I upgraded and added points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 316 Chapter 315 Are they still alive?

Tsk tsk... Why does it feel like I have just chosen a person and am about to start voice communication?

I think you don’t understand at all? Teammates who wear fancy clothes are often the most reliable ones...

Although the student handbook recommends not to discriminate against other people's systems, races, or even life forms, it is only a 'suggestion' after all, not a 'requirement'.

Lloyd was originally from the Inquisition, and he has always flaunted his character as a righteous young man who hates evil as much as he hates it. Naturally, he sneered at his 'classmates' in the taboo system, with undisguised contempt and rejection.

But he just cursed in his heart, and followed William to a nearby office without saying a word. He hurriedly changed into an outdoor hunting suit that the other party handed him, hung up his shawl, and brought Once you put on the three-cornered hat, you are ready.

"Since everything is fine, let's go!"

Professor Fernand gave an order, and the 18 people in the team followed him to the end of the corridor, boarded a spacious freight elevator, and then went all the way down.

The elevator did not mark the specific floor. It seemed that just by pulling down the handle, it would go all the way down to the depths of hell.

Five minutes later, the elevator still did not stop. Professor Fernand was seen nodding to two lecturers from the history department, and a 'game interface' appeared in front of everyone in the team——

There is a small map to help locate and indicate directions, each has its own responsibility, and there is also a long list of values ​​​​hanging in the upper right corner of the field of vision, but they are all '0'.

Basically, it just lacks a health bar, a blue bar and a skill icon.

This is not the first time that Lloyd has seen this kind of 'game interface'. The presiding judge let him experience it last time when he executed the thinking monster, and he naturally seemed not surprised.

On the other hand, the faces of several other students showed obvious surprise and astonishment, and some even stretched out their hands to touch something. It seemed that they had never cooperated with strong people from the [Intellectual] department and had never seen the world.

This forced Professor Fernand to explain:

"Don't be nervous. This is the projection of [Intellect] in your eyes. Get used to it as soon as possible... Also remember to pay attention to the upper right corner, which indicates the intensity of mental pollution you are suffering from."

As soon as he finished speaking, a student immediately asked:

"Ah? Then what I display here is '5', isn't it..."

"Yes, if you continue, this value will be higher. Be prepared, but don't worry too much. The two lecturers will help you resist part of it."

Professor Fernand replied in a low voice.

The expressions of several students present could not help but change slightly, especially those whose [rationality] values ​​were not high and who chose the 'lawless elements' of the taboo system. Their expressions suddenly became quite ugly, and they were obviously very afraid of mental pollution.

Lloyd was in the same situation, tilting his head slightly with confusion on his face.

Is there mental pollution? Where? Why didn't I feel it?

Not only did the string of numbers in the upper right corner still read '0', but he also didn't hear the panel prompts in his ears. He really didn't suffer any mental pollution at all.

Maybe those two lecturers were 'meddling'?

The elevator continued to run downward for another five minutes, and no one knew how deep it went.

Until Professor Lawrence's voice suddenly came from everyone's minds:

"You guys... are almost at... the edge area... the coordinate data... has... been... calculated... and passed to Lloyd... next... I'll hand it over to... I wish you... well..."

His voice sounded intermittent, with a rustling blind sound, as if the signal was poor.

However, Lloyd has received a complete set of spatial coordinates and can open the portal at any time.

He then looked at Professor Fernand and asked him with his eyes if he could start.

But the other party gestured to him not to worry, and then took out a strange crystal ball from his arms.

The crystal ball looks a bit like a decorative snow globe, but it is not filled with cartoon characters or fairy tale castles, but a mass of slime-like material that is still surging and changing, showing various shapes. A strange pattern and color texture.

Lloyd had some unreasonable suspicions. The things inside seemed alive?

Professor Fernand held the crystal ball and looked at it for a few seconds, as if confirming the changes in the material inside, and then nodded at Lloyd.

Lloyd tapped the new equipment he just bought today and filled in the spatial coordinates passed by the professor.

There were no spatial rifts or portals, but the elevator shook slightly, then went downwards, and suddenly turned upwards?

Hmm... wrong? It seems to be going left and right?

Lloyd felt a sense of disorientation, or in other words, lost the ability to identify direction.

