I upgraded and added points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 347 346 I’ll go with him 1

The ray of power at Hiltina's fingertips swayed and gradually turned into a small light blue flame, which made Lloyd a little worried that it would burn her boneless catkin.

But then, Dean Hazred's voice came from the flames:

"Huh? It's night outside, right? Why are you two... in the same room?"

This question made Lloyd a little embarrassed. He originally thought that Hildina would help explain and clear up the dean's misunderstanding. However, she just looked at him longingly with her affectionate eyes, which were so soft. Can be drawn.

Lloyd had no choice but to explain quickly:

"Don't get me wrong, here's the thing, I discovered a special ancient ruins today..."

While Lloyd briefly described today's experience, he secretly observed Hildina's expression.

It turned out that she was a little unhappy for no reason? The cheeks are swollen and round, making people want to reach out and poke them.

But the dean was still waiting for his report, and Lloyd didn't dare to make any mistakes, so he had to finish the business first.

"Well, I understand, wait a moment, I'll look through my past notes..."

The dean responded first, and then fell silent.

Lloyd originally thought it would take a long time, but after only two or three minutes, the dean came to a conclusion.

Isn’t it really convenient to have time difference?

"Okay, I found it. I can basically confirm your speculation. It is indeed related to a [Brilliant Gold], and there is a high probability that it is related to the ancestor of the Olga family. I was the former dean. I saw it in my notes."

The dean first stated his findings and then added:

"However, the former dean didn't comment very favorably on this move, thinking it was 'whimsical', 'a waste of effort', and 'unnecessary'..."

Lloyd thought about it for a moment. If he remembered correctly, the former dean seemed to be a [Brilliant Gold] back then, right?

This evaluation really doesn’t give any face...

"So since there is a trial hosted by [Brilliant Gold], who exactly are you trying to select? From what I heard, little Olga said, it seems that there is more than just testing academic level or combat strength. , even artistic aesthetics must be considered, what is this for?”

Lloyd said and boldly asked:

"Are you going to choose a saint?"

When Hiltina heard this, she couldn't help showing a helpless smile and interjected:

"Today's ninth level was nothing in that era..."

After hearing what she said, Lloyd realized that he had made a 'subconscious' mistake. He always subconsciously thought that the ninth-level saint was the strongest person in the world...

He then turned to ask:

"Then...what is he choosing? Did the former dean mention it?"

"The words are unclear... I can only use some fragmentary descriptions from the former dean. It feels like we are preparing some kind of insurance measure? Or selecting a successor? Is that why the requirements are so demanding and you strive to find a perfect person?"

"Then this kind of thing is normal, right? Why is the former dean so disdainful of this? Isn't that how he selected you to inherit the college?"

"Of course not. The former dean never considered a successor at all. His lifespan has long been freed from the shackles of time, and he has countless ways to extend his life and stay young forever. However, he encountered a doomsday catastrophe later. Only then was he forced to resign...

I still know very well that when I saw him for the last time, he looked younger than you, but his appearance was slightly worse than yours. "

"Is that so? So Dean, you were unexpectedly succeeded?"

"You can say it this way, but to be more precise, I just made an attempt that was stupid and completely impossible in the eyes of outsiders... Rather than being a successor, it is better to say that I picked up a mess that no one wanted. At that time, I was just a teaching assistant who didn't know anything, like a dumb kid...

But if that wasn't the case, Mizkatok would have been silent forever, right? "

Wow? He actually jumped from teaching assistant to dean? Isn’t this too inspiring? There must be a wonderful story behind this!

Lloyd admired in his heart. If he hadn't been busy with business at the moment, he would have wanted to hear the dean's inspirational legend.

Hiltina next to her seemed to have read his mind. She nuzzled closer to Lloyd and stayed very close, and then whispered:

"I have a lot of mentor's stories here. I'll tell them to you slowly in the future, okay?"

Lloyd nodded vigorously and continued to discuss the topic:

"So the former dean thought that there was no need to prepare for a successor, so he thought that preparations for another [Brilliant Gold] were meaningless? But now that we look back, the former dean was a little too confident, right?"

"He has always been so confident, as if he has always been a high-spirited young man, and his evaluation is strictly speaking correct. After all, this strong man spent all his efforts in preparation, but in the end he couldn't afford to send anything. Is it useful?"

"Uh...it seems to be the case...then this strong man prepared these because he sensed the possible end of the world in advance?"

"It's possible that in that glorious era, powerful people generally liked to peek into the future, including the former dean. He even enjoyed it and spent a lot of time and resources on various aspects of the future. All kinds of exploration...

However, it was all in vain. No matter what method he used to explore, [prophecy], [divination], [spying on time], etc., the future he saw in the end was all different——

There are those where human beings continue to live and work in peace and contentment, and civilizations continue to prosper and prosper; there are also those where the doomsday comes and everyone dies in unknown accidents; of course, there are also those where everyone goes to a different world and starts a new life...

In short, after countless attempts, the former dean came to the final conclusion: the future cannot be pried into, and humans should focus on reality. This view of his is basically recognized by other powerful people.

In short, for [Brilliant Gold], who has unlimited lifespan, strong strength, and overwhelming power, finding an heir is indeed meaningless. "

After hearing the dean's explanation, Lloyd further understood the previous comment made by the former dean. Strictly speaking... it was quite pertinent?

He continued:

"But the end has finally come..."

"Yes, all the [Bright Gold] disappeared. It seems that the strong man's rainy day plan was fulfilled, but it is a pity that it was not put to use."

"Then...should we continue to explore?"

Lloyd asked again.

As a result, this seemingly simple question seemed to deeply trouble the dean, causing him to fall into a continuous silence and not respond for a while.

Hildina on the side was a little impatient with the waiting, so she got into Lloyd's arms again, leaned on his chest, and then raised her small hand that was lit with flames to Lloyd, indicating that her hands were sore. He wanted Lloyd to hold his hand and help share the hard work.

She didn't seem to be that interested in the ruins, and she didn't participate in the discussion from beginning to end.

Or maybe she already has a specific idea in mind, but hasn't expressed it yet?

She also has some ideas that she doesn't want to discuss with the dean?

While holding Hildina's delicate little hand, Lloyd thought wildly for a while.

Then after waiting for a while, I finally got the dean's follow-up response:

"I think it is possible to continue, and it is necessary to continue. There are too few things that can be found about that place and that strong man. If you want to unlock the secrets there, you can only explore in depth."

The dean waited for more than half an hour for this answer. Considering the time difference between the two sides, it was equivalent to him thinking about it for half a day in the college before he gave such an answer.

It seems that this issue is a difficult decision for him?

But the dean did not explain why he had to think for so long, and just continued:

"But continuing to explore may be quite dangerous, and Hiltina can't go with you..."

"I can."

Hiltina, who had never interrupted, suddenly said something.

"Huh? But in your current state..."

"It's okay. As long as Lloyd is by my side, there will be no problem. Don't worry about my mental state. It's okay to move around a little."

"But what if you want to fight with the opponent?"

"I will try my best to avoid it, please don't worry."

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