Machine War: Infinite Frontier.

Chapter 192 Kruse Aika (page 12)

Xiao Yun spoke very directly and had no intention of nagging Alejandro at all. As soon as he finished speaking, he pulled out his pistol and pressed it against Alejandro's forehead.

That understatement but quite direct attitude made Alejandro a little frightened.

"Who are you! What do you want from me?"

As a Boss-level person, Alejandro still has some sanity and courage. Even if he was pressed against his forehead by the muzzle of a gun, he was still completely's strange.

Just as Xiao Yun's finger was about to pull the trigger, Alejandro said quickly: "Wait, I'll join!"

"waste time."

Xiao Yun hit Alejandro on the head with the butt of his gun, and then kicked Alejandro out of frustration and kicked him a meter away. The pain made Alejandro roll over and over on the ground, but there was nothing he could do. , even trying to cover his head and stomach to relieve the pain has no effect because he is still tied up and unable to move until now.

"Don't make trouble, don't make trouble. I can kill you at any time. Not only will the entire Kona family be destroyed because of you, but it's best to be honest before it's done. When I have something for you to do, I'll let Livonz inform you. "

The corners of Livonzi's eyes twitched, and he bent over to Xiao Yun while maintaining a smile: "This is my honor."

Xiao Yun: "Next, we will start promoting the three major forces to conduct joint military exercises. We must make it known to the whole world. Even if we use all our influence, we must push this matter forward. I will notify you of the time and place."

"Okay, Lord Xiao Yun." Li Fonzi nodded and said: "But Lord Xiao Yun, even if we can promote joint military exercises, our influence is limited, but we are not sure that the location and time of the military exercises will be able to be according to your requirements. plans proceed.”

"I will find a way." Xiao Yun waved his hand and said: "In short, all you have to do is follow my instructions. I am very optimistic about you, Livonzi, so don't let me down."

"I will definitely not disappoint you, Mr. Xiao Yun."

Xiao Yun looked at Livonz and then jumped into the cockpit several times. He drove the Golden Heretic to slowly lift into the air and then left quickly. He came and went in a hurry.

After Xiao Yun left, Livonz released all the restraints on Alejandro: "I'm sorry, Sir Alejandro, I was just following orders."

Alejandro gritted his teeth and held his stomach, looking at Livonz with hatred: "You actually betrayed me."

"I have never been loyal to you and have never escaped from VEDA's control. How can I say betrayal? It's just that I have always supported you, Mr. Alejandro. I'm really sorry that you misunderstood me."

Alejandro gritted his teeth: "Okay, you are very good Li Fonzi, who is that person!"

Livonz smiled faintly: "He has just said that, Sir Alejandro has also completed the conversation. Don't you feel excited at all, sir? Although he is not the conversation partner in Aeolia's plan, but It is undeniable that he does come from another world, and there are more people from other worlds hiding in our world today."

"This is a greater existence than mentioned in the Aeolian plan, and it is also a more dangerous existence. It is a variable and an obstacle to the plan. It is the biggest enemy and threat. It can become the destroyer of mankind, and of course it can also complete the plan. of help.”

"When they can't be dealt with and they have the same purpose, VEDA will of course choose to cooperate. The logic is that if we cooperate, both sides will benefit and if we divide, both sides will be hurt. Under this basic premise, both you and I can become the targets of VEDA's abandonment."

Alejandro shook his head in disbelief: "Such a is such a thing possible!?"

Livonz shook his head: "I received a warning from VEDA. All the actions of the Kona family, including all my actions, have actually been part of VEDA's plan. All of them, including the Ptolemaic team, are disposable pawns."

"Sir Alejandro, I'm really sorry. I can't help it. VEDA's instructions are to let me obey that master's orders, unless you can control VEDA to change this order."

"VEDA..." Alejandro murmured the name, and then said: "Where is VEDA?"

Livonz smiled unhurriedly and said: "Of course, under the supervision and protection of that adult, no one can get close. VEDA not only found a collaborator, but also found a protector for himself to protect the body. Not controlled by outsiders.”

Alejandro: “………”

Through the guidance of VEDA, Xiao Yun drove the golden machine to a secret settlement point on the high seas. When he arrived here, he also saw the blue machine, the black machine and the two Storm Heretics who had arrived first. At the same time, Xiao Yun I also saw the Angel Gundam Type III with only its torso left.

The three Grahams were originally gathered together, but after noticing the landing of the golden machine, they also came to the front of the machine.

After seeing Xiao Yun and the others, these three people saluted Xiao Yun without changing their military nature.

"Okay, I'm not that particular here." Xiao Yun took off his helmet, waved his hand, and said to the three of them: "What's going on with that thing? Where's the pilot?"

Graham put down his hand and said: "I'm locked up, waiting for you to come over and decide how to deal with it."

Cong Yunqi also came over at this time: "The base has been destroyed and all the data has been downloaded. I also found dozens of brand-new MSs inside, and I destroyed them all."

"What a pity." Xiao Yun shook his head and said, "It would be great if it could be transported away."

"Once the technology is mastered, it can be manufactured at any time." Cong Yunqi said indifferently: "It's a pity that it can't be taken away, but it doesn't make any sense, but what do we have to do next."

Xiao Yun curled his lips: "Of course we have to show up. Only the victims are the most innocent. After all, we will show up in the future. It is always more shameful to let others help describe our pity and innocence than to explain ourselves. letter."

Cong Yunqi's eyes jumped twice uncontrollably, always feeling that something bad might happen next.

"Where's Cruze?"

Congyun said: "I just returned to the universe a while ago, and the Ptolemy needs to maintain all the body parts."

Xiao Yun groaned: "Send the information about the new machine you found to Luo and ask him to make a few of them."

Congyun Cai didn't ask anything, nodded and said: "What to do with a person after you are captured."

"If you haven't killed me yet, why are you asking me what to do with it? Just keep it for now."

Xiao Yun watched Cong Yungui leave and waved to Graham on the other side: "You should still have some connections at UNION, right?"

Graham saw a question mark in his eyes: "Sir, we are already dead to UNION. Contacting them will only attract UNION's attention and launch an investigation. Based on my understanding of my good friend, he will definitely not hide this matter."

Xiao Yun waved his hand: "It's okay, just don't let him have the opportunity to report it."

Graham asked: "What do you want to do?"

Xiao Yun smiled: "With Graham's death, UNION has lost its ace. Don't we need another ace to support the situation? So I decided to send a few people to UNION. No, I decided to go in person."

After saying that, Xiao Yun looked at Graham seriously: "Do you mind having more than one godfather? No, godbrothers are fine too."

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