I upgraded and added points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 465 Chapter 464 Heavy inheritance

In this way, after being flushed and dizzy for a day, Lloyd felt that he should adjust his condition and successfully get rid of the distracting thoughts in his mind.

He no longer thinks about his sister, Wei Ya’s black stockings, Hiltina’s jade feet, and Eloro’s stupid hair.

My mastery of ancient breathing techniques has also improved to a higher level, and I can more easily cause my brain to be deprived of oxygen and my vision to be blurred.

Help Hiltina share the mental pollution again, and add the 5 attribute points gained from the upgrade to cognition, bringing the total value to 830.

Finally, he prepared a large bowl of goat's milk and various miscellaneous foods for the little cat, and Lloyd had completed all the preparations for [Transcendence].

"I'm leaving. Remember to take good care of your house and practice your magic. If you don't have enough food, go next door to find Dr. Maomao and Little Piggy."

Lloyd said to the little milk cat.

"Meow meow meow!"

The little milk cat nodded and waved its little paws, saying goodbye to its owner temporarily.

"Huh~ The most important [transcendence], here I come!"

Lloyd whispered, opened a portal leading to the history department, and walked in.

As soon as I landed, I saw a pot of fish heads with chopped peppers floating around in the square of the History Department, surrounded by several beautiful and cute female students, talking nonstop.

No, is he so popular with girls? It's obviously already in the shape of a fish head with chopped pepper...

Lloyd cursed in his heart, and couldn't help but think of the 'unremarkable' human form of the former dean.

Pooh! Pretending to be young even though you are old is disrespectful!

At this time, the former dean noticed Lloyd and quickly drove away the female students around him. After they walked away with a coquettish smile, they floated to Lloyd and said proudly:

"How's it going? My charm is pretty good, right? Humph~ I didn't even see you surrounded by so many girls."

"Do we have to compare ourselves to this before such an important ceremony?"

"Why not? Hazred has arranged everything for you. All you need to do is relax and face it calmly. If we don't talk about this, why should we talk about the darkness and heaviness of the future of mankind?"

Lloyd opened his mouth and wanted to refute, but although he felt that this guy was talking nonsense, he didn't know how to refute...

"Okay, okay, the joke is over, come with me."

The former dean said with a smile, and then swayed ahead to lead the way, leading Lloyd all the way to the edge of the history department school district.

Generally speaking, something will be placed at the edge of each school district to embellish it.

For example, the Mage Department is a large lush grove, allowing people to relax; the Space Department is more luxurious, a sky garden; the Biology and Medicine Departments are more space-saving, and will raise and plant some things on the edges. Some plants.

The extraordinary department is rather weird, and the fringe school districts are used to exclude the twisted department...

As a result, the history department is even more weird. On the outer edge, there is actually a cemetery. There are densely packed straight tombstones with random names engraved on them. As soon as you get closer, you can feel a solemn atmosphere. Coming, Lloyd could not help but slow down his breathing.

"Every student and teacher who sacrificed his life for human civilization is buried here."

A hoarse old voice came from behind Lloyd and introduced in a low voice:

"This is a kind of remembrance, a kind of inheritance, and also a force and wealth."

Lloyd looked back and saw an old professor appearing behind him who was as old as a rotten tree. He was holding a cane and was staggering when he walked. He was afraid that he might accidentally blend in here.

Beside him, there was Dean Hazred who appeared out of nowhere, his invisible body standing silently aside.

The former dean also floated over, floating silently on the other side of the old professor.

With no one to support him, the old professor walked alone to a brand new tombstone without a name engraved on it. He stretched out his hand to caress it and continued:

"Lloyd, I already know many of your deeds. You are indeed qualified to obtain this inheritance and power, but before the ceremony begins, I still hope that you can be here and swear an oath to them."

"What kind of oath?"

Lloyd asked in a low voice.

"Never betray humanity."

"it is good!"

Lloyd nodded without hesitation, then stood up straight, pressed his chest with his right hand, faced the tombstones, feeling the weight of history, and under the witness of the two deans, he said He swore an oath:

"No matter when, where, or what the situation is, I swear I will never betray humanity."

"Okay, let's get started."

The old professor nodded with relief.

Lloyd then walked to the middle of the cemetery, took out the materials he had prepared, and began to arrange the fifth [Transcendence] ritual.

The fifth-level ceremony of [veto] requires [veto] a piece of past history under the witness of the ritual and bystanders.

This statement sounds mysterious, but in human terms it is actually to enter a fictional history, and then come out alive from it, and draw from it some knowledge and power buried in the past.

Probably like playing a historical game?

Of course it has to be rigorous, not two-dimensional or krypton gold card drawing.

The more important the period of history you enter, the better you perform in it, the more power you can draw, and the better the effect of [detachment] will be in the end.

Take Judge Tiltus as an example. He entered a period of history in which the survivors of the Twilight Era fought back against the tide of monsters. He was very active in it, successfully turning around a losing battle and completing an incredible feat. Shocking comeback.

So in the end, his [Transcendence] effect was incredibly good. To use his own words to describe it, 'the whole person completed transformation and sublimation in that moment.'

As for when Hiltina performed this ritual, although she did not say what the specific scene was, she expressed dissatisfaction with the final effect, and smiled helplessly and said:

"As a saint, my performance during the fifth [transcendence] was actually not as good as those who came later. You must not tell others. This is a little secret between us..."

This is true even for saints, not to mention the more ordinary extraordinary beings. They certainly cannot be as perfect as the presiding judge. Some of them are even just barely surviving, and there are also some who lose their lives due to carelessness and sink forever. of.

Yes, this [Transcendence] ritual will be life-threatening, and the mortality rate ranks second among the fifth-level rituals of the six major systems, second only to the [Intellectual] system.

The historical scenes that extraordinary people will enter will definitely not be those in the peaceful times, which are not for people to travel to. Instead, they will definitely appear on a dangerous and bloody battlefield somewhere.

Through the names of those materials, such as 'Remains of Ancient Powerful Men', 'Lost Medals', 'Remembered Time', etc., you can roughly feel the intensity inside.

But no matter how you put it, whether it changes history in the end or dies on the spot, it will not have any impact on the current point in time. After all, it is just a virtual event and nothing can be changed.

As for why Dean Hazlade personally arranged this ceremony for Lloyd, and invited the elderly Professor Ashley to preside over it, and chose the location in a cemetery, the dean himself said that he wanted Lloyd to Being able to accept the legacy of the academy’s past during the ceremony.

He didn't explain this clearly to Lloyd, but just used a common expression from the history department:

"History has the power to guide us forward."

As for what Lloyd would encounter during the ceremony and which historical scene he would go to, Dean Hazlade just shook his head, expressing that he didn't know.

"No one can predict what you will encounter. The past history is a mess, and everyone can see it differently."

This is how Lloyd understood the dean's explanation. It should be said that some people can learn from history and use history to make their aspirations, while some people have become the followers of feudal dynasties or emperors?

In short, this is probably the case.

Lloyd quickly arranged the ritual. With the help of [Ritual Control], there was no mistake in the whole process, which can be called a textbook.

Then there was the preparation for the [Distortion] department, which also went smoothly and was perfect.

This made Professor Ashley, who saw Lloyd in person for the first time, couldn't help but nod secretly.

Maybe he can really inherit this long-sealed inheritance?

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