Now Xiao Yun can also open the passage to World No. 6 at any time. He originally did not intend to classify this world as No. as a pure transition, but when he thought that Leonard was so proactive in hanging out with him, it would be a bit unreasonable not to give it a number.

As for what Leonard had in mind, it would be enough to arrange a few intelligence-type transformers to go over there to guide the world. Besides, it was very convenient to open the door at any time. For Xiao Yun, it was just a matter of waving his hand to go over there whenever he wanted.

In fact, Xiao Yun didn't care about these things. Even if Leonard wanted to stay in that world, he could send him back. It was also a small matter to lend him some power to transform that world into the beautiful world in his mind. It depended on what Leonard himself chose.

However, Leonard agreed with Xiao Yun's arrangement, but also made a request of his own.

"I was hoping you could lend me some of your strength to destroy Amalgam."

Xiao Yun nodded: "Okay, follow me."

Leonard followed Xiao Yun to another part of the fortress, found Mathias and handed Leonard to him: "This is Leonard, you will be in charge of the new members from now on, arrange a few teams to go back with him to deal with the things over there."

Mathias smiled at Reynard in a friendly manner, "No problem, I'll make the arrangements, but there's no need to rush now. Reynard, you also need to understand our situation well, and we should leave now."

It was time to go. The Dimension Devourer should have exploded by now, and they had to hurry to confirm the reactions of all parties. Although the Dimension Devourer was not big, its destructive power was not proportional to its size.

The bomb that was detonated in World 4 was hidden in Grace's body. How big could it be? Didn't it flatten countless hills? Even the one that Xiao Yun had someone put into the Fairy Feather system was enough to create a basin, and it was a super-large basin.

Leonard also knew that there was no rush for his own affairs. Now that he had joined Xiao Yun's forces, there would of course be a lot of things to do. Just like new employees joining the company need to be trained, he, Leonard, also needs such a process. Otherwise, the gap between Leonard and the people he brought with him was still too big compared to others. It was like a difference of an era.

Mathias also gave some instructions. It just so happened that Aino from World No. 5 had had contact with Leonard, so he simply transferred Aino from there to continue training Leonard's team.

If you don't get familiar with all this quickly, making a fool of yourself will be a small matter. On the other hand, if you really do something you shouldn't do and get misunderstood by those people from the White Wolf Team, you will lose more than enough lives.

Mathias also understood Xiao Yun's intention of bringing people here personally. It seemed that he wanted to focus on training this young Leonard. He might be sent out in the future, so he really had to teach Leonard a lesson...

Leonard didn't have any objection, and those subordinates he brought with him whom he trusted the most were actually feeling very confused now. Their three views and worldviews were quite overturned. There were no other arrangements, and they just stood obediently in front of the closed door as if they were being punished.

Until suddenly seeing a gloomy-looking old man rushing towards the door with a large group of people, I hurriedly made way.

When Enu and Leonard came over, they saw a group of people wearing different clothes surrounding a group of people in white coats helping to move things. At this time, Xiao Yun had already left with Cruze, Mathias and two teams of bodyguards.

Seeing the busy old man, Ainiu walked up to him respectfully and greeted him: "Lord Aeolia, is there anything I can help you with?"

"Where is that little bastard?" Iolia faced the computer screen with a stern face, turned his head to glance at Ainiu, and his voice seemed to suppress something unspeakable.

Ai Niu quickly replied: "Master Xiao Yun has already left and returned to Chimera."

Iolia looked at the screen again: "What did he do, and why did it cause such a big reaction."

Ainiu looked at the door and couldn't see anything wrong with it with his eyes. He just felt that the color of the door became a little brighter, but he didn't know if it was an illusion.

But she didn't know what Aeolia was asking, so she shook her head: "I'm sorry, Master Aeolia, I'm not sure."

Aeolia looked at Reynard, "You're new here."

"Hello, Lord Aeolia." Reynard bowed respectfully, not daring to be negligent in the slightest: "I am Reynard Testarossa."

Aeolia said in a deep voice: "Reynard, what do you know."

"I..." Reynard hesitated, but still answered: "The boss gave another group of people something called a Dimension Devourer. It will automatically detonate within thirty seconds of interrupting the signal."

Iolia shuddered, her hands began to shake as if she was frightened: "How dare this little bastard!"

"Lord Iolia?" Ainiu quickly supported Iolia: "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Iolia took a deep breath and waved his hand: "It's okay. Is No. 5 okay?"

"Everything is normal." Ainiu nodded and said quickly: "The door is also stable and there are no abnormal problems."

"That's good, that's good." Iolia breathed a sigh of relief and said slowly, "Go and get busy."

"Yes, Master Aeolia."

Ainiu led a group of people away, and Reynard asked Ainiu, "Miss Ainiu, this Lord Aeolia?"

"He is the creator of the transformer, our master, and the greatest scientist in history." Ainiu explained to Leonard with a smile, "I am a transformer. I think you have noticed my eyes before. Yes, this is the characteristic of a transformer. A transformer will unconditionally obey all orders from Lord Iolia and Lord Xiao Yun. Lord Iolia is also responsible for all matters related to technology."

Leonard nodded slightly.

Ainiu led a group of people through the door and came to World No. 5. When he came to this place again, Leonard only felt a sense of depression. Although the sky was blue and the weather was good, the depression made it difficult for him to breathe.

But it was different for Leonard's men. It was as if they had traveled through time again. Everything was too incredible.

