I upgraded and added points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 467 Chapter 466 Walking with Giants

Lloyd looked at a white cloud floating towards him. He quickly opened his mouth and wanted to take a bite to see if it tasted like marshmallows.

The result was a huge disappointment for him...

"Bah, bah, bah! Why is it so fishy and salty?"

Lloyd spat a few times and wiped the corners of his mouth to wipe away the blood left on the corners of his mouth.

He stood on the edge of the giant's shoulder, lowered his head and looked down, watching the thin lines of mountains and rivers being crossed one by one under the giant stickman's feet.

"Brother, where are we going?"

Lloyd asked.

But couldn't get any answer.

Perhaps it was because he was so small, as weak as a bacterium, that no one could hear his voice.

It may also be that this giant stickman cannot understand human speech today.

Lloyd smiled helplessly and took a few steps back.

The shoulders of this giant are so broad, like a majestic and empty city.

Lloyd casually walked a few steps away to ensure that he would not be shaken by the shaking under his feet. Then he sat cross-legged and looked up at the mountain peak hidden in the clouds and mist and asked:

"What do you want me to witness?"

"I want to stay with you for a while, but I really don't know how long I can stay here... The ritual that sent me here to see you doesn't have much time left, right?"

"By the way, do you originally look like this? Or do you look like this in my eyes? Because this is the image I can understand?"

Lloyd asked nonstop questions, but failed to get any response.

There is no way, maybe people are not aware of his existence at all, right?

Just when Lloyd felt helpless, he found that the giant suddenly stopped.

Then he kept his upper body upright, knelt down slowly and awkwardly, stretched out his hand, and grabbed something from the ground below.

He first brought the handful of things to the side of the majestic head like a mountain, as if chewing and tasting it.

Then, He raised two fingers that were as tall as towers and landed on both sides of Lloyd's body accurately.

When the fingers left, a small mountain of 'food' appeared in front of Lloyd.

Strictly speaking, it was a big pile of things that didn't know whether they were plants, living things, or metal ores, still squirming and trembling slightly.

Lloyd couldn't help but smile, shrugged helplessly, and said in a dumbfounded voice:

"Thanks, brother, but I really don't dare to eat this...and it won't be of any use if I eat it, right?"

Although he couldn't accept other people's kindness, Lloyd was still very pleased.

At least I got a response to my communication, and at least I wasn't talking to nothing.

So this current seemingly aimless wandering should also be meaningful, right?

What does He want to take me to witness and record...

So Lloyd no longer asked eagerly, but allowed himself to become patient and wait quietly.

It didn't take long before Lloyd saw some new changes in the distant horizon.

A bunch of dark lines suddenly appeared from there, twisting and intertwining to form an indescribable complex pattern, and then rushed towards the giant.

That should be some enemy of the giant...

It, or rather, its original image should not be this black ball of wool, just like the giant's body cannot really be a stick figure.

What they appear to Lloyd is only what he can understand.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the black ball of wool came to the giant's side, and the two giant beings immediately started a fierce fight.

It's probably like you punch me and I bump you, it's a bit like a turn-based gameplay.

But Lloyd knew that this was because he couldn't understand the real confrontation between them, and all he could see was this slightly funny scene.

Of course, he can't do anything and can't affect anything.

Just like ants cannot understand human wars, mortals cannot touch the battles of gods.

But fortunately, it seemed that he would not be affected, and he was able to see the giant use a big swinging punch without any harm, completely knocking down the ball of wool.

Then, the giant straightened his waist as before, squatted down, then reached out and grabbed a ball of something and put it into his mouth.

He still didn't forget about Lloyd, the 'little brother', and separated him with two fingers.

Lloyd suddenly felt a gentle, invisible liquid pouring on his head. It was very comfortable, like soaking in hot water in the winter.

Although he didn't actually get wet, it was more soothing and pleasurable than those he had experienced before.


In fact, Lloyd didn't meet his 'good brother' at the beginning of the ceremony.

