Among the people present, only five people did not go to "watch" the memories shared by Lloyd, and they were also the minority who had not previously ridiculed Lloyd.

They either had a thoughtful look on their faces, looking through various recorded data; or walked back and forth beside the instruments; or were lost in deep thought with their heads down.

This may be because they are willing to believe Lloyd's words, or they may have a deep respect for Mitzkatok, or they may be responsible for operating the instruments nearby.

The rest of the guys who had activated their inspiration and touched the crystal of knowledge suddenly froze in place.

For several minutes, they were stunned and had no reaction. Apart from their breathing and heartbeat, they looked like lifelike sculptures.

Lloyd had not expected this situation, and he was completely puzzled.

Logically speaking, consulting the Knowledge Crystal should be like reading a slightly sci-fi e-book, right? Just like the last time I read the "book" given to me by the Sage of Knowledge.

Even if I was a layman, there shouldn't be such a big difference, right? Why are all of them so still?

What's more, the memory I shared was only about ten seconds long, why does it take so long to look it up?

While Lloyd was thinking about this in his mind, he approached the motionless people and waved his hand in front of their eyes.

After all this commotion, those people finally showed some reaction, at least there were some changes in their facial expressions.

Someone's eyes suddenly opened wide, as if he had seen something extremely terrifying;

Some people tightly closed their eyes, not daring to look any further;

Others had expressions of admiration and worship, as if they were about to kneel down and worship in the next second;

Only Old York, who had the highest rank at the scene, remained relatively calm and composed, but the fine layer of cold sweat oozing from his forehead revealed his inner panic.

At this time, someone who was not participating noticed something strange and asked quickly:

"What happened to them? Why are they suddenly standing still?"

"Well... there may be a small accident, but don't worry, the situation is still under control."

Lloyd first said something to comfort the other party, then he quickly ran to sit on an empty sofa next to him and returned to the [Thinking Field].

When he approached these people earlier, he noticed that their state was a bit like entering a mature version of the trial, but also like falling into a gap between reality and illusion.

But Lloyd was simply extracting this memory and using the tentacle grass to make it into a knowledge crystal. Why did something like this happen?

Therefore, as soon as he returned to the [Thinking Realm], he immediately went to find Tentacle Grass to question it, and threatened it that if it didn't handle it well, not to mention the position of project supervisor, even the position of project manager would be lost, and he would probably be laid off!

The tentacle grass kept calling out "嘤嘤嘤" and gesticulating, trying to explain to Lloyd, but it was no use, as Lloyd didn't listen to a word it said.

Seeing that he was about to be optimized, Tentacle Grass quickly thought of a clever idea and quickly pulled out a live broadcast screen from behind him and placed it in front of Lloyd.

The scene just happened to show Old York helping a scholar who had fallen to his knees to his feet, and then patting him hard on the cheek, trying to wake him up.

This guy first showed a trance-like look, then shook his head vigorously, gradually sobered up, then grabbed Old York's arm and asked in a roaring voice:

"Did you see it? Did you see that thing just now?"

"Calm down! I don't know what you saw! We all see things differently."

"Okay, let's explain it when we get back. Let's wake everyone up first."

As Old York said this, he ran to wake up those guys who were rolling on the ground with their heads in their hands or curled up in isolation.

The area they were in at the moment was exactly the ancient street in Lloyd's memory, where the Son of Chaos had appeared. Everything was perfectly restored, including the devastation and the suffering of all living beings on the ground...

But the people from Mitzkatok that Lloyd remembered did not appear, only today's 'newcomers'.

Lloyd outside the screen looked at this scene with a thoughtful expression and nodded slightly, roughly understanding what the tentacle grass wanted to express before.

It probably meant that Lloyd's own memories and the 'video' that he had given to the Clown Judge before, although they both looked like crystal clear crystals, were completely different in essence.

In short, it might be because Lloyd gradually deepened his understanding of the [illusion] system, or perhaps it was some other unknown reason, which caused the memory he analyzed to become a simplified version of the [illusion trial].

There are no rewards here, no ingenious plots, and even no NPCs. There is only a scene in memory. Even if you want to monitor it, you have to come back to the [Thinking Realm] and use the "live broadcast" of the tentacle grass. It can be said to be very simple.

But even with such simplicity, Lloyd could smell a hint of the 'Chaos Realm'...

And it was not the familiar [history], but a completely new chaotic realm that even Lloyd himself had never encountered.

