(I fell asleep yesterday and forgot to change it. I changed it as soon as I woke up this morning. Sorry~~~~)

It's going to be chaos.

The current development of events is beyond anyone's imagination. Even the culprit Xiao Yun did not expect it. The changes are too fast and too great. It has only been a short month. Xiao Yun can't believe what he has missed.

It seemed that Johnson came here just to see Xiao Yun. Seeing Xiao Yun's horrible look, he stopped talking about the topic briefly. In Johnson's opinion, the most important thing for Xiao Yun now was to take good care of his body and nothing else mattered. Under normal circumstances, General Johnson might have flirted with the women around Xiao Yun, but he really didn't have the mind to do so now, mainly because he was under too much pressure.

When Johnson saw that Xiao Yun could only eat high-nutrition liquid food, he felt that Xiao Yun's illness might be serious. Just looking at Xiao Yun's current condition, it was obvious that he was seriously ill. Even with the medical level of Shuguang Industry, they were unable to control Xiao Yun's illness and made him lose weight like this, which was enough to show that his illness was indeed very serious.

But seeing that Xiao Yun was in good spirits, Johnson felt relieved. Xiao Yun was the most critical link between him and Shuguang Industry, and Johnson least wanted Xiao Yun to get into trouble.

After confirming again that Xiao Yun was fine, Johnson said goodbye and left with peace of mind, while Xiao Yun continued to read the information Gina gave him.

A piece of document describes the current miserable situation of the Alliance Star. The Dimension Devourer has caused great damage to the Alliance Star. This super weapon of annihilation and devouring directly caused almost 70% of the Alliance Star to disappear, leaving only a regular crescent. But even so, this crescent is still floating firmly in the universe, still serving as the alien base camp. Even if only three-tenths of the original piece is left, it is still very large.

When using the Dimension Devourer, very precise calculations must have been carried out, which ultimately resulted in the Dimension Devourer not causing any impact on the white hole. Xiao Yun and his team were not sure what changes would occur after the Dimension Devourer affected the white hole, so they still held back.

According to the video records, the black hole and the white hole did not have any impact on each other when they appeared. What's even more outrageous is that countless world tree roots tens of meters thick were found at the fracture of the remaining part of the Alliance Star. They had completely penetrated deep into the ground like vines.

If it weren't for the use of the Dimension Devourer, humans might not have known that the World Tree was assimilating the Alliance Star. If it continued like this, the situation might have become even more serious. Some people even suspected that if it weren't for the emergence of Organization X and the use of a terrible space weapon, the entire Alliance Star would have become an incomprehensible and terrible existence in the near future. Once the aliens achieve their goal, humans will face an unprecedented super weapon.

Even though the atmosphere has dissipated and part of the surface temperature is no longer suitable, the World Tree still stabilizes the incomplete planet and prevents the remaining part from completely collapsing. It is also continuously transforming the wreckage. Neither the Zerglings nor the alien warriors are affected by this and demonstrate a terrifying ability to adapt to the environment.

However, because the Alliance Star was destroyed, the strategic depth is almost non-existent, the development of alien races is also greatly restricted, and the advantage of the Federation Army has become greater. Warships can more freely launch attacks in various ways on the rest of the Alliance Star, but this is also a huge field with a surface of tens of millions of square kilometers, but the combat mode has undergone fundamental changes.

The Federation did not know how to deal with the sudden appearance of Organization X. They were very nervous when it first appeared, but they did not expect that a battleship of Organization X would not attack them but assist them instead. However, the two sides soon reached an agreement to jointly deal with the aliens. The Federation would also establish the ultimate defense zone at the wreckage of the Alliance Star. However, Xiao Yun could not see any specific plan, and there was not even any follow-up plan for the Federation Army.

However, the Federation suffered heavy losses in this battle, and it was difficult to organize another general offensive. They could only hold their ground while maintaining an offensive posture and waiting for the arrival of follow-up reinforcements. Moreover, after reaching an agreement and cooperating with Organization X, a lot of pressure had indeed been relieved in terms of offense and defense. With such heavy losses, any elite combat force was extremely valuable, not to mention the combat force of Organization X.

