I upgraded and added points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 510 Chapter 510 Dean, hold on!

While waiting for the former dean to ponder, Lloyd also controlled the school district to slow down, then carefully released his inspiration and checked the situation outside.

Hmm...it's pitch black...

It felt like I had neither returned to the old campus nor visited any specific physical place. It was just a desolate alien space, like an endless ocean.

Moreover, it was quite far away from the academy, and the location was deep enough, as if one had truly entered an endless deep ocean.

How could the former dean dump his body so far away?

But objectively speaking, considering his situation at the time, wanting to preserve the academy as much as possible, this was almost the only option in the situation, right?

Lloyd pondered it in his mind, and then boldly extended and spread his inspiration further.

Soon, he noticed some subtle changes in the farther space around him.

I could vaguely hear some tiny sounds, like some creature was whispering, or like something was being chewed.

But no matter how hard he searched for inspiration, he couldn't find any concrete objects, as if it was just an illusion in his ears.

This made Lloyd feel like he was driving a small boat, drifting on a dark sea. Looking around, he saw nothing but emptiness. However, he also felt that something was looking at him under the dark sea, as if it was evaluating the delicious food that was about to be eaten...

And this ocean is so heavy and thick that even the indestructible space storm can only create some ripples on its surface.

Lloyd couldn't help but feel a chill and experienced the so-called fear brought by nothingness and the unknown.

Humans are still too insignificant...

Fortunately, we are using the school district for space travel this time, and we are also using a space storm to escort us. If we really use a narrow and fragile tool like a space elevator, we really don’t dare to do it in this situation...

As Lloyd was pondering, the former dean who was frozen in place beside him suddenly trembled twice and made some movement.

"Hmm...it should be in that direction..."

He spoke in a low voice, and released some inspiration, giving Lloyd a general direction.

But his voice suddenly became extremely old and hoarse, and the lifeless feeling could not be concealed at all. It was completely unlike his usual cheerful appearance. It seemed that he had suddenly changed from an ordinary young man to a dying old man.

"Are you okay?"

Lloyd asked worriedly.


The former dean simply responded in a low voice, and then stopped talking. He just staggered back to the ground and stopped beside a slightly raised mound of earth, as if he was leaning there to rest, or as if he had already chosen his next burial site.

This...his condition is very bad?

Or just give up?

Lloyd couldn't help but back down in his heart.

But the former dean seemed to have guessed his thoughts, and tried hard to open his cartoon fish lips and said weakly:

"Don't worry... You won't die for now... This is... a normal reaction when approaching the host..."

These words reminded Lloyd of his limited understanding of thinking styles or consciousness segmentation.

Theoretically, no matter which method you use, you can't completely split yourself into two people. If that were the case, you would be doomed...

Therefore, no matter how they are divided, there must be some connections and influences between the separate thoughts and consciousness, and there must be a distinction between primary and secondary.

For example, Hilda is mainly the cold and rational part, while the emotional part that is affectionate and affectionate with herself accounts for a much smaller proportion, so she will often be rational.

This is one of the reasons why Hiltina is not as clingy as Elolo most of the time.

Back to the situation of the former dean, his current part of the chopped pepper fish head thinking is definitely a minor part that accounts for a small proportion, so the closer he is to his past body, the stronger the impact he will receive, and the more he will appear to be old.

Perhaps his memories of the past would have the same effect. After all, being in this half-dead state must be very uncomfortable, right? If he didn't think about it, he might feel better. But once he thought about it, he would naturally feel uncomfortable.

It's like the deadline set by Party A. As long as you don't look at the calendar, you can ignore it. But as long as you look at it, you can instantly imagine Party A's furious look...

But these are not the main points. The real trouble right now is that the former dean has changed from a chopped pepper fish head to a half-dead salted fish head. How can we find his body?

Lloyd was in a dilemma...

But as the saying goes, now that we are here, we can only figure out a solution ourselves.

He then adjusted his current moving posture, first untied certain constraints on the space storm, and allowed the space storm entrenched inside the school district and acting as a driving force for advancement to gradually move to the periphery of the school district, wrapping up his own school district, which was equivalent to the calm center of a storm deep inside.

In this way, the speed of drifting in the school district will naturally slow down, but at the same time it will also be safer. For the time being, there is no need to worry about any valuables suddenly jumping out from another space and showing off to you.

At the same time, as it lost its restraints, the space storm in the depths of this alien space became more and more active and violent, as if it was like a fish in water. Its size also began to recover rapidly to its original form from the three parts it was divided into before.

Fortunately, Lloyd's [Space Control] has improved a lot compared to before, so the situation is still under his control. However, he has to pay some attention to the expansion of the space storm to prevent it from getting completely out of control.

As the space storm was released and gradually expanded, it could only cause a few ripples before, but now it can have some substantial impact on the surrounding alien space, gradually "blowing" away the surrounding darkness and exposing some things hidden in it.

It was as if a hurricane swept through the desert, revealing the ancient city of Jingjue that had been buried under the yellow sand to the surface.

Lloyd quickly released his inspiration and explored the surroundings to see what was underneath.

Hmm? It seems to be a museum or exhibition hall with an ancient style?

Then, he heard a prompt from the panel:

[Ding~Insanity value +200]

[Ding~Insanity value +323]

[Ding~Insanity value +1842]

Then came the former dean's weak whisper:

"Right there..."