Earlier, when the ceremony had just begun, he did not notice that something was wrong with his [Transcendence] ceremony, nor was he aware of the changes in his body in the real world. He did not even notice the [Thinking] mentioned by the two deans. Deep dive】state.

There was no response from the pile of things in his mind that could remind him. Only the "Book of Truth" slowly opened a new page, ready to witness and record.

Therefore, Lloyd has always been in a state of feeling good about himself, relaxing his body and mind, abandoning distracting thoughts, and welcoming the history that is coming towards him.

At the beginning of the ceremony, he found himself on a familiar battlefield. He could see a huge group of monsters sweeping in from the distance like a black wave. However, around him, there were only a small number of humans that were completely unequal to the number. Organize the defense line.

Lloyd remembered that he had seen this scene before, in the painting given to him by the street painter.

But just when he was worried about how to deal with this situation, the picture in front of him blurred and changed again, and a large number of "classmates" suddenly appeared around him, working together to besiege an indescribable monster.

The monster's physique was as big as a hill, and it was more oppressive than the pressure brought by Weiya's father on Lloyd. Its body was covered with tissues that were a fusion of biological and mechanical parts, and it looked terrifying.

Although this is a scene that Lloyd has never seen before, according to his speculation, maybe it has something to do with the cemetery where he is?

But just when he was about to use his power to fight side by side with his 'classmates', the scene in front of him switched again.

This time, Lloyd came to 'Hildina'.

She is still as beautiful and cute as ever, but she has changed into a conservative academic robe, which is far less bold than usual. She also wears a pair of small leather boots to cover her delicious feet.

She was arguing with some unfamiliar classmates, and her expression was fierce, making the scene look very unpleasant.

But just when Lloyd was about to help 'Hildina' come to the front, the scene in front of him began to change as expected...

This time, Lloyd came to a laboratory with a broken classical charm. What stood beside him was a group of strangers dressed as scholars, busy running around about something.

Not far from Lloyd, there was a culture tank straight out of a science fiction movie, with a number plate '266' attached to it. Inside, a beautiful and lovely girl slept quietly, waiting for someone to wake her up.

But just when Lloyd was about to help his 'little girlfriend' cover up her naked body, the scene in front of him really started to change again.

He came to many scenes one after another, some in the academy, some on the battlefield. Sometimes he could meet some familiar people, sometimes he could only see the people on the tombstones...

He witnessed the misery of human cities being ravaged by monsters; he experienced the despair swept by monsters; he watched the pain of his classmates falling into madness...

But he also witnessed the bravery of mankind in fighting against the apocalypse; he also experienced mankind's resistance in despair.

Each scene only lasts a few seconds, and there is no clear sequence of events. It's like a lot of historical events, historical nodes, and historical records are mixed together and slapped on Lloyd's face.

This left Lloyd with no time to savor and comprehend in detail, but fortunately, the "Book of Truth" was fulfilling its mission responsibly and writing them down one by one.

With every page it turned and every scene recorded, Lloyd could feel himself getting a little stronger.

This was not reflected in the values ​​​​on the panel, and he did not receive any panel prompts. He could just feel something, a force, pouring into his body and converging on himself.

Lloyd is not sure what kind of power it is, what it can change, what can make him stronger?

Maybe this is the real change brought about by [Transcendence], maybe this is the inheritance and strength that can be drawn from history?

He just felt that this feeling was very good and refreshing. It was an unprecedented comfortable experience that made people intoxicated and unable to extricate themselves.

If conditions permit, he hopes that this kind of comfort can continue forever and never stop.

Gradually, a small whisper came from Lloyd's ears.

It was just vague at first, but gradually became clear and high-pitched, as if someone was shouting loudly, as if someone was singing generously:

"Falling... into the abyss!"





Lloyd didn't hear this nonsense.

At first, he scoffed at this, thinking it was the nonsense of a madman.

But at this moment, he completely agreed with these words.

This is not some crazy raving.


Dedicated to the great carol!

Gradually, Lloyd discovered that someone was not whispering in his ears, nor was he praising loudly.

There was no one around him, and there was silence in his ears.

The one who made those sounds was actually himself...

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