I upgraded and added points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 399 Chapter 398 About the transformation of life forms

"You really just...forgot my appearance? But do you still remember me?"

Lloyd asked suspiciously, worried that the presiding judge was deliberately 'lying' and didn't want to worry himself?

"Yes, it's like some people you met when you were a child. You may remember their names, but forget their looks..."

The presiding judge was as gentle as ever. He put down the book in his hand, picked up the iconic metal mask on the bedside and put it on, returning to the image that Lloyd was most familiar with, and then continued:

"If you're worried, can you ask me a few questions?"

"Um...so...who is my big brother?"

"Haha, your Excellency the Grand Judge is indeed approachable."

After hearing this answer, Lloyd felt relieved. He could remember even such small details, which showed that there was not much problem with the presiding judge's memory.

"Are you relieved now?"

The presiding judge asked again.

Lloyd nodded and explained in a humble manner:

"Although I have many advantages, the most outstanding one is definitely my handsome appearance. As a result, you forgot even this, which makes me worried."

The presiding judge couldn't help but be stunned, and hesitated to speak...

After a moment, he let out a burst of hearty laughter in Lloyd's head:

"Haha, you are still as interesting as before. I was worried before that you would become that boring student after joining Mizkatok."

As he spoke, he changed to a particularly sincere tone and continued:

"Your growth is really beyond my expectation. In such a short period of time, you have grown to a point that surprised me. You even saved my life. Thank you, Lloyd. I will find a way to repay you."

"Hey, no, no, I wish you could do me a little favor."

Lloyd smiled and scratched his head, then explained the purpose of his visit, and also chatted with the presiding judge about some of his previous experiences.

The presiding judge listened very carefully. Except for asking two irrelevant questions from time to time, he basically listened quietly to what Lloyd said. It was not until the end that he expressed his position without hesitation:

"No problem. The project you are currently working on is very important to all mankind, and I am honored to contribute in some small way to this."

As he spoke, he nodded again and again and added:

"I can't believe that you, Lloyd, are already going through such a big event now. I believe that in a short time, an old man like me won't even be able to help you."

"No, no, you don't look old at all."

"The appearance of age does not explain everything. It is just a small advantage I gained by giving up the original human life form, but compared to what I lost...

Forget it, let's not talk about this... In short, I am really old. From now on, this world will be yours... no, it is your time! "

After the presiding judge finished speaking, he patted Lloyd's shoulder lightly, as if to encourage and entrust him.

Lloyd didn't think much about it. He just heard the presiding judge mentioned life forms again, and Hiltina happened to mention it before, so he asked curiously:

"I would like to ask you about life forms."

"Oh? Are you about to advance to the fifth level? It's really fast...then what do you want to know?"

The two began one-on-one teaching, and the presiding judge gave Lloyd a small lesson on life forms.

To put it simply, after a transcendent person completes the fifth [Transcendence], he can realize the ability to separate his consciousness from the body. Every system has it. It sounds a bit like the 'Yin God' and 'Yang' in Xianxia novels. god'.

But it is certainly not as exaggerated and powerful as in the novel, and is relatively simpler and more basic.

After mastering this ability, you can choose some new carriers that are stronger than the original physical body to accommodate your consciousness, which is equivalent to completing a 'body rebirth'.

The basic concept is probably like this, but in fact there are still many methods and details involved, and the whole process is also very complicated and long.

How can I safely escape from my consciousness? How to prevent strength from falling but rising? How to choose a suitable new carrier?

Questions like this, etc., are definitely not something that can be explained clearly in a few words.

And you don't have to choose a new carrier. You can also choose to adjust or even remake your original body, so that the originally weak body can be upgraded.

This is a relatively conservative choice, and it is also the choice of most high-ranking people.

There are also relatively rare radicals like the counselors and grand inquisitors who completely abandon their original bodies.

Of course, there are pros and cons to this, and how to weigh the trade-offs is also an issue that requires careful consideration.

In short, this is a very long and complicated process. A normal transcendent usually starts planning and learning relevant knowledge from the fifth level; then starts to implement it step by step at the sixth level; and finally completes the change of life form at the seventh level. , it can be said to be quite troublesome.

