As soon as Everole landed, he looked at the cruel battle situation in front of him and listened to the sound of artillery shells whizzing past his head. He couldn't help but shiver, and then subconsciously protected Weiya.

Wei Ya was also stunned. She widened her beautiful eyes and stared blankly at the scene in front of her that she had never imagined, completely not knowing what to do.

However, the investigators reacted well. They quickly came to their senses and noticed the countdown in front of them.

Old York immediately reminded:

"Please be careful, ladies. Although this trial promises that no one will be truly harmed, it doesn't look like a joke."

"Ah good!"

Wei Ya woke up first and nodded, then she noticed why the petite Evelor was standing in front of her?

Lloyd's just like he said, no matter how dangerous or difficult the situation is, she always thinks about protecting others first?

It's great to have a sister like this, unlike those nominal 'sisters' in my family...

But she will be my sister from now on, hehe...

After some random thoughts, the tension in her heart was slightly relieved.

The investigator who always mentioned his first love seemed to have a lot of practical experience. Faced with such a chaotic battle situation, he actually came up with a seemingly feasible plan in just 30 seconds:

"Look at that bunker-like structure over there. It looks very sturdy. Let's find a way to hide inside it! Otherwise, it will be difficult to deal with so many flying monsters overhead without long-range firepower."

This suggestion, which was made in a very short time, was not only agreed upon by others present, but even Lloyd, who was hosting the event "off-site", nodded secretly.

He actually found the optimal solution right away? This guy is indeed a senior investigator, with very strong professional qualities, and is much smarter than those reckless people in the academy?

What followed was exactly as expected. As soon as the countdown ended, Old York, who was the highest-ranking person present, shouted loudly and activated the [Law] on his body. He suddenly expanded into a two-meter-tall muscular man. Not only did he have a terrifying ghost back, but his arms were also covered with rock-like strong muscles.

Facing two flying monsters swooping down at high speed, he stretched out his hands to the left and right in an extremely heroic posture, and accurately grasped the throats of the monsters. With his muscles flexing, he actually used brute force to break the necks of the two monsters?

Then he simply grabbed the monster's corpse and used it as a weapon, sweeping left and right, swatting away more monsters that pounced down like flies, clearing a path forward for everyone.

Investigator Bai Yueguang, who was at the end of the team, also showed great fighting power. He blocked several monsters that attacked from behind with [Declaration of Veto]. Even though he had no weapons in his hands, he used the hands of other NPC soldiers on the city wall to perfectly resolve the sneak attack from behind.

The two of them, one after the other, cracked the "opening lightning strike" specially set up by Lloyd with relative ease.

Compared to the appalling situation when Mitzkatok first entered this scene, these investigators outside, whose knowledge and academic level were far inferior to theirs, actually performed quite well?

Hiss~ It seems that the academy is really too focused on theoretical research, and has a strong bookish air. Faced with this kind of situation, they naturally perform worse than those investigators who have been working on the front lines of danger for years.

But didn't these guys say before that they were not good at fighting monsters? It seems that they were being modest...

Lloyd gave these investigators a very good evaluation in his heart. Seeing them protecting his sister and Weiya in the middle and running towards the planned battlement together, he couldn't help but nodded and smiled.

This is obviously not the most reasonable tactic. If we can boldly change it to let the sister take the lead and Wei Ya cover the rear, we can directly kill through this scene...

However, they made such a choice without knowing that the attributes of the two girls had already exceeded the limit, which demonstrated their noble character of protecting the weak and was more likely to win Lloyd's approval.

It was really a correct decision to choose them as the first batch of testers in the world!

At this time, the temporary team, with Old York who had transformed into a muscular man leading the way, rushed into the solid battlements safely and unharmed, and then noticed that this was actually a small armory, which contained a large number of weapons and various ammunition, and could be used as a strong bridgehead.

"Great! We found a weapon!"

