a living sample of Deadpool - compared to the ghosts in the Demon Slayer World, the Deadpools in the Dragon World are not that dangerous. Except for the high-end varieties that can use words and spirits, the average Deadpool is just rough-skinned at best. Just a thick beast.

After that, Uchiha Hikari went to visit the Neko Sento again.

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