At the same time, this is also a good opportunity for the Federation to closely observe and monitor Organization X.

The transformable warships, the transformable fighter jets, and the other life form that looked like a demon but was not a demon at all, which caused the alien race to panic, were all beyond the Federation's expectations.

At first, I thought Organization X was in cahoots with the evil, but now it seems that Organization X is not the case at all.

As for the alien race, after such a big change, they finally exposed almost all of their cards. They clearly had the ability to break through but they were guarding tightly around the white hole. It was impossible for them to do such an unnecessary thing, so the most likely possibility is that they are preparing for the last resort.

Xiao Yun took these data into consideration and was also thinking about what the aliens were planning. From the very beginning when they appeared in this world, their action logic was very abnormal and many things were hard to explain.

Cagalli and Xiaoya were also checking out various information about World 0, and of course the part about the Alliance Star was also their focus.

Xiaoya rubbed her eyes and said, "The situation here is really complicated. If we were to stay here, Orb would not be able to stand up to the challenge. It would be difficult for us to even protect ourselves. We might only be at the same level as the City of Desire. A single alien warrior would be enough to pose a huge threat to us. This kind of thing can only be solved on the front battlefield."

Cagalli had a completely different idea: "No, even Orb can definitely do something."

Of course this is certain. Orb's technological research and development capabilities are indeed not something that the City of Desire can challenge. However, Orb is really not eye-catching enough in World 0. Now, the one that provides the greatest support to the entire Dawn is not Orb, or the help that Orb can provide is actually very small. Instead, the ones that can really bring the greatest help are World 3 with a lower technological level and World 4 with higher production and technical capabilities.

CC sat next to Xiao Yun: "What are you thinking about so seriously? Is it appropriate for you to use your brain like this now? The most important thing for you should be resting."

Xiao Yun said: "I'm wondering what the aliens are planning. The aliens' current combat power and numbers are clearly enough to break through. What on earth are they trying to do by just guarding the white hole? I think the aliens' current action logic is very problematic. I just hope that the efforts they are making now are different from what I imagined, otherwise the Federation will suffer another big loss."

CC was a little curious: "What are your thoughts?"

Xiao Yun said: "Of course they are waiting for something. Once they achieve their goal, the situation on the battlefield will begin to change."

"You can think of something, so why don't you think the people in the Federation can think of it?" CC glanced at Xiao Yun and said, "The current situation is that the Federation is no longer able to organize enough forces to launch a general offensive while ensuring the blockade, so it has to take this kind of continuous combat action. The current situation is that the significance of the blockade is greater than the attack. The two sides are just looking at who is faster. Either the support of the Federation arrives first or the aliens achieve their goals first."

Xiao Yun groaned, "You're right. If I can find it, there's no reason why the Federation can't find it. We can't care about so many things now. We can only do our best. If it doesn't work, the most we can do is give up our business here and start over somewhere else. After all, this place is too close to the front line, so we need to prepare in advance."

Xiao Yun immediately contacted Gina and asked him to arrange for the Valkyrie to be ready for sailing, and then let CC push him out to complete the thing he had not had the chance to do before.

At the Shuguang Ecological Reserve, the aircraft that Xiao Yun was riding in slowly landed and he quickly entered the park in a wheelchair. This was one of the domes hidden among many giant domes. Under the cover of other domes, it had become the best habitat for vajra. Compared with the outside of the dome, the inside of the dome had more green atmosphere and was full of natural feeling.

There were many vajra living hidden in the dense vegetation. When Xiao Yun entered the independent park under the dome, the plants inside made a rustling sound.

A small green bug appeared from the woods and stopped in front of Xiao Yun. It turned its head and looked at Xiao Yun with a silly look.

Then more small bugs appeared and completely surrounded Xiao Yun. Also surrounded were Shirley and Lux ​​who came with him.

