Deadly Game: Almighty Boss’s Guide to Making Money

Chapter 38 38 Looking for the owner’s wife (5)

The five people were sitting there. Except for Lin Xi who occasionally whispered a few words to the live broadcast room, the others did not speak, but they all looked ahead, probably watching the live broadcast room.

Watching the live broadcast room is really useful. Even if the audience has not seen the copy, they still like to guess. And once they guess correctly, the system will deduct money.

Lin Xi didn't think this was a secret.

Maybe players like Xiao Qin and Meng Tingting can't find it yet, but this time every partner will find clues and problems in the live broadcast room.

"Why hasn't Xiao Jiang come out yet?" Zhang Bo was a little anxious after watching the live broadcast room for a while. "Otherwise, we can leave first and let him catch up with us. If this continues, it will definitely waste time."

As soon as Zhang Bo finished speaking, he saw Xiao Jiang running over panting, maybe running a little too fast, Xiao Jiang's face was red.

"Xiao Jiang, come here and take a rest first." Liu He called.

"No need." Xiao Jiang stopped at the door, bent down to rest, and said. "Let's go, go out early, and we can look for clues or find people at night."

"Let's go." Zhang Bo quickly stood up and walked quickly to the door.

The others looked at each other and made a tacit understanding not to walk too fast. After all, Xiao Jiang didn't mean to keep them waiting, but he wanted to go back to find them, and he was already running very hard in order not to waste time.

By the time they reached the door, Zhang Bo had already gone out first and walked for a while.

"Do you really don't need to take a break?" Lin Xi asked.

"It's okay." Xiao Jiang waved his hand. "I was stupid. I should have thought that you would come out and not go back."

Everyone seems to be quite smart. If he can think of it, others should also be able to think of it.

——Zhang Bo is too anxious. With so many clues, you will definitely be able to pass the level.

——123 is indeed kind, but I don’t know how many copies he can hold on to.

——Most people don’t care about others.

——It’s not that I don’t care, I feel that if I pass the level, others will follow suit.

"I'm okay, but I'm not as good as you said." Lin Xi whispered.

——It’s okay to be kind, just don’t be a holy mother.

——I don’t like the Holy Mother either.

——Same as above.

As expected, Xiao Jiang didn't waste much time. Although he was a little tired and couldn't walk quickly, he kept following everyone.

Li Chun thought for a while, and deliberately slowed down a few steps to join Xiao Jiang.

"I was the one who suggested leaving you a note just now." Li Chun said. "If I had known, we would have waited for you there, which would have saved you from being so tired."

"It's okay!" Xiao Jiang said with a smile. “Everyone is here to get the job done.”

"I'll carry the backpack for you first." Li Chun said again.

When he came out just now, he took out Xiao Jiang's backpack.

"Okay." Xiao Jiang said. "Thanks."

Coming out of Xingyue Villa, there was still a path that never ended. After walking for a while, there was a small fork in the road. The reason why it is called a small fork in the road is because the other road is narrower and smaller. It is basically only big enough for two people to walk side by side. If there are three people together, it will be very crowded.

Zhang Bo walked towards the path without thinking.

The others did not call him, but followed him towards the path.

——It’s boring. Everyone must have cleared the level. I’ll check out other dungeons.

——Upstairs, don’t think of the game as simple. I always feel like something will happen.

——Is there a hidden one?

——I don’t know, but it’s too smooth and doesn’t fit the characteristics of this game!

Lin Xi glanced at the live broadcast room and frowned slightly.

She felt the same as the audience in the live broadcast room. She always felt that they would not be allowed to pass the level so quickly.

Zhang Bo was at the front, and because he was fat, no one was standing shoulder to shoulder with him.

Qin Yuan followed Zhang Bo, looking ahead as he walked forward.

Lin Xi and Liu He were in third place side by side. They looked back from time to time and saw that Xiao Jiang was not only following them, but also right behind them.

Lin Xi smiled at Xiao Jiang and said nothing.

At the beginning of spring, after returning the backpack to Xiao Jiang, he stopped and found two slightly thicker branches to make two temporary walking sticks.

"Xiao Jiang, give you one." Li Chun said.

"Thank you." Xiao Jiang took the walking stick and thanked him.

Lin Xi also looked back.

"Xiaobei, give mine to you?" Li Chun asked immediately.

"No, thank you." Lin Xi smiled. "The shoes I wore today are very suitable for hiking."

A few people walked for a while, and Lin Xi suddenly felt that something was not right.

"Wait a minute." Linxi said. "Why do I feel that we just walked through this place?"

Everyone stopped quickly and looked around.

"That's right, I just made the walking stick here." Li Chun said.

"Should we go to the village first and then enter the mountain?" Liu He said. "I always feel that the system gives too many clues, so it shouldn't be that simple."

Lin Xi looked at the live broadcast room. The live broadcast room finally became excited.

——Here comes the plot that I haven’t seen before.

——I said, how can it be exactly the same every time!

"Are they the same the first three times?" Lin Xi asked.

——There is a small difference, not big.

——It mainly depends on the people. Some people like to wait and will not take the initiative to look for tasks and clues, so the system will not change.

——You are different. The former players have not gone back to where they were.

——Damn, my money was deducted, why?

——Upstairs, you leaked previous information.

——Yours doesn’t count, but mine does? Be sick!

Although he was sick, the player did not leave the live broadcast room in anger.

After all, there is a different plot, and everyone wants to see how it can be different.

Lin Xi thought for a moment.

First of all, if the copy does not change much, they are right to choose this small path.

The village owner's wife probably disappeared while going up the mountain to collect herbs, rather than entering the village.

It is estimated that some of the previous players who entered the village not only wasted time, but also encountered wild beasts. Some of them may have started a fire in an attempt to scare the wild beasts, but failed. These people were eaten by wild beasts.

Of course, it is also possible that someone failed to find the taboo and went out in the foggy weather and was eliminated.

Regardless of why others were eliminated, let’s think about how they should move so that they don’t spin around in circles!

"Xiao Jiang, did you get any clues just now?" Lin Xi asked in a low voice.

"Yes." Xiao Jiang frowned. "A servant told me to take the small road, not the big road. I saw that Zhang Bo had already taken the small road just now, so he didn't say anything."

"Is there anything else?" Qin Yuan also asked.

"Another thing is that the owner's wife did not disappear in the villa." Xiao Qin said. "That's why I rushed back to find you."

Xiao Qin's two clues were similar to what they understood and analyzed. If they don't analyze it, it's still useful, and it can't be considered a duplicate clue.

"Then we have to look for it from the clues we got." Liu He said, looking at Lin Xi. "You just said that maybe the beasts in the game are different from the beasts in reality. Does that mean that water is used to defeat the beasts?"

"That's what I thought, but it may not be right." Linxi said.

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