I upgraded and added points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 93 92 I have no ill intentions

"Have you...really upgraded?"

Looking at the new interface in front of him, Lloyd felt like he was watching a live broadcast on Earth.

In addition to the indispensable 'post barrage', there are several more buttons on the side that are invisible on earth, such as 'ban', 'open box', 'advertisement', 'cyber violence', 'sell' Film' and so on, it's a mess.

It’s a little too down-to-earth, almost to the underworld…

It seems that these functions were developed based on Lloyd's stereotype of online live broadcasts, making him dumbfounded.

"It seems that you know how to directly address the pain points of users. When I become more developed in the future, you, the product manager, will be the one to decide the high and low scores."

He was not surprised by this form of update. After all, this was the [Thinking Space] in his mind, and it was not surprising that things on Earth appeared.

But I just don’t know whether these functions are really effective and how they work?

While Lloyd was thinking about it, the black screen in front of him flickered a few times, and the chessboard appeared again.

Then, the four chess pieces seen before also appeared on the chessboard.

The white bishop also came and said before others spoke:

"You guys...have you noticed something is wrong?"


Black Chariot responded quietly, gesturing for her to keep her voice down.

The white knight asked quietly:

"What's going on? Why do I feel like someone is spying on us?"

The three chess pieces looked at the host of the meeting at the same time, the black soldier in the middle.

After a few minutes of silence, the black soldier replied in as calm and collected a tone as possible:

"[The chess game] has escaped my control. All of us are temporarily trapped here... Although we are not under control or harmed for the time being, we cannot leave or interrupt this chess game..."

When the white bishop heard this, he jumped up and down on the chessboard in a hurry:

"Me! I told you something was going to happen! I said I was quitting before. It's all your fault. You must pull me back!"

As she spoke, she began to roll on the chessboard unbelievingly, rolling from one end to the other, as if she wanted to escape in this way.

Of course it’s meaningless…

"Uuuuu~ I'm so young and I'm going to die here. I haven't even found a boyfriend..."

Her voice started to sound like she was crying.

"Oh...just calm down first."

The black soldier had no choice but to persuade.

As a result, the white bishop was really obedient, neither crying nor making trouble, and rolled around in dissatisfaction.

"So this is how banning is used? It can even ban the other party's actions."

Lloyd took his finger away from the [Mute] button and clicked [Open Box] below.

Several resumes appeared randomly in front of him, with the images of four chess pieces on them and some simple information.

The black soldier's real name is Jenkins. He is a fifth-level transcendent of the [Redemption] system in the Eternal City. He looks like an old man wearing a robe and a tall pointed hat.

The white knight's name is Valdez. He lives in the Quiet City and is at the fourth level of the [intellectual] system. His image is that of a well-dressed social elite wearing gold-rimmed glasses.

The black chariot's name is Goldron. He lives in the City of Order and is at the fourth level of the [Law and Order] system. He looks like a middle-aged man with a thin body and a tough temperament.

The last white bishop, named Elolo, is in the City of Joy and is the second level of the [Protection] department. He is actually a beautiful and lovely girl, with a bit of cunning childishness still remaining on her round face. Is she even hotter than Wei Ya?

There is only so much information obtained, it is relatively simple and still retains a lot of privacy.

As for the remaining functions, as a civilized young man, don’t try them if it’s not necessary...

"Very happy to meet all of you."

Lloyd said something with a smile, then sent this sentence as a 'barrage', and then lifted the mute status of White Bishop Elolo.

This sentence appeared on the retinas of the four chess pieces on the field.

They immediately gave different responses:


"who are you?"


"Oh, oh, oh, please don't kill me, I'm willing to do anything."

The reactions of the other three people were normal, but what happened to this guy in the end?

Lloyd suddenly didn't want to play with her anymore...

His decision to contact these people was initially motivated by his own plan to 'make a lot of money'.

Later, after coming into contact with private clubs, Lloyd realized that he should expand his social circle and build some channels to facilitate future information inquiry, material search, entrustment and consultation.

As the club manager said, the cult is indeed very strong, but it cannot be everything, let alone completely separate from the people.

What's more, there are also high-ranking and powerful people on the market who do not belong to the religious order, like Butler Randolph.

So Lloyd thought about contacting and getting to know more people, and not living like an isolated island. Instead of choosing a club with a mixed bag of good and bad and paying high fees, it would be better to contact these people on the chessboard.

