"I'm not kidding you. An unprecedented terrorist storm is brewing in the danger zone. The archaeological team from the History Department and Lloyd from our Space Department are conducting excavations without any notice. With our current methods, , I can’t contact them at all!”

Professor Lawrence explained the seriousness of the problem concisely and concisely, causing the quill in the air to freeze.

Then I heard Professor Hazlade's voice:

"The archaeological team...is it the team led by Fernand? I remember that the goal of their trip is to find the lost [miracle] of the academy?"

"Don't worry about goals and miracles. Saving people is important right now. Give me 0-005 quickly! Why are you still dawdling?"

"No, you misunderstood. It's not that I don't want to, but 0-005 is not what you imagined. It is not a wishing machine that can do anything. If the space storm is really as serious as you described, then This sacred object won’t be of much use.”

"What did you say?! Isn't that the biggest trump card of our academy? You once said that it can solve all the troubles in the world!"

"Theoretically, it is true, but it cannot be done with just a pen. If you want to activate 0-005, you must get to the root of the problem. Do you understand what this means?"

Professor Hazlade's words made Professor Lawrence freeze on the spot.

If such a prerequisite is required to activate this sacred object, then it will not help the current situation at all.

Going deep into the root of the problem... If the current human beings can explore the so-called root of the space storm, then they will not be far away from completely cracking and controlling the alien space. If this can be achieved, why should we be afraid of space storms?

Professor Lawrence realized that if he wanted to rely on 0-005 to solve this crisis, he would inevitably fall into a contradictory cycle...

"Since this method doesn't work, then quickly organize a rescue team to rescue them. I can lead the team myself."

Professor Lawrence then suggested.

However, the other party refused coldly:

"I'm sorry, my friend, but this won't work. Your mission is to stay and help the college withstand this crisis, and it's impossible for me to send someone to take the risk at this critical moment."

"What about Lloyd and the people on the archaeological team? Are you going to watch them die?"

Hazred was silent for a full five minutes, and then he spoke to persuade:

"Don't be so anxious, Lawrence. Another professor will be there to help them. She should be here soon. You have to find a way to send her to the archaeological team."

"Another professor?"

Professor Lawrence was stunned and thought hard for a moment.

In his memory, he couldn't think of any professor other than himself who could handle this situation well.

Although it is possible for the two remaining professors in the space department to do so, it is impossible for those two cowards to take such a risk.

He was about to ask, but he felt a wave of fluctuations in the space around him, and a portal appeared in it.

The door opened, but no one came out.

There was just an invisible force in the air, vaguely condensed into a human shape.

The professor seemed to have chosen the same life form as the dean, which could feel existence but had no physical form.

"It's you? I never thought you would come back to Mizkatok..."

Professor Lawrence was stunned for a moment, somewhat unexpectedly.

"Long time no see, Lawrence."

The invisible figure spoke softly, with a gentle and quiet voice, just like the childhood sweetheart of the neighbor's house.


"Fifteen minutes have passed, why haven't you come back yet?"

At this time, Lloyd was guarding the door of the space elevator where he came from, feeling anxious for a while.

The nine students present had already been carried into the elevator by him, waiting for the professor and lecturers to return.

The space elevator just behind him was shaking slightly from time to time, appearing unstable. It might look harmless, but Lloyd could realize that this was a sign that the nearby space turbulence was agitating.

This means that the deadly storm may come at any time.

But the professor and lecturers haven't come back yet, and Lloyd will never leave without permission.

I have never had the character of a cowardly young man who is greedy for life and afraid of death!

But now, besides waiting anxiously, he could only keep playing with the space Rubik's Cube, and then repeatedly calculate the positions of the professor and lecturer.

The coordinates of the two teams are not far apart, but they have not changed for a long time. I wonder if they encountered some accident?

Lloyd felt extremely regretful. He should have insisted on going with them at that time.

But now I'm afraid it won't be that easy to set off alone to find them...

Even if all kinds of risks are put aside, the 'seniors' outside probably won't let him leave easily——

Since the lecturer and teaching assistant left, while moving the other students, Lloyd discovered that the 'seniors' outside had become a bit 'not interested in acting'.

It was as if they had really come alive. They all gathered together and stuck tightly to the surface of the shield. They followed Lloyd's movements. Wherever Lloyd went, they moved to the nearest distance along the shield. superior.

Although their postures did not change, their eyeballs did not move, and their expressions remained fixed at the original moment.

But Lloyd could clearly feel that their eyes were uniformly focused on him...

You can even feel the undisguised greed in your eyes...

The expression that should be unchanged seems to be showing some kind of weird smile, trying to hold a grand welcome ceremony for Lloyd...

The key is that the visual effects related to this ritual had been changed into an 'old photo filter' by Lloyd before, so the picture in front of him became like a group of 'seniors' trying to punch out from the photo, making it even more obvious. Infiltrating and strange...

Even the books and pages were restless and began to lightly hit the shield, as if they wanted to break through this barrier and pounce on Lloyd.

There is so much forbidden knowledge, even with the help of the panel, Lloyd may not be able to bear it...

He wasn't quite sure, it wasn't because he carried nine forbidden knowledge, or some other reason, that the ghosts outside could no longer pretend to be fake.

He could only use his free hand to hold the dagger-style psychic blade tightly, and when these ghosts pounced on them, he would fight them!

But at such a suffocating and tense moment, the shield that was originally strong and could last for a long time suddenly became a little loose.

The light emitted is gradually dimming, and the 'old photo filter' randomly configured by Lloyd is also gradually fading. The yellowed old photo gradually turns into a normal color, showing the original appearance of the brightly lit and spotless library. .

These all show that the power of rituals is gradually weakening due to unknown reasons.

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