The investigator who had been the most aggressive towards Lloyd before, 'Ghost' said excitedly, and quickly picked up an 'ancient weapon' from the ground, picked a shooting hole on the wall, and then shot at the monsters flying around outside.

"Hiss~ This weapon has such a fast firing rate? It's much more powerful than our latest bolt-action rifle. Just pull the trigger and more than a dozen bullets will be fired. Is this ancient weapon so powerful? It's a pity that the power seems not that good. It's far inferior to the stick that Teacher Lloyd lent me last time..."

That's because these data have been specially adjusted and strengthened by me...

Lloyd muttered to himself 'off the field'.

In fact, in this battle in the original history, although the human side had already used firearms such as guns and cannons, their power, firing rate, projection density, etc. were not very good, and were not as good as the level of the Earth side...

This is probably because the time point was in the early twilight era, and humans had not yet stepped out of the comfort zone of the glorious era. Compared with such hot weapons, they still relied more on stronger and more useful supernatural powers, such as indestructible fighting spirit and omnipotent magic.

Perhaps it was only after this disastrous defeat, and as the powers that humans originally relied on, such as fighting spirit and magic, became further polluted, that humans began to develop more thermal weapons, gradually evolving into the weapons and equipment used in the historical scenes that Lloyd had experienced.

But that should be the middle to late twilight era, right? The end of the world is not far away, so there is no point in doing all this.

Moreover, no matter how weapons are developed, the mental pollution problem caused by killing monsters can never be effectively solved, which is destined to make all efforts in vain.

This is getting off topic... Anyway, Lloyd took into consideration that the weapons of that period were too weak and this scene was indeed very difficult, so he made some compensatory enhancements. Let's just say it's Lloyd's mercy, right?

But they have not been enhanced too much. The power, firing rate, recoil and other parameters of these guns are roughly borrowed from the game of police fighting bandits on Earth. Only the appearance has not been changed and still maintains the original historical appearance. There are only specific marks on the bottom of the butt to distinguish them.

This means that testers have to pick up each weapon and try it out before they can understand its specific power and firing rate.

For example, the gun that Ghost got was based on the values ​​of various cheap submachine guns in that game. It was inevitable that there would be some scratches when hitting monsters. It would take three magazines to kill a low-level monster...

By the way, when changing bullets, you have to try a few more times, otherwise the bullets with different calibers will not fit in...

However, considering that these weapons, like in reality, can be injected with spiritual energy and the power of the supernatural system to make the bullets have various effects, the basic power naturally cannot be set too high.

And if he had been a little more careful when choosing weapons, he would have noticed that there was a very long gun pattern engraved on the bottom of the gun next to it. That was the most powerful "anti-material sniper rifle". It only took three shots to take away a monster. If spiritual power was injected into it, it could even kill one with one shot.

Of course, the most powerful of all weapons must be Lloyd's favorite "burst sniper rifle". If he uses this weapon here, he won't be voted out, right?

But then again, although this 'ghost' is not very good at choosing weapons, his sister is actually even more 'blind' than him?

What he was holding in his hand was actually the least powerful 'bandit pistol'?

The basic data of this gun is that you need to fire more than a dozen magazines, and every shot hits the vital point, to have a chance of killing a lowest-level monster...

But strictly speaking, the gun was not chosen by the sister herself, but was given to her by Viya for self-defense.

As for the firearms that Weiya chose...

Why is it a stun gun? This is really not a good idea, right?

Fortunately, the other investigators made good choices and all chose the main rifles in the original game, and Old York even chose the most powerful one.

"Uh... this gun feels terrible. Although the rate of fire is good, why does the muzzle keep pointing upwards when I pull the trigger?"

"My gun is pretty good. It even has a field of view magnification function. I've already used it to shoot down a monster!"

"My gun is also OK. It feels very soft and makes no sound when I shoot. But why does it seem to have fewer bullets than yours? Miss Evelor, can you pass me a magazine?"

"Okay, okay, can you try this?"