Neither Lloyd nor Tentacle Grass could explain why a piece of their memory would involve the dangerous concept of the Chaos Realm.

Lloyd could only guess intuitively that this might be related to the phrase "face chaos" in the muttering.

Obviously, as a condition for those who want to become gods, 'facing chaos' is probably not as simple as it sounds, and it certainly does not mean falling into the realm of chaos, even if it is 'facing chaos'.

Lloyd vaguely felt that this unexpected situation might be an opportunity to solve the puzzle of "facing chaos".

It's just an opportunity, not even an idea or a clue.

But Lloyd still seized the opportunity and looked at the live broadcast in front of him very seriously, and asked casually:

"Is there any way to get them out?"


The tentacle grass waved its hands first, then waved its hands again.

Maybe it's to express that there's no way out, but these people shouldn't be in too much danger?

At least for now, they seem to be unharmed and not mentally polluted. Except for the fact that they seemed to have suffered a wave of mental shock when they just came in and saw some strange things, they can be said to be unharmed.

And now, under the chairmanship of Old York, everyone was "fished out" and gathered together, carefully exploring this desolate and dilapidated ancient street, while whispering:

"What did you see just now? Why are your face covered with tears and snot?"

"I saw my first love who died young come back to life, marry me, have children, and live a completely different life...what about you?"

"Ah? Is this what you saw? Then why did I see a bloody battlefield with dark monsters coming like a wave, scaring me so much that I could only hold my head and tremble. Even now when I think about it, I still feel scared..."

"Are you all okay? You are much luckier than me. What I saw was an indescribable mysterious existence, extremely twisted, hideous, and evil, but extremely tall, noble, and majestic. In front of Him, I am just a speck of dust, not even as good as an ant. I dare not even look at Him directly, and can only kneel down and worship Him instinctively."

Some people discussed what they saw before they woke up, while others focused more on the present:

"What the hell is this place? Why can't I control the spiritual power and inspiration in my body? What did that kid do to us?"

"What a tragic scene, with mutilated corpses everywhere. Has this place been looted by monsters?"

"Everyone! Listen to me! I have studied ancient buildings for some time. I just got close to it and took a closer look. I can basically confirm that this is an ancient street. It is not an imitation of an ancient street, but a pure, real ancient street!"

"What do you mean? Does it mean we went back in time?"

"No, to be exact, it's a bit like the fifth 'transcendence' of the 'Veto' system. We have come to a period of past history."

"How is this possible? I have also experienced the fifth ritual of the [Veto] system. It is completely different from here. Although I cannot describe the specific difference, I am willing to guarantee with my personality that this place is definitely not the situation you described."

"Yes, I have also experienced the fifth Transcendence of the Veto system. I agree with what he said. This damn place is completely different from the original ritual. Even though it looks somewhat similar, there is an essential difference that is difficult to describe."

"Yes, I am also a fifth-level [Veto], and I share the same view as the other two. Putting aside the differences that I cannot explain, if you want to perform the fifth [Transcendence], you need meticulous and careful preparations, complicated rituals, and various expensive and precious materials. How can you do it just by touching the crystal of knowledge?"

"Alright, alright. I'm willing to believe what you said. That kid isn't even at level five, right? So he certainly doesn't know what a level five ceremony is like, and there definitely isn't such a scene in his memory. However, this makes the problem even more complicated..."

"Yeah, what the hell is this place?"

Lloyd outside the screen listened to these people's discussions very carefully, and gradually had some insights and ideas in his mind.

Strictly speaking, these people did not really fall into the realm of chaos, but simply experienced it, or simulated it, in this special way.

If the Chaos Realm is compared to the dark deep sea, then this crude version of the trial transformed from memory is a diving bell. These people experienced an immersive "deep-sea diving" from a first-person perspective through the "camera" inside the diving bell.

It is a bit similar to those "cloud players" who watch anchors play games.

No wonder Tentacle Grass swore that these people were not dangerous, and no wonder they could wake up so easily. It turned out that it was because of the "network cable" that was separated by a long distance.

It's impossible that someone would get themselves into trouble by watching a live broadcast, right?

As for their different reactions before, it is easy to understand.

As the saying goes, there are a thousand Harry Potters in the eyes of a thousand people. It's like when someone sees the anchor complete an extreme counter-kill, they are immediately amazed and give him "666" or send him gifts.

Some people questioned the host's decision, or thought that the person on the other side was an actor hired by the host.

