I upgraded and added points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 363 Chapter 362 Meeting old acquaintances again

After the silent explosion in the depths of the alien space gradually subsided, Lloyd quickly used the advanced equipment in the laboratory to conduct some simple observations there.

Professor Lawrence was also doing the same thing.

Although the distance is too far, even high-end equipment can capture very little data, but it is enough to make the old and the young look shocked and surprised.

Lloyd spoke first and asked:

"That place... actually a space vortex appeared?"

"Yes, and the scale is not small. It is very likely to turn into a space storm, but fortunately it is still relatively far away from the academy..."

Professor Lawrence first analyzed the data, then turned around and looked stunned.

"Why do you look so sorry? What are you regretting?"


Lloyd quickly explained awkwardly.

Of course, it's a pity because it's far away from the academy.

If there is another space storm, maybe I can...

Forget it, let’s think on the bright side...

Lloyd thought about it for a while, then continued to look at the data. He saw that the intensity of the space vortex was showing a gradually rising trend, steadily evolving towards a storm, and he was filled with emotions.

If another space is compared to the sea on Earth, then this wave is equivalent to using a bomb to create a tsunami and storm on Earth? Can humans actually do this?

Anyway, people on earth definitely can’t do such a tough job...

But it was also because of everyone's united efforts and collective efforts that they were able to launch such a powerful attack, which was a bit like gathering vitality bombs.


I didn't receive any prompt from the panel. Is that ghost in the cell not dead yet?

Lloyd then asked:

"Professor...why do I feel like that weird thing inside is not dead yet?"

"This is normal. No one expects to be able to kill Him. After all, it is just the mark of the descendant of the evil god, and His manipulation of the mark is like you reaching into a dark box to explore or say Play with the ants inside.

Even if the ants fight back and bite you, you will only feel a little pain and will not threaten your life.

You may not dare to put your hand in later because you are afraid of pain; or you may be angry and plan to teach the ants inside a more painful lesson...

There's no way, humans are such tiny creatures... huh? What’s wrong with you? "

As Professor Lawrence was talking, he noticed that something was wrong with Lloyd's state. He was swaying on the spot, his expression became numb and dull, and his eyes were empty and blank.


Professor Lawrence quickly opened a portal, picked up Lloyd, and ran to the mental hospital area.

But Lloyd no longer cares about that much at this time, and he no longer feels that much.

He was still regretting that he could not kill a descendant of the evil god, but the next second, the panel prompt came:

[A huge amount of mental pollution is about to arrive, please stay conscious]

[Ding~ Insanity value +¥#%#@……&*! 】

Lloyd didn't have time to think about how huge this 'huge amount' was. It actually caused a string of garbled characters to appear on the panel.

He couldn't think at all, he just felt like he had lost his footing and fell into the water, and his body became like a heavy lead weight, sinking slowly.

The brain and eardrums also stung violently at first, as if a spoonful of boiling oil had been poured on them.

But the pain disappeared in less than a second, leaving only numbness, and the thinking and consciousness stopped instantly, as if the brain had been completely burned, and the feeling of 'pain' could no longer be distinguished.

Lloyd should have passed out, but [Stun Resistance] was stubbornly exerting its effect, allowing him to still maintain basic consciousness.

But he couldn't think, and he felt like a conscious vegetative state.

Lloyd had actually experienced this feeling once before.

It’s just that I can’t recall it now.

And last time, he had two saint-level girlfriends helping him share the burden.

This time... there is no such happiness as hugging one another...

So after an unknown amount of time passed, a little light gradually appeared in Lloyd's originally dark vision.

After a while, his old acquaintance appeared in front of him.

It's still the giant stick figure standing tall on the ground. He has left the bloody ocean and is taking a short rest using a mountain range as a back chair.

Although His body seemed to be intact, it seemed extremely tired for some reason. He just leaned on the mountain range quietly, motionless.

He... is about to die, right?

As Lloyd's mind gradually recovered, an idea came to his mind.

Then, the unspeakable sadness came back to my heart.

