Machine War: Infinite Frontier.

Chapter 488 1 families

Xiao Yun stayed by Lux's side for several days in a row, putting aside all the messy things, going to bed together at night and greeting the sunrise together in the morning. Seeing that Lux's mood was getting better day by day made him feel relieved.

Xiao Yun could sense that Lux was in a bad mood, but it was really difficult for him to grasp Lux's emotional changes so delicately. He could roughly guess that the reason for her bad mood might be because of the coordinator, but he didn't know anything else.

For almost half a month, the two of them traveled around on Chimera. It felt like they were on their honeymoon, except that they skipped the marriage step.

Half a month of relaxation was enough for Lux, so she took the initiative to ask to return to Orb.

After all, after half a month, almost nothing was known about the situation in World No. 1. However, Xiao Yun was not that unreliable. Everything was still under control, and the crusade against the Atlantic Federation was proceeding quite smoothly.

It has to be said that the previous attack on the lunar base Requiem did scare many people in the coalition. No one had ever thought that Orb would quietly make such a big breakthrough in the new machine. It turns out that ruthless people are really ruthless. They said one thing on the surface and another behind the scenes and secretly developed so many super-specification machines.

Moreover, this declaration of war was so sudden that the Atlantic Federation, which was the first to be hit, did not expect such an outcome. The fleet they sent to the vicinity of Orb's territorial waters only made a few splashes and then disappeared.

This time, the alliance between Orb and ZAFT is targeting the Atlantic Federation. They have also made public all the top leaders of LOGOS and Cosmos, ready to whip the world with corpses. If Durandal doesn't take action, then he will use all kinds of means once he does. All the tragedies caused by LOGOS, Cosmos and Phantom Pain have also been made public, and the earliest ones can be traced back to more than 20 years ago.

The Atlantic Federation now knows exactly how this information was leaked. Phantom Pain's intelligence chief ran away, and took with him a large number of enhanced pilots trained by Phantom Pain. The entire Phantom Pain's intelligence department is empty. You must know that Phantom Pain's intelligence department is not only the intelligence department of LOGOS, but also one of the most important intelligence departments of the Atlantic Federation. No one knows the dirty deeds done by Phantom Pain better than Mathis.

All the things that happened decades ago were dug up because of a traitor inside Phantom Pain. This also included many shady things that the Atlantic Federation and LOGOS did against other major federations. Stealing intelligence secrets and technical secrets were just small matters. The bribery and assassination of opponents of other federations, creating various accidents and planting spies, etc., the things they did were simply too numerous to list, and all of them were revealed by Durandal one after another day by day.

Now the Atlantic Federation has really become a target of public condemnation. The Eurasian Federation and the East Asian Federation took the lead in responding, and all aspects of the military, political, and economic aspects have also begun to target the Atlantic Federation based on this incident. In fact, everyone has always been at odds with each other, and now they are ready to beat the fallen dog when they get the chance.

With Orb and ZAFT leading the way, they rampaged all the way, destroying countless Atlantic Federation bases and eliminating countless Atlantic Federation military forces. The emergence of transformable fighters is simply another subversion of this world. Under normal circumstances, it is super-standard combat beyond visual range, not to mention that the Orb Library and ZAFT have taken out countless new weapons.

A super sniper rifle that can be used for precise sniping on the ground from outside the universe. It can hit key targets with one shot. What will happen when the solar furnace body is mass-produced and the opponent has no countermeasures has been demonstrated in World No. 2. After becoming invisible, it can be said that it cannot be detected by any means.

A few Solar Furnace machines can cause such a big reaction in World No. 2, and can satisfy all kinds of combat, including stealth and assault. But now in World No. 1, the Solar Furnace machines that the Library and Xiao Yun have transferred from various worlds will only be more when added together. The mass-produced machines of the Atlantic Federation are no match at all.

Even if the Atlantic Federation sent out its trump cards, it would be useless, because who could compare the number of trump cards to that of Orb and ZAFT combined?

Xiao Yun stayed outside with Lux for half a month, while the Orb and ZAFT coalition forces steadily took over one-third of the Atlantic Federation's territory.

