Douluo 2: Miss Noumenon wants to be the ultimate villain

Chapter 95 Come on, will I be afraid of you?

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Chapter 95 Come on, will I be afraid of you?

Seeing the three people disappearing inexplicably, everyone around them was dumbfounded. Even You Gong, who had little expression, showed a look of astonishment.

A middle-aged man under their command asked, "Elder, what should we do?"

Mr. Xu had a dark face, "What else can we do? Look for him! Even if he digs three feet into the ground, he must find the young master!"

In the last second, Qingli was sucked into the gray airflow; in the next second, she turned over and fell into a place that looked exactly the same as before, except that all the people around her disappeared, including the other two She didn't see anyone involved.

It's really weird.

But Taki in the sea of ​​spirit looked very excited. The reason why Qingli jumped into the gray airflow with the two of them was precisely because of Taki's guidance.

After the excitement, Taki quickly showed a somewhat embarrassed look, "Xiao Qingli, I was just enjoying myself, but I forgot to consider whether you humans can tolerate the environment here."

So far, the good things Taki pointed out have not gone wrong, so Qingli chose to believe him.

"Okay, I've come in, please tell me what the situation is."

"The flow of time." Long replied to Qingli with four words. It was indeed a new term that she had never heard before.

Taki then explained, "This involves the power of laws in this world. It is difficult to form, and at the same time it only comes to places with extremely rich vitality, so you humans don't know the mystery here. This is the original world, but Time is divided separately, can you understand? "

"Is this the benefit you are talking about?" Qing Li quickly understood and asked, "What is the ratio of time flow here to outside."

"It depends on how powerful the fragment of consciousness that separates this time-tracing flow is. Logically speaking, the more powerful it is, the slower the flow of time will be when it is formed. It can even be infinite." Taki pondered for a moment, "As for here, I still need time to calculate."

"Slow?" As Taki meant, "Shouldn't it be faster?"

Taki explained with a smile, "Time is just a way of comparing changes. To put it bluntly, the time for a leaf to fall to the ground outside is exactly the same as the time it takes for a leaf to fall here, but the pace here is slower. You stay in the flow of time. Three days may be just three hours outside. This place is covered by new spiritual consciousness and can escape the laws of the original world, so after you leave here, all the experience and growth gained here will be added to you."

"So, this is a paradise-like existence for you soul beasts?" Qing Li asked back, "It takes less time to increase your cultivation. It only takes half the time, or even less, to reach the ten thousand-year cultivation here." ”

"Not half, at least one-fifth." Taki corrected and admitted, "You are right, but this is the same for you humans. You can also use only one-fifth of the time. It is easier for humans to gain the original complete cultivation and enlightenment here. After all, it is much easier for you to become gods and cultivate than for us."

"But you just said that this place is not suitable for humans. And if there are really humans who can benefit from it, why has no news about this time and the like never been circulated among the soul masters?"

Qingli has never been a person who is easily fooled. Taki explained honestly, "Because the flow of time can only encircle a space of time, you should be able to tell where this time is by using the vertical pupils on your forehead." At the edge of the Suzhiliu, the limited space means that the spiritual energy of the world is also limited. The soul beasts here will be more bloodthirsty than those outside, because one less soul beast means one less opponent to compete with it. "

It didn't sound like an ordinary danger, "Have you ever been here before?"

Long nodded, "Ditian did come here. Two hundred years later, this place became a sea of ​​blood. In the end, not only the soul beasts, but also the vegetation on this land were completely destroyed by us. I am not saying this just to make you feel better. You are afraid, because I know you, you are a person who must know the whole story even in the face of danger. I can assure you that I will never let you stay here for so long. I will take you when the time is up. go out."

"So, what about those two people?"

Qingli's question surprised Taki. He didn't think Qingli would be this kind of person, not to mention that the two children hadn't known her for long at all.

Qing Li just considered many issues, but she did have some interest in the girl.

"Do you want to save them?"

"Taki." Qingli said coldly, "I think you should have prepared a way to let me out at any time, right? Otherwise, why are you so sure to let me in here?"

Qingli just noticed that Taki's attitude was a little strange, but as partners in the same body, they were a community of destiny. She didn't want to directly ask about her confusion, which would affect the trust between the two.

"Of course." Taki replied with a smile, "If you want to go out, I can take you out now. But I still want you to think about it. This kind of opportunity is rare. You have ten days to think about it. The Ten Days of Time Traceability will be completely formed, and you can only get out on your own after that."

Not only their attitudes, but also some of the details of their relationship seemed to have undergone an imperceptible change since they came here.

Qingli feels that she has not changed, that is...

But Taki's familiar smile now made Qingli think that she was overthinking.

It may be my nature to be suspicious, but she doesn't want to doubt someone she trusts.

Qing Li shook her head. She always felt that since entering here, her spiritual platform seemed to be shrouded in a layer of mist again, just like when she recalled her memories before.

She didn't want to think about Taki's problem anymore. For now, it wasn't the most important thing.

Ten days?

Qing Li opened her eyes of destiny. She wanted to find out the boundary here first.

On the other side of the forest——

The other two children were not swept away by the current of time. They landed in the same place one after another.

The boy got off the blond girl with some embarrassment. Before he could say anything to apologize, the girl seemed to have seen something dangerous, her eyes full of fear.

In the dark night, countless green lights lit up, and a group of century-old ghost wolves surrounded the two children.

Even if the girl was brave enough to come here to obtain the spirit ring, she had never stayed alone in the Star Forest until night, and she had never been surrounded by such a group of spirit beasts with fierce eyes.

Will they survive?

Although the girl had never thought that she could survive since she was sucked into the gray airflow.

But what is in front of us is not an illusory crisis, but a real spirit beast, a pack of wolves that can tear people into pieces!

The boy seemed to feel the fear radiating from the girl next to him. He swallowed, stretched out his not-so-wide arms, and blocked the girl behind him.

Two soul rings rose up, and he held a large black shield in his hand, "Come here, you beasts, will I be afraid of you?"

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