I upgraded and added points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 571 How do you communicate?

Through the small window on the door of the infirmary, Lloyd could see two judges wearing clown masks lying on the beds inside, one on each side. It was a perfect match...

"What happened to them?"

"Not the two of them, but they..."

Captain Fox said this with a smile on his face, and took Lloyd to the two adjacent wards, where he saw four of the same "patients" lying inside.

"They gathered together to check the knowledge crystal you left behind and turned out like this..."

Captain Fox explained again in a low voice.

This situation was obviously something Lloyd had not anticipated. He immediately thought of a bad possibility and asked:

"Ah... Are you suspecting that I am secretly plotting against you?"

"What are you thinking? If I really thought so, would I still bring you here?"

Captain Fox spread his hands and continued to explain:

"Our Chief Judge specifically said, 'It's not Lloyd' before he fell into a coma. He fell into a coma after saying that. He cleared the suspicion for you. Otherwise, it might really cause misunderstandings... So, they became like this. Do you have any clues?"

"Let me check on their situation first."

Lloyd said as he walked into the ward and first checked the two judges wearing clown masks, using both [Detection] and Inspiration Touch.

Well...there's nothing wrong with his mental state, he's just 'mildly insane', which makes sense.

It's not much mental pollution, just a small thing, so I just help to share the burden.

There were no external injuries, his spiritual power was full, and there was no sign of his thinking being disturbed.

But there was a subtle, familiar aura about his body, the kind that couldn't be detected without inspiration and careful inspection.

It's not [distortion], but rather [falseness]?

So, the conclusion is...


Lloyd had a rough idea in his mind and guessed the reason, so he nodded and said:

"Give me a bottle of juice quickly, and help me find a bed."

"Ah??? Are you also..."

"What's that tone of voice? I'm going to wake them up."

Lloyd replied with a smile.

So, Lloyd quickly drank a bottle of iced juice and found a camp bed in the lounge next door to lie down. After instructing Captain Fox not to disturb him, he closed his eyes and entered the [Thinking Realm].

As soon as I came in, I saw the tentacle grass twisting slowly there. It looked very human and leisurely, as if it had no projects to do and was just taking a break.

So Lloyd walked over quickly and lifted the glass cover.


The tentacle grass immediately assumed a human-like alert posture, perhaps having a bad premonition.

Lloyd asked directly:

"There are a few people out there who have read the videos you analyzed last time and then fell into a coma. Do you have any idea about this?"


Tentacle Grass immediately made a "pinching chin with hand" posture, which was a bit similar to Lloyd's usual posture, and then fell into thought.

Then he explained the reason to Lloyd:

“Boo! Boo! Boo!”

I don't understand what you are asking for...

Lloyd had no choice but to tell Tentacle Grass his previous speculation and discuss it with him in a question-and-answer format.

After receiving a series of positive responses, it can be considered that the speculation is correct.

"So the reason they fell asleep is that they accidentally fell into a [Trial] that was beyond my control, right?"


Tentacle Grass nodded and continued to dance, trying to explain something to Lloyd.

“Boo! Boo! Boo!”

It's a bit like when something went wrong, the product side is trying to shirk responsibility...

But Lloyd didn't understand after all, so what could he do? He could only nod like those Party A on Earth, and then asked:

"Yeah, okay, okay, I get it. So what's the plan? How do we get them back?"


The tentacle grass waved its limbs at a faster and more crazy frequency, and then a "live broadcast interface" appeared from behind and appeared in front of Lloyd.

A very retro horse-drawn carriage appeared in the picture, driven by a middle-aged man with an honest look in the front, and five people sitting in the back, with distraught looks on their faces.

Among them was a middle-aged woman who was not very good-looking but had a heroic temperament. She gave people the feeling of a strong woman, like the leader of this group of people. She was the only one who remained calm on her face without too much frustration.

As the carriage swayed along, these people were still chatting in low voices:

"We have been trapped here for a week, right? The people outside...are they really not going to rescue us? Or...our real bodies are also trapped here, and they can't find us at all?"

"Alas... everything points to the worst possible scenario. It's all my fault for not suppressing my damn curiosity..."

"What's the point of talking about this now? Let's find a way to get out first... Damn, is this world so primitive? It's like the kind of place in the bard's tales."

Several other men were discussing, but the woman in the lead remained silent, frowning in deep thought.

It was not until a long while later that she seemed to suddenly realize something. She raised her head abruptly and looked at the gray sky above her head.

When he looked up, he met Lloyd's eyes, who was looking at the "live broadcast interface".

Then she stretched out her hand and waved towards the sky, as if to say hello to Lloyd.

This action surprised Lloyd a little.

What a sharp perception ability, he should be worthy of being the leader of the Holy Grace Court whose whole body attributes are all '? ? '. His naked eyes are stronger than anyone else present, and his strength is probably not inferior to that of the big brother. Obviously, he is also an eighth-level strongman.

The identity of this woman is certainly not difficult to guess. After all, she is the only woman among the six people lying on the hospital beds. She is naturally the Grand Inquisitor of the Holy Grace Court who wears a colorful clown mask and the leader of the Holy Grace Hunters.

It was she who had chased and intercepted her on the clock tower, and in the end she had no choice but to send Ai Luoluo back...

Let's not talk about the little things in the past. Lloyd was surprised that, as he expected, she was trapped in a "wild trial" or "story" that was beyond her management, but she was still very clear-headed and could even catch his spying at the first time.

This obviously exceeded the "design indicators", and the tentacle grasses that were watching with Lloyd were a little surprised, and they cried "嘤嘤" to express their shock.

"Maybe it's some kind of intuition from a powerful person in a high position, or maybe it's the professional experience she has accumulated from fighting wits and courage with criminals for a long time?"

