Just as Sosuke Sagara had guessed, Tilly and her teammates were indeed carrying Chidori and were about to jump directly from the corridor railing to leave the scene, but the timing was not quite accurate. When Sosuke Sagara and Melissa entered the stairs, Tilly and the others had already run a long way away.

Nowadays, when the White Wolf Team wants to kidnap someone, they also inherit Xiao Yun's fine tradition. No matter who the person is, they will inject a tube of anesthetic into him first. It will be quiet and easy without any accidents, and there will be no twists and turns in the middle, let alone any resistance.

Chidori was immediately sent to the back seat of the cockpit of the transforming fighter that was sent for support, while Tilly and others returned to where they had left before. Next, Tilly had no way to leave the Far East and had to stay to take over the industry left by Mr. Au. With the list obtained from the dead guy, it was not difficult to do this, not to mention that there was also Leonard, the traitor, who would help at any time.

At this time, Sosuke Sagara was still searching for the so-called clues, and Melissa also followed Sosuke Sagara to help him search. Suddenly, a subtle sound of air explosion sounded above their heads in their ears.

For ordinary people, such a sound might just be a roar that is not worth paying attention to, but for two people like Sagara Sosuke and Melissa who have been on the battlefield for a long time, they can clearly distinguish where such a sound comes from.

Although the sound was very light, there was no way the two of them could have mistaken the sound of breaking through the air. Reflexively, they raised their heads and looked towards the sky, but they could not see anything in this situation.

Melissa had an unpleasant expression: "Sousuke... did you hear that?"

"It was supersonic flight." Sagara Sosuke clenched his fists lightly, and perhaps he thought of something and his expression suddenly became sad: "Chidori-san... was taken away..."

Melissa looked at the depressed Sosuke Sagara and patted him on the shoulder gently: "Sosuke, don't worry, as long as she is still alive, we will definitely be able to bring her back. Don't give up."

"Yes." Sagara Sosuke looked up at the sky: "Well, this is my mission."


When Chidori slowly opened her eyes, she didn't react for a moment, but gradually she felt something was wrong. It was a completely unfamiliar room, a super comfortable big soft bed, and the sound of birds singing in her ears.

The unfamiliar environment made Chidori jump up from the bed. She looked at everything around her in panic. The fact that she screamed at the first moment showed that she was quite thick-skinned and calm enough.

"Where is this?" Chidori asked this question as she lifted the quilt and ran out of bed. However, as soon as she jumped off the bed, her movements froze. Heat suddenly came out of her pretty face and her body stiffly lay back on the bed. It was not until she covered herself with the quilt that she finally couldn't help but scream out.

A shout was heard, and Xiaodao, wearing what was obviously a female combat uniform but without a helmet, pushed the door open and walked in, holding a brand new set of girl's clothes from inside to outside in her hands. She glanced at Chidori Kaname who was wrapped in a quilt on the bed with a calm expression.

"Awake." Xiaodao put the clothes in his hand on the bed. Seeing that it was a woman who walked in, Qiandiao Yao was not particularly nervous. She just grabbed the quilt and stared at Xiaodao anxiously, "Who are you? Where are you?"

"I'm Xiaodao, you can call me that." Xiaodao didn't have any ill will towards Chidori, but his personality was such that he wouldn't show too much gentleness. He also responded to Chidori's question: "You are now in a manor outside Cobiha, Bolivia, a place very far away for you. Put on your clothes, the boss is waiting for you downstairs."

Xiaodao looked at Chidori and saw that she was about to turn around and leave, and reminded her, "Don't think about running away. There are many guards outside and you can't escape. If you don't want to open your eyes next time and find yourself in a dim basement with a bunch of unknown animals, I suggest you change your clothes and come downstairs with me."

Hearing Xiaodao's words, Chidori shuddered unconsciously, perhaps she thought of something, but she quickly put on her clothes obediently, stepped on a pair of slippers and slowly walked out the door.

Xiaodao, who had been waiting for Chidori, took a look and signaled Chidori: "Follow me."

