The two unconscious people were dragged out directly, and the other coordinators on the Minerva who were knocked unconscious by Durandal were also packed up and sent off the ship.

Cruze waited until the door closed before sheathing his weapon and sitting down.

Durandal drank his tea without saying a word. Lei looked at his two relatives and didn't know what to say. Now that he had long escaped from the clutches of the devil and was wearing the red ZAFT uniform, he could only stand aside obediently, trying to reduce his presence, completely emptying his mind and starting to practice Zen... He was just worried that Xiao Yun would think of him again and let him continue to be a pair of hard-working cleaners with his brother in distress.

There seemed to be a rift between Durandal and Cruze because of these coordinators. Cruze believed that Durandal did something he shouldn't have done and brought danger to Xiao Yun. After all, it was well known that Xiao Yun's spirit seemed to be 0 but was actually poisonous. Anyone who dared to peek into Xiao Yun's spirit might encounter unexpected results. At least this was known to Cruze.

Xiao Yun looked at Durandal and said, "Durandal, you have concealed too much from me."

"I'm sorry, this is my fault." Durandal frankly admitted his mistake in hiding the fact that he was the coordinator, and said calmly: "I just think that you were not ready to meet them before, whether it was them or you."

Xiao Yun shook his head: "Okay, Cruze, I can see that Durandal can suppress this so-called coordinator. There is no need to care too much about this matter."

Cruze looked at Durandal with deep eyes: "I hope it won't happen again."

Durandal put down the cup and smiled. "What you are worried about is also what I am on guard against. How could I easily bring it to this place without being prepared? I didn't use the things you gave me before. Even if the coordinator has special abilities, it is still considered a special adjuster."

"Each of them has power close to that of the strongest adjusters. It can be said that apart from SEED, each of them has a comparable ability to Kira Yamato, and can read the surface thoughts of others. In theory, even if this ability is developed to the extreme, they can completely assimilate with the thoughts of others, but no one has been able to do this so far, and their potential is also fixed."

Cruze raised his hand to signal Durandal to continue, and poured himself a cup of black tea and drank it slowly.

Durandal shook his head and said, "Adjusters have more powerful abilities and better talents than natural humans, but from the beginning, the potential of most adjusters has been fixed due to the adjustment of their genes. It can be said that the upper limit of their lifetime has been determined since birth, and it is almost impossible to exceed the limit."

"This is especially true for Coordinators. The genetic adjustments that Coordinators undergo at birth are more detailed. Although they are more powerful than Coordinators, their upper limit is more difficult to break through. Once they reach their limit, they will no longer have the possibility of growth."

"I have also done a lot of research on the birth of the Coordinator. In the process, I have brought a lot of inspiration and help to Aura. When I first envisioned DESTINY, I thought about making the Coordinator the leader of mankind. But after discovering this, my thoughts gradually began to change. I believe that they are no longer suitable to be the ones who lead the world, but they can still take on the responsibility of maintaining world stability."

"Because of SEED, people who possess SEED have truly unlimited possibilities. Lacus Clyne, Kira Yamato, Athrun Zala, Cagalli Yura Asha, this may be the arrangement of fate. All those who can have an impact on the world in the future were born in Mendel, including you, Cruze."

“And then the biggest surprise happened.”

Xiao Yun nodded in understanding.

Durandal glanced at Xiao Yun and said, "I haven't even finished my plan yet and the world is heading towards an unknown direction that cannot be controlled."

Kreuzer: "Go ahead, but that's enough of the boring talk."

"Heh." Durandal smiled and said, "I studied the nanorobots you gave me and changed their purpose and injected them into Aofei's body. No matter how powerful the Coordinators are, they are all special abilities obtained based on their genes. They can be called pseudo-new humans just like the Pseudo-Transformers. Since the nanorobots can control the Pseudo-Transformers, they can also control the Coordinators and lock their abilities at the genetic level."

"The research is going quite smoothly. I have blocked their abilities through these genetic nanorobots. I haven't completely blocked them, but I have added something to their genes, making it impossible for them to have any influence on me or him, and unable to use their abilities."

"As I said earlier, I put a lot of effort into the emergence of the Coordinators, so I know their genes very well. It's not difficult to do this, Cruze, your worries are a bit unnecessary."


Cruze and Durandal looked at Xiao Yun at the same time, and Xiao Yun said, "In order to fight against alien life forms, World No. 5 has already created individuals with similar telepathic abilities with its backward technology. I don't understand technology, but it doesn't seem so hard to accept that this world can also create individuals like the Coordinator."

"Artificial new humans." Cruze said calmly, "It's different from the ESP you mentioned. Durandal, I misunderstood you this time, but don't do such dangerous things again in the future."

Durandal smiled slightly: "I will pay attention, and I will have no opinion on how to deal with them next."

"Send them to the library for transformation. I don't allow such powerful people who have bad intentions towards me to exist around me. I must completely control these people before I can tolerate their survival." Xiao Yun said indifferently: "Aren't you going to implement DESTINY? In that case, let them do it in Findersen. It can be regarded as the fulfillment of your dream. But Dilandar, don't forget the purpose of your DESTINY. It is absolutely impossible to eliminate disputes forever just by doing this. In this regard, you really should learn from Ioria. That old man is really amazing."

"Aeolia..." Durandal nodded with a smile and said, "I am looking forward to the day when I can meet this wise man. I will definitely ask for his advice."

