That night, Lloyd went to bed early, but a farmer who had nothing to do with him was so angry that he couldn't sleep.

"Nine nodes... nine in total! All were destroyed! Even the cronies I sent to negotiate have not come back..."

The farmer was holding on to an ancient map that had completely faded. His hands were shaking and his heart was bleeding.

The previous bloody and exciting underground boxing match made the audience excited. When the two boxers made the final blow and then fell together, the atmosphere reached its climax, which made the decent audience excited. Under the almost crazy sensory stimulation, they all fainted.

Then it was time for the farmer to harvest. He breathed heavily, gradually forgetting everything, and was completely immersed in this crazy atmosphere.

It was not until two days later that the audience began to wake up one after another, leaving large sums of money to watch the game in a daze, and then left one after another like the walking zombies.

The farmer also woke up, and then found that his most important financial assets, the nine ritual rituals, had been ripped out, just like his heart and lungs.

Those rituals are his only channel to 'attract' audiences. They can influence some people's thinking and cognition very covertly and quietly, and then attract them to this suburban farm to enjoy a crazy feast.

Without rituals, farmers basically lose the possibility of moving forward on the extraordinary road.

"Teacher...the great mentor will definitely be very disappointed with me...I must...must take back the ritual!"

The farmer's body was shaking violently, not sure whether it was because of anger or fear.

These rituals were extremely valuable and had been taught to him by his mysterious and powerful guru.

The core part of the entire ritual is a small part of [forbidden knowledge] mixed in it. It is dangerous, powerful, and full of fatal temptation.

The remaining parts are to make the ritual secret, small, safe, and sustainable, and will automatically screen the audience, only attracting those who are more inspired than ordinary people, who have been in a high-pressure environment for a long time, and who crave spiritual stimulation. kind of people.

Such people are not difficult to find in civilian areas, but more are found in the vibrant and highly competitive Xicheng District. With the help of high inspiration, they are often quick-thinking and highly creative, and can easily be confused as successful people. , and then bear all kinds of heavy mental pressure.

Such people simply cannot resist the temptation of rituals and are easily earned, bringing huge wealth to the farmers.

The most sophisticated thing about this ritual is that it suppresses the danger of [forbidden knowledge] and only retains the temptation. Therefore, it will not cause too serious mental trauma to the audience and can continue to drain them.

Such a superb ritual is obviously not something that the farmer can master. He was not even involved in the specific arrangements. His mentor directly gave him the ancient map, and then asked him to absorb the madness of others to make himself better. Become strong.

So now that the ritual is gone, he definitely can't arrange it himself, he can only snatch it back.

Even if the person who takes away the rituals must be a terrifyingly strong person, otherwise, given the sophistication and complexity of those rituals, the [forbidden knowledge] in them will be released if not careful, causing unpredictable and terrible consequences.

But the farmer still had no choice but to bite the bullet. There was no turning back as he was exploring the extraordinary path in the dark side that was not understood and accepted by the world.

But before taking action, he first summoned his remaining four subordinates, and then the five of them performed a divination together.

For extraordinary beings like them who live in darkness, divination is a necessary skill that must be mastered. Those who cannot master it will all die or be arrested by the Court of Holy Grace.

With the mutual cooperation of the five people, they quickly came to some conclusions:

"As expected, our people disappeared on the territory of the 'Free Style' association. It was our people who should have gone to them to argue, but they were killed by them."

"Oh, I knew it was them, these maggots in the sewers! The fact that they can survive in the Brilliant City for so long is because they have taken refuge in a certain mysterious powerhouse."

"This doesn't surprise me, and it's also not important. No matter how powerful a person is, they don't dare to carry [forbidden knowledge] with them. We just need to find where it is stored and find an opportunity to snatch it back."

"That's right, then... let's continue!"

The five criminals each took a deep breath, and with a strong sense of tension, they took out coins, dice, knives and other divination tools, and began to divine the whereabouts of the forbidden knowledge.

This is undoubtedly a very dangerous move. Dangerous things like divination often cause undue 'touches' inadvertently, leading to unpredictable consequences.

But they are all talented and courageous people, and they are also desperadoes with no way out, so they can only bite the bullet.

A few seconds later, there was a buzzing noise in their ears at the same time, and their vision became slightly distorted, and a slight tingling began to occur in their brains.

But fortunately, there was no worse situation. These anomalies were quickly eliminated, and the results of the divination were revealed.

"The conclusion is... optimistic. We will not encounter too many difficulties and dangers during this trip."

"I have the same conclusion as you. My knife shows signs of luck. It seems that the strong man who took away the ritual will not notice us."

"The location is here, the area covered by my lucky coin, a middle-class neighborhood, and the results are very clear."

"Very good! Change your clothes and set off immediately!"

Following the farmer's order, everyone put on the black robes that were standard for outlaws, put on circus clown masks on their faces, then jumped on the steam car and sped towards Nancheng District.

The night was extremely dark tonight, and there was no light at all. The road was smooth, and there was no obstacle at all. The steam car quickly arrived at the target location - a luxury apartment with standard middle-class equipment.

It was also dark everywhere, not a single figure could be seen, and even the street lights were extinguished due to malfunction, as if fate was assisting their actions.

Before actually entering the apartment, the five people performed one more divination just to be on the safe side.

The result is still optimism and luck.

Then there’s nothing to be afraid of!

The farmer opened the door of the apartment immediately and walked into the garden on the first floor.

Then, he saw a figure shaking in the shadow not far away.

The farmer quickly took out the pistol in his arms and prepared to strike first.

But then, he discovered that there seemed to be more than one person in the darkness?

More and more figures were swaying in the darkness, surrounding them from all directions, and then gradually emerged from the darkness, revealing their iconic three-cornered hats, uniforms, waistcoats, and fancy masks on their faces.

"The hounds of Saint Grace Court? No! We are ambushed!"

"How could this be? Aren't the results of the divination very optimistic?"

"These damn hounds must have used some means to interfere with our divination. They have been targeting us for a long time!"

Several subordinates were screaming in panic, trying to escape.

But there was a series of soft sounds of firearms being loaded in the darkness, stopping his attempt.

Among the hunters on the opposite side, one wearing a black and white clown mask stood out.

The farmer recognized this infamous mask at a glance and whispered through gritted teeth:

"Haha~ As expected of the 'Hound of Veto', he actually set up such a cunning trick to ambush us."

After hearing this, the other party was stunned for a moment, looked at each other with the others around him, and then asked:

"You didn't surrender yourself? you know where this place is?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the farmer and others suddenly felt like they were suddenly awakening from a dream.

The light in front of them became brighter again, and the sounds in their ears became noisy again.

The building in the field of vision also distorted and changed, from the original high-end apartment to a majestic cathedral, and countless people could be seen coming and going.

This is the landmark building of the Holy Grace Tribunal - the 'Final Judgment'. It is the place where countless heretics have been tried and executed. It is also the home and headquarters of the Holy Grace Tribunal.

"Ah this..."

The farmer was stunned for a moment.

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