The reaction of the students in the elevator was even greater. Some were squeezing their heads hard, as if trying to regain their sense of direction; some started retching directly; some began to fall over and teetered.

Fortunately, several lecturers and professors were quite normal, but their faces were a little pale and their eyes were a little wandering.

This symptom lasted for about half a minute, and Lloyd took the lead in regaining his sense of direction and felt that the elevator had stopped running and was hovering in mid-air.

Should we have arrived at our destination?

Lloyd quickly took out the Rubik's Cube-shaped space compass and determined his position.

Well, yes, the positioning is very accurate. When you open the door, you will see the coordinates sent by the professor.

But the other people in the elevator hadn't recovered yet, so Lloyd took the opportunity to rub the space meter the size of a pocket watch in his hand, while touching the walls of the elevator, and boldly let out some inspiration.

It turns out that this elevator is also a piece of space equipment, specially used for group teleportation.

Its overall shape is not a traditional rectangular parallelepiped or cube, but rather like a large clock buckled on the ground. It is unusually large and can cover so many people inside.

The space pocket watch in his hand has already had some connection with the elevator. Now he can control the elevator so that it can appear in the coordinate area he needs at any time for everyone to ride and leave.

So the main task of my trip is not to open the door, but to open the elevator?

Lloyd was a little dumbfounded...

At this time, he noticed Professor Fernand looking at the crystal ball again, and then asked:

"Okay, are you all alive? It's time to go out."

After saying that, he nodded to Lloyd again and expressed his approval.

Maybe he thinks his elevator is running well, right?

As a result, several students coughed dryly and whispered:

"Ahem...I really didn't expect to be so dizzy? I saw that the seniors in the student handbook didn't mention that they would be so dizzy, right? Could it be because the space department sent a new student this time?"

"Probably? It was so uncomfortable just now. It felt like my soul was about to fly out of my body... Huh? Why has the mental pollution become stronger again?"

"My mental pollution has also become stronger. Is the outside of the elevator really where we are going? Is there a mistake?"

"We won't be killed by that 'top student', right?"

Lloyd originally didn't intend to pay attention to these people, but in the end, a bald mage next to him came to help and said angrily:

"You idiots, this space travel is already very smooth and fast, no worse than those lecturers or even professors. If it were the previous trips I took, you losers would probably pass out on the spot, right?"

After scolding Lloyd, the bald mage turned back, nodded at Lloyd, and praised:

"You are a good boy. Although you look weak, your academic level is very high. I approve of you! If these people dare to say weird things again, I will help you deal with them."

"Uh...thank you...but really, I don't care what they say."

Lloyd replied somewhat amusedly.

As soon as he finished speaking, he felt several dissatisfied looks falling on him.

But fortunately, it was only limited to the level of "dissatisfaction" and did not reveal actual hostility.

Maybe it's just the instinctive dissatisfaction between the scumbag and the overachiever, right?

"Okay, let's leave the academic disputes to be resolved after we go back. There is no dueling ground here, so we should leave."

Professor Fernand spoke in time to smooth things over, and then kicked the elevator door in front of him fiercely.

With a burst of gears clicking, the scene outside the door slowly opened.


"Ah? Why is there someone?"

"They...they're still alive?"

The students immediately let out bursts of exclamations.

Lloyd also opened his eyes wide, looking at the strange scene in front of him.

The outside looks like a library. It looks broad, grand, clean and bright. It can even be said to be spotless. It doesn't look abandoned at all. It is brand new than the twisted tower.

It's just a little messy, with all kinds of messy books floating in the air, as well as students wearing traditional mage robes.

These students looked as if they were still alive, with youthful youthfulness and high spirits on their faces. Some looked like they were studying hard with their heads down, while others seemed to be chatting and communicating with the classmates around them.

But their movements were completely frozen in this frame. They were motionless and floating in the air, like wax figures in the water. Their lifelike expressions and behaviors brought about something indescribable. The weird feeling.

Even Lloyd couldn't help but feel creepy.

He even felt that the eyes of these students seemed to be aimed at him intentionally or unintentionally...

A burst of panel prompts came to my ears:

[Ding~Insanity value +10]

[Ding~Insanity value +10]

He quickly glanced at the string of values ​​​​in the upper right corner. It had changed from a large string of '0' to '20'.

It doesn’t match the prompts on the panel and I don’t know who to trust?

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