"Bring the dropper."

Zhang Su took out a small bottle, but found that there was no sampling tool. He didn't dare to pour it out casually, it was a joke.

"I brought it, here you go!"

Yu Qing was very careful and took out a dropper with the smallest unit of 0.1 milliliter and handed it to Zhang Su.

Holding the dropper, Zhang Su carefully unscrewed the lid of the glass bottle, recalled the power of that test in his mind, and then filled the two bottles in turn.

"We call bombs of this power grapes. Here, Luezi, you will use this first, then this. I don't need to teach you how to operate them to maximize the damage caused by the explosion, right?"

Zhang Su handed the two bombs to Wu Lue and specifically reminded him of the order, because the two bombs were infused with different ascension essences. The first one was extracted from the brain of the venom zombie found in the Qinglong Corps before, while the second bomb was extracted from the brain of the venom zombie that was hung by Ju Wuying as a sunny doll.

The two kinds of ascension essence have slightly different concentrations, but it is basically invisible. Taking advantage of this opportunity for comparison, Zhang Su wants to see if there is any difference in the explosion.

Wu Lue carefully wrote down the order, with an unconcealable excitement on his face, and nodded: "Brother Su, don't worry, I know that I have to attract the zombies first and then drop the bomb. I will notify you when the time comes and tell you that the grapes have been stuffed in. How about that?"

"Very much like your style..."

Zhang Su did not interfere and gave his subordinates full freedom.

Yu Qing rolled her eyes. These two guys really didn't run away.

Zhang Su and Yu Qing left Qingfeng Garden and walked quickly towards the parking lot. They saw Xie Yanshan pushing Fu Weijun outside the laboratory.

"Mr. Zhang, the situation seems rather tricky. Is there anything I can do to help you?"

Fu Weijun asked calmly.

He and Xie Yanshan heard the news from the intercom while they were busy in the laboratory. They usually didn't care about what was happening outside, but they couldn't remain indifferent to the crisis that happened today.

Zhang Su walked over to Fu Weijun with a smile, patted him on the shoulder, and said, "Dr. Fu, you have done what you should do. Wait and watch the fireworks!"

After saying that, he and Yu Qing walked towards the parking lot without stopping.

On the road, people were waiting anxiously, and soon they saw a van driving down the mountain. They felt something was wrong, and when the van got closer, they realized something was wrong. The eight people who got off the van looked embarrassed and found Li Zongkai.

Li Zongkai did not blame his former brothers too much. They were not traitors, so he gave them a chance to redeem themselves and let them take up arms and join the team.

After waiting for a while, Zhang Su and Yu Qing finally came back. Before everyone could understand the situation, they saw a black shadow taking off from the forest. A drone slowly flew towards the northwest. There seemed to be something hanging below, but it didn't look like a loudspeaker.

"Lao Pan, once we engage in a battle with the zombies, you will immediately drive the tank north and try your best to stop the zombies. But don't fight too long and save some fuel for the return to the camp!"

The car stopped and Zhang Su got out while explaining things.

"Got it, leave it to me!"

As a tank driver, Pan Guoliang had complicated emotions. His safety was guaranteed. Even if the tank ran out of gas and he was trapped among the zombies, he would not die because zombies could not open tin cans. But he did not want things to develop to that point, as that would mean failure, the failure of the entire camp.

He had experienced it once, and didn't want it to happen a second time!

Sitting on the cockpit, with half of his body leaning out of the tank, he took out a cigarette from his pocket and lit it, his hand moving through the smoke, just like a tank rampaging among a swarm of zombies.

Returning to the front line, Zhang Su saw more than a hundred pairs of eyes staring at him. Some were eager to fight, some were calm, and some were nervous and terrified...

"We all came to Tianma Island because of a conspiracy. Now we have become friends, and we will be companions and brothers in the future. As the owner of Tianma Island, I didn't even have time to prepare a decent welcome ceremony for you. Why don't I just treat everyone to a big fireworks display?"

Zhang Su's words sounded logical, but were actually incomprehensible, and confused everyone except the Yanluo Legion.

Someone noticed that when Zhang Su talked about the big fireworks, many people in the Yama Army suddenly raised a strange smile on their faces, as if something they had been looking forward to for a long time was about to happen.

Without explaining to the crowd, Zhang Su picked up the intercom and said, "Liezi, start!"

