If the tension level in the Pioneer Team 1 car was 60%, then the tension level in the car of Zhang Xin, captain of the Pioneer Team 3, soared to 80%.

"It's over, it's over, it's over, something's going to happen!"

Zhang Xin gripped the steering wheel tightly and drove north madly.

"What do you mean, Brother Zhang?"

A sturdy guy in the back seat asked in confusion.

"Zhou Le just reported the news of the zombie swarm in the north, and the leader immediately ordered everyone to stand by. They are preparing for war!"

Zhang Xin said in distress.

In the early days of the disaster, he was aggressive and aggressive, and he led a group of people to bully the community, but all this was for survival. When his survival was guaranteed, he longed for peace...

"Brother Zhang, well... hurry up and reply, we are the only ones left without talking!"

Xiao Hu was holding the walkie-talkie in his hand. He knew what Zhang Xin was nervous about. This time there was a high possibility of a conflict with the forces in the north, and Tianma Island was the first to bear the brunt of the north!

"You hold on, and I'll talk!"

"Hey, three, two, one!"

"Received, Chief, Xiao Zhang from Vanguard Team 3 received this. We have some issues here. We will return as soon as we have dealt with them..."

"Brother Zhang, requesting support, come quickly..." Xiao Hu shouted in a distant voice.

"Here we go! Chief, we'll be back as soon as we're done here!"

The shouting of Zhang Xin and Xiao Hu completely covered up the noise made by the driving car. He had no intention of stopping or turning around and continued to gallop north. No matter what the leader was going to do, he had to leave a way out for himself!

The short skit did not arouse Liao Youzhi's suspicion. It was very common to encounter emergencies in the apocalypse, but it made Gong Chengming frown as he was driving back to the headquarters.

"What is Zhang Xin busy with..."

Based on previous understanding, Gong Chengming secretly felt that there was some connection between Zhang Xin and Zhang Su, but he could not find any substantial evidence. This wave of delays made him have many speculations.

When the vehicles returned to the Survivor Alliance one after another, Zhang Su and his two cars also returned to Tianma Island. When passing by Satellite Village, he went in for a walk and gave some instructions on the work, just to make his presence felt.

"I've been away for quite a while, so I left some food for you. Just heat it up and you can eat it!"

When Zheng Xinyu heard the monitoring room staff report that the car had returned, she ran to the parking lot immediately. She was relieved to see Zhang Su and his companions getting out of the car safely.

She was worried every time she went out, but it was not easy to contact Zhang Su using the walkie-talkie. As the leader's woman, no matter how worried she was, she had to keep it in her heart and not show it. Not only could she not show pessimism, she had to remain positive and optimistic.

Once Zheng Xinyu or Zhong Xiaoshan looks gloomy, the news will spread like a virus, making other members nervous, and vice versa.

"Look at how they are doing." Zhang Su pointed at the trembling Lu Yubo and his companions and said with a smile, "They were slow enough to begin with, and then they encountered a group of zombies, which delayed them for some time."

"Another group of zombies are wandering towards the camp? Mr. Zhang, with our current cleaning speed, I'm afraid it's not optimistic."

Yu Wen and Yu Qing went to the parking lot together to greet the returning people. Since the people from Lianhe Village, Xidaying and Kuanzhuang moved away, the atmosphere of Tianma Island has returned to what it was before. Whenever someone comes back from outside, those who have no work to do will come out to greet them, just like a big family.

"Let's not talk about the other zombie swarms for now. The ones we encountered today have already been completely dealt with!"

Zhao Dezhu happily reported to his father-in-law: "Brother led the zombies far, far away, to the North Second Ring Road. Haha, those stupid zombies got confused on the spot and can't come back!"

"So far..." Yu Wen was stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized: "No wonder you took so long to get there. This trip was not easy. Did you encounter any danger?"

Guiding the zombie swarm itself is not difficult, but to ensure that not too many zombies fall behind and to pay attention to various unexpected accidents, sophisticated techniques are needed, especially to guard against being surrounded by zombie swarms that suddenly appear from other places. From Niuquanzi Town to the North Second Ring Road, even the straight-line distance is more than 15 kilometers, which is quite a long way!

"Everything is going well. Um, you guys move the things into the warehouse. We're going to have dinner first and then have regular training in the afternoon."

Zhang Su took off his gloves and patted them, then walked towards the restaurant. From a distance, he saw Ju Wuying standing in the middle of the avenue. From her appearance, he knew that she was waiting for him.

"Why did that island girl come to me?"

Zhang Su asked Zheng Xinyu beside him in a low voice.

Zheng Xinyu also shook her head in confusion, indicating that she didn't know.

"Little bastard, what are you doing blocking the road?"

Zhang Su walked over with a big smile, and almost broke down Tachibana Wuying's defense the moment he opened his mouth.

"It doesn't sound good. I don't want this nickname..."

Ju Wuying first expressed her dissatisfaction, then looked at the people following Zhang Su and said, "I hope I can also participate in the mission of going out to search."

She clearly remembered the rules and regulations that stipulated that she could get a 10% commission for searching for supplies. Although she did not have to worry about food and drink in Tianma Island as Zhang Su said, she always had a sense of crisis and hoped to stockpile more supplies of her own in case of emergency.