Xiao Yun, who was in the living room downstairs, looked at Chidori Kaname who was brought to him by Xiao Dao. He looked at Chidori Kaname who was wearing a white dress and had her hands in front of her, looking a little nervous, and a warm smile appeared on his face: "I thought you should be awake by now, so I asked someone to prepare food in advance. Come sit down, we can eat and talk."

Xiaodao pulled out a chair and motioned for Chidori to sit down. The latter sat down nervously, and swallowed unconsciously as he looked at the sumptuous food on the table.

"Eat it, it's not poisonous."

Xiao Yun was eating leisurely. Seeing this, Chidori Yao was no longer polite and started eating directly. However, she still acted more ladylike in front of Xiao Yun. It should be said that Chidori Yao always acted more ladylike except in front of Sagara Sosuke.

Xiao Yun ate a lot, and so did Qianniao Yao. She herself didn't know, but she had actually slept for more than thirty-six hours, a full day and a half.

When Qianniao Yao was full, he gently rubbed his stomach. Xiao Yun also put down the knife and fork in his hand, wiped his mouth, drank a glass of water and said: "Qianniao Yao, you can rest assured to stay here because I don't mean to hurt you. As long as you don't step out of this manor, you can move freely here. I won't restrict you."

Chidori asked nervously, "Who are you and why did you bring me here?"

Xiao Yun smiled and said, "It doesn't matter who I am. You just need to know that I control your life and death, and the life and death of everyone related to you, your friends, your parents, your blood relatives. Whether these people live or die depends entirely on your performance."

Qiandiao Yao suddenly widened his eyes, and looked at the smiling Xiao Yun with horror and fear in his eyes: "You...you..."

"just kidding."

Xiao Yun laughed and said, "I won't kill you, nor will I hurt your family and friends. You probably don't know how special you are. Once your situation is leaked out, the eyes of the whole world will be on you. At that time, there will be many terrible people who will do everything they can to control you. I brought you here just to protect you. I won't hurt you, but that doesn't mean others won't."

"Xiaodao, give her the Whisperer's information."

After saying that, Xiao Yun got up and left the restaurant.

Chidori can only influence one Whisperer, and even the more special transmitter among the Whisperers is not of much value to Xiao Yun.

The reason why Chidori was tied up was on the one hand to hold Leonard hostage, and on the other hand to prevent Chidori from encountering an accident and being unable to respond in time.

The knowledge and so-called black technology mastered by the Whisperers are not worth mentioning to Xiao Yun. The most valuable thing, the λ-driver, has been obtained, so as for the others, they really have no other value.

By the way, let me tell you a joke. In fact, λ-driver appeared earlier than AS. Earlier means earlier than AS in infinitely repeated time, and AS was just something that appeared to carry λ-driver.

Xiao Yun left, Xiaodao waved his hand, and a team member came up and placed something the size of a pen holder on the table in front of Qianniao Yao. He lightly tapped the edges at both ends with his fingers and an optical screen popped up.

"What is this, a holographic projection?" Chidori was a little surprised, his eyes flickered and he began to mutter to himself: "Media-free holographic technology can reproduce image information in the air without the need for a carrier or a medium, and replicate the light field through an optical micro-mirror structure..."

Suddenly Chidori shuddered: "What's wrong with me?"

Xiaodao glanced at Chidori Kaname and said, "It's nothing. You can learn more about the Whisperers yourself."

Chidori wanted to see the knife, hesitated for a moment, then slowly nodded and looked at the holographic screen.

Xiao Yun suddenly walked back and said, "By the way, let's show her the ending of those whisperers first."

Xiaodao responded and directly controlled the screen to pop up the information of all the Whisperers they had available.

But Xiaodao is a person who appears cold on the outside but is warm on the inside. All the relevant photos have been blurred, but just letting Chidori see the text description is enough for her to understand the situation of the Whisperer.

In short, the treatment of Whisperers is quite bad. The Whisperers in this world are either treated as tools or as experimental subjects. Once the identity of the Whisperer is discovered, there will definitely be no good ending. It would be okay if they met Mithril who was relatively friendly to the Whisperers, but if they met Amalgam who purely treated the Whisperers as tools... After all, not everyone can become Reynard.

After a long time, Chidori held her arms in disbelief and trembled all over: "What is this? Why would such a thing happen? Whisperer, I am not a Whisperer."

