I upgraded and added points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 641 Chapter 643 I'm Tired

After roughly understanding the current situation and Lloyd's growth experience, the cheap uncle was generally satisfied. However, he did not speak afterwards. Instead, he kept his head down and wrote and drew on the metal book with his fingers.

About ten minutes later, he threw the metal book back to Lloyd and said:

"This is a method I thought of to deal with those fallen people. It might be very risky for others to carry it out, but if it's you, it should be no problem."

Lloyd picked up the metal book doubtfully and "read" the new content inside.

After a moment, he raised his head again with a confident smile on his face:

"No problem! This is a plan tailor-made for me!"

This plan can be simply summarized in two words:


It also gives me a sense of being involved in the game.

Specifically, Lloyd made good use of the corpse left by his cheap uncle outside, plus the remains of three other [Brilliant Gold] of the same level, and used this as a channel, using [Distortion] and [Falsehood] as means to steal this temple, or the divinity and [Immortality] of this evil god.

This may sound a bit abstract, but it is actually not simple at all.

I can only say that he is worthy of being the [Brilliant Gold] of the past. Even though he was weak, he still dared to help Lloyd resist his cheap uncle, the 'Arrogant Bastard'. The idea he came up with was crazy and bold, and he even dared to touch such a thing.

The key point is that Lloyd himself carefully considered it and found that the feasibility was indeed very high.

As if afraid that he wouldn't understand, the cheap uncle continued to explain:

"After hiding in a different dimension, this group of fallen people were favored by an evil god and were willing to become his minions."

“And this evil god is similar to that arrogant bastard. They are both ancient beings that exist in a ghost place like the alien dimension. The darkness and chaos of the entire alien dimension can be attributed to them.”

"In terms of level and dimension, they are lower than our Creator, and are not as good as those ancient gods you mentioned. Naturally, they are not as good as the executioner who brought down [Restoration]. In fact, they are just like us humans, and have not been able to transcend the limitations of dimensions."

"But the difference between the two is that one who becomes a pawn of a higher-dimensional being will wander around in the alien space, alert to any being who dares to provoke his master, such as you and me.

One is dying, waiting for the fallen to resurrect it."

"So I once made a bold guess. This evil god trapped in the same dimension might come from another world like ours. He is the god of their world... Of course, this is a baseless guess. You don't have to take it seriously."

“Although the evil gods are still a step away from being high-dimensional beings, they are still very dangerous to us humans.”

"So people in the past have tried to communicate with them, but I think you can see that they all failed..."

"The reason why the arrogant bastard is arrogant is that in his eyes, we humans are just tiny ants; and the reason why he is an bastard is that he is willing to become a guard dog and block the last legacy left by the Creator, which is our world."

"So some people carried out the bold [Dimension Upgrade], trying to break through the shackles of the world; and I am thinking about [Ascending to Godhood], hoping that our gods can protect this legacy."

"My ideas seemed too cowardly to many of them, and they thought I lacked the courage to forge ahead. But judging from the current situation, I was right."

Uncle Cheap talked a lot, his face became sad, and he sighed helplessly and asked:

"Ah... I wonder what you would think?"


Lloyd was stunned for a moment, then thought about it carefully and replied:

"In fact... maybe I have already accepted the insignificance of being a human being long before?"

He realized this when he was reading popular science knowledge about the universe on Earth.

However, in this world, due to the influence of the alien space, humans have not established such cognition.

Therefore, the question of "Are humans insignificant?" was not difficult for Lloyd to answer and accept.

"However, no matter how insignificant we are, we have the right to live and we have the right to look up at the stars."

Lloyd added one more sentence.

These words made the cheap uncle smile thoughtfully, and then nodded, indicating that he should continue.

Lloyd took a deep breath and gave the same answer as before:

"So, no matter what I become in the end or what situation I encounter, I will always be a human being and will always protect humans."

The cheap uncle was silent for a moment, took out the strange key from his arms and threw it over.

"Then go and become our God, starting with accepting my final legacy."

Lloyd took it and felt some changes on the key.

It has changed from a strange thing with unclear purpose to an attribute of [immortality].

It can be understood as the last strength and gift from the cheap uncle.

This "brilliant gold" named "Always Be Humble and Awesome" has given everything he has for human civilization.

This characteristic is the master key for Lloyd to steal the evil god [Immortality].

It is also the key for him to ascend to the throne of God.

Even earlier, Lloyd was able to avoid the sight of another evil god by wearing it with him, because it was at that time that his cheap uncle gave him the most precious legacy.

After realizing this, Lloyd made a very natural move.

He gave Cheap Uncle a big hug.

The cheap uncle was stunned for a moment, and asked unhappily:

"Why are you still acting like a child? You don't seem like the kind of person who would say those things before..."

Having said that, he had a relieved smile on his face.

Isn't such "weakness" and "childishness" part of human nature?

"Go, child, and protect this world as a human being."

Lloyd nodded vigorously, let go of his cheap uncle, and smiled again.

"Please rest assured, I have always been an outstanding young man who will never let you down!"

After saying that, he prepared to leave the trial scene.

But before leaving, his cheap uncle called him and seemed to have something important to tell him.

"Wait a minute! Is this the only set of clothes you prepared for me? Do you want me to wear this prison uniform forever?"

"Sorry, I'll arrange it for you right away."

Lloyd said this, raised his hand and snapped his fingers, and a long row of wardrobes appeared in front of him, with a wide variety of men's clothing hanging on them.

These are the styles that I wrote down when I was looking at fashion magazines with Evelor and Viya.