After bringing this group of people into a training room, Ai Niu stood on the stage and said to everyone: "I already know Lord Xiao Yun's orders. Next, I will be your guide and explain the situation of our organization to you in detail. For the time being, the name of the organization is Shuguang. You will be assigned as action personnel, so please be sure to call the Lord BOSS."

"The members of the action team are generally composed of knights. The knights are an elite force in World 0, which is the world you were just in. They are more powerful than super soldiers. Their abilities are very strong."

Leonard had already had some experience with the powerful knight, but everyone still kept Aini's description in mind, and some even wanted to become the so-called knight.

And Ainyu raised two fingers to everyone and said, "There are two ways to become a knight. The first way is to undergo very rigorous training, but only talented people can become real knights. In addition, if you want to become a knight this way, you must take a special medicine. Unfortunately, we don't have such a medicine. So no matter what, even if you squeeze out all your potential, you may not necessarily become a qualified knight. But as a non-main action member, it is definitely enough to assist from the side, and it is not a problem to deal with ordinary people with the equipment."

"The second method is to undergo body transformation. Through this method, you will gain some special abilities, a stronger body and recovery ability, and reach the level of a knight in terms of physical fitness. However, this method also has a disadvantage, which is that before the technology is fully innovated, your physical potential will be fixed at that level."

"But there is another method that is almost impossible to replicate. That is, you are gifted and can use your body to dodge the attacks of the AS guns and cannons that you are familiar with. However, even though we have set foot in many worlds, we have only found one such person. In fact, this kind of thing is difficult even for the knights to do."

Leonard was shocked. What kind of monster could do such a thing? Is this still a human? Is he a monster?

"Whether you want to undergo body transformation, or undergo rigorous knight training, or just become a pure pilot, it's up to you to decide. Not everyone will get the opportunity to transform, but Lord Xiao Yun wants you to be assigned to the action team, so a stronger body and ability will also help your actions."

Everyone looked at each other, and Lee Fowler was the first to stand up: "I want to be reformed."

With someone taking the lead, the people behind stood up one after another. Just when Leonard hesitated and wanted to stand up, Lee Fowler stepped forward and held his shoulder with his hand.

Lee Fowler said to Leonard, "Lord Leonard, we can do this. We will protect you no matter what happens."

This person is quite loyal to Leonard. It should be said that everyone in this team is very loyal to Leonard. In their opinion, the best option is for them to accept the transformation and retain Leonard's potential.

Ai Niu had no attitude towards these people's choices. He nodded and said, "I understand. But you will still need to undergo a period of adaptive training. You will also need to learn how to drive new aircraft, learn world culture, learn organizational structure, learn special operations, and other courses. You can only start to accept body transformation after all aspects, especially physical fitness, meet the standards."

"You still need to complete a mission." Ainiu's eyes flickered, and an image of a BETA nest appeared on the large screen behind him: "This is Nest No. 16. I will tell you about the information about the nest and this world. After you complete all the training and transformation, your first mission is to eliminate all the BETA in this nest. This is also a test for you."

"Lair? BETA?"

Leonard's fist suddenly clenched a little. "Alien life forms, hostile alien life forms that cannot communicate and regard humans as enemies, are endless in number and regard humans as food. They are the biggest enemy that humans in this world have to face. The population of this world is less than one-fifth of our world, and the development path before the 60s was basically the same."

When Leonard said this, everyone else's eyes widened.

Ainiu nodded: "I will tell you the relevant information, the next one is this."

Suddenly, something else appeared in the picture, something huge and similar to a bug.

"This is Vajra, our symbiotic life form, from the most powerful race in the universe of World 4. Their footprints are all over the universe, literally the entire universe. They have hard shells similar to those of insects. Don't mess with them because they are very simple. If you show hostility, they will regard you as their enemy. They will ignore all orders except those from the boss, but they can communicate with them at a basic level and will not actively harm humans. If you encounter danger in this world, you can also ask them for help."

Ainiu reminded everyone tirelessly to continue teaching, but Xiao Yun, after returning to Chimera, began to do nothing, indeed nothing.

The situation on the Alliance Star could not be transmitted to Chimera without delay in the first place. At the very least, it would take some time for the news to arrive. All Xiao Yun had to do was wait.

But when the news came through, the force was far more shocking than Xiao Yun had imagined.

"Alliance Star has fallen! TMC, the Freedom Alliance has assembled a fleet and is heading to Alliance Star, and the Human Federation Fleet has entered the border and is heading to Alliance Star!"

When Xiao Yun received this news, he was completely confused and said, "Fall? Impossible? It's just a small dimensional devourer. At most, it can create a big gap. Why would it use the word 'fall'?"

Cruze sat on the sofa, leaning on the armrest with one hand, not saying a word, his hand on his chin, and he seemed to be thinking about something.

Mathias said, "Something we don't understand may have happened, but even if there were no other circumstances, the detonation of the Dimension Devourer would be enough to make all parties extremely alert and vigilant. If it were to be detonated at the core location, it would not be an exaggeration to say that it would be a fall."

Xiao Yun didn't think so. He felt that something more unexpected must have happened.

After thinking about it, Xiao Yun directly sent a message to General Johnson. Instead of waiting for a reply, he waited for General Johnson to come to Chimera in person, and this time it was an entire conventional fleet with hundreds of warships coming together.

When I saw General Johnson again, he seemed to be thinner, the smile on his face became forced, and his eyes were bloodshot.

But when he saw Xiao Yun, General Johnson still showed his friendly attitude and shook hands with Xiao Yun.

"I saw the letter you sent. Let's talk while we walk."

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