However, compared to this bitter sadomasochism without an ending, what really made Lloyd laugh out loud was the 'continuation of the dog's tail' carried out by various classmates on him——

Probably out of dissatisfaction with this relationship that had no ending, someone immediately wrote it themselves and made up a 'fan-art' ending.

But this person is not an easy person to get along with, and he actually let the original author get together with the elementary school girl who boldly confessed his love at the end?

This made many people dissatisfied, so someone immediately wrote a second ending, allowing the two seniors to mix things up...

Now even more people couldn't accept it, and more and more people began to write their own stories, making the ending more and more outrageous.

After graduating, the four parties discovered that they were actually a family that had been separated for a long time, and they suddenly became brothers and sisters.

After graduating, the four parties formed an investigation team outside and began to deal with various dangerous and strange incidents. In the end, they accumulated a deep friendship as comrades-in-arms and became brothers and sisters of the opposite sex.

Or after the four parties graduated, they each went to different cities, and then two became lawless elements, and two became hunters of the Holy Court of Grace, and began to fall in love and kill each other.

Or maybe after graduating, the four parties chose to become ordinary people and began to work in the financial industry, and then started a series of business games.

What Lloyd liked the most was that the four parties boarded the spaceship and began to explore extraterrestrials, unfolding a series of exciting and ridiculous plots.

It can only be said that it is Mizkatok Lunatic Asylum after all, and it can develop a campus love triangle into this kind of situation.

But these are not the most outrageous...

As for the most outrageous thing, or the most outrageous thing, it is to transform the two female characters into magical girls, and the two male characters into tentacle monsters that mutate out of control, and then...

The key is just like this, but the author seems to be from the art department, and is also good at painting, and he directly drew the subsequent plot that he arranged.

It's a pity that the paintings that can be seen on the 'message board' are all relatively 'plain' ones. It is said that the real essence is compiled into a volume by the author and is only disseminated privately, making it impossible for Lloyd to evaluate the other party's artistic attainments. He can't help but I feel quite sorry...

In short, Lloyd felt that he already liked this 'message board' after just reading the first two stories.

And in addition to this most exciting 'story area', there are other 'living areas', 'study areas', 'pet areas', and 'work areas' that also have a lot of interesting content. Lloyd just looked at the time. , it’s already 7pm.

Go back first, Wei Ya should still be waiting for me.

And there are still many things and problems that need to be sorted out and summarized.

Lloyd reluctantly closed the 'message board', then grabbed the kitten, took out his brooch, and tapped a frequency.

This frequency is what he learned in the student handbook, and it is the frequency specifically used to return to the present world. The brooch will open a portal and send the student back to the place where he came in.

And in the content that mentions this frequency, there are also various precautions.

For example, be sure not to tap the wrong frequency to avoid getting lost in a different space; or be sure to remember where you were when you entered to avoid encountering some inexplicable accidents; and pay attention to adjustments and adaptations, etc.

Most of the reminders are about space safety and should be necessary.

Only this 'pay attention to adjustment and adaptation' was a little unclear, which made Lloyd a little confused.

Maybe some people are not used to this kind of space travel and it will cause discomfort?

But luckily I have [Space Control], so I shouldn’t have to worry about this.

However, Lloyd didn't take it too seriously, he just typed out the fixed frequency in the manual, then passed through the portal, and returned to the office in District 18.

But before he could stand firm, he suddenly felt a wave of dizziness coming towards him, causing him to stagger and almost fall down.

My mind was spinning even more. Even with level 6 [Dizziness Resistance], I couldn't resist it, and I was almost on the verge of fainting.

Immediately, a prompt from the panel came to my ears:

[Ding~Insanity value +500]

And Lloyd soon realized a more fatal problem——

This kind of dizziness and discomfort does not seem to be spatial or physiological.

Instead, it’s more like a time dimension…

He felt as if he had encountered a vampire and suffered a 'time pause', but it was not a pause in his own time, but in the space around him.

Whether it was light, air, sound, or other humans or objects, they all fell into a strange state of stasis, motionless.

But when he was in it, it was as if his brain had been cut open, so he suffered from strong dizziness that was difficult to resist.

Fortunately, just when he was feeling extremely uncomfortable, a ray of refreshing coolness suddenly came out of his pocket and went straight to his forehead.

This coolness is like a piece of ice stuffed into clothes in summer. Although it will make people shiver, it can effectively relieve the dizziness caused by the heat and make Lloyd's mind instantly clearer.