What these people are 'observing' is still the realm of chaos, a place known for its disorder, confusion, mystery and randomness. So what they can see and the perceptions they can have are naturally more random and complex.

Lloyd nodded thoughtfully, and tried to summarize some laws related to the chaotic field.

From this point of view, when humans touch the realm of chaos, they will see all kinds of messy pictures. It may be a completely different life, a past history, or some indescribable precious object. It is completely random and has no rules.

And this memory of mine can be understood as a diving bell in the deep sea, or as a relatively stable anchor point in the chaos and disorder...

This is somewhat similar to that period of [history]. After all, in my mature version of the trial, although testers can go to various historical scenes in different time periods, no one has really seen their own Bai Yueguang resurrected...

This is the role of the anchor point, it can limit a rough range so that chaos no longer appears so disordered and random.

As for the reason for the formation of the anchor point... I have no idea for now. Could it be because I killed a Son of Chaos at that time?

And can [History] become a similar anchor point, is it because I once walked with my good brother for a period of time and witnessed His appearance and final fall?

If we continue to make a bold assumption, the reason why the Sons of Chaos suddenly invaded that period of [history] was because there was such a relatively stable area in the chaos, which was like a stain on a painting or a fishbone in the throat to them living in the chaos?

After Lloyd made some wild speculations, a helpless smile appeared on his face and he pursed his lips.

I have made so many guesses, but there is no way to verify them. They don’t even make sense logically…

Moreover, these speculations don’t seem to have much to do with the situation of Miss Via and Miss Desta’s family?

In the end, he could only reluctantly withdraw his thoughts and focus on reality first...

While he was daydreaming, the people in the 'live broadcast' had been wandering around for a long time.

Although there was no danger for the time being, they could not find a way out. As time went by, they inevitably fell into anxiety and panic.

People placed their hopes on Old York, wanting to hear what he had to say.

But no one knew what Old York was thinking. He had remained silent since earlier, without saying a word. Even his eyelids were slightly drooping, as if he was thinking about some very complicated problem.

It was not until those around him urged and questioned him again that he opened his eyes with an unhappy look on his face and said unhappily:

"You guys... are just like what Lloyd said. You can't accept things beyond your own knowledge, and you don't realize how precious the opportunity you have right now is. Sigh... I don't know if I should say that you are all a bunch of ignorant liars."

"Ah??? Are your accusations a bit excessive and groundless?"

Old York smiled coldly, but still said unceremoniously:

"Haha, I just didn't say anything too harsh. When we get out later, or when you realize how precious this opportunity is, you will only curse yourself with even harsher words."

"This... Even if we are willing to accept your criticism, we still have no idea of ​​the situation? We don't even know what to do to seize this opportunity?"

“You don’t need to do anything. Just wait quietly, think, and feel until the moment when time runs out, instead of chattering so noisily.”

Old York said, and simply stopped walking. He found a relatively clean piece of ground and sat down. He closed his eyes again and sighed:

"Alas... Lloyd is such a generous and good boy. Even though you questioned him like this, he did not give up his noble character and was willing to share this truly precious thing with you ignorant guys..."

The people around him were confused and had no idea why he suddenly started to blow the horn and even turned against them.

However, due to Old York's authority in the industry, no one dared to talk back. They could only stand there in awkward silence, scratching their heads or frowning in silence. They all hoped that Old York could give them a serious explanation.

But Old York stopped talking and fell into silence.

It was not until another two minutes later that he suddenly opened his eyes and said something inexplicably:


"Come? Sorry... you mean..."

"The thing you want to see is a level 10 danger."

Old York responded simply and looked towards the end of the street.

The rest of the people also followed his gaze and looked over.

Then, in an instant, everyone froze in place, their eyes wide open, their pupils shrinking rapidly...

It was not until just over ten seconds later that they regained consciousness and found themselves back in reality.

Everyone's first reaction was to pinch themselves first, then touch their limbs and check if all body parts were intact.

Then, everyone except Old York's legs went limp and they collapsed to the ground.

Some people were sweating profusely, their lips were purple, and they were still trembling slightly;

Some people foamed at the mouth and fainted from the intense fear.

Others quickly took out the tokens of love they carried with them, family photos, etc., and kissed them non-stop, saying incoherent words of thanks.

Even though Old York was still standing, his legs were actually shaking constantly. He quickly took out a wine jug from his arms, unscrewed the cap with trembling fingers, and drank several big gulps of wine.

Then he sighed in a low voice:

"Have I already died once?"

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