The most ruthless person in the apocalypse

Chapter 4 Where is the net! ? (Asking for investment, seeking votes)

"When I woke up, everything was turned upside down... But why is it so quiet?"

Zhang Su frowned and looked around. Compared to the chaos, the silence at this moment was more terrifying. Such a serious thing happened, but there was no movement of emergency vehicles?

Where are the police cars, ambulances, and fire trucks?

So abnormal!

Ping pong.

While Zhang Su was looking at the street in the distance, a floor-to-ceiling window in Building 4 across the street broke, and three figures fell from the sky, followed by a miserable howl!

The falling speed was very fast, and Zhang Su could only roughly tell that there was a child among the three people, and the other seemed to be an elderly couple.

The trees were blocking the view of the three people falling to the ground, but the muffled thud of the landing could be vaguely heard, and Zhang Su couldn't help but tremble at the corner of his mouth.

"Help, damn, get out of here, madman..."

Before Zhang Su could recover from the impact of falling from the building, an erratic cry for help came from a distance, and he saw that the zombie that had been wandering slowly began to move quickly. The seemingly stiff torso was actually not slow, and it was chasing a man without shoes. young male.

"Run away..."

Zhang Su couldn't help but sweat for the young man.

As if hearing Zhang Su's encouragement, the young man ran wildly and soon disappeared around the corner with a group of zombies, his fate uncertain!

"Help...can someone help me? Husband, no, don't!"

Zhang Su pressed his face against the glass, wanting to see the young man's condition, when a cry for help sounded very close to him, very shrill.

He could tell that the owner of the voice was the pretty young woman downstairs. She could always be seen in the community walking around with a Samoyed. She seemed to have no job and live a carefree and comfortable life.

"Help...ah, uh..."

The cry for help turned into a howl, and soon, only the faint sound of chewing was left, and no barking was heard from the beginning to the end. Maybe he had died before.

Just as he was about to look back, Zhang Su glanced out of the corner of his eye and saw two twisted figures crawling out from behind the big tree that had just blocked the place where they fell. Taking a closer look, they saw that it was the elderly couple who had just fallen!

"Earth...hell! Are we in hell?"

I don't know when Zheng Xinyu came to Zhang Su, looking at the scene outside the window with tears in her eyes.

She didn't know what hell was like, and the scenes in front of her were the most horrific and bloody scenes she had ever seen. But if she were to see hospitals, boarding schools, and factories now, she would understand how superficial her definition of hell was!

"What the hell is going on!?"

After forcibly turning on the phone, he suffered such a strong impact that Zhang Su had no time to think carefully. He collapsed on the ground, pulled his hair and muttered: "Crazy, must be crazy, absolutely crazy!"

Of course, the one who is crazy is not himself, but the world.

But if the whole world is crazy except for yourself, then who is really crazy?

"This life script is wrong!"

Zhang Su roared in his heart.

He originally had a pretty good life, with a house and property, and a small car that was enough for his daily work!

Not to mention having no debt, I still have an income of more than 10,000 yuan a month. I change my girlfriend twice a year. I want to eat and drink as much as I want. I am comfortable, unrestrained, and unrestrained.

I have no plans to get married, let alone have children. I will start my travel career when I turn 30 and experience different customs at home and abroad.

However, all of this came to nothing after waking up.

"The apocalypse script should not belong to me!"

Zhang Su frowned, feeling very irritable and desolate about the future.

"Brother Su, don't be like this, Brother Su..."

Zheng Xinyu felt very distressed when she saw Zhang Su's appearance. It turns out that tall and strong men also have a helpless side.

She knelt down and hugged Zhang Su's shoulders without saying a word, comforting him in a gentle way.

After calming down for a while, Zhang Su took a deep breath and asked in a low voice: "How are you doing? What's the news?"

"No, there is no Internet!"

Zheng Xinyu withdrew her arm and squatted aside obediently, unwilling to hit Zhang Su again at this time, but this was a fact.

"No internet?!"

Zhang Su let go of his hand holding his hair and asked, the incredible news making him frown even more.

Without waiting for Zheng Xinyu to give an answer, he quickly walked back to the bedroom and picked up his mobile phone. The signal that used to be full was only one bar now, just like a candle swaying in the wind, extinguishing and lighting up.

Even if I try to make a call, I can't get through, let alone get online!

"Cable Internet!"

Zhang Su thought of this and quickly turned on the computer, but a red cross in the lower right corner made his heart sink again.

"I've seen it, but the computer can't access the Internet..."

Zheng Xinyu walked to Zhang Su's bedroom and lowered her voice, her tone full of confusion.

For modern people who have long been accustomed to using the Internet to collect information, the impact of not having the Internet is very heavy, almost equivalent to covering their eyes and plugging their ears!

Zhang Su didn't know what situation would paralyze a city's communications and network, but he knew that this situation was very bad, extremely bad!

It is no exaggeration to say that nowadays the Internet is definitely one of the lifeblood of a city or even a country. If the communication network is cut off, the consequences will be unimaginable!

Even Zhang Su couldn't imagine what situation could destroy a city's communication network in such a short period of time!

Somewhat impatiently, he fiddled with his phone, but without any improvement. Zhang Su threw the phone on the bed, put on some clothes, and slowed down his speech: "Ignore the news reports, let's take a look first. Xinyu, you When did you get up?"

"You just woke up when I called you, and you didn't even rinse your mouth..."

Zheng Xinyu felt much more at ease when she saw Zhang Su gradually calming down his emotions.

"Okay, judging from the current situation, the entire Shengqin Homeland is definitely doomed!"

Zhang Su paused for a moment, then continued: "Usually Ocean Street is very busy at this time. I only saw one car passing by just now. The most important thing is that I didn't hear the siren at all. Such a big thing happened, there was no siren, and the network was down. ,I think……"

Having said this, Zhang Su stood up, picked up a cigarette from the table, lit a cigarette, and said in a low voice: "I think there is something wrong with the whole Qin City!"

He didn't use the heavy word "fall", probably because he didn't want to admit this fact in his heart.

"This...don't scare me."

After listening to Zhang Su's analysis, Zheng Xinyu raised her hand to cover her mouth gently, with hot tears in her eyes.

Even a large-scale epidemic is enough to make the people living in it feel uneasy, not to mention the fact that the same kind around them mutates into man-eating monsters inexplicably, how can people not feel panic?

Zheng Xinyu hoped that only Sheng Qin's home would suffer a catastrophe, and that the army or special police would soon come to suppress everything. At worst, the police would come to rescue the survivors. But after listening to Zhang Su's analysis, her heart sank.

To prevent any readers from raising questions, let me explain in advance that some situations will definitely not be explained for a while. You can rationalize it yourself, or treat it as the initial setting of the story. Hehe, this is very reasonable.

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