"Ha, you're quite ambitious..."

Zhang Su didn't expect that the other party would come to him for such a small matter, so he smiled and said, "No problem, since you have the idea, I'll take you with me tomorrow. But I've made it clear that you have to listen to my instructions and follow the rules, otherwise I won't be polite!"

Ju Wuying was secretly angry. Half a month ago, if the other party had said that she was not polite, she would have just sneered behind his back, but now she couldn't do that because she was completely unable to beat Zhang Su...

"Don't worry, I'll do whatever they do."

"Okay, get busy. We still have training in the afternoon. I'll go get some food first!"

Zhang Su waved his hand to send Ju Wuying away.

The group walked into Xiao Xingyun talking and laughing. Before they pushed open the door of the restaurant, Zhang Su heard hurried footsteps on the stairs. He turned his head to look at the stairs and soon saw Zhong Xiaoshan running downstairs in a hurry with a walkie-talkie in her hand.

Zhang Su recognized the intercom in Zhong Xiaoshan's hand, raised his eyebrows, and said to everyone: "You guys go eat first!"

After that, he took a step forward, took the intercom from Zhong Xiaoshan, and asked, "What's going on?"

"It just rang. I have something urgent to talk to you about!"


Zhang Su frowned and walked upstairs with the intercom, unbuttoning his clothes. Since he was not going to eat, he planned to go back to the house to change clothes. When he entered the house, he pressed the call button and said, "Lao Zhang?"

"Hey, Brother Zhang, I finally got to see you. Is it convenient for you to talk now?"

In just two or three seconds, Zhang Xin responded.

Zhang Su looked at Zheng Xinyu and Zhong Xiaoshan, and the two women cooperated and walked out the door. It was not entirely to avoid suspicion, but also to help Zhang Su keep an eye on the situation outside and maintain a good environment for the call.

"It's fine. I'm alone in the room. Go ahead!"

Zhang Su took off the clothes he was wearing outside, sat on the chair with his legs crossed, took out a cigarette and lit it, and couldn't help wondering what the other party was in a hurry for.

"Brother, I want to ask you something. Don't mind it. Today, someone led several thousand zombies to the intersection of Provincial 52nd Road and North Second Ring Road. Do you know about this?"

Zhang Xin's cautious and nervous voice could be imagined even through the electrical signal.

Zhang Su's heart skipped a beat. He didn't answer directly, but tried to probe: "Isn't it normal for a group of corpses to be like this? There are several groups of corpses near me, and some are almost 10,000. A few thousand is not a lot. What's wrong?"

"Hey, Brother Zhang, this isn't a question of how many there are. The problem is that this has happened again and again. Liao Youzhi is furious. He just ordered all of us to return to the headquarters. Maybe he wants to deal with this matter. He may have to reach out to the north!"

Stretching out his hand, Zhang Su understood the meaning of this sentence as soon as he heard it, but he was a little confused about what it meant again and again.

"Lao Zhang, the fact that you can use this intercom to talk to me proves that you have fled to the north. Your leader summoned everyone to go back, and you came to inform me. You are very loyal. I will tell you the truth. It was indeed me who led a group of zombies to the North Second Ring Road today, but it was only this time today. It has nothing to do with me whether it happens again and again or three times!"

Zhang Su was not afraid of Liao Youzhi, but he didn't want to take the blame. When he talked about this, he immediately thought of the fact that the zombies had discovered other survivors. It seemed that there was a connection between the two.

This time, Zhang Xin paused for a moment, probably because the CPU was running like crazy. After about half a minute, he said, "Damn, who else is causing this trouble? Brother Zhang, this has happened two or three times in the past month or so, and Liao Youzhi can no longer tolerate it!"

"He couldn't stand it any more and it's none of my business. Do you mean he thinks I'm the one who did all these things and plans to bring people to cause trouble for me?"

Zhang Su was angry, not entirely because of Liao Youzhi, but because he was inexplicably blamed. It was like a display cabinet in a jewelry store had a broken leg, and he, a wind-like man, walked by, causing the display cabinet to fall over, shattering the jewelry all over the floor, and the jewelry store asked him to pay for it...

"Alas, my information is limited. Anyway, this is what happened. If there really comes a time of war, I will definitely help you. Just don't shoot me!"

Zhang Xin didn't intend to waste time any more, so he directly stated the ultimate purpose of this trip and begged to be let go in advance.

Zhang Su couldn't help but curl his lips after hearing Zhang Xin's words, and said, "Old Zhang, when you say this, does it mean that you are planning to give up the Survivor Alliance and join our Tianma Island?"

"We have known each other for a while, and I won't lie to you. If everything goes well, I will stay in the Survivor Alliance and pass on some information to you from time to time. If a conflict occurs, I will switch sides immediately!"

Zhang Xin spoke very sincerely. This was an idea he came up with after thinking about it for a while.

"Okay, okay, okay. So you're my spy in the alliance. Haha, do I have to pay you a salary?"

Zhang Su didn't completely believe what Zhang Xin said, but he didn't completely disbelieve it either. If he put himself in Zhang Xin's shoes, he could understand Zhang Xin's motives for doing so. As long as the motives were reasonable, then the behavior would be reasonable.

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