What these efforts bring in return are better use of spiritual power and abilities, stronger resistance to mental pollution, a stronger and more convenient body, and other benefits. The specific extent of the increase depends on the new How is the carrier ready?

Of course, this is also full of various risks. If you are not careful, it may cause the root of the disease, like the housekeeper, and the lower body will disappear; or it will disappear into thin air, like those unlucky guys who no one even remembers their names.

"So this is an arduous and long test for every transcendent, and they may even face unprecedented dangers and hardships."

The presiding judge concluded.

Lloyd asked helplessly:

"Uh...it's so troublesome...can we just give up? I think my body is pretty good and I'm handsome."

"Okay, but you should have felt something, right? The human body has its limits."

The presiding judge nodded first and then said:

"It is true that some people choose to give up, but that is often worse... If your ambition is to become a saint, then this is a problem you must face.

Of course, this is still too early for you now. You can seize the time and give birth to heirs for yourself... I think Wei Ya likes you very much. How is the relationship between you and her? If you like her too, then hurry up. "

No...why did you suddenly start urging marriage while we were chatting?

Lloyd sneered, dumbfounded, and then asked:

"Can't we have babies after the fifth level?"

"It's difficult, because your life form has changed since the fifth level. You are no longer completely human in the traditional sense. Naturally, you cannot reproduce like normal humans..."

The presiding judge first explained and then added:

"At the same time, this is the main reason why it is necessary to change the form of life."

Lloyd couldn't help being stunned and quickly asked:

"Ah? You mean... the changes in life forms are not entirely my own choice?"

"Yes, even if you don't take the initiative to change, your life form will change on its own as you deepen on the extraordinary path, but the specific changes that will occur are difficult to predict...

Maybe change gender? Might it also be deformed? It may even be completely out of control... So compared to such uncontrollable changes, people still hope to take the initiative, and those who give up on change will inevitably pay the price. "

"I see……"

Lloyd nodded and smiled helplessly.

"The extraordinary path is indeed full of thorns and hardships... However, even the form of life has changed, can it still be considered a human being?"

"Then do you think I'm human?"

the presiding judge asked rhetorically in his mind.

"Of course!"

"That's right, as long as you were once a human being and your self-perception is that of a human being, then you are still a human being."

The presiding judge said, and in a more serious tone, he warned with great seriousness:

"Lloyd, you must remember that no matter what you experience in the future, what you encounter, or how powerful you become, never give up on your cognition as a human being. This is very important!"

"Yes, I will definitely not forget it."

Lloyd nodded vigorously.

Unexpectedly, the presiding judge actually withdrew the topic again:

"So how far have you and Wei Ya progressed? Have you met her father? When will you have a baby?

Heirs are very important to maintaining your sense of self, so don't take them lightly. "


Lloyd sighed helplessly in his heart and could only bite the bullet and said:

"Ahaha, we get along very well, and our relationship is getting closer and closer. It should be settled soon, right? Haha, okay, let's talk about the academic project, right?"

Although the topic moved harder than a steel bar, 0-006 was a big deal after all, so the presiding judge didn't say anything. Instead, as an assistant, or staff, he provided support for Lloyd's next recruitment. Many suggestions.

After the two chatted for a while, they quickly entered the actual operation. Lloyd followed Professor Toledo's previous recruitment process and wrote a recruitment announcement under the guidance of the presiding judge.

Then it was released through the student handbook as the overall project leader.

Then, together with the presiding judge, we looked at the recruitment announcements issued by other professors or lecturers to study what everyone was fussing over.

"Exquisite projects, high credits, guidance from famous teachers, beautiful school girls, short cycle, quick results, high ratings, come quickly!" 》

"The big stage of the Engineering Department, if you have a job, come and do it!" 》

"Everyone's favorite history archeology is about to begin!" (^_)☆》

Lloyd glanced briefly, looked at the presiding judge again, and then looked at the title of his post:

"Announcement on Launching Key Academic Projects in the City of Joy"

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