Xiao Yun also learned something from Jill's words. The humans called the Ancient Survivors are unable to use magic. The name of the Ancient Survivors is very interesting. This shows that there was no magic in this world originally, and the new humans who now rule this world are the ones who master magic.

Old humans, new humans, dragons, Mana, Norma...all of this is really interesting.

Xiao Yun felt that this world was becoming more and more interesting. Although he did not yet understand what principle the magic was based on and whether he could continue to maintain such ability after leaving this world, this did not hinder its huge research value.

With the LD system, the development of mecha technology has the potential to approach the super system. The Knight system is actually not very good. It is essentially the conversion and application of energy and the expansion of the user's own abilities. When used, there are obvious visual effects of electromagnetic energy technology. It is completely different from the LD system. At least the LD system can create something out of nothing.

If we can crack the secrets of magic in this world, combine it with the LD system and upgrade it, we might be able to create a true super machine. Even if it's not as outrageous as the Getter robot, it would be great if it could be a little bit magical.

But the most interesting thing is not this, but the other world.

This world knows about the existence of another world, and can travel between two different worlds. This is the first time that Xiao Yun has truly come into contact with a world that can open a channel to another world.

Compared to this, everything else is insignificant, and their combined value cannot compare to the value of the method to open the channel to the other world.

This made Xiao Yun's blood, which had not burned for a long time, begin to stir.

"Tell me about the situation in this world."

"The world situation? Interesting. A person who has fallen into another world and cannot even guarantee his life would actually care about such things." Jill looked at Xiao Yun and said, "It seems that you are also an important figure in your world."

"It should be bigger than you think." Xiao Yun raised his eyebrows and said, "Are you tempted? You kidnap me, and when my men come, just use me to threaten them. They will agree to any conditions, even if it means making you the only king in this world. You may not understand what a civilization that can conquer the Milky Way means. Even if this world has magic, you still won't be able to resist such a civilization."

Jill lit another cigarette and said, "Will you accept being my prisoner?"

Xiao Yun said: "As long as you can guarantee my safety and let me have enough food and drink and enjoy myself, I probably won't refuse."

Jill blew out a smoke ring. "What this means is that I will provide you with shelter, the intelligence and advice you need, and after that you will provide me with military force to meet my needs. But how can I guarantee that you will keep your word?"

"It's convenient to talk to smart people." Xiao Yun looked Jill up and down, then shook his head gently. "I'm a direct person. I'll choose different ways to solve problems and achieve my goals for everyone. You can say I'm unscrupulous and heartless, but I insist on promises the most. Of course, I don't think you will believe in promises, so I can't make any guarantees for the time being."

Xiao Yun's words were quite frank. He was the kind of person who would do anything according to his mood. The way he treated Cornelia and Shirley Lu were enough to show his despicable side. But those who do great things do not care about trivial matters. He did things like threatening, drugging and kidnapping people. Why would he go around in circles when he could achieve his goal directly? Besides, who could deny that he was not wholehearted in his treatment of these two women?

Moreover, Xiao Yun is really good to his own people and has never broken his promises. It is contradictory and complex, chaotic and pure.

Jill: "I kind of suspected I was talking to someone who was delusional."

Xiao Yun didn't say much. He just stretched out his hand in front of Jill and waved it gently downwards, as if unzipping a zipper, or as if tearing something apart.

The chain reaction caused by this action also made Jill sluggish for a moment, and his expression became serious: "I take back what I said just now, Mr. Satan, I apologize for all my previous presumptuousness and temptations."

Jill's attitude changed instantly, so fast that people were caught off guard, but Xiao Yun now was an opportunity for her, an opportunity that she could not ignore and must seize. The appearance of Xiao Yun made her see the possibility of achieving her goal.

But Xiao Yun did not change at all because of Jill's change. He smiled and said, "This is the power that can tear apart the world's barrier. It proves what I said that I came from another world. It is actually quite risky for me to show this ability to you, but I can smell the pain and hatred in you, and I can also feel the smell of conspiracy in your body. I have come into contact with too many people like you. I can tell what kind of person you are at a glance. The best way to get along with people like you is to be open and honest."

"So even though I took some risks, this was also my sincerity. We cooperated and each got what we needed. I wanted all the technologies in this world and everything that interested me. No matter what hatred you have, as long as you cooperate with me, I will help you achieve it. As for what you want to do later, that's a matter for the future. After the cooperation is completed, we will each use our own methods. Either you lead the humans in this world to drive me out of this world, or I occupy this world and you become my subordinate. This is like making a deal with the devil. You know there may be great risks ahead, but the devil will definitely be able to fulfill your wish. Become a contractor with the devil, or become a hero who defeats the devil. What do you want to be?"

"Satan... he is really a devil." Jill suddenly burst into laughter. Although she is a woman, she is as brave as a man and has the same strong temperament as Cornelia. "But Mr. Satan, there are more than one devil in this world. It is very interesting to cooperate with one devil to fight against another devil. But as long as you can fulfill my wish, Mr. Satan, what's the problem with cooperating with you? I agree to this deal."

Xiao Yun smiled and nodded, saying, "I'm suddenly a little curious about what unforgivable thing that devil did to you. A woman who turns love into hate is really scary. She wants to retaliate harshly even though she knows she is cooperating with the devil."

Jill calmed down a little, with a smile on her face: "Is Mr. Satan really a devil? If he were a devil, Angie wouldn't be able to escape from him so easily."

Xiao Yun shrugged his shoulders: "It could also be that he is playing the long game to catch a bigger fish. Now he has caught a bigger fish, right?"

Jill smiled and did not deny it, but it was still unclear who was the fish.