Xiao Yun bit an apple and patted Chidori: "Don't be afraid, don't worry, I will protect you."

"I don't want your protection!" Qianniao slapped Xiao Yun's hand away, stood up and said with a trembling body: "I'm not a Whisperer, you're mistaken! How can such a thing exist in this world? How can Whisperers exist and inexplicably master so many black technologies!"

Xiao Yun didn't mind at all: "Starting from the very beginning, about three minutes after December 81, 12 Greenwich time, all children born were Whisperers, which was the time of the Yansk 24 incident. Maybe you don't know what happened, but you have enough time to understand. In fact, I didn't know it so clearly at the beginning, but as I got more and more information, I confirmed these facts."

"Based on the rate of 150 babies born every minute, there are a total of 450 people. If we exclude those who die young, are disabled, or have intellectual disabilities, there are probably still quite a few healthy Whisperers. There should be at least a few dozen, if not hundreds. Of course, compared to the world's population, it's still insignificant. Therefore, the Whisperers, who hold the key to the future and countless black technologies, are the targets pursued by all forces around the world."

"I know it may be difficult for you to accept, but you are indeed a Whisperer. If your identity as a Whisperer is exposed, you probably won't have an easier time than staying with me."

"Accept your own identity, kid." Xiao Yun smiled and tapped Qiandiao Yao's forehead with his hand, saying, "The knowledge you possess is useless to me, but I won't let you fall into the hands of others."

Qian Niao Yao was still unwilling to believe it, staring at Xiao Yun and said loudly: "I am really not a whisperer, you have found the wrong person, I was not born at the time you said."

Xiao Yun smiled and said, "The person who knows you best is often not yourself. The computer can be left to you. You can look it up yourself if you are interested in anything. You can tell anyone in the manor what you want or lack. They will try their best to meet all your requirements, but you cannot leave here or get in touch with the outside world."

This time Xiao Yun really left. Xiao Dao looked at Qian Niao and followed Xiao Yun away.

The team member who was left with only Xiaodao looked at Chidori and said, "Ms. Chidori, you can use this computer as you like. You can move freely throughout the manor."

After saying that, the team member bowed and turned to leave, leaving Chidori alone here with no one to care about him.

Chidori said angrily: "This is incomprehensible, you are absolutely incomprehensible! You are kidnapping!"

Hearing the roar coming from behind, Xiao Yun scratched his ears and turned a deaf ear: "Xiaodao, arrange for someone to go to that Yangsk 11 place, that is the origin of everything, to see if there is anything valuable left."

Xiaodao nodded.

After Xiaodao left, Xiao Yun was not idle either. He was watching with a computer and killed those executive officers. All kinds of amalgam information have been uploaded, including a lot of amalgam's research data on whisperers, including the matter of Yangske 11, which Xiao Yun learned about through these amalgam materials. This is enough to show that amalgam's research on whisperers is quite in-depth, and it is really using some whisperers as experimental subjects and trying to create artificial whisperers.

On the other hand, Chidori found that she could move freely. No one followed her wherever she went and no one asked her what she wanted to do. For a moment, this little devil wanted to escape. She ran to the edge of the manor in her slippers without any concealment. Just as the little girl put her hands on her hips and wanted to laugh out loud, she fell to the ground with a black screen in front of her eyes.

An unknown amount of time passed before Chidori slowly opened her eyes and saw the familiar environment again. After being stunned for a while, she slowly came to her senses, lifted the quilt and saw that she was naked again, and she screamed out loud!

Xiaodao pushed the door open and walked in, putting the clothes in his hand on the bed: "Wake up, get dressed, the boss is waiting for you downstairs."

After saying that, Xiaodao was about to turn around and leave, but Chidori Yao quickly stopped him: "Wait, how long have I slept?"

Xiaodao turned around and looked at Chidori again: "One day."

Chidori grabbed the quilt tightly, and after Xiaodao left, she put on the same clothes as before, and followed him downstairs in slippers.

In the restaurant, Xiao Yun looked at Qianniao coming down the stairs and smiled slightly: "I thought you should be awake by now, so I asked someone to prepare food in advance. Come sit down, we can eat and talk."

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