I upgraded and added points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 618 Chapter 620 An heirloom from the Engineering Department?

When he woke up the next day, Lloyd continued the same process as yesterday. He first [audienced the Saint], prepared for the next [transcendence], and then optimized the [illusion trial] to accumulate strength.

Perhaps the so-called saving the world should be this kind of calmness, accumulating little by little in the calmness, becoming stronger, and moving forward in the direction that you firmly believe in until the day when everything comes to fruition.

It is somewhat too romantic for a group of people to shout about passion, courage, friendship, bonds, love, hope and possibility, and that they can save the world by rushing up to fight the final boss.

In this way, Lloyd spent a regular week in the college, and apart from having two meals with Metis, he did nothing else.

This brought him another wave of numerical expansion.

Add more, add more, add more!

[Ding~Add points to complete]

[User: Royd]

【state:? ? ? 】

[Insanity value: 6/50000, upper limit: 10250000]

【Rationality: 10250】

[Spiritual power: 10250]

【Inspiration: 10250】

[Cognition: 10250]

[System: Distort LV7, reject LV7, falsehood]

The attribute expanded by 1000 points in a week, an average of more than 140 points a day, which is equivalent to level 28, more than one million mental pollution.

The efficiency is much higher than the previous six months.

The extra part mainly comes from the new function of "Eliminate Mental Pollution" in the new version of the mobile phone.

To use the evaluation of those lazy people in the Engineering Department, this function is really convenient and easy to use!

Some areas that I didn’t dare to research before, I now dare to do so; some knowledge that I didn’t dare to read before, I now can.

Lloyd was very pleased about this, and thought that both sides got what they wanted.

But the question is, can these guys find other excuses to sneak out and go fishing?

Can’t you transform yourself into Palu, work overtime, roll out the production line as soon as possible, and let more people benefit?

Alas...no pattern, no vision...

We cannot go on like this. If we allow these slackers to do whatever they want, it will be questionable whether mobile phones can become popular next year.

Lloyd had to find another way.

Since the problem mainly lies in time, we naturally have to find a solution by adjusting the speed of time flow.

The space storm has now dragged the Dream Theater into the time slowdown zone, allowing people there to have more fun and enjoy themselves.

Is it possible to move the workshop that produces mobile phones in as well?

In this way, the craftsmen outside only need to work one day, which is equivalent to working ten days. Wouldn't the much-needed productivity and production efficiency be achieved?

But the problem is that there is currently no suitable place in the alien space to set up these workshops.

There might be a way within Mitzkatok, but the resistance would definitely be great, which would be very troublesome. Lloyd also didn't want to cause any more large-scale fights.

Then... let's think of a solution from those school districts that were lost in the past?

And maybe we can find some legacy from the past, such as the workshops left behind by the engineering department, which can help save a lot of effort, and may even be more advanced and powerful than the current equipment.

However, these former school districts have long been "sunk" deep in the alien space. Even if Lloyd wanted to find them, it would be like looking for a needle in a haystack.

At least some guidance and clues are needed to help narrow the search.

So Lloyd went to visit Professor Toledo again.

After explaining his purpose, Professor Toledo looked at him in confusion and asked:

"Brother, do you have any misunderstanding about me?"

"How to say?"


Professor Toledo smoothed his clothes, straightened his collar, and said with his chest held high:

"I'm still young, right? Still old enough to party hard with young girls, so why do you think I know all that old news?"

"This... Don't you have any past data saved in your engineering department?"

"Maybe, but it's meaningless. You said before that the little legacy from the past has long been sunk in the alien space, just like a sunken ship in the sea. Even if I know what this ship looked like in the past, I can't help you find the sunken treasure, right?"

"That does make sense. Who do you think I should look for?"

"In my opinion, it's useless to look for anyone. You are already the youngest and most outstanding professor in the Department of Space. If even you can't be found, then others will have no chance."

Professor Toledo first criticized Lloyd, but then immediately proposed an idea:

"But... if relying on technology and academic means doesn't work, maybe we can try metaphysics and mysticism? See if divination can help?"

"That makes sense..."

Lloyd nodded, took out a box of matches from his pocket, and began to mutter:

"Where are those districts where the engineering departments used to be? Where are those districts where the engineering departments used to be?"

Professor Toledo, who was standing next to him, was startled and asked quickly:

"You just started like this?"

"if not?"

Lloyd asked back confidently, then reached out and threw the matchstick into the air.

My goodness, let alone any good or bad omen, the matchstick just disappeared, as if it had been confiscated by an invisible hand.

"It actually failed?"

Lloyd was also a little surprised.

Although his [Divination] skill had not been upgraded for some time, it was still at level 10. The few times he had used it before, he had always been able to obtain results and optimistic expectations.

This is the first time I have encountered a situation where there is no result at all and it fails directly.

"This isn't a multiple-choice exam. It's impossible to get any results just by relying on random divination. Don't underestimate the engineering department back then. The technology and equipment back then might have been more advanced than today."

Professor Toledo said with a smile on his face, and continued to suggest:

"So let's be serious. If you're really not good at divination, why not visit someone in the Department of Mysticism?"

"Hmm? If you hadn't told me, I would have almost forgotten that there was such a subject in the academy... I don't think I've ever met them before?"

Speaking of the Department of Mysticism, Lloyd felt that they were as mysterious as their name. It had been almost two years since he entered Mizkatok, and he had never had any contact with any of their people. As time went by, he almost forgot about it.

"Never met? How is that possible? Have you never held the hand of a pretty and cute junior school girl and walked around the academy?"

"This... it seems that there really is no..."

Lloyd scratched his head in embarrassment.

I have indeed walked around the college holding hands with a girl.

But that was Xildina, not some 'pretty and cute junior school girl'.

