——Come on, here comes the multiple-choice question.



--not much

As soon as Lin Xi finished watching the live broadcast room, she heard Xiao Bo say: "Single room."

It must be his live broadcast room. Some people are saying that in fact, the single room is almost the same as the standard room.

I don’t know whether it means that single rooms are not dangerous, or whether standard rooms are actually dangerous.

Manager Wang distributed key cards to everyone, and there was only one for each room.

"Take it!" Qingyu whispered to Lin Xi.

Lin Xi nodded, took the key card, and found that her and Qingyu's room number was pretty good: 909.

Except for Xiao Bo and Cheng Yiyi, everyone's rooms are very close to each other. He Yun and Chen Fei are in 907, next to Lin Xi and the others, and Xiao Jiang and Zhang Xingchen are in 908, opposite to them.

Compared to Xiao Bo and Cheng Yiyi who lived alone, Lin Xi felt that Zhang Xingchen was more dangerous, and Xiao Jiang's thoughts were too difficult to guess.

Lin Xi put away his backpack and tent and looked at the furnishings in the room.

The hotel is okay, very clean, there is a TV opposite, and there is a sofa on the balcony. There was also a bouquet of flowers placed on the round table in front of the two sofas.

"Are we looking for clues?" Qingyu asked Lin Xi.

"Just look for it!" Lin Xi said. "Some dungeons don't mention the tasks directly, so we need to find them ourselves or ask someone. Other dungeons will confuse players."

"Have you entered many dungeons?" Qingyu asked.

Lin Xi thought for a while and smiled: "Not many, just a few. What about you?"

"Except for the trial, this is my second one." Qingyu whispered. "All of us cleared the last dungeon, but..."

——As expected, he is a newcomer who has just entered the second dungeon, and he talks about everything.

——But she didn’t say anything, she just said everyone would clear the level.

——Isn’t it awesome to clear the level with everyone?

——Not necessarily, maybe it’s due to mixed clearance.

"The dungeon that everyone has cleared is the same dungeon that I went to!" Lin Xi laughed. "I didn't even know the name of that dungeon, but I heard that you had cleared it."

"Treasure hunting in foreign lands." Qingyu whispered. "It's very simple. There is only one taboo. You can't go out during the day, only at night. The treasures you find can be used as props in other dungeons. As long as one person searches for five, others can pass the level regardless of whether they find it or not."

No one in Lin Xi's live broadcast room has seen this copy. After hearing what Qingyu said, everyone began to envy Lin Xi.

——This dungeon is completely a dungeon that gives players props!

——It’s a pity that 123 arrived late, otherwise we could have found the props, even just one!

——You can’t all rely on props. Don’t forget how 123 got to that copy.

——Yes, 123 is lucky. The one I randomly went to was more cozy, and I cleared the level just before I got past it. What if I randomly got a bloody one and didn’t know what the tasks and taboos were, how miserable it would be!

——As mentioned above, I immediately stopped envying that copy.

--Why? Qingyu tells 123 about the last dungeon, is that okay?

——They’re all closed, what’s the problem?

"You also make a copy with me?" Qingyu asked curiously. "Why didn't I see you?"

"I used props five times in total in my dungeon, which reached the upper limit. After clearing the level with everyone, I was immediately thrown into other dungeons," Lin Xi said.

"Ah?" Qingyu responded immediately. "That's too scary. You went there and didn't know the mission or the taboos."


"Then I have to be careful and use props as little as possible." Qingyu said.

The two of them were talking and rummaging around the room. Soon, Qingyu found a note under the sofa cushion.

"Side mission: go to the theater to watch a movie in the evening."

As soon as Qingyu finished reading the words on the note, Lin Xi started to comment in the live broadcast room.

——Why is the side mission different from the last copy?


——I'm going, I won't just come up...



——Manual isolation.



Qingyu also stared blankly ahead, then turned to look at Lin Xi and smiled bitterly: "Does it mean that if we don't look through the clues, we won't have to complete this task?"

"If we don't turn it over, others will turn it over," Linxi said. "Anyway, it's still early in the evening. Let's go out and walk around first to see if there are any other clues. Before going out, let's..."

Lin Xi pointed to the location of the bathroom.

——123 started treating us as outsiders again.

——Ah, at first, there seems to be nothing to say!

——Anyway, it would be weird for two people to enter the bathroom together.

——It should be related to the clearance of all members. Qingyu just didn’t finish talking about this matter.

Lin Xi had to admit that the viewers in the live broadcast room may have watched too many copies and were smarter.

Qingyu obviously knew that there would be no live broadcast in the bathroom, so he immediately nodded and went to the bathroom first.

Lin Xi also walked over.

"Are the bonuses for everyone clearing the level very small?" Lin Xi asked. "I also cleared the level once with everyone. My bonus that time should be the largest, but it was also very small."

Qingyu nodded immediately. Although there was no live broadcast room, he still lowered his voice: "My bonus should be the second in our copy, because I found four treasures, but my bonus is only 10,000."

"So few?" Lin Xi was surprised.

Immediately I figured it out, maybe that copy was less dangerous and came with props, so the bonuses were smaller than those in the "Children's Paradise".

Comparing this, she passed the level as soon as she went there and got a bonus of 3,000, which seems to be okay.

"So, don't you like this game..." Qingyu said, looking around.

Although there is no live broadcast room anymore, if you say this in the game, will anyone hear you?

Lin Xi nodded.

"Will there be someone in the future..." Qingyu opened her eyes wide.

"There should be." Linxi said.

"I definitely won't." Qingyu said immediately.

"I believe you, I'm always good at judging people." Lin Xi smiled.

This is why she chose Qingyu in the first place.

Unexpectedly, there was an unexpected gain.

After the two people said this, they exchanged another piece of information, which was the names and characteristics of the players who had completed the two dungeons, as well as their own impressions.

Although impressions may not be accurate because people change, it can still make people prepare.

After speaking, the two people came out of the bathroom and unanimously decided to look for clues outside the room.

The two went to the hotel front desk first and found that He Yun and Chen Fei were also there.

He Yun was chatting with the girl at the front desk, while Chen Fei stood aside with a cold and arrogant look on her face.

Seeing Lin Xi and Qing Yuguan, He Yun greeted the two of them: "Come over and chat with the beauty!"

"No, let's go look elsewhere." Lin Xi said with a smile. "If we all work separately, we can find more things."

"Okay, then go ahead!" He Yun said.

Qingyu glanced at Chen Fei curiously.

She didn't understand why Chen Fei was just ordinary looking, far worse than Lin Xi. Why was she so proud, as if no one in the world was worthy of talking to her.

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