The most ruthless person in the apocalypse

Chapter 452 We Are All Living Heroes

"Well, maintain it. Tanks are the backbone of the battle against zombies. Just look at what's in front of you!"

Zhang Su was very satisfied with the combat power reserve of the Civilization Guardian!

During the conversation, the tank battle was coming to an end. The actual situation was exactly as Zhang Su had imagined. The tanks were basically invincible in crushing the enemy, but they could not kill them all, unless they had unlimited diesel to run wild.

Considering the fuel problem, Zhang Su asked Pan Guoliang to go off the field to rest. The scattered zombies needed people to eliminate them manually, but this was not difficult at all.

When almost everyone was busy cleaning up the zombies, Zhang Su was discussing a very important matter with Ma Changshou: whether they could kill a pig!

As far as he knew, a sow had given birth to a litter of piglets a few days ago. Zhong Xiaoshan had told him that there were nine piglets in total, but one of them died shortly after it was born...

The old sow has completed her delivery, accomplished her mission, and now has a new mission.

"A sow did give birth to a litter of piglets,'s only been over a week. If possible, it would be best to wait two weeks before weaning the piglets."

Ma Changshou was somewhat embarrassed. As a non-professional sow postpartum caregiver, he at least knew that it was best for piglets to be weaned three or four weeks after birth. By that time, their digestive systems were fully developed and they could better accept solid food.

He doesn't feel sorry for the old sows because there is currently a shortage of breeding pigs and the old sows can no longer create value. Continuing to raise them is a waste of food. This is a very cruel reality. However, people are already miserable enough, so how can they have the time to empathize with the old sows.

Zhang Su also looked embarrassed. Today was such a big occasion. As the host, he already knew in his heart that everyone was determined to join Tianma Island. In other words, these were all new members. In addition, it was a grand victory. He would feel embarrassed if he didn't serve some decent food, regardless of whether others cared or not.

By then, when others talk about Tianma Island King Yanluo, they will have a bad impression of being stingy. Although he is indeed stingy, that depends on the time!


Seeing Zhang Su's troubled expression, Ma Changshou knew that the old sow would definitely die today. He took off his hat and scratched his head, saying, "The other one is about to give birth. If not, feed it well so that it can continue to produce milk."


Zhang Su snapped his fingers, patted Ma Changshou's arm, and said, "Go, quickly call Zhuzi, and go kill the pig right now. By the way, tell the sisters who are cleaning up the corpse over there to stew the pork vermicelli!"

"Hey, hey, okay!"

When Ma Changshou heard this, his old face smiled like a big chrysanthemum. Anyway, he had already figured out how to feed the piglets, so he was no longer worried. Just as he was about to call Zhao Dezhu, he was stopped by Zhang Su again.

"There are too many people. I feel like even one pig is not enough to feed them. We need to put in more potatoes. There are plenty of those things. Yes, put in more vermicelli too. Don't be stingy!"

"Understood, hey, Boss Zhang, don't worry, I'll make sure everyone has enough to eat!"

Ma Changshou jumped and skipped over to greet Zhao Dezhu, calculating in his mind that the old sow weighed about 300 kilograms, and could produce 180 kilograms of meat. Each person could get about one kilogram of meat, plus potatoes, vermicelli and so on, it would be a feast!

When Zhao Dezhu heard that a pig was going to be slaughtered, he shouted to Zhang Su a few times, got in the car and left with Ma Changshou.

Many people present saw King Yama talking to an old man. They didn't know what the two of them wanted to discuss, and they didn't have time to think about it. They continued to work on cleaning up the battlefield.

Soon, the scene was cleared. Not only were there no standing zombies, but even the disabled zombies crawling on the ground were all killed. There was no time to pile up the corpses, so they were scattered in disorder in the wilderness.

“Brothers and sisters!”

Zhang Su stood on the hatch of the tank commander's cabin, with a loudspeaker given to him by Yu Wen on his waist and a microphone in his hand.

