Machine War: Infinite Frontier.

Chapter 40 Archangel’s MS equipment library

Soon, Mu brought Xiao Yun to the storage room. At a glance, he saw the things neatly arranged inside, including the weapons hanging on the maintenance racks, similar but unpainted shields, and a pair of shields. I don’t know what the box is, it’s just an equipment library specifically for MS.

In addition to the equipment parts used by Strike Gundam, Xiao Yun also saw some things that were not originally used by Strike Gundam, but some things that all mobile suits can use, such as the rocket launcher that Xiao Yun used before.

Equipment that does not belong to Strike Gundam is like the claw anchor on the left arm of Thunder Gundam, the attack shield system on the right arm... Even though this attack shield system still looks like a semi-finished product.

There is also a large rocket launcher, which is as big as a mobile suit. In addition, Xiao Yun also saw weapons that should be the Storm Gundam. It can be said that all the equipment that can be used by these G-series units can be seen on the Archangel. .

Xiao Yun was a little surprised: "This is..."

Mu looked at Xiao Yun and said, "You should also know that this battleship and the Strike Gundam were originally manufactured in Orb's Heliopolis. You probably got your golden machine there too?"

Xiao Yun glanced at Mu from the corner of his eyes and nodded slightly: "Yes."

When he heard Xiao Yun's admission, a flash of light flashed in Mu's eyes, and he immediately said: "In addition to the Strike Gundam, there were four other G-series airframes at the beginning, and this Archangel was specially built for these five. Although four of the exclusive boarding ships made from the aircraft were snatched away by ZAFT, the Strike Gundam and the armed accessories used by each aircraft were all recovered by the Archangel."

"The mobile suit-specific equipment and accessories you see in front of you were all taken into the Archangel by the members of the Archangel after ZAFT's first attack to steal four mobile suits. Strike Gundam also has special equipment and accessories. Equipment accessories, so these things can only be left here and never used."

Xiao Yun nodded slowly. Although this kind of thing was not mentioned in the original plot, if you think about it carefully, it is still possible. Just like the Strike Gundam has been damaged, so with the In the condition of the Angel, it is absolutely impossible to replace and repair parts by hand, so it is normal to have enough spare parts on the ship.

The Storm Gundam was also shot down in the plot, and it was quickly repaired after being taken in by the Archangel. It couldn't have done this without enough accessories.

It seems that it is normal for the Archangel to have contained most of the various accessories of the G-series aircraft before it set sail.

Beam rifles, beam sabers, and shields are all consumables. It is normal for MSs to have many weapons.

Even Xiao Yun is not sure how much this has to do with him. In the normal plot, Gina, who was killed by him, stole Duel Gundam's special rocket launcher, which is now the huge rocket launcher in front of Xiao Yun, and escaped, and exploded on the way. The warehouse that originally housed the Heretic Gundam was destroyed, causing many places in the colonial satellite factory area to collapse. Some things even if the Archangel wanted to save them, there would be no chance.

But now the new development is that he has solved Gina. The heretic factory has not been exploded, and the Earth Army factory on top is even better. It is entirely possible that the Archangel can rescue more things. , so it doesn’t really seem that surprising that these things can appear on the Archangel.

Xiao Yun looked at Mu, raised his hand and turned it around: "Give me all these things?"

"That's right." Mu nodded and said: "These things are useless even if they are placed in Strike Gundam. If they are placed here, I don't know when they will become explosives that detonate the entire ship, let alone when I will find the opportunity to use them. If The Archangel can't break away from ZAFT's blockade, so it makes no sense to put it here."

"So we want to use this batch of supplies as a reward for hiring you. If we can safely leave here and enter the Pacific Ocean, then all these things will be yours, but before that, you also have the right to freely use all the supplies here. "

Xiao Yun raised his eyebrows: "These things should be considered confidential to you, right? If you leave them to me, won't you worry about someone settling the scores with you in the future?"

Mu shook his head and said: "Based on the current situation, we have enough arbitrary power, and we have no choice but to make this decision. It is worth paying no matter how much it costs to return to the Earth Army's territory."

Mu smiled bitterly and said: "Besides, this is in the middle of the enemy-occupied area. If we want to leave, we can only find ways to recruit all kinds of forces that can be attracted. Otherwise, it is just a mobile suit and a battleship. Thinking about it makes people feel uncomfortable. My scalp is numb, and I will just pretend that this batch of things is not there."

Xiao Yun nodded and said strangely: "Both captains agree? I think Captain Ma Liu will turn a blind eye and agree, but that deputy captain Bakki Lulu seems to be a very rule-abiding person." As a person, would she agree to such a thing?”

Mu Tanshou said: "What can we do if we don't agree? Should we let her drive the Strike Gundam in front while the people behind are running all the way in the Archangel? She also has to tie a rope around the waist of the Strike Gundam. Can we hold her back when we run away?"

"The difficult fact is right in front of us. Even with the help of Dawn Desert, there is no guarantee that we will be able to break through the tiger's blockade, but now we have a better choice in front of us, which can let the golden machine share the firepower and help us To increase combat power, we pay for things that we don’t need and may not be considered confidential now.”

"Either we break through with a single ship, there is a high probability that we will be intercepted and unable to receive supplies and eventually captured. The Strike Gundam and this ship that have been protected for so long will also fall into the hands of ZAFT. This will happen all the way. All the hard work and effort and the sacrifice of the Eighth Fleet will be in vain.”

"Either we find someone who can help, we have a high probability of successfully breaking through the blockade, leaving and returning to the Earth Army's base, and handing over this ship and the Strike Gundam to our superiors to complete our mission."

Mu shook his head and said: "Besides, these things in front of you are no big deal now. The four machines ZAFT captured contain the most detailed information. We who can't afford the commission can only use these things." Come as a commission."

"As long as there are no disputes, I can't care whether you are in trouble or not."

Xiao Yun turned back and looked at the inventory of equipment and accessories, and started brainstorming on how to put these equipment and accessories on the golden machine as much as possible.

Today's golden machine is actually very similar to the Duel Gundam, the first body of the G series. They are both experimental machines built with mass production considerations in mind. However, compared to the Duel Gundam, the golden machine has higher enhancement potential, but Other than that, the other places are very similar, that is, they are just ordinary, they need firepower but not firepower, they need special abilities but not special abilities, they need speed but not speed.

Not to mention the distance, the first enhancement of the golden machine is probably about to be completed in the Archangel's maintenance warehouse.

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