Of course, there are inevitably some designs that can be seen from the other side of the earth.

Then he continued to snap his fingers a few more times and filled the room with vinyl records, high-end red wine, delicious food, and a large pile of books, for fear that the cheap uncle would be bored here.

Of course, he had servants to serve him, and three 'NPCs' dressed as servants immediately appeared at the door of the room.

Seeing that his cheap nephew was quite caring, the cheap uncle nodded with satisfaction and waved his hand, signaling Lloyd to go quickly.

"Then wait for my good news."

Lloyd said as he gradually disappeared into the room.

As soon as he left, my cheap uncle immediately revealed a look of relief and enjoyment. His temperament suddenly changed from serious and rigid to relaxed. He looked like a rich man who had toiled all his life and could finally enjoy his retirement.

Then, he first looked at the servants his nephew had arranged for him.

This...is this a wolf in a suit?

What is this? How come this maid is floating in the air? Is she a human or a ghost?

And why does this young girl have a shark tail behind her butt?

Could it be that such humans have already appeared in the world?

Uncle Cheap was a little surprised. After thinking for a while, he didn't talk to the three servants who looked a little strange. Instead, he walked to the corner of the room, took out a vinyl record, put it on the phonograph, and planned to see Lloyd's musical taste.

"Chicken, you are so beautiful! Thump thump thump~ thump thump thump!"

Uncle Cheap only listened to it for a few seconds, then threw the record away and asked:

"Is there something wrong with Lloyd's aesthetics? Or is this the only kind of garbage that humans can create nowadays?"

"It should be the latter. After all, if you want to survive in such a difficult environment, art has become a luxury."

Although the cheap uncle was a little disappointed, he still held on to hope. He walked to the small bar in the room and picked up a bottle of red wine that looked very high-end and expensive.

Then pour yourself half a glass with an elegant posture and take a sip.


He tasted spicy, acetic, fruity, and peppery flavors in the wine, mixed with a hint of motor oil and rust.

This made the cheap uncle wonder if there was something wrong with his taste buds, but he still took another bite out of disbelief.


"Have humans stopped making wine now? So the Book of Madness failed to record the correct taste of wine?"

"You can't be without clothes, right?"

His last hope seemed to lie in that pile of clothes.

He hurried over and started to search and taste it.

The first few sets looked pretty good. Although the cuts and designs didn’t exactly meet his requirements, they were at least normal.

But as I flipped through the pages, something gradually started to feel wrong.

"This... isn't this a layer of frog skin? Wouldn't it look like a frog if I wore it?"

"What is this? A few leather belts are the top, and the pants are tight black leather pants?"

"This... isn't this a skirt? Why is it classified as men's clothing?"

"Why is it the tight leather jacket again? And what's with this locust-like helmet?"

After looking through the pile of clothes, a look of confusion and helplessness emerged on the cheap uncle's face.

Even the extremely firm belief in my heart began to waver.

Shouldn't we just destroy humans like this?

In the end, he could only place his hopes on the books left by Lloyd.

I picked up a book at random and saw the title:

Fantasy: Starting with a Lolita Sister

When you are tired, destroy it quickly.


At this time, Lloyd didn't know how much shock and impact the things he left for his cheap uncle in a hurry would bring to him.

As soon as I came out of the trial, I heard Hiltina's voice:

"If you don't come out soon, I'm afraid you won't be able to see me again."

As she spoke, she pointed to the deep darkness ahead.

There were waves of violent spiritual power fluctuations coming from there, along with large amounts of mental pollution.

Lloyd had adapted to it, but Hiltina had not. Fortunately, she was able to help share the burden, otherwise it would have been really dangerous.

"My uncle has completed the division of consciousness. He has preserved his last bit of rationality and humanity in the trial scene and has entered a state similar to that of the previous dean..."

"So his body that remained outside completely lost control and began to become restless. He should soon degenerate into a true descendant of the evil god."

Lloyd quickly explained, and immediately comforted:

"But don't worry, we have already discussed the countermeasures before. This time we will definitely be able to solve the problem once and for all. So, can you help me suppress the guy inside and make him less impulsive?"

"Hmm? I can try. What about you?"

Lloyd turned around and raised his chin towards the three corpses at the wellhead.

"I'll start with the simpler ones first, and then it will get easier and easier. But even so, I still need to concentrate all my attention."

"Okay, leave this to me."

As Hiltina spoke, she turned the huge sickle in her hand twice and protected Lloyd.

A huge amount of spiritual power suddenly burst out from his body, covering the dark area in front, and using the power of [Veto] to suppress this offspring of the evil god who was about to become fully active.

Lloyd seized the opportunity, ran to the well, and whispered:

"My apologies, seniors. If you can still hear me, I hope you can lend me a hand."

As he spoke, he grasped the key of [Immortality] in one hand and released his inspiration, enveloping the three corpses.

The moment they sensed the invasion of inspiration, the three corpses, or the temple itself, showed some reaction.

He shook slightly, as if he was about to wake up.

Lloyd was a little nervous, and he took a deep breath to calm himself down. Then, according to the method taught by his cheap uncle, with the help of some mysterious resonance of the [Immortality] Key, he began to capture the [Immortality] characteristics hidden in the corpse.

It feels a bit like holding a reference and looking for commonalities among a pile of messy things.

It's just much more dangerous and complicated...

So you have to concentrate your whole body and mind.

Fortunately, it didn't take long for Lloyd to catch something from the former dean he was most familiar with.

Then, it's time to put the anatomical skills that I have painstakingly honed into practice.

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