Everol came home a little late today, and did not bother to chat with Lloyd. She was immersed in her desk with a pile of manuscripts, trying to make up for the lost time this afternoon.

Lloyd also took the opportunity to go out, saying that he wanted to rent a basement to practice some occult skills.

When Everol heard this, she quickly took her cartoon bear wallet and asked:

"So Xiaoyi, do you have enough money? Do you want sister to support you?"

Lloyd smiled and waved his hand.

"No, no, no, my income is enough for expenses. Sister, just save your money."

"Okay then, I will save money carefully, and when Xiao Yiyi gets married, I will buy you a new house."

"What a coincidence, I also want to save money to buy a new house for my sister."

"Hehe, let's see who can save enough first."

The siblings joked a few words, and then each went about his or her own business.

Lloyd went out and rushed to the street next door, specifically choosing a direction that was a few steps further. On the way, he happened to pass by the street corner where he met Wei Ya for the first time, which was also the place where the monster attacked him.

Although he was rescued by Wei Ya in time, it still left some influence in his heart, so that when he later moved around his home, he would inadvertently avoid it.

But things are different now.

"Are you trying to get out of it again?"

Lloyd looked at the sewer manhole cover where the monster had escaped from before, and said with a half-smile.

Soon, he arrived in front of the Occult Club that he had been optimistic about before, and looked up at the very special sign:

"Don't ask too many questions"

The name of the club is this, obviously taken from Code 0.

This place is quite large, with three floors above ground and two floors underground, occupying an entire street corner and looking quite impressive.

Opposite the main entrance is the second-hand book market that Lloyd often mentioned; diagonally opposite the back door is the church where he came home from get off work. On the left and right are busy commercial streets and food streets. The location can be said to be excellent.

The operator here should also be a powerful person.

Lloyd opened the door and was faced with a magnificent hall decorated with splendor and splendor. There were exquisite paintings on the ceiling and a huge crystal chandelier hanging. There was a soft red carpet under his feet, and a pair of replicas hung on the surrounding walls. The portrait should be of a famous club member.

There are sofas and coffee tables scattered in the hall, and some well-dressed people are chatting in groups. The atmosphere is a bit like a high-end place like a cigar club.

A manager wearing a monocle and dressed like a personal butler saw Lloyd and hurriedly came over.

"How can I help you?"

“I need a suitable room for practicing sadhana, preferably a quiet basement but with good ventilation and lighting.”

Lloyd made his case.

"You are really discerning. Not only do we have the places you need, but we can also provide you with many supporting services... Why don't you sit down and chat?"

The manager then introduced the prices and services to Lloyd, presented a dazzling array of 'combination packages', and then continued to induce him to become a member to enjoy the benefits.

Lloyd glanced at the price list. The lowest member had to pay 5000 common currency every month, while renting the cheapest basement only cost 10000 a month.

Fortunately, he has seen many of these tricks on Earth, otherwise it would be easy to get caught in them.

"Okay, no need to say more, take me to see these two rooms."

Lloyd pointed to the cheapest line on the price list.

"Okay, please come with me."

The manager showed no signs of looking down on others, and his enthusiasm remained undiminished. So he took Lloyd down to have a look, and finally selected one of the restaurants.

After completing the payment registration, the manager placed a key and a user manual in Lloyd's hands, and continued to persuade:

"I believe that after you come here a few more times, you will like the atmosphere here and will definitely join us... Although you are from the Holy Inquisition, we have channels and conveniences that many religious groups do not have. , in fact, quite a few members of the cult chose to join us.”

"Okay, okay, I will consider it."

Lloyd took the key, turned around and left.

I don’t come here every day…

After entering the basement, Lloyd closed the door, then took out the materials and a newly purchased music box from his arms. However, he did not rush to do it. Instead, he flipped through the safety manual first.

The above mainly emphasizes various safety regulations and related legal provisions. Once trouble occurs, not only will you have to bear compensation and related expenses, but you will also be held legally responsible.

"It seems that there are experts here, maybe similar to Miss Desda's new security consultant?"

Lloyd said, throwing away the manual and walking to the test bench.

Although he chose the cheapest basement, the conditions were not bad at all. It was spacious, well ventilated, and had just the right lighting to illuminate every corner without appearing dazzling.

