I upgraded and added points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 594 Part 5961 Historical Truth

Lloyd had just put down the third "drifting bottle" when he saw more and more similar things rushing towards him from all directions. The dim lights inside flickered, as if he was surrounded by a group of fireflies.

Lloyd did not rush to reach out to grab it, but first assessed the current situation.

To be more precise, these 'drifting bottles' should be the last bit of obsession left behind after someone went deep into this 'forbidden library'?

Because this place is basically a Jedi for humans, other creatures cannot possibly understand something like obsession, so after discovering me, they exhausted their last bit of strength and floated over here, hoping to convey their last words?

Hmm...it doesn't look like it will have any adverse effects on me, so I can wait and see.

But... who on earth would go so deep into a place like this? This probably can't be explained by the 'courage to explore the unknown', right?

With some questions in mind, Lloyd motioned for Hiltina to wait for a while before reaching out to retrieve the "drift bottles".

Then, lines of last words appeared before his eyes one after another.

“Failed failed failed failed failed failed failed failed failed failed failed failed failed failed failed failed failed failed…”

"Humanity has no future... The world has no future. We are sinners, all of us!"

"sorry Sorry……"

"Is this what death feels like? I will sleep here forever, buried with the whole world."

"I can't accept this! Our plan was correct and great! Why did it end up like this? I can't accept this... I can't accept this..."

“Haha…hahahahahahaha, perhaps humans are creatures that only face up to their own insignificance before they die?”

Lloyd felt his mood becoming heavy and depressed as he read these last words filled with frustration and defeat.


He had almost finished reading these desperate and hysterical suicide notes, but he didn't get any useful information from them. He just felt depressed.

Until the last three "drift bottles" came to his hands.

Now that I'm here, I might as well finish watching it...

Lloyd didn't hold out much hope and picked them up one by one.

"If there are still humans who can find the last few things we left, remember to turn back immediately. Our plan has failed. This is a wrong path. Don't go any further! Turn back! Turn back immediately! Never set foot here again!"

"If you can see my last words and you can leave alive, you must find the Book of Madness. It is the last hope for us humans..."

"Haha, it's really ironic. The path that was once laughed at by all of us and regarded as naive is actually the right one? Who could have thought of it? It's a pity that everything is too late..."

The last three last words were obviously more rational than the previous ones, so much so that Lloyd felt sweaty even though he was in the "deep sea".

He also roughly guessed who left these "drift bottles"...

"Okay, now that we've finished reading, let's go back and talk about it later."

Lloyd spoke again to Hiltina who was silently accompanying him.


So Lloyd controlled his body in the real world, knocked on the light curtain at hand, and activated the return function of the depth device.

As his vision blurred and changed, he should have returned safely.

He quickly operated on the light screen, deleted all traces of his use, then opened a portal, returned to the dormitory, and collapsed on the sofa.


"Why are you sighing at such a young age?"

A question floated in from the window.

Lloyd turned his head and saw a pot of colorful chopped pepper fish head floating outside the window.

The former dean? Why did he suddenly come to visit at this time?

Coincidentally at this moment, his [Projection] was also automatically released and transformed into the appearance of Hiltina.

Even the little kitten who was supposed to be sleeping alone in the bedroom rolled over and rubbed against Lloyd's feet.

"Okay, let's sit down and talk..."

Lloyd asked the kitten to open the door for the former dean while he took out a bottle of strong liquor from his storage bag and gulped down a few gulps to calm himself.

The former dean came in from the window, and the first thing he said confirmed Lloyd's previous speculation:

"You... have seen them?"

"If you mean the bright gold that suddenly disappeared... then yes."

Lloyd nodded.

Xiltina interrupted thoughtfully:

"Eh? It seems that my guess is correct. The only ones who can reach such a place can be the most powerful and outstanding [Brilliant Gold] of that year."

"Ahem, Professor Hildina, your words are obviously not objective enough. The most powerful and outstanding [Brilliant Gold] should be in front of you."

"Please allow me to refute you. You might have been able to say that back then, but now, aren't you just a basin of strange toys?"

"Hey! Lloyd, your girlfriend isn't that good? Do you want me to introduce you to some prettier, more well-behaved, and younger girls?"

Lloyd's answer was with a helpless expression, he made a 'hands down' gesture, and then asked helplessly:

"Sigh...why are you two arguing about something like this at a time like this?"

"Isn't it because you look so serious as if the world is about to end? I want to liven up the atmosphere. Otherwise, what else can I do with just a pot of toys?"

"Well... can you at least tell me what that group of [Brilliant Gold] wanted to do in the first place?"

The former dean hesitated for a moment, and a simple word rang out from the fish's mouth:

"Upward dimension."

Although it was simple and easy to understand, it was shocking enough to make Lloyd and Hiltina open their eyes wide at the same time.

Even Lloyd saw the Saint of Veto with such a surprised expression for the first time. He looked a little dazed, which also showed how shocking this word was.

The so-called "dimensional upgrade" is actually very simple, just like the evolution from 2D paper people to 3D wives in pay-to-win mobile games, allowing humans, who are originally in the three-dimensional level, to move towards the fourth dimension.

However, although understanding the concept is simple, putting it into practice is another matter.