He has a very high opinion of the white knight Valdez, the black soldier Jenkins is also a fifth-level strongman, and the black tank Goldron seems to have a calm and reserved personality, so he should not be mediocre.

Only this white bishop is really hard to describe...

Let's take another look. If Jenkins takes notice and wins over him, he shouldn't be someone who just runs away and begs for mercy.

After Lloyd thought for a while, seeing that several new friends were very nervous, he said another sentence through the 'barrage':

"Don't be nervous, I don't mean any harm, I'm just curious about you."

Elolo was the first to respond:

"Woo~ Please let me go... Wu..."

Before he could finish his words, Lloyd silenced him again.

As the backbone of everyone, Jenkins could only bite the bullet and replied in a neither humble nor overbearing tone:

"It's an honor to meet you, mysterious being. What should I call you?"

Then, he saw a line of words appear on his retina:

"You can call me, 'Audience'."

Jenkins just took a brief glance, and then quickly tried to look away, not daring to look any further.

Whenever words appeared on his retina, he could hear a faint whisper in his ears, and his brain and eardrums also felt a slight tingling sensation at the same time. His inspiration was frantically warning him not to read.

But this line of words is directly reflected on the retina. Even if you close your eyes, it is useless. You can only try to move your eyes elsewhere until the line of words floats all the way to the left side of the field of vision and disappears at the end of the field of vision.

Through this 'small detail', Jenkins was certain that he had met a very terrifying high-ranking being this time.

Not 'strong', but 'existence'...

Because he couldn't be sure whether the other party was human...

This chessboard, the 'Future of Humanity Seminar' he founded, is based on a very mysterious ancient relic.

The codename [Chess Game] was discovered by him during an archaeological activity more than ten years ago.

After several years of careful exploration and research, Jenkins gradually mastered the usage of this [chess game], and then founded the 'Future of Humanity Seminar'.

Although my seminar is not an illegal association in terms of philosophy or style of conduct, the only illegal thing is that it is not registered, and the concept is a little bit radical.

But in the unchanging Eternal City, radicalism is the least acceptable...

Fortunately, [Chess Game] is powerful and mysterious enough, so Jenkins has never been discovered and continues to secretly promote his shocking ideas.

As a result, I didn't expect that my biggest secret would be easily broken by a mysterious being, and the entire seminar was played with applause, as if he was playing with a small toy.

Jenkins couldn't imagine how powerful this mysterious being who called himself 'audience' really was.

He only knows that not even the Redeemer Saint can break his [chess game]...

If there was a choice, he could not wait to give up the [chess game] now, as long as the people of the association could escape intact.

But the mysterious existence seemed to be more interested in the four of them. After seeing Jenkins' brief silence, he wrote another sentence on his retina:

"Why aren't you talking? Are you asleep?"

There was a buzzing sound in Jenkins' ears, and the stinging sensation in his eardrums further intensified.

But he could only bite the bullet and answer:

"Excuse me...what exactly do you want?"

"Nothing, I just want to get acquainted."

I'm almost fucking killed by you, and you say you just want to get acquainted?

Jenkins felt his head hurting more and more, and cursed angrily in his mind, but he could only reply respectfully:

"My real name is Jenkins, from..."

As a result, before I could finish my words, another line of words appeared on my retina.

"No need to introduce yourself, I know you."

Then you still ask?

Jenkins suppressed his headache and began to wonder if this guy could be the legendary Saint of Sanctuary?

According to anecdotal reports, that saint seemed to like doing such nasty things.

Before he could figure it out, he heard the white knight beside him take the initiative to take over the conversation:

"You...hu~hu~ since you want to...get to know us...then you might as well...show up..."

His voice sounded breathless, as if he was under great pressure, and his words were no longer rational.

"do not want!"

The black chariot Goldron shouted quickly.

His view of this mysterious existence is similar to that of Jenkins, and he has deeply experienced the danger and weirdness of the other party.

If the other party really shows up, the consequences may be disastrous...

That's probably an image that I can't look at directly.

Then, Goldron reminded in a low voice:

"Don't respond to Him, don't look at those lines, He is interfering with our reason and mind... Find a way to pass out as soon as possible."

This was the only solution he could think of in a short time.

Thanks to Cat_ED for the 100 points reward.

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