Then, he felt that the 'time' around him started to flow again, but it was like 'fast forward' and 'slow forward' for a while. This went back and forth for about ten seconds, and then gradually resumed. It's normal.

The afternoon light finally shone through the window normally, and the sound of normal footsteps could finally be heard in the corridor outside.

Lloyd felt that the dizziness in his head had disappeared, and he should have returned to normal.

But something was wrong with the little kitten in his pocket. He closed his eyes tightly, stuck out his tongue slightly, and fell into a coma.

Lloyd was frightened and quickly stretched out his hand to rub it.

The little milk cat shook its head and woke up leisurely. It seemed that nothing was wrong.

"Meow meow?"

"Well, it should be fine."

Lloyd comforted him, looked at the dazzling sunlight by the window, and then took out his pocket watch and took a look.

It’s not even two o’clock in the afternoon yet?

But Lloyd remembered that he entered Mizkatok around one o'clock in the afternoon after lunch, and left at seven o'clock in the evening.

Could it be that in just a few hours inside, a whole day has passed outside?

He quickly left the office and ran to find Wei Ya.

Wei Ya was immersed in processing a pile of forms. When she saw Lloyd rushing in, she was a little surprised and asked:

"Huh? Aren't you going to Mizkatok University? Haven't you set off yet?"

Then, she showed a sweet smile, squinted her eyes slightly, teased Lloyd with her eyes, and continued:

"The new clothes look great."

"No, this...I was only gone for an hour?"

Lloyd asked quickly.

"Yeah, what's wrong?"

Wei Ya was stunned for a moment, then realized something, and quickly asked:

"Have you... already gone in?"

Lloyd wanted to answer her, but just as he was about to speak, he suddenly felt that the student manual in his arms suddenly became hot.

A line of text immediately appeared in front of me:

"It is forbidden to discuss the important information of the college with the outside world!"

This should be some kind of warning and reminder to him not to violate this third school rule.

Lloyd had no choice but to wave his hand, signaling Wei Ya to stop talking and let him think through his thoughts.

Wei Ya was also very sensible and kept quiet, just looking at her lover with concern.

Lloyd then took out his pocket watch and looked at it carefully, estimated the time, and soon discovered something.

Is that so?

The flow rate of time in Mizkatok is different from that in the outside world. It is about a ratio of one to ten. One hour outside is equal to ten hours inside.

And all the discomforts I had previously were caused by jet lag. It was really uncomfortable!

But fortunately, I still have the help of the 'Synchronized Hourglass'. No wonder Dandy repeatedly emphasized the importance of this thing. No wonder he insisted on arranging a dormitory for me. No wonder he said that many students there were day students. No wonder he originally The presiding judge said that after I enter, I will not delay my work and life outside...

It turns out that there is such a time speed difference!

This speed difference should also be one of Mizkatok's important secrets, so it cannot be disclosed to the outside world.

So Lloyd thought about his words and explained to Wei Ya:

"Weiya...I can't tell you much about the situation there. I can only's very special there."

Wei Ya was always reasonable, nodded and asked:

"Well, I can probably guess that you haven't encountered any danger, right?"

"No, rather, everything went smoothly."

Lloyd smiled, then reached out to hug Wei Ya, and continued:

"Thank you for your concern, Wei Ya."


Wei Ya narrowed her eyes slightly and rubbed her chin on Lloyd's shoulder.

She originally wanted to hold her for a while longer, but that strange invisible force actually appeared again and pushed her away without mercy.


Why are you becoming more and more stingy?

It was only three seconds...

Is he my boyfriend or your boyfriend?

Wei Ya couldn't help but complain a few words in her heart, and showed an aggrieved expression.

Lloyd also felt embarrassed and could only explain reluctantly:

"Uh... it's working time after all, and this is a public place. Otherwise, we should wait until after get off work..."

As a result, Wei Ya felt even more aggrieved, pouting and saying:

"But I have to go out to the outskirts of the city with my father today..."

Go for what? Kill a pig?

Lloyd couldn't help but sneered, and could only say helplessly:

"Oh... forget it, I'll leave early. I have to prepare some necessary things. I can only wait until the day after tomorrow."

It can be said that it is the day after tomorrow, but Lloyd also understands that once you enter Mizkatok, you will not be able to tell the specific day after you come out...

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