No one responded, because Wu Lue was controlling a remote control with each hand and his eyes were moving between two screens, so he had no time to press the call button.

Seven or eight hundred meters away, the drone with a large loudspeaker stopped hovering and flew slowly towards a larger group of zombies in the northwest. The zombies below were chasing the source of the sound like a swarm of demons.

Originally the group of zombies formed a "circle", but as the sound source moved away, they were pulled into a "line" and chased towards the north.

Unfortunately, as the sound source got farther and farther away, some zombies couldn't keep up with the pace and began to fall behind. The group of zombies was like a piece of dough that was getting longer and longer...

The fighters gathered behind the roadblock took turns using binoculars to observe the behavior of the zombies in the distance. They didn't quite understand what they were doing, but no one raised any questions. At most, they just whispered to the people around them.

"Brother Su, how much did you release this time?"

Chen Hanzhou walked up to Zhang Su and asked cautiously.

Several people who were nearby heard the speech and looked at Zhang Su. Some were members of the Yama Legion who were also curious, while others were confused.

Zhang Su just responded with a smile and said, "Guess for yourself when the time comes."

The reason for not saying it is because he himself is not sure, so it is better to maintain a little mystery. It’s okay to reveal the trump card, but don’t reveal it too thoroughly, which will make people more wary.

The No. 1 zombie group in the west was stretched into a strip and wandering in the wilderness. They could not relocate the human magnetic field in a short time, and the time required was unknown.

Time passed little by little. Five minutes later, some people started lighting cigarettes. I don’t know if it was because they were relaxed or more nervous. After another five minutes, more people lit cigarettes and the voices of discussion became louder.

Because of the fire-breathing zombies, everyone gathered around the van and it wasn't that cold, but the waiting was still uncomfortable.

Suddenly, the sentry post sent back news that the group of zombies in the north was approaching a position of 1.5 kilometers north of Tianma Island!

Without waiting for instructions, Pan Guoliang got into the tank, closed the hatch, and prepared for battle.

The news of the approaching zombies made everyone feel heavy-hearted, but at this moment.

"The grapes are stuffed!"

Just when some people's patience was about to be worn out, a serious voice came from the intercom of the Yanluo Corps personnel, but the content of what he said was not very serious...


Zhang Su licked his dry lips, rubbed his cheeks, pointed to the northwest, and saw two drones in the sky returning at a rapid speed. He said, "Watch the fireworks."

Everyone's eyes were focused on the northwest direction.

Zhang Su pressed the remote control.

Three, two, one...


Zhang Xin frowned. He felt that the air in the distance seemed to be briefly distorted.

Before he could have any new ideas, a purple ball of light suddenly appeared in the distance. It appeared out of thin air, as if the earth was chewing blueberry bubble gum and then blowing a big bubble. The colors were gorgeous and full of science fiction!

Due to the long distance, it is difficult to determine the diameter of the purple bubble in detail, but it feels like it is at least twenty meters high!

The strange light made many people exclaim "Wow", and they really thought this phenomenon was a big firework. Some people also thought it was like an alien spaceship landing on the earth.

The time to quietly enjoy the "big fireworks" was very short, about three seconds later...


After a short flight, the sound waves exploded in everyone's ears with a loud thunder, causing panic among the people who were intoxicated by the strange purple. The loud noise seemed to hammer at everyone's heart, causing it to beat wildly.

At the same time, the purple fireworks shrank violently and disappeared in an instant, as if they had never appeared!

The loud noise will make people feel frightened subconsciously, and many people cover their ears and tighten their bodies.

Along with the loud noise, the naked eye could see a lot of messy things being blown into the air in the distance, including dirt, weeds, gravel, and zombies. There were also quite a few living zombies and zombies that were crushed by the shock wave. Dust and sand rolled up, and the remains of corpses filled the sky...

Rumble, rumble, rumble.

The sound waves hit the mountain of Tianma Island, causing waves of echoes.


The shock wave gradually weakened with distance. When it came in front of the crowd, it still stirred up a cloud of dust, which hit people's clothes, making a rustling sound. Some people screamed because their cheeks were scratched. The metal body of the car shook like a maracas, making a rustling sound.

Such a strong impact could be felt thousands of meters away, and everyone could not hide their surprise and shock on their faces.

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