It’s just like the formulas in a math textbook. You can understand them, but that doesn’t mean you can solve the last few big problems.

But the former dean seemed to think his words were not shocking enough, and added:

"And it is taking all of humanity and the entire world with it to ascend to a higher dimension."

Lloyd: ∑(°口°)

Shiltina: o(Д)っ!

This is no longer shocking, it is against the will of heaven...

There was silence for three minutes before Lloyd asked in a slightly tired tone:

"No, if you want to do this yourself, you can say that you are brave enough to explore and move forward, but why do you want to tie up all of humanity and the entire world?"

“On the one hand, they believe that this will benefit mankind and lead mankind towards a brand new world and a broad future;

On the other hand, we humans are creatures that exist in three dimensions after all. If we rashly enter the fourth dimension, we may not even be able to find a foothold, and it is even unlikely that we will exist in that dimension. "

The former dean explained.

These words were easy to understand and did not require many details for Lloyd to comprehend.

It’s like the 2D paper figure in a pay-to-win mobile game. Even if it is printed out, it cannot stand steadily and will definitely fall to the ground as lightly as a piece of paper.

In other words, if there were no mobile phones or books, paper as a carrier in the three-dimensional world, these paper people would not be able to exist.

For them, mobile phones, books and papers are the "world" that sustains their existence.

No wonder when I was studying [Distortion] or space technology, I could occasionally sense some traces of the fourth dimension, but I couldn't capture it at all. It felt so far away beyond my imagination and obviously beyond my cognition.

This is because I am just a 'paper man' and it is impossible for me to reach the fourth dimension by myself...

After Lloyd briefly thought about it, he immediately asked:

"Since you knew their plan, why didn't you dissuade them? This action is obviously too dangerous, right?"

"How do you know I didn't? In fact, they invited me to participate a long time ago, but not only did I refuse, I also used every means short of force to try to dissuade them."

The former dean also answered helplessly.

"However, I am only a minority. There are only a few [Brilliant Gold] on my side, including the 'cheap uncle' you mentioned. Even if we use force, we cannot defeat the enemy."

"Ah... that's true... but why are those [Brilliant Gold] so determined to carry out this crazy plan? Why are they so sure that they will succeed? It can't be because they are all crazy and stupid, right?"

Lloyd asked again.

"Well... I can't possibly know what each of them really thinks. I can only say that some people probably want to make the world a better place, or want to gain more power; some people are tired of living and want to find something exciting; and there are also some people who have been bewitched and deceived by some existence, right?"

The former dean answered hesitantly, and then added:

"People who have been in high positions for too long and have lived too long will always have some strange thoughts. Can this be considered human instinct?"

Xiltina on the side nodded and agreed with this statement:

"That's true. Even I sometimes have some inexplicable thoughts, such as going to the City of Pleasure to pick a fight... Humans live too long, and it is often difficult for them to remain rational forever. Even if I have separated my rational thinking, I cannot avoid this situation."

Lloyd heard this and asked:

"Uh... so, the ultimate fate of mankind is to go insane?"

"Maybe? Maybe the essence of this world is chaos and madness?"

The former dean gave a somewhat puzzling answer.

Lloyd shook his head, without thinking deeply about this sentence, and quickly changed the subject and asked:

"Then how did all these [Glorious Gold] get wiped out? Why did they go deep into the 'Chaos Library'? That is the area that [Deep Mind Dive] can reach."

“I don’t actually know the full picture of their plan. I only know that if you want to upgrade your dimension, you must first be able to sense and touch the fourth dimension. Otherwise, the rest is out of the question, right?

So perhaps they wanted to use [Thinking Deep] to allow their thinking consciousness to reach the fourth dimension, but they failed at the first step of the plan. "

The former dean said, and then asked:

"You two have secretly conducted [Mind Diving] without our knowledge and have met them, right?"

"Uh... you really noticed something, so that's why you came here?"

Lloyd was not surprised that the former dean could discover his little trick. As one of them back then, he might be able to maintain some weak connection with many people and sense them through some secret ways.

The former dean also answered very frankly:

"Of course I am. Otherwise, why would I suddenly return to the academy to look for you when I was having so much fun with the young female students? It was because when I was having fun outside, I suddenly felt that they were probably really dead, so I came back to take a look."

"Well... Actually, when I met them, they had already died. The reason is still unknown. They just left a last word."

"Last words? Ha~ Let me guess, are they full of regret and remorse?"

"That's about right. Many people are desperate and are hysterical as if they are heading towards the end of their rope..."

Lloyd pursed his lips as he spoke, and mentioned the last two words that contained the most information.

"Only two of them were special. One advised me not to go any deeper, saying that this was not the right path. The other told me to find the Book of Madness as soon as possible, saying that this was the right path."

After that, he quickly asked:

"Are these two still thinking about upgrading their dimensions when they are about to die?"

"Who knows? But at least they left a painful precedent, which is enough to warn you, right?"

"That's true... I haven't thought about this kind of thing anyway."

Lloyd shook his head repeatedly and asked:

"So what caused their collective demise? Was the subsequent doomsday also related to this?"

"Why are you asking me this? It's not like I picked up their last words. I haven't even done a [Thought Dive] in my life. If I had the time, I would have found a girlfriend while I was still alive."

The former dean replied unhappily.

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