Even larger vajras also emerged from various places, and countless red eyes were staring in Xiao Yun's direction.

After such a long period of breeding, the number of vajra on Chimera has already reached an unimaginable number. As a kind of insect, the number of eggs laid by vajra is still the same as that of normal insects. Both the growth rate and the reproduction rate are astonishingly fast.

The vajra here not only live under the dome, but there is also a living space suitable for the vajra under the ground. What appears in front of Xiao Yun now is just a part of it. If all the vajra appear, I am afraid that the dome will be squeezed out in an instant.

Xiao Yun held Shirley Lu's hand. Shirley Lu understood what Xiao Yun meant and began to sing softly. For a moment, it seemed that Shirley Lu's voice spread to all corners of the dome, and a green light also appeared on Xiao Yun and Shirley Lu's bodies.

Suddenly, Xiao Yun felt that his spirit seemed to be infinitely expanded. Wind appeared in the dome and blew to every corner, making Xiao Yun feel extremely clear. It seemed that every change in the dome was known to him. His spirit turned into wind and spread everywhere.

Xiao Yun slowly stretched out his hand and touched the head of the little bug in front of him. Suddenly, a bright light burst out from the little bug. After the light faded away, a second-stage bug appeared in front of Xiao Yun. It was a slightly different bug, but Xiao Yun couldn't tell the specific difference between it and other bugs in their growth stages.

But he just felt that the growing vajra in front of him was different, very different.

The light of the insects' evolution also covered the entire dome in the instant just now, along with Shirley Lu's singing and Xiao Yun's own light, which also spread out. The powerful FOLD wave spread instantly, and all the insects seemed to emit light of the same color and began to flash. Vajra, who had just undergone an evolutionary growth stage, continued to actively approach Xiao Yun, as if he was having some special communication with Xiao Yun that was not known to outsiders.

After a short time, the vajra, who had been in contact with Xiao Yun, slowly flew up, began to circle in the dome and released some special powdery substance that sprinkled on more vajras.

An information exchange element unique to vajra, in simple terms, it is also V bacteria.

After receiving the new pheromone, more and more insects also flew up, covering a larger area and spreading over the entire small colony. Slowly everything began to quiet down, and all the vajra seemed to have fallen into a deep sleep, even those underground.

Xiao Yun suddenly understood something. Another reason why Xiao Lu took him to the void land of the universe was to complete the evolution of the entire race through him. He became the transmitter of evolutionary information, and through contact with the Vajra in different worlds, he passed the genetic information of evolution to all their fellow races. This was not only necessary for the evolution of the Vajra in world number four, but also for the evolution of the Vajra in several worlds.

Seeing that all the vajras had fallen asleep, Xiao Yun had completed his mission as a temporary tool. He squeezed Shirley Lu's hand and said, "Let's go. We're done."

Lux was a little confused: "What happened to them?"

"Evolution." Xiao Yun said, "I participated in the contact between two large groups of vajra, so the V bacteria in my body also recorded the growth information of vajra. When I came into contact with these vajra, they also obtained this information and began to adjust the direction of growth to complete the evolution. Vajra has unlimited evolutionary possibilities. Without changing the characteristics of the group, they will become stronger and stronger. Just like Xiaolu, they will gradually gain the ability of biological solar furnace and gain stronger defense against various attacks."

"They may fall asleep for a long time, but when they wake up again, even aliens will probably not pose much of a threat to them."

Lux understood immediately and nodded: "I hope they can complete their evolution faster."

"It will take at least a few months, and then all the vajras will shed their current shells and grow again to enter the next stage." Xiao Yun shook his head and said, "In order to complete the common growth of the tribe, the vajra insisted on taking me with them. And strictly speaking, the vajras I brought to different worlds were all separated from Xiaolu's tribe. To Xiaolu, these vajras are equivalent to its children. It must bring me with it probably because it hopes that through me, its children will become stronger and have stronger power to protect me on its behalf."

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