"Conspiracy brought us together, misunderstanding brought us together. Today, facing the attack of tens of thousands of zombies, we fought to the end, and no one was bitten. This is a huge victory for mankind! Due to the grape bombs thrown into the battlefield, countless zombies were directly annihilated, and the total number of zombies cannot be verified...

But it is certain that the number is more than 25,000. Let's be generous and calculate it as 30,000! I believe that even if we look at the world, it is a proud record. Everyone present, and those who are sorting out the bodies in the back, are all heroes, living heroes!"

Although the people standing in the wasteland looked a little disheveled, they were in high spirits. They looked up at the man on the tank and couldn't help feeling excited when they heard his impassioned speech.

This excitement is not empty, because everyone is involved in it and is an eyewitness. People should not be proud of things they did not participate in, but since they participated, they are fully qualified to be proud.

As for whether it is 25,000 or 30,000, who would care about such a small difference? Maybe it will be passed around in the future and it may even become 100,000 or 80,000. Exaggeration is a necessary means of publicity!

"Hero, hero."

Everyone raised their arms and shouted together, the high-pitched voices echoing in the wilderness, as if there had been no such pleasant vibration of the vocal cords since the disaster broke out, and they had to be on guard against being discovered by zombies at all times, but at this moment everyone shouted as loudly as they could, even if it meant tearing their vocal cords, because they were excited, and because there were almost no zombies nearby where the sounds could be heard.

Why dare to shout? Because I’m not afraid!

Zhang Su was also very excited. Tianma Island had had victories of varying sizes before, but never as exhilarating as today. However, he could not just get excited like the others, so he pressed his palms together and signaled everyone to be quiet.

"Victory is great, but the living environment for us humans is still harsh. There are over a million zombies in Qincheng. We have only eliminated a small part today, but it is definitely a small part that cannot be ignored. We need to repeat such victories until the living environment is guaranteed."

“What is security?”

Zhang Su asked himself and answered his own questions.

"When you are in bed with your beloved one at night, you don't have to worry about the emergency assembly ruining your mood. When you are eating delicious food, you don't have to worry about the zombies attacking the camp and ruining your appetite. When you are lying in bed enjoying a peaceful sleep, you don't have to be afraid of the alarm bell suddenly ringing and disturbing your sweet dreams. If there really comes such a moment, I hope you don't have the habit of sleeping naked..."

The passionate speech ended with a little humor, and the dusty people smiled knowingly. These three things happened to be the three most basic desires of human beings, appetite, sexual desire, and sleep desire. The ordinary and simple picture was the most relatable.

Many times, I had to sleep with my weapons and clothes on, startled awake by the slightest movement, with my heart and brain under tremendous pressure at the same time.

How many times have I had to eat only cold bread, and even then I still had to worry about zombies suddenly popping out from nowhere and attacking me.

How many times have I had the rare opportunity to release my physiological needs, and I have to rush through it. It's not like in the movies, with a slow foreplay, a wonderful gradual progression, a fierce climax, and finally an ebb...

Everyone present was considered to be one of the better-treated fighters in the force. If this was the case for them, one could imagine what kind of life the real lower class led. That was why they were so envious when they saw the living environment on Tianma Island.

Zhang Su felt that the time was almost right, so he clipped the microphone to his collar and opened his arms to the crowd: "For our tomorrow, for a better future, and for a secure life, everyone is welcome to join Tianma Island. I, King Yan Luo, on behalf of Tianma Island, welcome every sincere brother and sister!"

"King Yama!"

Zhang Xin, the king of supporting roles, was the first to come online, raising his arms and shouting: "Yama Luo Wang, Yama Luo Wang!"

"King Yama..."

The process was quick, and everyone followed suit by shouting Zhang Su's title.

From this moment on, King Yama's name will be blown away by the biting cold wind to farther places, allowing more people to hear this name.

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