I upgraded and added points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 380: Reunion after 379 long separation (page 13)

Lloyd was not idle that night. He first prepared the official letter to be handed over to the Joyful Order tomorrow to prove his identity and express his intention. Then he continued to read the 'e-book' sent by the Saint of Knowledge.

But his 'reading' behavior seemed a bit weird to Eve Luol who was beside him. He just kept sitting on the sofa in a daze.

"Xiao Yi, what's wrong with you? Are you thinking about something?"

Everol came closer to Lloyd, stretched out her little hand and waved it in front of his eyes, trying to call her brother back.

"Huh? I'm fine. I'm just reading a very special kind of book. Sister, why don't you try it too? It's quite magical."

Lloyd said, grabbing Everol's waving little hand, and then put the crystal slice in his hand on top.


Everol held the slices in both hands, tilting her head slightly, with a confused look on her face.

"Huh? Doesn't the corresponding information appear in front of you?"

"No... this should only be seen by extraordinary people, right? I just think it's so light and fragile, so I'd better give it back to you. I'm afraid I might break it accidentally."

As Evelor said, she quickly opened Lloyd's hand and returned the slice to him.

It seems that this sheet has been encrypted by the saint? Don't show it to others?

That's normal...

Lloyd couldn't help but feel a little regretful. He originally planned to recommend this new type of media to his sister. Isn't it more upscale and more convenient than ordinary paper magazines? How many times can the price be increased? Moreover, it also eliminates the cost of printing and pollution during the process, which is a win-win situation.

But I just don't know if people from other [intellectual] departments can produce this kind of 'e-book'.

Lloyd continued to read the information, and Evelor did not disturb him. She just snuggled next to him, holding a hammerhead shark doll in her arms, and flipping through her own magazine.

If she sees something she likes, her smooth feet without socks will sway from side to side, like two small fishes swimming happily.

After shaking like this until a pair of little feet became cold, he then said that he felt cold, then changed his position and took the initiative to put his feet into his brother's arms, which seemed a little cunning.

Lloyd didn't know whether to laugh or cry, so he had no choice but to look at the information while holding his sister's feet and gently kneading them to help warm her up again.

Anyway, on this issue, Lloyd felt that there was a sharp contrast between his sister and Hildina.

Maybe the saint is not afraid of the cold?

He could also feel that his sister really cherished that past experience that he didn't want to recall, and would always find ways to relive some of the intimate actions at that time.

Maybe there are many things in your heart, such as the world, the future, human beings, power, knowledge, rank, etc...

But in my sister’s heart, maybe it’s just me, right?

An inexplicable thought suddenly came to Lloyd's mind, and he couldn't help but grit his teeth.

Even if it is for my sister, I must protect the world and handle this crisis!

However, the information in my hands became more and more frustrating the more I read it.

The predecessors have really tried all possible methods, even some whimsical ones, such as using divination, and even unpopular street witchcraft, but they still have nothing to do with this 0-006.

I don't even know how to take it apart safely...

Some people even boldly tried methods that were so crazy that they were almost suicidal, such as using inspiration and spiritual vision to forcibly spy on someone, and then being sent to a mental hospital in less than two seconds.

Lloyd also had to admire this man's courage and awareness. He was a 'saint' who was used to resist mental pollution and filter forbidden knowledge. Who knows how dangerous things were inside, but he used inspiration and spiritual vision to forcibly spy on him. Even he I don’t even dare to fight like that.

The predecessors have gone to such an extent to study 0-006, and there are almost no options left for future generations. That's why Professor Toledo thought about starting with Elolo, which is obviously more difficult and complex.

Although the Elolo side is obviously more difficult, at least no one has walked through it, right?

I hope Professor Toledo’s plan can succeed, or at least find an effective path?

Lloyd could only hope in an optimistic direction.

In this way, he continued to study the information until it was time to go to bed, and then he lay down directly on the bed without [sneaking into] Elolo's boudoir.

Since we can officially meet tomorrow and play with it, why not give her a little surprise?


Early the next morning, Ai Luoluo opened his eyes drowsily and looked up from a desk filled with various documents, books and forms.

Then at first glance, she looked at the only clean and tidy area on the desk, which she had specially set aside in order to put the letters she had written and the small cakes she had prepared on it, so as not to get mixed into the documents. .

But neither the letter nor the cake showed any signs of being touched.


Eloro felt his nose sore inexplicably, and his tears began to roll uncontrollably.

She knew that her Lord Uther didn't come last night...

I didn't fall asleep because of his arrival. I was just busy all day and night. I was so tired that I fell asleep on the table.

If Lord Uther had been here, he would have gently carried himself to bed while he was sleeping, taken off his clothes, shoes and socks, and then gently rubbed his feet to make himself sleep more comfortably and warmly.

But...he didn't come last night...

When I wanted to see him the most, he didn't come...

Does he also dislike my incompetence?

A very low self-esteem idea came to Ai Luoluo's mind.

He knew something strange was happening here, but I couldn't do anything about it and could only wait for help from others...

No one would like a girl who is incompetent, stupid and crying like me, and neither does he...

He is so good-looking, there must be many other girls around him, right? Everyone must be better and more beautiful than me...

Elolo was thinking wildly, and the more she thought about it, the more uncomfortable she became. Tears finally couldn't hold back anymore and burst out, just like the continuous rain outside the window that had been falling all day.

Then, she curled up her delicate body on the seat, hugged her legs tightly, and hid her cute face deeply behind her legs, as if she didn't want others to see her crying secretly.

If it were normal times, Eloro might not be so fragile, and he certainly wouldn't have so many random thoughts just because Lord Uther missed an appointment one night.

But today, or rather yesterday, the situation was a little different——

Although the Order of Joy believes in the creed of 'enjoying the moment and having fun in the moment' from top to bottom, there are still some reliable people who have discovered the strange phenomenon that the mental pollution suffered when executing monsters suddenly becomes stronger.

Many of the executioners and executioners of the Pleasure Cult were sent to mental hospitals because of this...

However, being able to detect problems in time does not mean being able to solve them.

With the current accumulation of strength of the Joyful Order, there is no way to deal with this kind of thing. They can only arrange for those capable people in the Order to temporarily fill the vacancies of executioners and executioners.

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