"Uh... it doesn't seem to work, I can't change it in..."

"Then I'll look for it again..."

As Evelor said this, he threw the gun in his hand aside and frantically searched through the pile of messy ammunition on the ground.

Obviously, she had the least practical experience among those present, and she didn't even know the iron rule of not letting go of the weapon...

Fortunately, the strategy proposed by Investigator Bai Yueguang was very reasonable at the beginning, and they found such a solid stronghold, otherwise...

I'm afraid her explosive extra attribute bonus will be exposed in advance...

Although the battle outside is still fierce, the test team has managed to stabilize it. As the powerful NPCs take off one after another to meet the enemy, large numbers of flying monsters are annihilated, and the danger on the city wall is quickly resolved.

"Wow? These ancient warriors are so powerful? And that armor is so cool!"

"Teacher York, can you tell what kind of power they are using? How come those monsters were shattered into pieces with just a wave of their hands?"

"I don't know much about history, but I've heard from others that the ancient 'fighting spirit' seems to be a very powerful system of strength. It is said that it can shatter a mountain with one punch."

"So those ancient warriors hanging behind are using 'magic'? Look, they release all kinds of colorful beams, fireballs, ice cones and so on at will. It's so easy for them to kill monsters!"

"Huh~ It seems that we have survived the biggest threat. Now we just need to wait for these ancient masters to clean up the battlefield, right?"

Just when everyone was feeling optimistic about the situation and thought they had been able to gain a firm foothold and hold their ground.

This scene entered the second stage of history...

"Ah!!! Ah!!!"

"Haha! Hahaha! I saw it! I saw it all!"

“Hiss~Roar, roar, roar…”

The ancient warriors who were clearing monsters like mowing the grass in the sky suddenly made all kinds of strange noises, and then either stood in mid-air, covering their heads with their hands, struggling in pain; or fell directly from the sky and rolled madly on the ground.

As for the ordinary soldiers on the city wall, their situation was even worse. At the very least, they would wail and struggle in pain, while at the worst, they would directly begin to fall.

"This...mental pollution?"

Old York, who was hiding in the battlements, saw this scene, and his facial expression, which had just relaxed, instantly tensed.

Investigator Bai Yueguang also looked nervous and said quickly:

"Isn't that right? Didn't the long description above specifically say that we wouldn't be mentally polluted?"

"We may not, but the historical figures in the scene may not be so lucky. Didn't the previous description specifically remind us in red letters? This is a battle that actually happened in history. We will fight side by side with the ancients and ancient strongmen of that twilight age...

However, no matter how hard we try, we cannot change the established history. After all, this is just a test..."

"I also remember that reminder that was specially highlighted in red. So this is the reason why the monsters suddenly evolved the ability to pollute the mind? Was this the reason why the fortress fell?"

"Stop chatting and engage the enemy!"

With a sudden wave of mental pollution, the originally optimistic battle situation collapsed in an instant. The humans could no longer organize an effective defense, while new species of monsters emerged that were bigger, stronger, and more dangerous.

In an instant, the only part of the entire wall that could launch a counterattack was this solitary battlement...

And around them, monsters like black waves have surrounded them tightly, looking like a tiny isolated island in the deep sea.

Even the bravest investigator would only feel despair when faced with this scene...

"Huh~ It's really a vivid history lesson, but fortunately it's just a history lesson..."

Old York sighed, looked at the battlements that were about to collapse under the continuous attack of the monsters, and shouted, transformed into a muscle monster again, and said in an especially heroic manner:

"Everyone, we are the last humans here, let's fight them!"

"Ouch! Charge!"

'Ghost' was the most reckless member of the team, so he was naturally the first to rush out, but was eliminated in an instant.

Then several other investigators rushed forward one after another.

Even the two delicate girls, Evelor and Weiya, were infected by this atmosphere. They gritted their teeth and rushed out together.


They know what 3000 points of critical damage means...

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