They are just coordinators, and they can still be knocked out by anesthetics. As long as they can be knocked out, these people will not pose any threat to Xiao Yun. Xiao Yun is not afraid of reading surface memories. Even the original demons cannot avoid his thoughts and soul. He is just a coordinator.

But it was strange. Xiao Yun didn't think there was anything wrong with his brain, nor did he have any desires or thoughts to destroy chaos, but why was he so disliked? Xiao Yun suspected that it was because of GEASS. All those who had a mental connection with him would be affected by his GEASS.

Xiao Yun decided the future of these coordinators with ease. If these people were not controlled, they might cause some trouble.

Although Aofei seemed very respectful to him on the surface, how could Xiao Yun not see that it was all because of Durandal? Aofei really respected Durandal, but the same might not be true for Xiao Yun.

This is an extremely conceited and arrogant person. Such a person cannot be trusted at all unless he is willing to lower his head. If these people do not only exist in this world, but are characters that appear in subsequent stories that Xiao Yun is not aware of, Xiao Yun feels that the possibility of encountering Luo seems to be quite high.

Maybe it's a new enemy in Luo and Cong Yunhe's spin-off, an enemy even more terrifying than the one in the library. After all, he thinks that such a powerful enemy should not be allowed to appear in the original story.

Moreover, Xiao Yun felt that there was something else in the way Aoife looked at him. His eyes were somewhat unwilling and scrutinizing. No matter how much he disguised himself, he was still too young. Compared with an old fox like Durandal, he was still not brave enough.

Originally, he wanted to tease the other party and personally experience what it would be like to have his mind read, but he didn't expect Cruze to rush in and make Xiao Yun unable to play. However, from the beginning, Xiao Yun was not prepared to let Aofei go. He would never let these coordinators develop freely. Only by controlling them in his own hands could he ensure that the information that should not be leaked would never leak out.

There was no point in Durandal's arrangement for Xiao Yun. He had made such preparations from the beginning, otherwise he would not have paralyzed the coordinators on the Minerva in advance.

Just in case, Xiaodao personally led these unconscious coordinators into the universe and made sufficient preparations for this. Capsule-sized micro-bombs were injected into these people's necks, and the authority to detonate the bombs was given to the auxiliary AI.

Regardless of whether they are coordinators or not, no matter how powerful they are, they must have opportunities and space to perform. However, neither Xiao Yun nor Durandal gave them such opportunities from the beginning, and Durandal's betrayal into Xiao Yun's hands was not an unexpected result at all.

It took almost the blink of an eye to send these people to the library. The group of coordinators who had just been pulled into the library, plus the SEED version of female Conan, were directly stuffed into the transformation cabin, and their blood was drawn to extract body samples, and research began. When the transformation cabin was closed, the nano-frenzy composed of nano-robots completely covered all these individuals, and all that was left was to wait.

Due to technological upgrades, the transformation process has also been upgraded. Now there is no need to perform any actual surgical procedures. All operations can be handled by nanorobots.

Countless nanorobots will gradually enter the body of the person being transformed, devouring and replacing it bit by bit from the genetic level to the cellular level, and eventually transforming it into an appearance similar to the pseudo-transformer.

Lux, who had been staying in the library all this time, suddenly woke up from her sleep. She sat up from the bed in her nightgown, sweating profusely as if she had had a bad dream. It seemed that there was a voice echoing in her mind, saying some vague words that were not clear to her.

Lux put on her coat and got out of bed. She poured herself a glass of water and picked up the communicator: "Mr. George, is everything okay now?"

The original George replied seriously: "Of course Miss Lux, everything is under control. Now should be your rest time. If you can't sleep at this time, then... hey, are you missing that playboy?"

Lux breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "Mr. George, it is natural to miss him, but he has other things he must do now."

George deliberately said: "The person your lover is marrying is not you, but I recorded the entire wedding process for you..."

"No, I don't want to watch it." Lux quickly refused and immediately changed the subject: "I seemed to hear some strange noises just now..."

George got serious now. "Strange noise? I'll send someone over to check it out. We have to be careful in any situation. People have already gone over there. What kind of noise was that?"

"It sounds like someone is calling for help..." Lux carefully recalled the voice she vaguely heard, shook her head, and thought that she might have made a fuss out of nothing: "Maybe I heard it wrong."

"Calling for help? Wait a minute."

George was silent for less than two seconds, and then he said, perhaps understanding what was going on: "I think I understand what's going on. Miss Lux, maybe you heard it right, but I didn't expect that he could still have some active thinking in a deep coma and affect you, Miss Lux."

Lux was a little surprised: "Huh? Mr. George, what are you talking about? Is there really someone asking for help?"

"A group of individuals called coordinators. The relevant information has been sent to your computer. I just learned about these coordinators. But Miss Lux, these people are very dangerous. From now on, you are forbidden to approach the treatment transformation cabin in the central core area to avoid being affected."

After George finished speaking, he said, "I have to report to Shi Zhen Xiao Yun."

"Okay." Lux listened to the advice. After hanging up the phone, she sat in front of the computer and turned on the screen. Soon, the information about the coordinator appeared in Lux's eyes.

She hadn't looked at the detailed information about the Coordinator yet, but the first photo she saw made Lux cover her mouth with her hands in disbelief.


A woman who is more than eight times similar to Lux appears in the photo. No matter who it is, as long as anyone has seen Lux, they can tell at a glance the relationship between the woman in the photo and Lux.

"How could it be? This is in Mendel?" Lux looked at the specific information in disbelief. After reading everything, Lux stood up and picked up the communicator again, saying in a trembling voice: "Mr. George..."

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