It is certainly possible to use a method of focused strikes in the fight against the Atlantic Federation, but what Xiao Yun wants is for the Atlantic Federation to completely disappear from this world and never exist again, so he uses the method of overall advancement to gradually erode the Atlantic Federation's vitality. Only in this way can he completely end this war and prevent the Atlantic Federation from being reborn again.

According to estimates, if the Atlantic Federation holds out to the end, this war can be ended within half a year. It will take even longer to completely control the entire Atlantic Federation. However, if it surrenders, the world will be even shorter.

For an all-out war, a ceasefire of half a year cannot be considered slow. Wars are fought with logistics, and the daily war consumption is astronomical. If the logistics cannot keep up and it is impossible to firmly control the captured territory, it will be lost after the battle, and true rule and possession will never be achieved.

If they want to be quick, they can take down the Atlantic Federation headquarters in a week at most, but that would be meaningless. After the battle, there will be chaos and it will still take a long time to gradually annihilate the resistance forces in other places.

When the last straw that broke the camel's back appeared, the top leaders of the Atlantic Federation collapsed. What's more, what broke the camel's back was not just straw, but the hostility of the entire world.

Durandal invited the heads of the Eurasian Federation, the East Asian Federation, the Equatorial Union, the South African Unified Organization and other forces to negotiate under extremely strict security measures. Orb's chief advisor Charles participated in the meeting as a representative.

As the host of the meeting, Durandal proposed to dissolve the Earth Union and create the Earth Integration Alliance. The name has changed and the content is of course different. PLANT has not joined the Earth Union, but it will join the Earth Integration Alliance. At the same time, Orb will lead a group of neutral countries to join and jointly abide by the various restrictions and agreements of the Earth Integration Alliance.

As soon as this proposal was put forward, countries such as the Equatorial Union, the South African Unified Organization, South America, and the Oceania Federation were the first to respond, followed by a series of small neutral countries raising their hands. The Eurasian Federation and the East Asian Federation were slow to express their views.

Then Durandal continued to place his bets. The Atlantic Federation must be disbanded, LOGOS must be destroyed, and the Blue Cosmos must be attacked. However, with the current strength of the Orb and ZAFT armies, they were still unable to do what they wanted. Now the Eurasian Federation and the East Asian Federation became interested.

If you say this, they will have some objections, so let's see how to divide it.

The confiscated technology was shared, and congratulations were given to the Eurasian Federation and the East Asian Federation for their expanded territories. PLANT also had its own real foothold on Earth, and the territory of Orb had expanded by who knows how many times. In short, everyone gained something.

But then Durandal brought up the third topic, the deep space exploration plan, a plan that only the participating countries of the Unified Alliance could join.

As pictures appeared one after another and the hyperspace navigation technology was announced, the participants were first dumbfounded and then excited. What else was there to say? Isn't it just disbanding the Earth Union and joining the Unified Alliance? Just do it.

So on the eighteenth day after Orb and ZAFT launched a full-scale attack on the Atlantic Federation, the Atlantic Federation was completely isolated from the world. PLANT had never experienced such a treatment of being besieged by the whole world, but this time the Atlantic Federation felt the difficulty that PLANT had experienced when it was besieged by the Earth Alliance.

The Atlantic Federation only held out for a week in this situation, and on the 25th day it announced its surrender, and everything was over.

The Atlantic Federation, once the most powerful force on Earth, has become a thing of the past. It was so simple and smooth that even Cagalli found it a little hard to believe.

However, Cagalli was well aware of how much preparation had been made to achieve this goal. It took the gathering of the most powerful forces in several worlds to accomplish this task.

After the wedding, Cagalli, who had not been home for nearly a month, could finally walk out of the National Defense Building. Although she had the opportunity to go home before, Cagalli still chose to stay in the Ministry of Defense and watch the overall development. The main reason was that she was a little shy. When she thought about going home and having to fulfill her obligations as a wife, she could hardly stand up.

Cagalli also knew that Xiaoya hadn't been home recently either. Intelligence work was much busier than her having to keep an eye on the Ministry of Defense and make arrangements at any time, and it would take a long time.

I don't know what Kagali was thinking. Maybe she felt that she had to be upright. She wouldn't go back unless Xiaoya went back. She would never go ahead of others. But she didn't even know that her house had been robbed.

When Kagali entered the Zhen family mansion in her own car, she was still a little unresponsive. It was not until the car stopped in front of the gate that Kagali took a deep breath, pushed the door and got out of the car.