So Lloyd quickly retracted the space storm to avoid destroying the ancient museum, and then forced it into the school district.

The "reborn" space storm has grown to a size that is no less than its original size in such a short period of time. Fortunately, it is still under Lloyd's control, otherwise it would have caused another horrific natural disaster...

However, the original school district seemed a bit narrow for the suddenly growing space storm, squeezing the space that Lloyd could be in to a small area that was not even half the size of a small store...

However, with the 'space loop' that had been prepared before departure, there was no need to worry about the safety of this small area. I'm afraid there is no place safer than here in the entire alien space.

The next step is to use the extra space anchors brought from the equipment department, plus the ones originally provided by the school district, to anchor the entire school district with multiple space anchors to prevent it from running away.

This series of preparations took Lloyd more than an hour and kept him very busy.

"We should be almost there. We can use the portal to reach the remaining distance."

Lloyd clapped his hands and tried to communicate with the former dean.

The former dean did not answer immediately, as if he had already died. After several seconds, he answered in a mosquito-like voice:

"Your mastery of...space...exceeds...my expectations..."

"Alas... It's already this time. I won't be happy even if you praise me. You should save your energy..."

Lloyd said with a helpless smile, and bent down to pick up the former dean as if he were a rag doll. He then located him at the ancient museum and scratched open a portal.

At a time like this, he certainly wouldn't dare to just walk in. He just put his hand on the door first, and then listen to what the guy in his head who likes to make a fuss has to say.

As expected, inspiration and strange intuition immediately began to revel...

It seems that this coordinate doesn't work, let's try another one...

So Lloyd opened another portal and tried again...

He kept repeating this process, and the inspiration and strange intuition in his mind kept beating like a drum, telling him to start the feast no matter where he entered from.

This was destined to be inevitable. After all, there was a [Brilliant Gold] behind the door. Even if he was dead, even if it was just a part of the corpse, it was still the remains of a Supreme Being. For Lloyd, who was only at the sixth level, there could be no safe place.

Fortunately, Lloyd had anticipated this situation and had discussed a similar plan with the former dean yesterday.

It is just like when you are having a banquet, you can choose to sit at the children's table or the adults' table. Among the areas connected by these portals, there is always one place that is not particularly dangerous.

So Lloyd checked carefully again and found a point where the beating of the gongs and drums was not so passionate.

When I touched the portal again, the inspiration and weird intuition were just normal suona and drums. Although it was still very dangerous, at least it was not like other places where all the death heavy metal was playing.

After finding such a spot, Lloyd did not act rashly. Instead, he took out storage bags of various sizes from his body and searched for various equipment with protective effects, as well as various enhancement and protective potions.

Then Lloyd put on the equipment and released [Projection], allowing it to pass through the portal first with the equipment that could generate protective shields and protective barriers.

At the same time, he did not forget to use special spiritual power release techniques to condense a few more invisible hands, then pinched his nose and stuffed "tons, tons, tons" of suffocating medicine into his mouth.

You know, he usually hates taking medicine, but this time he took the initiative to stuff it into his mouth. It can be said that he really tried his best...

And when the [Projection] passes through the portal, Lloyd immediately enters its field of view and then adjusts to a third-person bird's-eye view, just like the perspective mode commonly used when playing pay-to-win mobile games. This makes it easier to control.

As a result, I saw a few strange things rushing towards me...

Fortunately, Lloyd didn't need to control it personally. The simple intelligence of [Projection] had already reacted in advance. Two pairs of metal claws stabbed out like lightning, instantly tearing the valuables that pounced on it into pieces.

[Ding~Insanity value +600]

[Ding~Insanity value +600]

[Ding~Insanity value +600]

Damn, the monsters just after entering the door are all danger level 6?

Lloyd couldn't help but curse inwardly, and then sighed:

But luckily, my [Projection] value is high enough, much stronger than those beautiful girls with full constellations and full refinement, otherwise I really can't handle it...

I never thought that one day I would become a kryptonian?

He adjusted his mindset as much as possible to be more optimistic, and then controlled the [Projection] to take a look at what those valuable objects were.

As expected, they were all unspeakable out-of-control people...

However, they have all been highly alienated and have been corrupted for who knows how long, so it is impossible for them to provide Lloyd with any fragments of their memories from their previous lives.

So I don't know whether this person is a former student or someone else who accidentally came here later?

Lloyd continued to control the [Projection] and observed the surrounding environment.

What was more surprising was that the lighting here was surprisingly sufficient. The bright light covered almost every corner. There were no unclear shadows or blind spots, and no other monsters were seen ambushing.

The current location of the [projection] is not the main hall of the museum, but more like the entrance hall. Not far away there is a long and narrow corridor leading to the depths of the interior.

Anyway, looking deeper, I could see some magnificent sculptures and a large circle of glass display cases, but I still didn't see any monsters.

"Be careful...I should be in there..."

The chopped pepper fish head that Lloyd placed next to him was still trying his best to remind him.

"Well, I won't go in for now. I'll get ready in this outer foyer first."

Lloyd said as he began to control the [Projection] and arranged the various equipment he had obtained in exchange for credits.

The main thing is the generators of various shields and barriers, with antique designs, which are quite convenient to use...

Anyway, after all the trouble, the portal was covered by dozens of layers of thick and solid shields, which looked more reliable than the real city walls.

The next step is to use this city wall to advance urbanization step by step deeper into the city.

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