Jill said, "Mr. Satan, I will provide you with shelter for the rest of the time. If you wish, I can take you back to Arzenal, or I can send you to another place where you won't face any trouble."

Xiao Yun shook his head: "I don't care. The guest should follow the host's wishes. For me, understanding the world now is the first priority. Having a safe and relaxing place is enough. But I have a few pets to bring with me."

Jill nodded: "Pet? No problem, I'll arrange it for you."

Xiao Yun stood up and walked to where Xiao Long was. He pulled the canvas and revealed the confused Xiao Long inside: "This is the pet I'm talking about."

After Jill saw the little dragon who was tied up like a pigtail, the four of them looked at each other and could see each other's confusion.

Jill opened her mouth and said, "Mr. Satan's pet is really special."

Xiao Yun looked at Jill: "Is it okay?"

Jill took a deep breath and nodded slowly, "No problem, that's how Mr. Satan caught the dragon."

Xiao Yun waved his fist: "Depend on this."

Jill's face twitched unconsciously, and she said, "I understand. I will try my best to meet your needs, Mr. Satan."

"Don't worry, there are more." Xiao Yun whistled, and a wild boar ran out of the jungle with a pony carrying two monkeys. Xiao Yun did not forget the turtle Wujing, who usually had a very low presence: "There are still them."

Jill's eyes became somewhat strange. "No problem, as long as Mr. Satan can take care of them. It seems that life on the isolated island is quite boring for Mr. Satan."

"It's really boring." Xiao Yun sighed and said, "There's no one to talk to, no one to take care of me, no one to serve me, and no entertainment. I don't want to fight wits with the air, so I can only raise some pets to entertain myself. It's okay with you, and it's okay with me. Let's see when it's convenient for us to set off."

"I'll arrange it."

Xiao Yun nodded and ignored Jill. He scratched Xiao Long's chin and said, "What magic do you know? Show me."

Xiaolong turned his head away as if he didn't understand, which made Xiao Yun suddenly feel like he was itching to do something again.

A few minutes later, Jill stood beside Xiao Yun, looking at the little dragon tied up like a dumpling and said, "This creature is very hostile to humans. I have never seen a dragon that can stay so quiet."

"It probably doesn't dare." Xiao Yun chuckled and said, "First, it knows very well that I can subdue it again with my fists. Second, I have never shown any hostility towards it from the beginning. I am not from this world, so I have no hostility towards dragons or humans, and I don't care who is righteous and who is evil. I just want to keep a dragon as a pet, it's that simple. By the way, can you help me see if this little guy is female or male? I'm afraid it will be too lonely, so I plan to catch a few more dragons to keep it company."

Jill's expression changed again, but she also answered Xiao Yun's question: "Female, small dragons with this appearance are only female, and those huge dragons are only male."

"Hiss." Xiao Yun touched his chin and said, "This is a bit troublesome, but it's okay. As long as this little guy wants to find a companion, I will definitely catch one for him. It's just a little dragon, which is nothing. I said that the more I look at this little guy, the cuter he becomes. It feels like a pretty face. It is indeed a female."

Jill shook his head and said, "It has been arranged. The transport plane will be here soon. But I want to remind Mr. Satan that after we go to Arzenal, we must make sure that the dragon stays in the area I prepare. Everyone in Arzenal, except me, is extremely hostile to dragons."

"I understand." Xiao Yun patted Xiao Long's head and said, "Don't run around. I won't be responsible if you die. The most I can do is take your body back and revive you."

Jill was a little surprised: "Resurrection... Can Mr. Satan even do something like this?"

"Rely on technology to restore the body's vitality, or achieve a disguised resurrection through cloning." Xiao Yun shrugged his shoulders and said, "It's okay if the brain is still there, but if you replace the brain, will you still be yourself after resurrection? You are just a tool."

Jill nodded thoughtfully.

As the sky gradually darkened, a larger transport plane appeared and forced a landing near the camp.

Xiao Yun didn't take anything else, he just hung the weapons and ammunition on Bajie, and then he dragged Xiaolong into the cabin of the transport plane under Jill's strange gaze. Jill felt speechless when he saw the long marks left on the ground by the rope on Xiaolong, it was really outrageous.

There were two people in the transport plane, a young girl and an older woman.

The two were surprised to see the cabin suddenly turned into a zoo, but neither of them showed any weird expressions.

Jill followed him into the cabin. "This is Mr. Satan. We will be staying in Arzenal for the next period of time. All expenses will be deducted from my salary. However, you must prepare a safe place for Mr. Satan where he will not be disturbed."

"Mr. Satan, this is Yasmine, this is Mei, if you need anything in Arzenal in the future, feel free to tell them."

Mei was a little surprised: "Satan, the legendary devil?"

Xiao Yun said: "Really? I'm curious if there is a legend about Satan in this world too?"

"Mei, don't be rude to the guests."

Yasmin was a middle-aged woman. She smiled and said to Xiao Yun, "There are some related descriptions in the documents left over from a long time ago, but people nowadays don't believe them. But you are not an ordinary person to be called such a name."

Xiao Yun said with a smile: "No, no, there was a guy called Adam who I caught before and kept saying that I was Satan. You can call me Xiao Yun, Shi Zhen Xiao Yun, this is my name."

Mei's eyes flashed again, full of curiosity: "Adam, the legendary ancestor of mankind?"

Xiao Yun waved his hand and said with a casual smile: "I don't know much about the situation here, but from what I know about that world, Lilith is the ancestor of mankind, Adam is not, but he created an apostle that could destroy the world. Oh, it's all my fault that I accidentally saved Adam who wanted to reset the world and became the savior of mankind, so this guy gave me the title of Satan."

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