"Your Highness Cagalli."

Guarding the gate outside were fully armed members of the White Wolf Team. A total of twenty-four members of the White Wolf Team were deployed in Shizhen's mansion, including the Knife and Sickle Teams. The Knife and Sickle Teams were responsible for internal security, but the outer areas were also guarded by Orb's regular guard forces.

When the people standing outside the door saw Cagalli getting off the car, they hurriedly bowed and greeted her.


"The boss is in the garden."

Cagalli nodded and walked towards the garden. When she arrived at the big garden, she saw the unfolded parasols and afternoon tea on the table. But the sudden sound of "Hello, Hello" in her ears made Cagalli stunned for a moment. When she got closer, she saw several "Hellos" dancing everywhere. Xiao Yun was sleeping on a large carpet, and he was sleeping on Lux's lap.

"Lacus?" Cagalli's face flushed when she saw her man sleeping on another woman's lap, but compared to this, Cagalli was more surprised about how Lacus appeared here.

Lacus was reading a book. When she heard Cagalli's voice, she raised her head and smiled warmly: "Cagali, you are finally back."

"When did you come?" Kagali glanced at Xiao Yun, walked over, gritted her teeth and kicked Xiao Yun lightly to vent her emotions: "This bastard! I work so hard outside every day while he enjoys it here. I'm so mad at you!"

"It's been almost a month." Lux smiled softly at Cagalli's actions and touched Xiao Yun's face, who had opened his eyes blankly: "Cagali is back."

"You're back." Xiao Yun turned his head and saw the angry Kagali. He laughed and sat up, pulling Kagali down and throwing her into his arms: "Isn't this my wife who I haven't been home for a month since we got married? Tsk tsk, how come she's so beautiful now? Let me see if you've been eating well recently and if you're still sweet."

Cagalli's face instantly turned red, and she opened her mouth and stammered nervously: "Asshole... Asshole... let me go."

Xiao Yun didn't care and kissed Kagali on the mouth, then patted Kagali's butt before letting her go. Kagali stood up in a hurry and wanted to run, but how could she break free from Xiao Yun's hand.

"You must be tired. I know you will come back today, so I asked someone to prepare afternoon tea in the garden. Eat something first and then go back to rest."

Xiao Yun held Cagalli's hand and slowly stood up. When Cagalli wasn't paying attention, he winked at Lux, which made Lux laugh. After standing up, he also took Cagalli's other hand and said gently, "We have been preparing for a long time. Thank you for your hard work during this period."

Cagalli glared at Xiao Yun with hatred, but her attitude towards Lux was still quite friendly: "He still has a conscience. Isn't Xiaoya back yet?"

"They should be on their way." Lacus pushed Cagalli to sit at the table, picked up the cup and poured her a cup of black tea: "Have some tea and take a rest first."

Just as Cagalli was drinking tea, Xiaoya also appeared in the garden. When she saw Cagalli, the corners of her mouth curled up, but when she saw Lacus, her mouth paused. The expression on her face changed, but she still smiled and greeted Lacus.

Unlike Cagalli, Xiaoya took the initiative to open her arms and hug Xiao Yun when facing him. She also kissed Xiao Yun on the mouth before taking Xiao Yun's hand to sit down. However, if you look closely, you can still tell that this girl is pretending to be calm and is still quite nervous and weird.

As soon as she sat down, Xiaoya took the teacup from Lux and asked, "How long have you been here, Lux?"

Lux also smiled and answered honestly: "Almost a month."

Xiaoya was smart. After hearing the answer, she looked at Xiao Yun and then at Lux. She couldn't help but twitch the corners of her mouth and rolled her eyes, and she understood everything.

Well, what she, the second wife, and Kagalli, the first wife, have not been able to do yet has now been taken over by the third wife.

The servants brought the food to the house. Lux took the initiative to stand up and distribute the food to the three people. Xiaoya took another plate from Lux. Suddenly, she asked, "Whose room will the male owner of our house go to tonight?"

Xiao Yun groaned: "The night is long and only loneliness is your companion. You should have a good rest today. There is a long time to come... But my door will always be open to you."

Cagalli pouted, "Pooh, shameless."

Xiao Yun looked at Xiao Ya: "Then let's choose Cagalli."


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