Metis fits the description of a 'pretty and cute junior high school girl'. I went shopping with her yesterday, but we didn't hold hands.

"What the hell... Professor Hildina is so strict with you? You've never held the hand of a pretty and cute junior school girl? You're now number one on the message board for both "Most Popular Male" and "Most Wanted Male"!"

"Even in our engineering department, a pretty girl came to me and asked if there was a way to meet you, but I was so busy with the work you found me at that time that I helped you reject this good offer."

"Okay, okay, let's not talk about this. I'm not a scumbag like you who has a bunch of mistresses. Let's get back to the Department of Mysticism. What does this have to do with 'the hand of a pretty and cute junior high school girl'?"

"There are many 'fortune-telling' and 'love-telling' stalls in the academy. Don't girls like these? Those stalls belong to the Department of Mysticism."

"Ah? Is there still such a thing?"

Lloyd was stunned.

After dinner yesterday, when he and Metis were strolling around the academy to relax, they actually passed by a 'love fortune-telling' stall.

Metis seemed quite interested in this and asked him cautiously if he wanted to give it a try.

But Lloyd was busy discussing the experience of [Trial of Illusion] with her at the time, so he immediately shook his head, corrected the topic, and said to himself:

"Some users reported that they wanted to add a love segment to the 'pay-to-win mobile game', but I rejected it. We are here to save the world, not to fall in love."


At that time, Metis lowered her head with a look of disappointment, her beautiful dark golden eyes drooped slightly, and she didn't want to continue walking with Lloyd.

"This stall that looks like a scam is actually from the Department of Mysticism?"

Lloyd asked again.

"Hey, hey, hey! Don't talk nonsense! If it were released into the world, it might be a lie, but for the Department of Mysticism, it is a very important practice. People rely on this to train and hone their skills, and the final result is very accurate, but..."

"Just what?"

"Many times, they don't tell the truth in order not to offend others."

Professor Toledo said with a smirk, and then added:

"By the way, if you find any clues, you must remember to bring back the treasure from the Engineering Department."

"A treasure? Your engineering department has such a good thing?"

"Who are you looking down on? If we really talk about our past financial situation, our Engineering Department is much stronger than your Space Department. It's just that times have changed and we are slightly suppressed by you."

Professor Toledo showed a look of unwillingness to admit defeat, and asked inexplicably:

"You've been to our engineering department, right? Remember the sculpture in the central square? That was the treasure back then."

"Ah? You mean... that octopus-like monster?"

Lloyd naturally remembered what the sculpture he was talking about was. Its appearance was an indescribable mass of various screws, parts, tubes, wires, hydraulic rods and the like. It looked like some kind of evil mechanical monster, and the style of the painting was very abstract.

In other words, I didn't know there was such an ugly thing here at the time, otherwise I wouldn't have bumped into the sculpture in the Knowledge Square during the space storm incident.

"Pah! What octopus? What monster? What nonsense! That is an absolutely epoch-making invention, created by many [Brilliant Gold], with nicknames like 'Universal Tool', 'Perfect Equipment', and even 'Wishing Machine'!"

"Uh...what's the scientific name?"

"Next-generation experimental all-area, all-weather, multi-functional, continuous autonomous array."


"Alas... you won't understand even if I tell you. Anyway, if you have a chance, find a way to get it back. If you can get this treasure back, don't even worry about the production capacity of mobile phones. You can even use it to create your future city. It will be a piece of cake."

"so smart?"

Professor Toledo nodded and said very seriously:

"That's right. The reason why I am so fascinated by 0-006 is because 0-006 was made using part of the design ideas and craftsmanship of this ancient treasure! For example, the Dream Theater, which has now become your vassal, was also built using this array."

"It's a pity that the catastrophe came too suddenly, and the academy was also affected by the "Miracle" of the previous dean, so we didn't have time to bring out this most important thing. Otherwise, the current situation of mankind would definitely be much better!"

"One of the ways our Engineering Department proposed to save the world is to recover this lost heritage. Unfortunately, we don't have the final say on this matter. Instead, we have to rely on people from your Space Department and History Department. It's embarrassing to think about it..."

"Okay, okay, go ask the Department of Mysticism. If you can really find this inheritance, I will introduce you to a beautiful girl from our Engineering Department."

"No, no, let me give it a try."

Lloyd waved his hands, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

So he came out of Professor Toledo's workshop and looked at the time. It was almost time for lunch, so he sent a message to Metis, asking her if she wanted to have lunch together.

Not long after, Metis appeared in front of him, jumping and skipping.

Although she had to wear a pair of sandals to walk outside, the whole pair of shoes could be said to be a few thin ribbons wrapped around her snow-white feet, revealing the front few toes painted with red nail polish. They looked like strawberries dotted on a cream cake, and looked particularly sweet and tempting.

"After dinner, take me to find those love fortune-telling stalls?"

Lloyd suggested.

"Can you look me in the eyes when you speak?"

Metis asked unhappily, and then took the initiative to stretch Lloyd's chin to make him move his eyes from his feet to his face, and then continued to ask:

"I suggested going yesterday, but you refused, didn't you? You even said that saving the world doesn't require romance..."

"The past is the past, and the present is the present. Besides, I am not here to tell my love fortune. I am here to tell other more important things."

Although Lloyd raised his head reluctantly, he still answered seriously.

"Is that so... After dinner, I'll take you to find the stall that's most accurate, right? I just don't know if others will be setting up stalls today."

So, after lunch, Metis led Lloyd to a bustling and lively side road next to the Knowledge Square.

This is the famous entertainment area in Mizkatok. All kinds of stalls and shops opened by students are set up here. Various cultural celebrations and entertainment activities are also held here.

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