Lloyd tried to explain, and then asked:

"Is there any way to respond to her?"


The tentacle grass gestured on the 'live broadcast interface', and then a few rays of sunlight appeared in the gray sky, piercing through the thick clouds. The places where the sunlight appeared formed a '√' shape, which looked like someone had drawn it on the clouds.

After receiving such a response, the woman in the carriage finally showed a slightly relaxed smile, nodded, then stretched out her hands and began to make deaf-mute sign language towards the sky.

Her hand movements were extremely fast and smooth. To Lloyd, it looked like a ninja making hand seals. He couldn't understand it at all and could only complain in his mind:

In fact, wouldn't it be better to just speak? I'm not deaf, and you're not dumb...

"Then tell her not to worry and rescue them immediately."

Lloyd gave Tentacle Grass another instruction.


Tentacle Grass wrote and drew on the 'live screen' again, using the sunlight to make the gray sky present a new pattern:


No...what's that expression on your face?

How can anyone understand a pattern like this that you draw?

Lloyd was complaining in his heart, but he saw the Chief Judge nodded vigorously, then let out a long breath and said to the others in the carriage:

"Well, we'll be rescued soon."

"Ah??? Your Excellency the Grand Inquisitor, you mean..."

"Someone is spying on us through some channel. I communicated with him and he is trying to find a way to rescue us."

"So you were communicating with the other person by suddenly using sign language towards the sky? I thought you couldn't handle the pressure and were cursing in sign language..."

"Can you think of something normal?"

The Chief Judge said this unhappily, then simply closed his eyes and began to rest, his face finally revealing the fatigue that had been concealed for so long.

Lloyd, who was watching the 'live broadcast' outside, was stunned. He had no idea how she and Tentacle Grass were able to communicate across servers, species, and languages.

However, this did not delay the subsequent rescue, and Lloyd did not need to take action. The tentacle grass continued to gesture on the "screen", and soon a portal appeared out of thin air in the direction of the carriage's movement.

The appearance of the portal looked very strange and bizarre, and particularly disgusting, as if it was pieced together from various bones, flesh, and organs, and it was even wriggling slightly. Rather than a door, it was more like some kind of creepy monster, grinning with a bloody mouth, waiting for its prey to fall into its trap.

This kind of portal, if nothing unexpected happens, it would be a miracle...

Even Lloyd frowned when he saw it and said unhappily:

"Remember to change to a more anthropomorphic art style next time, and improve your artistic taste. Otherwise, how can I promote you to project manager?"


Tentacle Grass responded aggrievedly, and then turned his head to look at the environment he was in...

The sky was gloomy with a strange blood moon hanging in the sky. In the distance was a desolate and silent land with tall black towers standing upright.

It is probably implying that being in such an environment and being influenced by it every day, how can we still talk about the artistic aesthetics of snake skin?


When the people in the carriage closed their eyes tightly, held their breath, prepared themselves, and put on an attitude of "sheep walking into a tiger's mouth", and finally rushed into the curious portal, they immediately woke up on the bed next door.

The first thing everyone does after waking up is to touch their face to see if they are wearing a mask.

It was as if this mask had been worn for so long that it had become an important organ of the body...

Then they all sat up, checked their physical condition, and took out their pocket watches to check the time.

"Huh? Only twenty hours have passed? But I feel like I've been trapped in that damn place for almost a month!"

"Didn't you just say it was only a week? How come it's already a month? Will it be a year next time?"

"You... stop talking nonsense! How could it become a year? It must have become an era!"

"…………What's your mental state? Are you crazy?"

"No, no, I feel refreshed, as if I had a good sleep. Come to think of it, I haven't had a vacation for three consecutive months, right?"

After a few small talk, several judges gathered in the most important ward again, surrounding their leader. When they were about to ask something, the chief judge wearing a colorful clown mask took the initiative to speak:

"Don't ask me, ask him."

As soon as he finished speaking, Lloyd walked into the ward.

"How are you guys? Are you feeling okay?"

As he said this, he unceremoniously took out the glowing bald man that he had used once before, and turned on the "lighting mode two", causing a circle of strong light to shoot out from the man's bald head, and then shone it towards one of the men's eyes.

"Oooh, ooh, ooh, ooh!"

"Well, normal, next one..."

"No! Spare us!"

"That won't do! Do you know how many times your people have fooled me?"

"But your light is obviously too bright, isn't it? Ouch, ouch, ouch!"

After giving the other five people a routine check, Lloyd walked up to the chief judge and adjusted the brightness of the bald man to the highest level...

But the other party didn't resist at all, but instead acted resolute and ready to be killed?

After being shaken, there was no sound at all, so Lloyd couldn't find the pleasure of revenge...

He even said calmly:

"Have you finished the inspection? Can you explain to us what is going on?"

"Well, to put it simply, you have performed some wrong operations, which have resulted in you being trapped in a unique spiritual realm, or a realm of thought..."

Lloyd briefly explained the reason, and then took the initiative to attack before the other party could ask for censure:

"Didn't I leave a portal open? Who attacked? Don't you know that this is a very dangerous and illegal operation?"

Someone immediately raised his hand and said in a shameful tone:

"Uh... Sorry, it's me... I was startled by the sudden appearance of the portal, and I lost control and attacked, which ended up hurting everyone."

However, some people did not buy into Lloyd's tricks and asked back:

"We can't blame him entirely, can we? The knowledge crystal you left behind is indeed unique. We have never seen anything like it, and you didn't warn us in advance."

Fortunately, Lloyd had anticipated this and said:

"Why didn't I remind you? Didn't I emphasize that it would be best to find more people to check the crystal together? I just didn't expect that you guys haven't even come into contact with this type of crystal before?"

"Well...well, we haven't had any contact..."

In this way, the issue of responsibility was evaded.

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