Machine War: Infinite Frontier.

Chapter 394 Forced Attack (page 12)

"Maybe he didn't come early."

With the invisible fighter plane behind him, Xiao Yun stood on the top of a mountain with no human footprints at all and looked in a certain direction down the mountain. The display in his helmet clearly showed a large base below.

The base is not built according to the human body shape at all. There are some normal-sized buildings interspersed among various large buildings. The entire base occupies a large area and there is also a Gerardi warship docked.

At this time, the entire base was separated by the large platform where the warships docked and the runway in the middle of the main building complex. The Gerardi people wearing different combat uniforms on both sides were clearly confronting each other.

What’s funny is that on the huge landing strip in the middle, a ship that Xiao Yun is still familiar with is docked. It is disguised and looks a little different from before. A two-meter-tall man wearing a military uniform is docked there. The green vest was roaring and commanding soldiers probably drawn from both sides of the confrontation to unload the cargo from the transport ship.

Xiao Yun looked around at the people standing next to him, hesitated and asked, "What is the situation? Didn't we just let them be quiet?"

Mu, who was wearing a pilot-specific combat uniform but was orange in color, shrugged his shoulders and spread his hands and said, "How would I know?"

The three people who followed Xiao Yun this time were Mu, Cong Yunqi, and the last one was Hallelujah. The ones protecting Xue Lilu were Kira and Prela.

The combat uniform worn by Cong Yun was almost exactly the same as Xiao Yun. He also zoomed in on the scene at the base and said to Xiao Yun: "It was a two-pronged preparation from the beginning. Considering that the transport ship might not be able to approach silently, I played some music on the ship. There will be equipment and arrangements that can be used, and some of them are private goods that the Gerardi garrison likes very much. As long as the ship carrying the private goods goes to other remote bases like this, it can easily enter their base. .”

Muhe groaned: "Because of boredom and loneliness, whether stationed in the universe or stationed on a planet, especially such a small-scale station without any tasks or conditions, it will feel like being abandoned by the entire world. I didn’t expect that every world is the same, and the most popular one is the bar?”

"Maybe." Cong Yunyun nodded and said: "This time the cargo ship contained a lot of wine, photos, records, books and other things. Not only this base, but in fact even the cultural backbone fleet was also very busy. They welcome the visit of black merchants, and even send a secret protection fleet to protect the human Gerardi Alliance fleet that they think has cultural value."

Xiao Yun nodded, and suddenly looked at Cong Yungui: "Culturalized backbone fleet?"

"You should read more books." Cong Yungui shook his head and said: "In my opinion, this world is more threatening than No. 0. A basic fleet has hundreds of thousands or even millions of warships. There is a basic fleet of the Supervisory Army that is hostile to humans, and currently there are about two thousand basic fleets of various sizes scattered throughout the galaxy."

Mu took a breath: "Is that so? This isn't just a casual hit that can kill a few people on Earth. Suddenly, I feel that it is not a good thing for humans to set foot in the universe."

"They are people from several Earths." Hallelujah smiled bitterly: "Aeolia would definitely cry if he knew it. If there were such a huge alien race in our world, he might give up all his plans and become a protector of the Earth. Planned.”

Cong Yunyun felt a little headache: "Can you all read some books, please? Aeolia must know that the form of this world is very complicated. Please pay more attention to it. The new integration we are in contact with most now is An alliance between humans and some Gerardians."

"Except for the new integration, the Basic Fleet and the Supervisory Army are purely composed of Gerardians. Although both sides belong to the same race, they have been in civil war for hundreds of thousands of years due to historical reasons. After that, a culturalized Basic Fleet appeared, which is the largest known The cultural fleet is composed of four basic fortresses. In addition, the basic fleet and the supervisory army are not friendly to the new unification, and there have been cases of complete annihilation of human colonial planets."

Mu said humorously next to him: "How about we give up on this world?"

Xiao Yun licked his lips: "Give up? How could you give up? Why would you give up on such an interesting world? There are so many interesting things including the basic fleet and the supervisory army. Can't we, who have gathered together many worlds, solve these troubles? They No matter how many people we have, it doesn’t matter. As long as we are so powerful that they don’t dare to provoke us, everyone can only surrender under my ass.”

Mu Dao: "I think it would be better to describe it with feet."

Xiao Yun said: "What I mean is that they will take the initiative to build me a throne leading to the highest level."

Cong Yunyun looked at the time and reminded: "We have less than eighteen hours, we'd better move faster."

"Split up." Xiao Yun began to assign tasks: "Xi, Mu, Hallelujah, you three are on standby."

Cong Yungui frowned slightly: "What about you."

"Little Green." Xiao Yun called over his shoulder, and a small insect jumped out from the cockpit of the fighter plane behind him, swinging its tail and pounced on Xiao Yun quickly.

Xiao Yun grabbed Xiaochong directly and put it on his shoulder: "There is something that I am concerned about and I want to go over and investigate."

As soon as he finished speaking, Xiao Yun found that his arms were grabbed by Cong Yungui and Mu on the left and right at the same time. Even Hallelujah was vaguely blocking his way behind him, blocking his way to board the plane.

"What are you doing?"

Mu said sincerely: "Let's go together."

Cong Yungui said calmly: "Wait until the matter here is over."

"Bang!" Xiao Yun sighed and said helplessly: "I won't go, I won't go, it's true."

Cong Yunzai looked forward and said calmly: "VT, lock the fighter plane. You should know the consequences of his acting alone. According to the pilot protection regulations, you have the right to do so."

"Understood, the fighter plane is locked."

Xiao Yun smacked his lips and took a breath: "No, hey, you guys are a bit too much. When did I ever trick you?"

Cong Yun impeached: "I saw it when you insisted on taking this little guy with you when you set out, and according to the existing intelligence, this planet is also one of Vajra's lairs. Don't look for trouble. Our main goal is You know exactly what it is.”

Xiao Yun quickly explained: "Hey, there is no main goal at all. The main goal is just to grab the Dimension Devourer. Don't I want to borrow the number of bugs to help us find it? Otherwise, what will we find? It’s time to go.”

"No need." Cong Yun said: "According to the information sent back by Hanayu lurking in Grace's body, Xiaojiu has determined the location of the Dimension Devourer. I will deal with that trouble."

Xiao Yun rolled his eyes: "I really admire you."

Mu asked: "When should we act? There seems to be no difference between day and night on this planet."

Cong Yun impeached: "You and Hallelujah are on standby to support you at any time. Xiao Yun and I will sneak in first to look for opportunities."

Mu and Hallelujah nodded, while Cong Yunqi went back to pick up the weapon and threw it to Xiao Yun: "Let's go."

Xiao Yun reluctantly threw the bug to Hallelujah, took the weapon and checked it before turning on the optical camouflage with Cong Yunxi and approaching the base.

On the way, Cong Yungai also explained the situation of this planet to Xiao Yun: "According to the information found, this planet originally did not have any garrison, because a few years ago, the 117th fleet was attacked and wiped out. Ladi talents were sent to this place to station one battleship and one marine."

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