It was not because of the impending death of an 'old acquaintance', but more like feeling sad and sad for him.

From the beginning to the end, He was walking alone on the earth. He may have traveled to many places and experienced many things. In the end, He stopped alone and quietly waited for his end.

He just sat motionless in this mountain range, letting time pass by and letting his majestic body gradually merge with the mountains.

And following the direction he was facing, on the distant horizon, a white line could be seen surging, moving towards the mountains.

Lloyd looked carefully and found that the white lines were all densely packed and layered with tentacled monsters...

They came one after another, as if they were about to sweep across the entire land, swarming towards the giant stickman who was unable to resist or escape.

Lloyd really hoped that the 'old acquaintance' could stand up and wipe out these disgusting tentacle monsters.

But he remained motionless, allowing those monsters to reach his feet, and then gradually crawl all over his body along the mountains.

These monsters are like the most greedy vultures, struggling to eat the last bit of flesh and blood on the stick figures...

The sadness in Lloyd's heart suddenly increased a lot.

But before he saw the successor, the scene in front of him suddenly changed. He felt like he had been stuffed into a display cabinet, and only his head was left. Like the stickman, he could only remain motionless, letting the crowd in front of him move. A bunch of guys in stereotypical mage robes making comments about themselves.

Uh... why did you suddenly jump to the weird nightmare where only the head was left?

Although Lloyd had been mentally prepared after experiencing this feeling last time, he knew that he was entering the perspective of a strange object, and it was probably related to the inheritance of the Supreme Being.

But this feeling of not being able to move and being allowed to be visited is really too bad!

It's like holding a billboard, shouting "wife" to the character portrait of a mobile game on it, and then being recorded and posted to a video website.

What kind of shameful play is this?

Lloyd struggled hard to escape from this 'waking nightmare'.

However, it was of no use. I could only continue to listen to these guys who looked like mages in front of me, speaking in ancient language that I couldn't understand.

This time they seemed to be discussing in some kind of dialect or secret language. With Lloyd's level of ancient Chinese, he couldn't understand a single word.

It was not until the end that the leader among the mages said something human:

"Well, then continue to observe. Remember to inform me if there is any news. I will go fishing first."

Not only did Lloyd understand this sentence, his voice was also very familiar.

It was the same guy who held him in front of the handsome man in the last nightmare.

Lloyd quickly looked at him carefully, trying to write down his image.

However, in the end, I only remembered a general impression of him being "unremarkable, like a passerby", and could not remember the rest of his height and appearance.

It's not just him, the other mages next to him are also like this.

It's as if these don't actually exist, they are just characters in a dream.

It's normal to not remember. Royd would occasionally have sweet dreams of being intimate with beautiful girls, or arguing and fighting with others. After waking up, he still couldn't remember what other people looked like.

On the contrary, I could remember the scenes of dating my sister and making out with Wei Ya in my dreams, but that was because I already knew them.

So... the handsome guy that I can remember before was the one that was wrong, right?

By the way, who is that guy? He looks so enviable, but I can still remember him?

Lloyd was thinking wildly when his eyes suddenly blurred and he saw an unfamiliar ceiling again.

Then another curious beak mask was revealed, looking down at him condescendingly, and then said in a hoarse voice:

"Are you awake? That's right... among the patients who fell into my hands, you are the one with the best quality."


Lloyd was startled and struggled to sit up, only to find that his whole body was tied into a rice dumpling with strong cowhide straps.

"Don't struggle. Now that you've fallen into my hands, no one can escape unless I let you go."

The mental hospital director continued, and then took out the thing that Lloyd was most afraid of from his arms——


Then he reached out and opened Lloyd's eyelids, staring at him with his eyes wandering wildly.

It wasn't until Lloyd felt that there were only flashes of light in front of his eyes that he took back the flashlight, and then said with some confusion:

"It's really weird...why does it still seem like there's no problem? It's weird...very unreasonable..."

Lloyd was also a little frightened by his words, and quickly opened the panel and took a look.

[Status: normal]

Isn't this right? Phew...it really scared me to death. I almost thought I was really crazy.

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