The corresponding facilities are completely sufficient, with a lounge and a separate bathroom. Test benches and supporting crucibles, beakers, droppers and other common tools for processing materials are also prepared. There are also appliances such as freezers and stirrers.

Although the rent is not cheap, it can be considered useful. Compared with the more expensive ones, it lacks some unused supporting services and high-end equipment. Anyway, Lloyd is quite satisfied.

He then began to recall the acquired knowledge in his mind, and then started to operate it.

First, soak the intellectual nematodes in spiritual ink, light the incense, and drip the dream flower juice into them in nine batches...

Bottled thoughts need to be activated with a simple ritual first, otherwise it will just be a ball of solidified floc. This is the key to making the music box play by itself...

Wind up the music box, and the soaked intellect worms will react to the sound it makes. Be sure to pay attention to the traces they leave in the spiritual ink...

Lloyd recalled while starting to operate.

The [Ritual Control] skill played a very crucial role at this moment, not only ensuring the accuracy of every step he took, but also making his techniques appear experienced and skillful, completely unlike a newcomer who was just starting out for the first time.

About an hour later, Lloyd came to the final step, dripping the last dream flower juice into the bottle of thoughts, and then mixing it with the spiritual ink containing the intellectual nematodes.

The original texture of the assembly was like a viscous floc, which has completely turned into a liquid state, showing a dreamy blue color. You can also see a few crystal clear lines flowing slowly in it, converging into small and delicate pieces. symbol.

Even if its own function is put aside, it is very beautiful and beautiful as a decorative ornament.

Put this jar of bottled thoughts into a music box that has gone through several processes, and it becomes a music box that can make sounds on its own, with the same effect as a sky-high-priced bell.

Put it into the whole ritual of "Concentration", and the tiny symbols transformed by the thinking worms in the bottle will start to flow, and the ritual will start to run.

Based on Lloyd's understanding of [Concentration], there is no need for subsequent testing. He dares to guarantee with his own character that this thing is absolutely effective, and the effect will not be much worse than the original.

What is really inferior to the bell is its durability. According to White Knight's own evaluation, this alternative has only a service life of more than 50 hours, only one-fifth of the original version...

But that's exactly what Lloyd wanted.

If it's too durable, how can you make money?

"This plan is exquisite. The white knight is indeed a powerful character. He really cannot be underestimated by the heroes of the world..."

Lloyd gave a very high evaluation.

Now that you have confirmed that the plan is effective, you can seriously consider making money.

Of course, as a progressive young man with higher education, Lloyd never considered plagiarizing other people's designs and selling them, nor did he directly sell this music box, which was just to make a small amount of money.

What he wants is for everyone to make money together, make it in the long term, and make it happily.

His ideal plan is to contact the White Knight first to see if he can further optimize and reduce costs, and then cooperate with his [Ritual Control] to try to give the popular ritual [Concentration] to Miniaturized and portable.

[Concentration] Currently, it can only be used in a fixed place, arranged in advance, and then effective within a fixed time.

Lloyd hopes to optimize these shortcomings and integrate the entire set of rituals into something as big as a music box. You can enjoy the effects of the rituals anytime, anywhere by just opening the music box.

It also has the property of being consumable, so you have to get a new one when the effect is used up.

This is a powerful product that is truly market competitive and can really make a lot of money.

The pricing is chosen in a range that directly addresses the pain points of users, making it stress-free to buy, comfortable to use, and painless to throw away.

At the same time, he would also ask his sister and Miss Desda if they were interested. It would be best if they could help him solve funding, production, promotion, sales, and management issues.

Lloyd didn't think he had the time or energy to deal with this.

The black soldier and black chariot will also be considered.

On the one hand, it is because the ownership of this modification plan has been sold to him by the White Knight, and he always has to take it with him; on the other hand, of course, he wants to sell his products to the whole world, and the wider the market, the better.

If everyone can successfully establish trust and cooperation, then more portable rituals with other functions will be launched in the future to make more money and achieve financial freedom as soon as possible.

However, these are Royd's preliminary ideas, and there are still many areas that need to be improved, and the first big problem still needs to be solved -

How do I contact the White Knight and win him over?

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